Depression Flashcards
Signs and symptoms of depression
Psychological - pessimism, poor concentration, lack of motivation
Biological - fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance
Behavioural - psychomotor agitation/retardation, self-neglect
Two types of depression
Unipolar - 75% due to stressful life events, 25% familial
Bipolar - Depression/mania alternating lasting 2 weeks mood change and 1 week mania (BP-1 mania, BP-2 hypomania), strong hereditary tendency
What are thymoleptics
Drugs which re-elevate mood e.g. monoamine reuptake inhibitors
What are thymeretics
Drugs that activate psychomotor drive e.g. MAOIs
Classes of antidepressant treatments
Reuptake inhibitors (TCAs, SSRIs, NRIs, SNRIs)
Mix of two above
Intracellular messenger targeted (PDE inhibitor (rolipram))
Electroconvulsive therapy
MAO-A inhibitors
Inhibits MAO-A in nerve terminal, efflux of nt via reuptake transporter (which is reversed), works well for depression with anxiety/hypochondria/phobia
Irreversible non-selective MAOIs
Reversible MAO-A inhibitor
MAO-A inhibitor SE
Cheese reaction - MAO-A metabolises dietary tyrosine prevents it displacing NA in symptoms nerve endings so has sympathetic effects
Postural hypotension
Fatal respiratory depression with alcohol/barbiturates
Monoamine reuptake inhibitors
TCAs - imipramine, clomipramine, amitriptyline prefer SERT, desipramine prefers NET
SSRIs - Zimelidine, fluoxetine, citalopram (most SERT selective), paroxetine (most potent), vortioxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline
SNRIs - Venlaxafine
NRIs - Maprotiline
Imipramine/clomipramine/amitriptyline/despiramine inhibit 5HT + NA reuptake
TCA SE (due to alpha-1, H1, mACh action)
Takes 2-3 weeks so develop, acutely sedation, confusion
Postural hypotension
Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation etc
Acute cardiotoxicity
OD/ Drug interactions with depressants etc
GI issues
Rash/tremor/urticaria (hives)
Loss of libido
Interacts with MAO inhibitors but safer in OD
Venlaxafine transporter preference
Low dose SERT, high dose =
Mirtazapine + mianserin MOA
Tetracyclic like maprotiline so acts as NRI, also alpha-2 antagonist so presynaptic feedback inhibition of NA/5HT blocked
Also 5HT2A/5HT3 antagonist, decreases non-selective serotonergic SE
Trazodone MOA
SARI - serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor (5HT2 antagonist which is expressed highly in depression)
Atypical antidepressants which don’t affect monoamines
Iprindole (not really used)
Lithium MOA
Decreases GPCR (Gs) activity, slows down oscillation of moods
Lithium problems
Toxic over 2mM
Ketamine (not used currently) MOA
Blocks NMDA
enhances AMPA activation
disinhibits glutamate release
activates protein translation and BDNF pathway