Depression - Unit 4 Flashcards
Reliability of the DSM-IV
524 patients were sent to 5 sites to be tested for depression using the DSM-IV, then again 6 months later.
Test-retest was poor to fair over 6 months
Inter-rater was very good
Van Weel-Baumgarten
Validity of DSM-IV
99 patients: 33 depressed, 33 anxiety, 33 mentally healthy
26/33 correctly diagnosed as depressed, 33/33 correctly diagnosed as healthy, 7/33 anxiety incorrectly diagnosed as depressed.
Therefore, not 100% accurate.
One twin has depression, tested whether their twin had depression and type of twins.
Concordance rates:
MZ - 46%
DZ - 20%
There is a genetic link, however environment plays a role.
McNeal and Cimbolic
Neurochemical explanation
Levels of triptafan in cerebrospinal fluid measured, those who are depressed have lower levels of triptafan.
Triptaphan is a biproduct of serotonin, so low levels of triptafan supports the low serotonin theory.
*measuring surrogate outcome as not directly measuring serotonin
SSRI effectiveness
A meta-analysis of 35 studies found that SSRIs are significantly more effective than placebos
*should be compared to next best treatment not placebo
Publication Bias
Conducted a study on all trials of antidepressants found that 37/37 studies showing effectiveness of antidepressants were published, compared to 7/33 showing antidepressants not working being published
SSRI effectiveness
A higher sample size per study meta-analysis found that SSRIs were not significantly more effective than placebo
Lady who tried to commit suicide several times, whom treatment hadn’t worked for
She had 8 sessions of ECT and her BDI score went from 30 to below 10
This was the same 15 months later
Cognitive approach
Assessed undergrads, and found that a negative attributional style was correlated with higher BDI
(this could be bidirectional)
Psychodynamic approach
250 women who lost mother in childhood (under 17) were 3x as likely to have anxiety or depression when grown up
*childhood was upto 4 for Freud
Butler and Beck
CBT was effective in 80% of people in reducing symptoms
*Beck testing his own theory so could be investigator bias
Svatburg and Stiles
Found that psychoanalysis was no better at reducing symptoms than the control group who received nothing
*The theory has poor predictive validity
5HTT gene 3x more common in people with depression
Gene causes issues with low serotonin
Why do we classify depression?
- STIMULATE new research
- to enable choosing the correct TREATMENT
- UNDERSTAND what the disease is
- to make COMMUNICATION between professionals easier
- to understand the CAUSES
What is used to classify depression?
DSM-V released 2013, so most doctors use DSM-IV and most studies are on DSM-IV
What is unipolar depression?
Constant low mood
What is bipolar depression?
Low mood contrasted with manic phases
What are the problems classifying depression?
- The underlying cause is not always obvious
- Differential diagnosis can be had to achieve
- It’s difficult to define what mental illness is, and how to differentiate between mentally healthy and mentally ill