Department Bulletins 2014 -2017 Flashcards
DB #14-02 - Any questions regarding the radio channel change to Tactical Channel 2 at LAX should be addressed to the Station Commanders of Fire Station ____.
- Fire Station 80
DB #14-02 - Effective February 9, 2014 at 0800 hours, Tactical Channel ___ (800 MHZ) will be used as the default Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) _______ channel at aircraft incidents occurring on or around Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
- Tactical Channel 2 (800 MHZ)
- ARFF Group channel
Use of the FIREMARS international channel for ARFF Group communications shall be discontinued.
DB #14-02 - The use of the FIREMARS international channel for ARFF Group communications shall be ________.
- Discontinued
DB #14-02 - (Radio Channel Change LAX) Companies responding to an Alert ___ or ___ aircraft incidents at LAX or its surrounding area shall monitor Tactical Channel ___ ARFF Group channel, in addition to all other assigned incident channels.
- Alert 2 or 3
- Tactical Channel 2
Metro Fire Communications (MFC) dispatch will continue to assign an incident tactical channel for aircraft incidents at LAX.
DB #14-02 - (Radio Channel Change LAX) If Tactical Channel 2 is being utilized for a non-aircraft emergency incident, a different channel, normally Tactical Channel ___, will be designated for ARFF Group communications.
- Tactical Channel 1
Tactical Channel 2 will continue to be utilized by South Division resources of MFC for emergency and non-emergency communications.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) After an inspector from an outside agency requests to inspect the narcotic inventory and/or documentation of the inventory, forward an F-225 to the Commander of _________, within ____ hour(s) of the inspection.
- Emergency Services Bureau
- 24 hours
The report shall include all of the information contained in the journal entry along with any legal documents (notices, citations, etc.) provided by the inspector. A copy of this report shall be forwarded directly to the EMS Division Commander.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Anytime a narcotic expires or is damaged, complete the DHS Form _____ “Expired/Broken Controlled Drug Pharmacy Report.”
- DHS Form 702.1 “Expired/Broken Controlled Drug Pharmacy Report”
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) To protect against unauthorized access, _________ shall normally remain in the possession of the paramedics assigned to the RA and authorized EMS Battalion Captains.
- Narcotic keys
Remain in possession until the keys are exchanged at time of relief.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) The DHS Form 702.5 “Lost/Missing Controlled Drug Pharmacy Reporting Form” will be forwarded to the EMS Battalion Captain with a copy to remain in the unit’s station file for ____ year(s).
- 3 years
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) During bi-monthly inspections, who shall check the F-903 “Controlled Medication Inventory Record” and medical supply lockers?
- EMS Battalion Captains
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) If you have questions regarding narcotic procedures, who do you direct your questions to?
- 2.
- EMS Battalion Captain
- Emergency Medical Services Division
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) The EMS Battalion Captain will normally re-supply the controlled medications within ____ hour(s).
- 24 hours
Other assignments or emergency activity may delay the re-supply. However, at no time shall the Narcotic inventory on an ALS RA be less than the minimum inventory required by Department of Health Services (DHS).
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Who confirms that all paramedic equipment, supplies and paramedic signage have been removed from an ALS apparatus being downgraded to BLS status?
- Station Commander
The Station Commander shall confirm that all paramedic equipment and medications have been removed and document the removal in the fire station journal (F-2).
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) When downgrading an ALS RA to BLS status, remove the drug safe and store in a locked cabinet, then document the narcotic count and time of closure and write “________” within the Booklet Number column.
- “RA Closed”
All paramedic equipment and supplies shall be removed from the apparatus and all paramedic signage shall be removed or covered. The Station Commander shall confirm that all paramedic equipment and medications have been removed and document the removal in the fire station journal (F-2).
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Who shall conduct a monthly inspection of all controlled drugs assigned to ALS resources?
- EMS Battalion Captains
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Morphine Sulfate will normally be carried on ALS RA’s in ____ mg unit doses. The minimum inventory of Morphine Sulfate is ____ mg and the maximum inventory shall not exceed ____ mg without prior approval from the Los Angeles County EMS Agency.
- Morphine - 4 mg doses
- Morphine - 32 mg minimum
- Morphine - 60 mg maximum
EMS Battalion Captains are exempt from the above minimum quantity requirements. ALS RA personnel have the option of carrying 4 mg of Morphine and 5 mg of Midazolam in the locked narcotic pouch within the starter kit. Whenever a starter kit containing a narcotic pouch is not locked in the rescue ambulance, it shall be in the personal possession of a Fire Department Paramedic.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) When narcotics or lost or missing, the _________ shall conduct an investigation and submit a written report (F-225) detailing the facts of the lost/missing drugs to the Commander of the _________.
- Station Commander
- Emergency Services Bureau
The report shall include the names and assignments of all involved members, copies of any appropriate journal pages and a copy of the F-903 from the involved RA. A copy of the report shall be forwarded directly to the Commander, EMS Division. A police report is also required for any suspected lost, stolen, or missing controlled substance. Station Commanders shall enter the incident into the Complaint Tracking System.
DB #14-03 - Members assigned to a Paramedic Rescue Ambulance (RA) are responsible for narcotic security and accountability which are best maintained through secured access, timely inventory checks, and accurate documentation on….
- F-_____
- 3.
- F-903 “Controlled Medication Inventory Record”
- RA journal (F-2)
- Patient’s EPCR
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Narcotic inventories shall be checked by ________ members upon placing their ________ on the apparatus. It is essential for the narcotic inventory to be checked prior to the _______ of the off-going members at relief.
- Responsible members
- Protective gear
- Departure
Failure to do so may create uncertainty as to which members were on duty if a discrepancy were to occur.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Narcotic inventories and logs are subject to inspection by the California Board of _______, agents of the Bureau of _______ Enforcement Administration of the Justice Department, _______ Drug Enforcement Administration, Los Angeles County ______ Agency, and responsible officers of the Fire Department.
- California Board of Pharmacy
- Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement Administration
- Federal Drug Enforcement Administration
- LA County EMS Agency
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) The F-____ shall be carried at all times on each ALS RA and by EMS Battalion Captains who supply controlled medications.
- F-903
The F-903 is the only narcotic control record approved for use on Fire Department apparatus.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Who will the responsible member notify whenever an inspector from an outside agency requests to inspect the narcotic inventory and/or documentation of the inventory?
- 3.
- Station Commander
- Battalion Commander
- Administrative EMS Captain
Check the identification of the inspector, and if it is in order, give full cooperation and access to the requested information. A Fire Department member shall accompany the inspector at all times.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) On the _____ day of each month, the __________ shall review the previous month’s F-903 for legibility, accuracy, and completeness (including all signatures).
- First day
- Station Commander
The Station Commander shall sign the F-903 in the appropriate space to confirm the proper completion of all daily inventory checks.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Who are the only authorized members of the Fire Department to procure controlled drugs from County-operated pharmacies?
- EMS Battalion Captains
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Anytime a narcotic is determined lost or missing, the involved paramedics shall make an immediate notification to the Station Commander who also notifies the ________ and ________.
- Administrative Battalion Chief
- EMS Battalion Captain
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Federal and State laws require that all members who have possession of a narcotic key document inventory count for any….
- ______ change
- ______ change
- ______ change
- Shift change
- Personnel change
- Inventory change
DB #14-03 - (Conrolled Narcotics On RA’s) EMS Battalion Captains must document inspection information on the “Monthly Controlled Drug Storage Inspection Form” Reference No. _____. A copy of this form for each ALS resource must be delivered or faxed to the assigned County pharmacy no later than the _____ of the following month.
- Reference No. 702.2 “Monthly Controlled Drug Inspection Form”
- 30th of the following month
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) The original F-903 shall be forwarded to the __________ who shall attach all pertinent copies of the unit’s EPCR’s and retain them in the office for _____ year(s).
- EMS Battalion Captain
- 3 years
A copy of the F-903 shall be made and also retained on file for 3 years at the assigned location of the ALS resource.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Regarding the Disaster Cache (DPC), if a tab lock with a unique identifying number is not in place, the contents must be inventoried with the totals recorded in the RA journal and _______ placed within the ________ on the F-903 to verify compliance.
- Initials
- Disaster Cache column
Tab locks can be obtained through EMS Battalion Captains.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Paramedics shall use the acronym “D.I.C.E.” as a reminder of what is to be checked….
