Depression - Nametz Flashcards
What is the most genetically concordant psychiatric condition?
Bipolar disorder
What are the signs of depression caused by biogenic amines?
Caused by low norepinephrine, low dopamine and low serotonin.
In MRI scan: smaller hippocampus
Overactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Seen in a dexamethasone suppression test
What are the types of depression?
– adjustment diisorder
– bereavement
– major depressive disorder
– dystthymiia
– bipolar disorder (often begins as depressed state)
– substance induced depression
– depression secondary to a medical
disorder (before condition is known)
• Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (during luteal period, resolves once menses begins)
• Postpartum Depression
• Post psychotic Depression (after recover and realize what happened)
• Brief depressive disorder (<2 weeks)
• Minor depressive disorder
(att lleastt 2 weeks,, butt fewer tthan 5 iittems of MDD, never psychotic or anhydric)
What are the symptoms that meet the first criteria for a major depressive episode?
At lleastt one
of tthe sympttoms iis eiitther ((1)) depressed mood or ((2)) lloss of iintterestt or plleasure- anhydonia
– 1 Depressed mood mostt of tthe day,, nearlly every day
– 2 Marked diimiiniished iintterestt or plleasure iin allll,, or allmostt allll,, acttiiviittiies
mostt of tthe day,, nearlly every day
– 3 Siigniifiicantt weiightt lloss ((when nott diiettiing)) or weiightt gaiin,, or decrease
or iincrease iin appettiitte nearlly every day
– 4 Insomniia or hypersomniia nearlly every day (hypersomnia and weightgain are atypical)
– 5 Psychomottor agiittattiion or rettardattiion nearlly every day ((nott merelly subjjecttiive feelliings of resttllessness or beiing sllowed down))
– 6 Fattiigue or lloss of energy nearlly every day
– 7 Feelliings of wortthllessness or excessiive or iinappropriiatte guiilltt ((whiich
may be dellusiionall)) nearlly every day ((nott merelly sellf–reproach or feelliings of guiilltt aboutt beiing siick))
– 8 Diimiiniished abiilliitty tto tthiink or concenttratte,, or iindeciisiiveness,, nearlly every day
– 9 Recurrentt tthoughtts of deatth ((nott merelly fear of dyiing)),, recurrentt suiiciidall iideattiion,, or a suiiciide attttemptt..
What are the criteria for a major depressive episode?
A. Fiive ((or more)) of tthe follllowiing sympttoms have been presentt duriing tthe same
2–week periiod and representt a change from previious functtiioniing
• B The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important
areas of functioning.
• C The symptoms are not due to the direct physiologic
effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
• D The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed
Episode (Bipolar) and are not better accounted for by
What are the symptoms in the second criteria for dysthymic disorder?
– 1 poor appetite or overeating
– 2 insomnia or hypersomnia
– 3 low energy or fatigue
– 4 low self-esteem
– 5 poor concentration or difficulty making
– 6 feelings of hopelessness
What are the criteria for dysthymic disorder?
• A Depressed mood mostt off tthe day,, nearlly
every day,, ffor att lleastt 2 years ((iin adollescentts
1 year))
• B Presence off ttwo or more of the symptoms (does NOT include anhydonia)
During the 2-year period the person has never been without the symptoms in Criteria A and B for more than 2 months at a time.
• C The symptoms are not due to the direct physiologic effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
• D No Major Depressive Episode during the first 2 years of disturbance which is not better accounted for by chronic MDD, or MDD in partial remission.
• E No history of manic, hypomanic or mixed episode
• F Not occur exclusively during chronic psychotic disorder, such as Schizophrenia or Delusional disorder
• G Not due to direct psychological effect of a substance abuse or a general medical condition
What is the difference between depression in dementia and pseudodementia?
Attention and concentration preserved
“Don’t know” answers
Orientation tests answered “don’t know”
Recent and remote memory impaired equally
Variability in performance on tasks of similar difficulty
Faulty attention and concentration
Near-miss answers
Mistakenly answered orientation tests
Recent memory more impaired
Consistently poor performance on tasks of similar difficulty
What are the classes of antidepressive treatments?
Tricyclic Antidepressants
SSRI (Specific serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors)
SSRI (serotonin only)
MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors
RIMA (Reversible Inhibitors of MAO
Mirtazabine (alpha-presynaptic auto- and hetero- receptors inhibitor and 5HT2 and 5HT3-postsynaptic blocker
Bupropion (Norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibitor)
Trazodone and nefazodone (Serotonin reuptake inhibitor/serotonin antagonist)
What are the effects blockage of each group of receptors?
M1 (anticholinergic receptor): blockage causes somnolescence and overeating
Alpha-1 receptors: blockagte causes orthostatic hypotension and tachycardia
SRI and NRI: block without other receptors
What are types of Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA’s), what do they block, and what are their side effects?
Amitriptyline, Imipramine , Desipramine
, Clomipramine
Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitor, M1, H1, α1 blocker.
dry mouth
urinary retention
blurred vision
memory disturbance
weight gain
postural hypotension
reflex tachycardia
What are SSRIs, what side effects are related?
fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, escitalopram
Stimulation of:
Behavioral activation, insomnia, anxiety, sexual dysfunction (delayed ejaculation and anorgasmia)
Irritability, decreased appetite
Nausea, headache and emesis
What are side effects associated with noradrenaline receptor stimulation?
Tachycardia, tremor, agitation/activation
Blood pressure effects and sweating
What are SNRIs and what are its side effects?
(venlafaxine, milnacipran,
duloxetine) Specific
serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
- Urinary retention
- Arterial hypertension
- Weight loss
- Weight gain
- Increased tendency of sweating
- Headache
- Constipation
- Reduced salivation
- Nausea
- Orthostatic dizziness
- Palpitations
- Tremor
What is the mechanism of action of mirtazapine?
What are its side effects?
α²-presinaptic auto- and hetero-receptors inhibitor and 5HT2, 5HT3- postsynaptic blocker
Blocks reuptake of NE and serotonin by blocking the heteroreceptor
blocks 5HT2,3 postsynaptic uptake (to prevent anxiety, sleep loss, nausea vomiting and headache) so all effects go to 5HT1
Side effects:
- Weight gain
- Headache
- Increased dream activity
- Palpitations
- Sleepiness
- Reduced salivation
- Weight loss
- Increased duration of sleep
- Emotional indifference
- Tension
How are response and recovery measured in depression (scores in HDRS/HRDS)?
- Response: 50% decrease in HDRS
- Partial response: 25% decrease in HDRS
- Recovery: Score of 8 or less in HDRS
- High Placebo Response
What are potential causes of treatment resistance in depression
What should be done in the case of resistance?
- Poor compliance
- Inadequate trial of a treatment (needs >3 weeks)
- Undiagnosed psychiatric or medical illness (must be excluded)
- Medication interaction effects
- Side effects
- A poor therapeutic alliance with the clinician
- True treatment refractoriness
1/3 of patients don’t react or improve
- Second trial within same drug class
- Alternate monotherapy
- Augmentation
- Antidepressant combinations
- Electroconvulsive therapy
What is the probability of recurrence of depression?
What is the duration of treatment?
after 1 episode <60%
Treatment for 9-12 months
after 2 episodes 60-90%
2.5 years
after > 2 episodes > 95%
treat forever
15% of hospitalized patient mortality is from suicide