- “D” stands for ______
- ” I “ stands for ______
- “C” stands for ______
- “E” stands for ______
- “D” - Drug
- ” I “ - Integrity
- “C” - Color/Clarity
- “E” - Expiration date
DB #14-03 - This Departmental Bulletin policy regarding “Controlled Narcotics On Rescue Ambulances” supersedes Reference No. ____ of the Pre-Hospital Care Policy Manual.
- Reference No. 702
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) ALS RA personnel have the option of carrying ____ mg of Morphine and ____ mg of Midazolam in the locked narcotic pouch within the starter kit.
- 4 mg of Morphine
- 5 mg of Midazolam
Whenever a starter kit containing a narcotic pouch is not locked in the rescue ambulance, it shall be in the personal possession of a Fire Department Paramedic.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Contents of the Disaster Pharmaceutical Cache (DPC) are determined and supplied by DHS and may vary depending on availability. Current inventory requirements are outlined in DHS Reference No. 703, ALS Unit Inventory as follows….
- ____ DuoDote Kits or equivalent
- ____ Atropen 1.0 mg
- ____ Pediatric Atropen 0.5 mg
- 30 - DuoDote Kits or equivalent
- 12 - Atropen 1.0 mg
- 12 - Pediatric Atropen 0.5 mg
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Midazolam will normally be carried on ALS RAs in ____ mg unit doses. The minimum inventory of Midazolam is ____ mg and shall not exceed ____ mg without prior approval from the Los Angeles County EMS Agency.
- Midazolam - 5 mg doses
- Midazolam - 20 mg minimum
- Midazolam - 40 mg maximum
EMS Battalion Captains are exempt from the above minimum quantity requirements. ALS RA personnel have the option of carrying 4 mg of Morphine and 5 mg of Midazolam in the locked narcotic pouch within the starter kit. Whenever a starter kit containing a narcotic pouch is not locked in the rescue ambulance, it shall be in the personal possession of a Fire Department Paramedic.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) Anytime a narcotic is determined lost or missing, the involved ________ shall complete DHS Form ______.
- Paramedics
- DHS Form 702.5 “Lost/Missing Controlled Drug Pharmacy Reporting Form”
Involved paramedics shall complete DHS Form 702.5 “Lost/Missing Controlled Drug Pharmacy Reporting Form” and forwarded to the EMS Battalion Captain with a copy to remain in the unit’s station file for 3 years.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) If a medication seal was broken but no medication administered, the reason for non-administration shall be documented in the comments section. If no medication is disposed of, a ______ needs to be documented in the waste section but no signatures are required.
- Zero
Whenever there is any amount of a narcotic wasted, the identifying information and signature of the nurse or physician who witnessed the waste must be included on the EPCR.
DB #14-03 - (Controlled Narcotics On RA’s) DHS mandates that all entries on the F-903 shall be in _____ or _____ ink only. Any errors shall be corrected by drawing a ________ through the incorrect entry. The individual making the change shall initial _______ to their correction.
- Blue or black ink
- Single line
- Adjacent
Correction fluid/tape or overwriting an incorrect entry is not permitted on the F-903 document.
DB #14-04 - On the fourth, bottom space of the NFPA 704 warning placard, no more than _____ symbol(s) will be used.
- 2 symbols
The fourth space at the bottom is used for special information as described by the symbols below. If multiple hazards exist, the two worst hazards will be indicated in that space. The symbols (no more than two) shall be stacked with the most severe hazard positioned on top and the second most severe hazard directly below. The hierarchy for selecting and stacking the hazard symbols are as follows (the most hazardous or critical to the least hazardous): A, W, M, JM, FW, LW, and C.
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, combustible metals (titanium, magnesium, zirconium and aluminum) shall be indicated with an “___” in the fourth space.
- “M” = combustible metals
Combustible metals (titanium, magnesium, zirconium and aluminum) shall be indicated with an “M” in the fourth space if the quantities or the physical state satisfy the LAFD criteria for placarding (occupancies that exceed 500 pounds of combustible metals as per Table 4-A of the Los Angeles Fire Code or that process or store 500 pounds or less of combustible metals that are in the form of dusts, chips, powders, turnings, or ribbons.
DB #14-04 - If you have questions regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard Departmental Bulletin, they shall be directed to _______ at (213) 978-3587.
- Research
DB #14-04 - Warning placards shall be posted whenever hazardous materials are stored, processed, or used, in quantities requiring a permit under Division ___ of the Los Angeles Fire Code.
- Division 4
Or if the material is a combustible metal as described…
Occupancies that exceed 500 pounds of combustible metals as per Table 4-A of the Los Angeles Fire Code or that process or store 500 pounds or less of combustible metals that are in the form of dusts, chips, powders, turnings, or ribbons.
DB #14-04 - On the NFPA 704 warning placard, there are color backgrounds used for the three categories….
- “Health” - ______
- “Flammability” - ______
- “Reactivity” - ______
- “Health” - blue
- “Flammability” - red
- “Reactivity” - yellow
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, if the degree of hazard is not contained in NFPA’s “Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials”, who’s recommendation would you use?
- Manufacturer’s recommendation
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, businesses involved in jewelry manufacturing shall be indicated with a “___” in the fourth space.
- “JM” = jewelry mart
Businesses involved in jewelry manufacturing often use quantities of hazardous materials that are under the exempt amounts. However, when there are multiple jewelry businesses within a single building, their combined quantities generally exceed the exempt amounts in Division 4 of the Los Angeles Fire Code. Because of the collective potential hazard within these buildings, these jewelry businesses, including the manufacturers that are over the exempt amounts shall be indicated with a “JM” (jewelry mart) in the fourth space.
DB #14-04 - On the fourth, bottom space of the NFPA 704 warning placard, if multiple hazards exist, the two worst hazards will be indicated in that space. The symbols shall be stacked with the most severe hazard positioned on the _______.
- Top
DB #14-04 - On the NFPA 704 warning placard, the information is presented by a system of diagrams with “Health” always being on the ______, “Flammability” on the _____, and the “Reactivity (Instability)” on the ______.
- “Health” - left
- “Flammability” - top
- “Reactivity” - right
Supplementing this arrangement, color backgrounds are used for the three categories, blue for “Health” hazard, red for “Flammability,” and yellow for “Reactivity (Instability).”
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, agricultural/wildlife “exempt fireworks” shall be indicated with an “___” in the fourth space for any quantities that are stored.
- “FW” = agricultural/wildlife “exempt fireworks”
DB #14-04 - On the NFPA 704 warning placard, “Health”, “Flammability”, and “Reactivity” have numbers that indicate the order of severity ranging from “____” indicating a severe hazard, to “____” indicating no special hazard.
- 4 - Severe hazard
- 0 - No special hazard
DB #14-04 - On the fourth, bottom space of the NFPA 704 warning placard, substances that need to be contained (such as PCB’s) to avert further environmental damage will be indicated with a “___”.
- “C” = substances that need to be contained
The fourth space can be used to indicate other additional information that are not indicated in Requirement No. 61, e.g., radioactivity, proper fire extinguishing agent, or protective equipment required in case of fire or other emergency.
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, industrial/commercial buildings, which have received “conditional use” approval for residential occupancy by artist/artisans, will be identified with an “___” in the bottom fourth space.
- “A” = artist/artisans
DB #14-04 - The NFPA 704 warning placard identifies the hazards of a material in terms of three principal categories….
- 3.
- Health
- Flammability
- Reactivity (Instability)
DB #14-04 - On the NFPA 704 warning placard, the fourth space at the ______ is used for special information.
- Bottom
If multiple hazards exist, the two worst hazards will be indicated in that space. The symbols (no more than two) shall be stacked with the most severe hazard positioned on top and the second most severe hazard directly below. The hierarchy for selecting and stacking the hazard symbols are as follows (the most hazardous or critical to the least hazardous): A, W, M, JM, FW, LW, and C.
DB #14-04 - Any area where hazardous materials are stored, processed, or used, shall have a sign conspicuously posted in letters no less than ____ inches high on a contrasting background reading “No Smoking” or open flame within ____ feet as required by the ________.
- 3 inches
- 25 feet
- Fire Chief
DB #14-04 - Regarding the NFPA 704 warning placard, occupancies where excessive moisture or smoke will severely affect the value of the building or contents shall be indicated with a “___” in the fourth space.
- “LW” = limited water
To limit the losses of these properties: water should be used sparingly; products of combustion removed as soon as practical; and extreme care taken in handling the contents during salvage operations. The “LW” is the only symbol that is not required by this requirement and would be used only upon request of the occupancy and approved by the Fire Chief.
DB #14-04 - Every aboveground tank used for the storage of hazardous materials shall be posted with warning placards on at least ____ side(s) of any such container.
- 2 sides
In lieu of posting each tank in an area containing more than one tank, the area itself may be posted as approved by the LAFD.
DB #14-04 - On the fourth, bottom space of the NFPA 704 warning placard, the recommended symbol to indicate unusual reactivity with water and to alert firefighting personnel of the possible hazard of using water is the symbol “___”.
- “W” = reactvity with water
DB #14-05 - The Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH) will be made available through _______ and _______ Commanders. Additional stock will be maintained and is available for distribution via the ________ Section.
- Battalion and Division Commanders
- Disaster Preparedness Section (DPS)
DB #14-05 - In an effort to provide a full range of quality services to the communities we serve, the Fire Department is updating a program that has provided additional support to members of the community impacted by a devastating event through the distribution of the REDH. What is the REDH?
- Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH)
The REDH is designed to provide businesses, property owners, and resident’s valuable information and instructions to assist them in recovering from the effects of a devastating incident such as fire, flood, building collapse, or other disaster.
DB #14-05 - Standard versions of the Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH) are available for purchase for community groups and individuals wishing to obtain the handbook as a future reference source. The cost per REDH is $____ per copy.
- $6.00 per copy
DB #14-05 - The _____ page of the Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH) provides an _______ template for Officers to complete.
- First page
- Incident template
The template includes incident date/time, incident number, resource that responded, and the address where the incident report can be obtained.
DB #14-05 - Regarding the Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH), the Incident Commander or designated officer should determine the need to distribute the handbook and obtain sufficient copies to distribute _____ handbook(s) per business or household affected.
- 1 handbook
This officer should make a concerted effort to make a personal contact with the affected parties and attempt to explain the use of the handbook.
DB #14-05 - The Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH) is designed to be carried on a fire apparatus such as a _______ or _______.
- Light Force or Engine Company
The purpose of the REDH is to provide information to citizens affected by catastrophic events in the recovery and resiliency process.
DB #14-05 - Officers who have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the Recovery Emergency Disaster Handbook (REDH) program are encouraged to call the ___________ Section.
- Disaster Preparedness Section (DPS)
DB #14-06 - The only component of EMT recertification that members will be scheduled to attend on duty will be the mandatory _________.
- Skills session
DB #14-06 - Paramedic recertification documents are emailed to the member’s LAFD email address approximately ____ to ____ months prior to expiration date and must be submitted to the EMS Training Unit for processing with the State of California and the County of Los Angeles.
- 3 to 4 months prior to expiration
DB #14-06 - (EMT/PM Recertification) It shall be each member’s responsibility to complete all requirements for certification. All CE hours shall be entered and tracked in the _____, as this will serve as the primary source for tracking certifications.
All members shall maintain the original copies of all CE certificates for a period of four years. The State of California periodically audits PM CE records, and the LAFD has the responsibility to audit and maintain the EMT CE records. Copies of CE certificates may be requested during the audit process.
DB #14-06 - Regarding EMT recertification, the CPR lecture and skills testing is mandatory for EMT recertification. The AHA BLS-HCP online course must be completed prior to attending skills testing, but not greater than ____ day(s) prior.
- 60 days
A member cannot be skills tested without first completing the online didactic portion of the AHA course. AHA does not issue CE credit for this course. Course completion certificate must be printed out by the member and brought with them to skills testing for verification.
DB #14-06 - Regarding EMT recertification, when must the skills testing take place within the member’s certification cycle?
- Last 2 months
DB #14-06 - The direct link to the Target Solution courses is found via the __________, which can be found on the LAFD Portal.
- Learning Management System (LMS)
All members are required to log onto the LMS at a minimum of once per month.
DB #14-06 - (EMT/PM Recertification) All members shall maintain the original copies of all CE certificates for a period of ____ year(s).
- 4 years
The State of California periodically audits PM CE records, and the LAFD has the responsibility to audit and maintain the EMT CE records. Copies of CE certificates may be requested during the audit process.
DB #14-06 - Who will schedule on duty members to the four hour skills review and testing day within the last two months of a member’s certification cycle?
- Division EIT’s
Administrative assignments may schedule a member’s attendance directly with the EMS Training Unit. The EMS Training Unit will enter member’s skills testing compliance into the LMS.
DB #14-06 - California State regulations require Paramedics to complete ____ hours of continuing education (CE) every two years.
- 48 hours
DB #14-06 - To further expand the opportunities for online education Department-wide, the LAFD has contracted with a company, __________, to provide a variety of subjects including EMS, Fire Suppression, NFPA Standards, and other related topics.
- Target Solutions (TS)
The transition to TS will provide increased educational opportunities for all LAFD members, both EMT’s and PM’s.
DB #14-06 - All members are required to log onto the LMS at a minimum of _____ per month.
- Once per month
DB #14-06 - Regarding the new EMT recertification process, what Unit do you contact if you have questions related to the program?
- EMS Training Unit
Questions in regards to the LMS should be directed to Captain Greg Galvez, In-Service Training Section at (213) 893-9853. In the near future, additional Department-wide training will be incorporated into the LMS.
DB #14-06 - The Target Solutions (TS) transition includes a change from the current EMT hybrid format of 14 hours of online education with classroom lecture and skills testing, to a full ____ hours online education with a ____ hour skills testing.
- 24 hours
- 4 hour
Online hours are expected to be completed while on duty and EMT certified members who choose to complete continuing education (CE) hours off duty will do so without compensation.
DB #14-06 - Effective April 1, 2014, EMT certified members will be required to independently obtain all ____ hours of CE and there will no longer be any classroom sessions for EMT education.
- 24 hours
DB #14-06 - Regarding EMT recertification, 24 hours of CE may be obtained at any time during a member’s 2 year certification cycle, but shall be completed by the _____ day of the month in which they expire.
- 1st day of the month
Members will have access to all 24 hours from the online programs, or may obtain hours from other approved CE courses.
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) A _______ showing the layout of the occupancy shall be completed post closing and included in the F-290 packet.
- Floor plan
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) - Once it is determined that an overcrowding condition exists, the first arriving companies should provide ____ member(s) at each exit if possible and begin the count at each reasonable exit.
- 2 members
If the first arriving companies do not have mechanical counters, a pad and pen should be used to tally individuals leaving each exit. If a mechanical counter is received prior to finishing the count, make a notation on the pad and use the mechanical counter ensuring it is set to zero before continuing the count. Any sheet with a manual count shall also be submitted. The method that members used to count needs to be written on the F-225 as well and included as part of the legal packet.
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) It is the responsibility of the _____ to submit the F-290, through channels, to the _____ Unit Commander who shall forward the case to the Legal Liaison Unit within five business days or one week of the closure.
- IC
- PA Unit Commander
The on-call Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety (BFPPS) Chief must be notified of the closure as soon as possible on the next working day. If extenuating circumstances surround the overcrowding, the on-call Chief shall be notified at the time of the incident thru Metro Fire Communications.
If a PA Inspector completed the closure and prior to submitting the case to the Legal Liaison Unit Commander, the PA Commander shall ensure all proper recorded entries are completed and all required documents are provided. If a fire station or the Battalion Commander completed the closure, then the packet shall be forwarded directly to the Legal Unit.
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) Photos taken shall be downloaded as a _____ file onto a _________ and submitted with a photo log in the F-290 packet.
- JPEG file
- Compact disk (CD)
Photos are required to support your narrative of observed violations and will be used by the City Attorney in the criminal filing. Pictures of the interior can often be difficult due to lighting and overcrowding. Multiple pictures from above head level of the crowd showing obstructed aisles, exits, overcrowded dance floors, and mezzanines will provide acceptable evidence. Exterior photos are critical in giving a physical description of the building and address. Interior pictures identify and help paint the big picture for the City Attorney. Pictures solidify a case. An LAFD issued camera shall be used. Provide a photo log that numbers each picture along with a brief description of the violation shown.
DB #14-11 - The City Attorney’s Office has strictly enforced the ________ crime of overcrowding.
- Misdemeanor
Overcrowdings at public assemblage occupancies present a potentially deadly fire/life safety hazard. History has proven that overcrowded venues which experience an incident requiring immediate evacuation have resulted in a delay in exiting due to overwhelmed exits. In many instances, delaying a safe exit has been the direct cause of patrons to be burned, trapped or killed.
DB #14-11 - When preparing a F-290 after an overcorwding, a Department of _________ Fire Permit shall also be requested.
- Department of Finance Operational Fire Permit
The fire permit issued will be permanent or temporary and is the required documentation to confirm the LAFD has classified the occupancy for public assemblage. It is on the occupancy load sign that the maximum allowed persons in the occupancy is written. The lack of a Department of Finance Operational Fire Permit is also a violation along with the overcrowding.
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) The certifications of all fire protection systems shall be provided to confirm compliance. Compliance confirmation can be retrieved from the “_____” tab in the ________ Application (FPA) and/or ________ System (FPOS).
- “Reg. 4”
- Fire Prevention Application (FPA)
- Fire Prevention Occupancy System (FPOS)
All other inspections and/or violations may be found in the “History” of FPA and FPOS.
DB #14-11 - If a PA Inspector completed an “Overcorwding” closure, the _________ Commander will review the “Overcrowding” F-290 packet before forwarding to the Legal Liaison Unit.
- PA Unit Commander
If a fire station or the Battalion Commander completed the closure, then the packet shall be forwarded directly to the Legal Unit.
DB #14-11 - Questions regarding the overcrowding Departmental Bulletin shall be directed to the _________ Section.
- Public Safety Section
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) The F-225 narratives need to be a _____ person description and clearly convey the situation.
- 3rd person
As an example, when describing the outside of a venue a narrative that reads: “Preliminary observations of the exterior building signaled a possible overcrowding,” is considered too vague and a detriment to the prosecuting case.
Narrative should read: “Engine 27 was driving non-emergency southbound on Cahuenga Blvd, approaching Main St. At the Corner of Main St. and Cahuenga I noticed a line of people, the width of the sidewalk approximately a half of a block long. The cluster of people around the Smith Night Club door was overflowing into the street impeding the flow of traffic and extending around the corner of Main St. Refer to photos 1 and 2.”
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) A F-____ “Non-Compliance Fee” shall be included indicating all additional administrative time (e.g., F-290 case preparation) to ensure the City retrieves all LAFD costs associated with the case.
- F-341 “Non-Compliance Fee”
It is the responsibility of the IC to submit the F-290 to the Legal Liaison Unit within five business days of the closure.
DB #14-11 - A condition that results when more people occupy a building, portion of a building/room(s), or premises than are approved by the Chief. What is this definition?
- Overcrowding
DB #14-11 - After an “Overcrowding,” all forms (F-290, F-225, F-340E, and/or F-340) shall be submitted. Each member that assists with the count shall submit a F-_____.
- F-225
DB #14-11 - The case manager for an “Overcrowding” will be a _________ Unit Inspector. They will prepare the case and submit to the City Attorney.
- Legal Liaison Unit Inspector
DB #14-11 - The total number of persons that may occupy a building, portion of a building/room(s), or a premises at any one time for assembly purposes. What is this definition?
- Occupant load
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) It is the responsibility of the IC to submit the F-290 to the Legal Liaison Unit within _____ business day(s) of the closure.
- 5 business days
DB #14-11 - During an overcrowding, a ________ F-340 Fire Life Safety Violation Notice shall be issued to each responsible party if there are blocked exits, illegal candles, locked exit doors, etc. All other violations such as exits and emergency lighting or other maintenance items, are on a ____ day notice to comply.
- Forthwith
- 30 day notice
Once everyone has exited the building, a thorough fire inspection shall be completed. Additional fire code violations cited provides more evidence that shows a disregard of fire and life safety by the responsible person(s).
DB #14-11 - An “overcrowding” is a condition that results when more people occupy a building, or premises than are approved by _______.
- The Fire Chief
DB #14-11 - Regarding overcrowdings, the Public Assemblage (PA) __________ Sheet shall be used to ensure all the required documentation is submitted in the F-____ Request for Legal Action Packet.
- Public Assemblage Closure Tracking Sheet
- F-290
DB #14-11 - Typical indications of an overcrowding will have most of the occupants in a standing area closer than ____ feet apart. For dining or seating areas, an indication of overcrowding will have occupants standing and/or tables closer than ____ feet from each other.
- 2 feet - standing
- 4-1/2 feet - dining/sitting
DB #14-11 - During an overcrowding closure, if any exit door other than the main exit is not equipped with panic hardware, then the occupancy is probably restricted to ____ or less occupants.
- 49 or less
Observe all areas for overcrowding including aisles, dance floor, bar, mezzanine, and patios/outdoor areas. Check all exit doors to make sure they are unlocked, can be opened, and are equipped with panic hardware. If any exit door other than the main exit is not equipped with panic hardware, then the occupancy is probably restricted to 49 or less occupants. Document if any additional Fire/Life Safety violations are present such as an unpermitted open flame device.
DB #14-11 - (Overcrowding) Field personnel that assist in a count out procedure shall forward, through channels, an F-225 by the end of the _________ day.
- End of the following business day
The narrative in the F-225 needs to reflect what each individual saw and what their final count was. The IC will ensure the final patron count on all the F-225’s are the same. The F-340 normally written in the field shall be legible. Multiple F-340’s may be written if both manager and owner are responsible for overcrowding. Additional F-340’s may be written and issued upon returning to the fire station, if necessary. Legibility of writing is needed in order to process the legal case. Illegible writing is also seen as unprofessional and discrediting.
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Fire Department members shall not water or irrigate lawns, landscapes, or other vegetated areas between the hours of ____ to ____ hours.
- 0900 to 1600 hours
Water usage shall not cause or allow excess or continuous water flow or runoff onto an adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, gutter, or ditch. Turn off automatic sprinklers during rain.
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Whenever practical, hose testing shall be accomplished at _____, _____, and during training exercises.
- Parks, lakes, and during training exercises
Consideration shall be given to hose testing at the conclusion of emergency operations at incidents.
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) No landscape irrigation shall be permitted on any day other than Monday, Wednesday, or Friday for _____ numbered street addresses, and Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday for _____ numbered street addresses.
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday = odd
- Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday = even
Street addresses ending in 1/2 or any fraction shall conform to the permitted uses for the last whole number in the address.
DB #14-12 - Regarding water conservation, where do you post the watering day’s signage for the public to view?
- Fire Station front office window
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Domestic water supplies may be used for training purposes. Officers shall limit the flow to a reasonable amount of ____ second(s).
- 45 seconds
Make an effort to use reusable water supplies or drafting operations from approved sites.
DB #14-12 - Los Angeles and California as a whole are currently experiencing extreme drought conditions. The just completed 2013-2014 rain season was the _____ driest year in Los Angeles since record keeping began in ______.
- 7th driest year
- 1877
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) The Department of Recreation and Parks has a number of lakes located throughout the City. Prior to using these lakes, the concerned Station Commander shall contact the park maintenance supervisor responsible for the lake at least ____ hour(s) prior to the scheduled training exercise.
- 24 hours
DB #14-12 - Regarding water conservation, the combined last three years represent the ______ driest 3 year stretch on record. ____% of the State is suffering from extreme drought.
- 3rd driest 3 year stretch
- 92%
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Non-conserving nozzles (spray head sprinklers and bubblers) water times will be limited to no more than ____ minute(s) per watering day per station for a total of ____ minute(s) per week.
- 8 minutes per day
- 24 minutes per week
DB #14-12 - On October 14, 2014, Mayor Eric Garcetti initiated an Executive Directive #___ “Emergency Drought Response - Creating a Water Wise City.”
- Executive Directive #5 “Emergency Drought Response - Creating a Water Wise City”
Questions regarding this Departmental Bulletin shall be directed to the Drought Officer, Battalion Chief Jesse Cisneros at (213) 978-3850.
DB #14-12 - The drought has led our City to increase use of imported water to over ____% of consumption.
- 80%
Reducing imported water use is of critical importance to Los Angeles. City government and the people of Los Angeles must take steps to confront this crisis, both in the short and long term. In particular, reducing outdoor water use is critical to solving this crisis as it accounts for more than half of all residential water use in Los Angeles.
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Reducing outdoor water use is critical to solving this crisis as it accounts for more than ______ of all residential water use in Los Angeles.
- Half
DB #14-12 - The Mayor’s Executive Directive #5 addresses the City to cut its water use by ___% over ____ year(s), ordering City departments to cut lawn watering to ____ day(s) a week.
- 20% cut
- 5 years
- 2 days a week
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Members shall not use a water hose to wash any paved surfaces including, but not limited to, sidewalks, walkways, aprons, driveways, parking areas, side yards, and similar areas, except to alleviate immediate safety or ________ hazards.
- Safety or sanitation hazards
DB #14-12 - (Water Conservation And Usage) Conserving nozzles (standard rotors and multi-stream rotary heads) watering times are limited to no more than ____ minute(s) per cycle and up to ____ cycle(s) per watering day per station for a total of ____ minute(s) per week.
- 15 minutes per cycle
- 2 cycles
- 90 minutes per week
Turn off all automatic sprinklers during rain.
DB #14-13 - After a Fire Facility Inspection, facility supervisors shall forward a FG-____ “Building Repair and Service Request” and/or an “Alteration and Improvement Request” to the Fire Facilities Section to address any deficiencies requiring correction by another City Department.
- FG-113
DB #14-13 - Regarding “Annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections”, it is the Department’s policy that all fire facilities be inspected annually to conform to this ________ requirement and ensure a safe work environment for all Department employees.
- Cal/OSHA
DB #14-13 - Any questions regarding the reporting procedure of forwarding building repair requests shall be directed to the __________ at (213) 202-3455.
- Fire Facilities Section
Additional information may be obtained by referring to Book 75 (Injury and Illness Prevention Program) or you may contact the Department Safety Coordinator, Captain I Scott Quinn, directly at (213) 978-3860.
DB #14-13 - The California _______ of _______ requires that all work locations be periodically inspected to identify unsafe conditions and work practices. It is the Department’s policy that all fire facilities be inspected ________ to conform to this Cal/OSHA requirement and ensure a safe work environment for all Department employees.
- California Code of Regulations
- Annually
DB #14-13 - Who will distribute the Fire Facility Safety Inspection checklists to all Bureau Commanders?
- Safety Coordinator
The checklists will assist in completing the safety inspections and shall be retained for five years in each facility’s Cal/OSHA file.
DB #14-13 - The Fire Facility Safety Inspection checklists will assist in completing the safety inspections and shall be retained for _____ year(s) in each facility’s Cal/OSHA file.
- 5 years
DB #14-13 - After a Fire Facility Inspection, a written report (F-225) from the facility supervisor shall be forwarded, through channels, to the ___________.
- Department Safety Coordinator
The report should include the date the inspection was completed, any deficiencies found, what corrections have been made, what corrections need to be made, and what hazards have been previously recorded.
DB #14-13 - ________ Commanders or their designated representatives shall conduct annual Fire Facility Safety Inspections at all work locations within the Bureau of Emergency Services.
- Division Commanders
For Bureaus other than the Emergency Services Bureau, the Bureau Commander is responsible for ensuring that a safety inspection of their work areas is completed.
DB #14-14 - The portable FNSS caches are stored in either a trailer which provides a safe, secure, and movable platform that is rated to handle ______ GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating of trailer and contents) or a series of heavy duty collapsible bulk containers.
- 7,000 GVWR
DB #14-14 - The trailer version of the portable FNSS cache has ____ point(s) of entry.
- 2 points
Both access points are equipped with combination locks.
DB #14-14 - The MOU regarding the storage of equipment used for FNSS identifies _____ LAFD locations that will store a total of _____ equipment caches.
- 8 - LAFD locations
- 9 - equipment caches
The 8 sites at which FNSS caches shall be stored are: Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center, Fire Station 21, Fire Station 36, Fire Station 64, Fire Station 67, Fire Station 81, Fire Station 87, and Fire Station 94.
DB #14-14 - The containerized version of the portable FNSS cache is comprised of _____ heavy duty collapsible bulk containers per cache.
- 8
DB #14-14 - When the portable FNSS cache is picked up, the driver will provide a signed inventory release to the LAFD Emergency Point of Contact or the On-Site Contact. The inventory release will be attached to the inside of the ________ of each portable FNSS cache.
- Side door
The driver will keep a copy and the Emergency Point of Contact or On-Site Contact will keep a copy.
DB #14-14 - The nine portable FNSS caches contain approximately _____ different durable medical equipment/consumable medical supply items for use at shelter sites following an emergency or disaster where shelter operations have been deemed necessary by the City of Los Angeles.
- 120
DB #14-14 - Who will assemble and transport the Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) caches?
- American Red Cross (ARC)
LAFD will store the caches and permit access to property under its management and control for the purpose of maintenance/replacement and/or removal of the caches.
DB #14-14 - If you have any questions regarding the Departmental Bulletin “Portable Supply Caches For Functional Needs Support Services Program”, what Section do you contact?
- Planning Section
DB #14-14 - Each portable FNSS cache consists of _____ pallet(s) of items in the following product categories: wound care, urological, emergency preparations, initial evaluation and monitoring, personal care, respiratory, emergency, logistical support supply, durable medical equipment, and consumable medical supplies.
- 5 pallets
DB #14-14 - Authorized representatives, agents, and employees of EMD/ARC will have the right to enter the FNSS cache storage area(s) for purposes of fulfilling normal duties and for emergency access. For normal duties, EMD will provide _____ calendar day(s) notice to the LAFD of its need for access.
- 3 calendar days
In the case of an emergency, the LAFD grants EMD/ARC immediate, on-demand access.
DB #14-14 - The LAFD entered into a MOU with the ________ Department and the ________ to store caches of equipment to be used for the Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) program.
- Emergency Management Department (EMD)
- American Red Cross (ARC)
DB #14-15 - Regarding the Metro Expresslanes, Metro has agreed to add all LAFD emergency vehicle plates from both North and South Divisions to a “_________ Account.”
- “Non-Revenue Account” (NRA)
This would include all in-service and reserve Engines, Trucks, ALS and BLS Ambulances, Chief’s Field Sedans/Suburbans, and EMS Captain’s vehicles. These vehicles will not be required to have a FasTrak transponder, but will be required to provide point of contact information and a list of all vehicle license plates to be registered on the NRA. Metro further stipulates that in order to maintain control of all NRA emergency vehicles, any subsequent vehicles added to the account, must be reported to Metro for proper documentation.
DB #14-15 - Buses, motorcycles, vanpools and carpools that use the Metro ExpressLanes with FasTrak ________ charged a toll, and solo drivers can choose to pay a toll to use the lanes.
- Will not be charged
DB #14-15 - (Metro Expresslanes) The purpose of the Traffic Incident Management Plan (TIMP) is to provide supplemental roles/responsibilities and procedures to clear incidents that impact the operation of the Metro ExpressLanes. The primary reason for the development of this plan is a requirement of the federal grant that the Metro ExpressLanes operate at an average speed of 45 mph or better for ____% of the peak periods.
- 90%
If an incident occurs in the Metro ExpressLanes and toll-paying customers are not able to receive their average 45 mph trip, the toll will be automatically credited to their account. Thus, there is a need to develop an Incident Management Plan that clears the incidents as quickly as possible so the Metro ExpressLanes can function at or above the minimum 45 mph speeds.
DB #14-15 - All vehicles that use the ExpressLanes are required to have a _______ transponder.
- FastTrak transponder
DB #14-15 - Questions regarding the “Metro Expresslanes” Departmental Bulletin shall be directed to your _________.
- Bureau Commander
DB #14-15 - The I-110 carpool requirement is ____ or more persons in the vehicle at all times. For the I-10, during peak hours (5-9 am and 4-7 pm) the requirement is ____ or more persons.
- 2 or more
- 3 or more (peak hours)
DB #14-16 - When three or more RA’s are NAV awaiting a bed for more than _____ minutes, an EMS Battalion Captain shall be requested non-emergency through MFC.
- 15 minutes
DB #14-16 - When RA’s go “NAV No Hospital Beds” on the MDC at the hospital, the code is ____.
- Code 33
DB #14-16 - Upon arrival at a hospital, RA members are provided ____ minutes to transfer patient care, complete documentation and return the RA to a state of readiness.
- 20 minutes
DB #14-16 - Questions regarding “RA Availability And MDC Documentation At Hospitals” shall be directed to __________.
- Emergency Operations
DB #14-16 - When a hospital delay exceeds 20 minutes and prevents emergency response, the NAV process should be initiated. This procedure is completed by depressing the Shift and ____ keys on the MDC keyboard and then entering the appropriate code in the provided NAV field.
- Shift and F1 keys
DB #14-16 - When a single RA is NAV awaiting a bed for more than _______, an EMS Battalion Captain shall be requested non-emergency through MFC.
- 1 hour
DB #15-01 - Members may contact the on-call Medical Liaison Captain by obtaining contact information through the ______.
DB #15-01 - In fiscal year 2010-2011, MFC processed over _______ telephone calls.
- 800,000 telephone calls
DB #15-01 - What office does Supply and Maintenance coordinate all repairs with?
- Division Office
These repairs should normally be entered on the Daily Activity Calendar by either Supply and Maintenance or the Division EIT.
DB #15-01 - Regarding MFC, on average, what is the percentage difference between the number of incidents created and the number of incidents dispatched?
- 27%
The following is an explanation of the reason this occurs. Incident numbers begin at midnight for a 24-hour period and are chronologically assigned by CAD at the time the incident is created. MFC often receives simultaneous duplicate calls from multiple reporting parties for the same incident. When this occurs, the MFC call-taker obtains an address/location and phone number from the reporting party and enters the information into CAD to verify the location. Upon entering this information into CAD, an incident number is generated. At this point, the call-taker is normally notified by CAD of a nearby incident. Upon verification by the call-taker that the incident is a duplicate call, the duplicate incident is ended. Since the incident number was generated, it remains in CAD for historical purposes.
DB #15-01 - When RA’s require to be NAV due to “no beds” or “decon”, responsible members shall update their status by _______.
DB #15-01 - Members shall utilize the _____ program to locate a reserve apparatus.
- CIA program
DB #15-01 - Normally, DWP and other utility agencies do not provide ETA’s. Only after _____ minutes following the initial agency request shall members contact them for an ETA.
- 30 minutes
When situations change causing increased danger to life and/or property, members should immediately update MFC and request the agency to expedite their response.
DB #15-01 - Who shall always be contacted anytime an 800 MHz radio is exchanged?
- MFC Floor Captain
DB #15-01 - For Adminstrative duty members, the posting of Portal messages shall be requested through the member’s chain of command. For requests from the field, the posting of Portal messages shall be coordinated through the respective ________ Commander for posting by Emergency Services Bureau.
- Division Commander
The MFC Battalion Chief will post operational messages during non-business hours.
DB #15-01 - Move-ups by MFC captains to cover resources scheduled in the Daily Activity Calendar are initiated ____ day(s) prior.
- 9 days prior
Members shall not contact the MFC concerning the Daily Activity Calendar. Field personnel having questions shall contact their respective Division EIT through their Battalion Office. The EIT will make changes to the calendar and advise MFC when necessary.
DB #15-01 - Apparatus going out-of-service or being placed back-in service shall contact the MFC dispatch via _______.
- Telephone
If breakdown occurs during an incident response, contact MFC via radio.
DB #15-01 - Wireless 9-1-1 calls now account for more than ____% of all emergency calls received from the public.
- 56%
These wireless 9-1-1 calls require additional call processing time reducing the number of available call-takers to handle calls into MFC.
DB #15-02 - The Disability or Access and Functional Needs (DAFN) Officer is a Technical Specialist that reports to the _______ Section if established, or the Incident Commander.
- Planning Section
DB #15-02 - The LAFD Disability or Access and Functional Needs (DAFN) Coordinator’s duties and responsibilities will be assigned to the current LAFD _________ Officer.
- Disaster Preparedness Officer (DPO)
In addition, the DAFN Coordinator will be designated as the liaison for the LAFD and Department of Disabilities (DOD). The DAFN Coordinator’s position is administrative, and reports to the Department Operations Center (DOC), when activated.
DB #15-03 - The 4-Bureau Concept is the biggest administrative LAFD reorganization in the last ____ years.
- 60 years
With its implementation, the LAFD will be entering a new era in regards to community-based public safety. It will enhance the LAFD’s responsiveness to employees, the public, the business community, and elected officials.
DB #15-03 - Each of the four Bureau offices are commanded by a Deputy Chief (Bureau Commmander). Who does this Deputy Chief report to?
- Emergency Operations (EOPS) Chief Deputy
Bureau Commanders will be held strictly accountable for the daily operations within their respective Bureau.
DB #15-03 - The ESB reorganization provides for ____ 24-hour Supervisory Chief Officer(s) for immediate response and city-wide coverage.
- 2 - Supervisory Chief Officers
It is anticipated that the reorganization will have an immediate positive impact on the LAFD’s overall responsiveness while also improving accountability, community involvement, political, and business support.
DB #15-03 - Each Bureau will control the closure of up to ____ fire company(s), ____ ALS rescue(s) and ____ BLS rescue(s) (CAV) each day for training.
- 2 - Fire companies
- 1 - ALS RA
- 1 - BLS RA
DB #15-03 - The Emergency Management Cycle has four phases….
- Risk Reduction/Mitigation
- Readiness
- Response
- ________
- Risk Reduction/Mitigation
- Readiness
- Response
- Recovery
DB #15-03 - The LAFD’s 24-hour response capability will be retained through ____ Assistant Bureau Commanders (Assistant Chief) and ____ Assistant Chief Adjutants (Captain I) working platoon duty assigned in the Operations Central Bureau and Operations Valley Bureau.
- 6 - Assistant Bureau Commanders
- 6 - Assistant Chief Adjutants
On weekdays during normal business hours, each respective Bureau office maintains primary responsibility for managing all activities, including emergency incidents within their area of responsibility. The initial response dispatch to significant incidents will include the closest 24-hour Assistant Bureau Commander with subsequent notifications to the respective Bureau Commander and staff.
DB #15-03 - What Officer serves as the LAFD master calendar coordinator?
- Bureau Training Support Officer
This member will work closely with the In-Service Training Section to schedule and facilitate training to meet the needs of the Bureaus.
DB #15-03 - Each of the four Bureau offices will operate during normal business hours and be commanded by a ___________.
- Deputy Chief (Bureau Commander)
DB #15-03 - Which field Assistant Bureau Commanders will be on platoon duty?
- 2.
- Operations Central Bureau (OCB)
- Operations Valley Bureau (OVB)
DB #15-03 - Community resiliency represents the crucial link in the “Emergency Management ________.”
- “Emergency Management continuum”
DB #15-03 - The radio designations that will be used by Operations West Bureau (OWB) begin with _____.
- OWB = 5
DB #15-03 - All four Bureaus will operate with specific radio designations and identifiers. Each Bureau will have a common prefix convention - Operations Central Bureau is ____, Operations South Bureau is ____, Operations Valley Bureau is ____, and Operations West Bureau is ____.
- Operations Central Bureau - 2
- Operations South Bureau - 3
- Operations Valley Bureau - 4
- Operations West Bureau - 5
Examples - Operations Central Bureau Commander (Deputy Chief) call sign is “Command 21” with an MDC identifier of CM21. The Operations South Bureau Commander (Deputy Chief) call sign is “Command 31” with a MDC identifier of CM31. The Operations Central Bureau Training Support Specialist call sign and MDC identifier is “TO24”. The Operations South Bureau Training Support Specialist call sign and MDC identifier is “TO34”.
DB #15-03 - Effective January 11, 2015, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) will implement a major reorganization of the Emergency Services Bureau (ESB), dividing ESB into ____ geographic bureaus
- 4 - geographic bureaus
- Operations Central Bureau (OCB) at Fire Station 3
- Operations South Bureau (OSB) at San Pedro City Hall
- Operations Valley Bureau (OVB) at Fire Station 88
- Operations West Bureau (OWB) at the Fire Station 82 Annex (former Fire Station 82).
DB #15-04 - The _____ has the authority to direct the activation of the DOC in preparation for or during significant incidents and events.
Based on the circumstances, this decision can be made by MFC in consult with the DDO. When activated, the DOC is under the direction of the DDO, but is managed by a DOC Director. The DDO provides policy guidance to the DOC regarding Department operations and control objectives.
DB #15-04 - After business hours, MFC shall be contacted to obtain approval for non-emergency helicopter flights from the _______ or ______.
- Fire Chief
DB #15-04 - What Division is responsible for hosting a weekly EOC/DOC Team Coordination Meeting?
- Homeland Security Division
DB #15-04 - LAFD requests for outside assistance for incidents within the City will be approved only on the authority of the Fire Chief, the _____, or the _____, in that order.
These requests shall be made by the Incident Commander through MFC, or by MFC. This rule does not apply to “Mutual Response” areas where we have understandings with other agencies.
DB #15-04 - The EOC/DOC Team Coordination Meeting is held every Tuesday morning at 0730 hours at the DOC for the EOC and DOC teams that are starting their on-call duty. How long is this meeting?
- 30 minutes
DB #15-04 - The DDC responsibility now rotates ______ between the ____ Deputy Chiefs assigned to field bureaus.
- Weekly
- 4 - Deputy Chiefs
DB #15-04 - The ______ responsibility rotates weekly between the two Chief Deputies and the Deputy Chiefs assigned to the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety and the Training and Support Bureau.
The on-call responsibility rotates each Tuesday morning at 0700 hours, which is the same day and time that EOC and DOC Teams rotate their on-call status.
DB #15-04 - During multiple major emergencies or in the aftermath of significant earthquakes or other disasters, the DOC will typically be activated. When the DOC is activated, requests to and from outside agencies will be made by the _____.
DB #15-04 - The DOC Director duty is rotated by an on-call _________.
- Assistant Chief
The Assistant Chief assigned to the Metropolitan Fire Communications (MFC) Division may function as the DOC Director during normal business hours when present. In the absence of a DOC Director, the MFC Battalion Chief will function as the DOC Director until relieved by the on-call DOC Director.
DB #15-04 - When a member is seriously injured or killed at an emergency, the officer in charge shall contact MFC by telephone and inform them of the circumstances. MFC shall notify….
- 5.
- Fire Chief
- Medical Liaison Unit
- Battalion Chief (nearest the member’s place of residence)
- Department Chaplain
DB #15-04 - After business hours, on weekends and holidays, the ______ shall respond to and take command of field operations at major emergencies.
During regular business hours, this responsibility rests with the geographic Bureau Commander.
DB #15-04 - The ______ is responsible for managing the Department during major incidents and events that affect multiple geographic bureaus; heightened terrorism threat periods; major earthquakes and other disasters; and unusual occurrences that may result in a significant demand on Department resources.
DB #15-04 - Fireboats can be taken out of service and their personnel used to staff land companies at the discretion of the Fire Chief or DDC. A minimum of _____ large and _____ small boat(s) shall remain in service.
- 1 - large boat
- 2 - small boats
DB #15-04 - The Department may dispatch a maximum of _____ triples, organized into Type 1 strike teams, to a brush incident when requests for assistance are received under mutual aid agreements or as determined by the DDC, DDO, or Fire Chief.
- 30 triples
DB #15-04 - The DDC responsibility rotates weekly each ______ morning at _____ hours, which is the same day and time that Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Department Operations Center (DOC) Teams rotate their on-call status.
- Tuesday
- 0700 hours
At any time that the on-call DDC is unable to satisfy this responsibility, a replacement DDC shall be identified and the Fire Chief or Chief of Staff, MFC, and on-call DDO shall be notified of the change.
DB #15-04 - The DDO has the discretion of functioning as the EOC _________ or appointing a qualified member to serve in this capacity.
- EOC Deputy Director
DB #15-05 - Significant incidents occurring within the four geographic operations bureaus shall be reported promptly by _______ following the incident to the appropriate bureau.
DB #15-05 - The submission of e-mail significant incident reports shall be completed _______ following each significant incident and during the ______ in which the incident occurred.
- Promptly
- During the shift
DB #15-06 - A BLS Company cannot cancel an ALS Assessment Company if the patient has chest pain > 40 years old, shortness of breath, and heart rate > ____ or < ____.
- Heart rate > 120 or < 50
DB #15-06 - The Patient Resolution Guide (PRG), which is being revised as the Patient ___________, indicates which patients require ALS assessment and/or transport.
- Patient Disposition Policy (PDP)
DB #15-06 - Questions regarding the “ALS/BLS Upgrade And Downgrade” policy should be directed to the _________ Division.
- Emergency Medical Services Division
DB #15-09 - All coded assign hires will be for a ____ hour period and shall not be cancelled mid-shift.
- 24 hour period
DB #15-09 - Regarding assign hire codes, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day will have _____ codes.
- 6 codes
DB #15-09 - Members who request an F-360AH may do so no more than ____ days prior to the first half of the trade.
- 60 days
DB #15-09 - Members who have a scheduled mandatory individual vacation day will be ineligible from assign hire for the period of ____ day(s) proceeding the vacation day and ____ day(s) following.
- 1 day proceeding
- 1 day following
The member shall be exempt only if the individual day was selected during their normal annual first pick selection and documented on the Battalion vacation selection sheet. If a member requests to change and move their mandatory individual vacation day after the initial selection, approval from the Battalion Commander is required.
DB #15-09 - When staffing shortages are anticipated, assign hire codes will be activated no later than _____ hours on the ____ day prior to the coded assign hire date.
- 0800 hours
- 4th day prior
DB #15-09 - Each assign hire code will have approximately ____ members total from all ranks.
- 45 members
Assign hiring shall be done on a city-wide basis. A member’s assign hire code can be found in the Network Staffing System (NSS). Members will receive an assign hire number every time they are assign hired, alleviate an assign hire, or work voluntary SOD on their scheduled coded assign hire day.
DB #15-09 - Eligible “Out of Rank” members may sign an F-361AH to be a replacement guarantor on the ____ day out from the scheduled coded assign hire day.
- 5th day out
The “Out of Rank” member will then be committed to the rank being guaranteed only.
DB #15-09 - Regarding the coded assign hire process, what is considered a weekend when obtaining a monthly exemption?
- 3.
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
If a member works one of ten referenced holidays, regardless what day of the week it falls, it will also count for working a “weekend” day.
- New Year’s Day
- Easter
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve
DB #15-09 - Members who wish to be exempt from the coded assign hire system shall submit their request in writing, through channels to the __________ Commander with their stated reason for exemption.
- Emergency Operations Commander
Exemptions will be evaluated on a case by case basis with final approval/denial from the Employee Relations Officer (ERO).
DB #15-09 - The “Coded Assign Hire Process” requires members to be available for approximately ____ additional shifts of scheduled duty per year.
- 24 additional shifts (averages 2 shifts per month)
DB #15-09 - If you have questions regarding the “Coded Assign Hire Process” Departmental Bulletin, what Section do you contact?
- Planning Section
DB #15-09 - Members wishing to arrange for a guarantor to take responsibility for their coded assign hire day shall secure a qualified member utilizing an F-_____.
- F-361AH
A qualified guarantor is a member within the same rank or an eligible out of rank member (Firefighters may guarantee for Firefighter/Paramedics assigned to a non-Paramedic position). Once approved, the member will assume the scheduled responsibility which may only be cancelled with the Battalion Commander’s approval.
DB #15-09 - Coded assign hire “system” exemptions will be evaluated on a case by case basis with final approval/denial from the __________.
- Employee Relations Officer (ERO)
DB #15-09 - A monthly exemption removes a member from assign hire status for the following calendar month. You must work an additional ____ hours of voluntary SOD in a calendar month (including working a coded assign hire day) on a field resource. ____ hours of the hours must be worked on a weekend.
- 120 hours
- 48 hours
DB #15-09 - Members who call in _____ on a coded assign hire day are required to obtain a doctor’s note attesting to their illness or injury, prior to returning to duty.
- Sick
DB #15-09 - Members who have a scheduled mandatory vacation segment will be ineligible from assign hire for the period of ____ days preceding the segment through the ____ days following the segment.
- 4 days preceding
- 4 days following
The member shall be exempt only if the segment was selected during their normal annual first round pick selection and documented on the Battalion vacation selection sheet. If a member requests to change and move their mandatory vacation segment after the initial selection, approval from the Battalion Commander is required.
DB #15-09 - If an assign hire code is activated and the member has not yet been hired, he/she must be available for coded assign hire until _____ hours on their coded assign hire date.
- 0800 hours
DB #15-09 - Exchanges of coded assign hire days shall be arranged and approved utilizing the F-_____ in the Network Staffing System (NSS).
- F-360AH
DB #15-09 - Regarding assign hire codes, Independence Day and Halloween will have _____ codes.
- 7 codes
DB #15-09 - Assign hire codes may be activated for augmented staffing during weather deployment days. The same activation applies for using the coded assign hiring procedures beginning no later than the _____ day prior to the date of the deployment.
- 4th day
DB #15-09 - Operations _______ Bureau is responsible for the “Optimization” process on the day that the assign hire codes are activated.
- Operations Central Bureau
DB #15-09 - If a member’s assign hire code is activated and they do not get hired, they will automatically be compensated for ____ hour(s) of PZ time at the hourly rate of time and one half.
- 2 hours
DB #15-09 - What Section will determine the assign hire codes?
- Planning Section
DB #15-10 - FR201 is an approved MICU and will be staffed with two detailed Firefighter/Paramedics along with additional volunteers on an “as needed” basis. For this trial period, FR201 will be staffed with members currently assigned/trained in __________.
- Tactical EMS (TEMS)
DB #15-10 - FR201’s operational schedule will be a modified 4/10 with a start time of _____ hours and an end time of _____ hours.
- 1100 to 2100 hours
DB #15-10 - FR401 will be deployed within Battalion ____.
- Battalion 12
FR401 will be deployed within Battalion 12 with a specific response area of the north east portion of Fire Station 91’s first-in district. FR401 will not be a station-based resource but will constantly move throughout the north east area of Fire Station 91’s district while deployed.
DB #15-10 - All FR201 and FR401 activity will be monitored and supervised by the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division ___________.
- EMS Division Battalion Commander
Operational issues and concerns from the field are to be directly reported to the EMS Division Battalion Commander.
DB #15-10 - FR401’s operational schedule will be a modified 4/10 schedule beginning at _____ to _____ hours Monday through _______.
- 0800 to 1800 hours
- Monday through Thursday
DB #15-10 - FR401 is an approved ________ unit and will be staffed with one detailed Firefighter/EMT and one detailed Firefighter/Paramedic using variable staffing hours.
- ALS assessment unit
DB #15-10 - FR201 will not be a station based resource, but will constantly move throughout Battalions ____ and ____.
- Battalions 1 and 11
DB #15-10 - The Fast Response Vehicles will be placed NAV _____ minutes prior to the end of their shifts and returned to where they are housed.
- 30 minutes
DB #15-10 - If there are operational issues and concerns from the field regarding the Fast Response Vehicles, who should they directly be reported to?
- EMS Division Battalion Commander
DB #15-10 - What Division do you contact if you have questions regarding the “Fast Response Vehicle Trial Program?”
- EMS Division
DB #15-10 - FRV members have the option of adding themselves to fire related incidents, when they believe they are the _________.
- Closest resource
DB #15-10 - The FRV will carry ____ to ____ gallons of water with pumping capability and will also carry all equipment and supplies of a paramedic rescue Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) or ALS assessment unit.
- 150 to 300 gallons
DB #15-10 - The FRV’s will be identified by MFC as “FR201” and will be housed at the _________ and “FR401” housed at Fire Station ____.
- FS 98
DB #15-11 - During a “Mayday”, a downed firefighter should shine their flashlight at a ____ degree angle.
- 45 degree angle
DB #15-11 - When a field Chief Officer becomes the Incident Commander at a working fire, how many radio channels shall be monitored?
- 5 channels
- Rapid Intervention Group tactical channel
- Emergency channel 6
- Dispatch channel
- Incident command channel
- Incident tactical channel(s)
DB #15-11 - Regarding a “Mayday”, when does a member activate their Emergency Alert Button (EAB) and declare the “Mayday” again verbally?
- After 2 attempts on the tactical channel
DB #15-11 - After a “Mayday” situation, ensure that the affected member is medically evaluated by _______ and transported to the hospital as needed.
- Paramedics
DB #15-11 - During a “Mayday,” initiate “GRAB LIVES.” The “B” is for breathing. The survival breathing technique is performed by extending exhalation ____ time(s) that of inhalation.
- 2 times
DB #15-11 - A “Mayday” shall be initiated by a member when his/her life is in danger and the situation cannot be corrected in ____ second(s).
- 30 seconds
DB #15-11 - What does the “A” represent in GRABLIVES?
- Activate
DB #15-11 - During a “Mayday” situation, firefighting efforts must _______ in the area that a member is believed to be down, missing, or trapped.
- Intensify
DB #15-11 - In the event of an extraordinary hazard, or a sudden change in conditions that creates an imminent danger to personnel, members can communicate this information by using “_________” on the radio to identify the situation.
Consistent with the intent and spirit of all emergency message formats, in the event of an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” transmission, the IC/OSC may activate the emergency radio tones to ensure radio silence prior to communicating the nature of the hazard.
DB #15-11 - During a “Mayday” incident, the IC will initiate the Emergency Traffic tones for ____ second(s).
- 3 seconds
To activate the tones, key the radio mic and hold, at the same time push and hold the orange emergency alert button on the radio head for 3 seconds.
DB #15-11 - If you have questions regarding the “Risk Management Policy And Firefighter Emergency Mayday Procedures” Departmental Bulletin, who do you contact?
- Emergency Operations
DB #15-11 - Once a member recognizes they are in a “Mayday” situation or if any other member becomes aware of a member in a “Mayday” situation, it is imperative to give simple, but pertinent information, using the three “W’s” method….
- 3.
- Who
- Where
- What
The member waits for acknowledgement of the “MAYDAY” before giving their three W’s. This will ensure radio traffic is clear and the IC hears the message.
- WHO is calling the Mayday? “This is FF Smith from Engine 1…”
- WHAT is the emergency? “I’m lost…”
- WHERE is the member located? “On the 1st floor.”
DB #15-11 - What does the “V” represent in GRABLIVES?
- Volume (make noise)
DB #15-11 - What channel will a “Mayday” call be delivered on?
- Incident tactical channel
DB #15-12 - The FP-WBRS web-form process eliminates the need for both Station and Battalion Commanders from forwarding written monthly F-____ reports and battalion summaries respectively.
- F-63
DB #15-12 - On the FP-WBRS, Station Commanders will need to check the box “Send me a copy of _________” to recieve a confirmation email with a record of their entries.
- “Send me a copy of my responses”
DB #15-12 - If you have questions regarding the “Fire Prevention Web-Based Reporting System,” which bureau do you contact?
- Fire Prevention & Public Safety Bureau
DB #15-12 - How many steps are there to open up the FP-WBRS web-form?
- 6 steps
DB #15-12 - To monitor progress, _______ Commanders can access the FP-WBRS web-form containing summary statistics and current status of fire prevention activities.
- Battalion Commanders
DB #15-12 - In cooperation with the Fire Prevention & Public Safety Bureau, the four Bureaus are moving to a web-based fire prevention _________ system.
- Activity tracking system
DB #15-12 - Monthly fire prevention activity entries remain the responsibility of each _______.
- Officer
DB #15-12 - Reinspections completed in the month and occupancies sent to _______ Unit are not tracked in FPOS. The Station Commander needs to track manually.
- Legal Unit
DB #15-12 - The FP-WBRS operates using the same _______ platform as our current email system which allows real-time fire prevention information, updates, and analytics.
- Google platform
DB #15-14 - What should paramedics strongly consider prior to administration of pain relief medication?
- Ondansetron (Zofran)
DB #15-14 - Effective immediately, paramedic resources may provide pain management and then make _________ to request permission to have the patient transported via BLS ambulance.
- Base station contact
DB #15-14 - After the ALS RA gives medication for pain management, the BLS RA shall transport _________ to the most accessible receiving facility or EDAP unless otherwise directed by the base station.
- Non-emergency
DB #15-14 - Paramedics may provide pain management following Reference No. ____ - Procedures Prior to Base Contact - Pain Management or with direct approval from the assigned base station and transfer patient care to a BLS transport resource (not authorized for Standing Field Treatment Protocol use).
- Reference No. 806.1
DB #15-14 - Can a BLS RA transport a femur fracture after an ALS RA has given pain mangement?
- No
This “BLS Tranport Of Patients Requiring Pain Management” policy states BLS can transport an adult with a suspected “simple” (no neuro, vascular and/or motor deficits) extremity injury/fracture (excludes femur, includes a suspected single hip fracture).
DB #15-14 - If you have any question regarding the “BLS Transport Of Patients Requiring Pain Management” policy, what division do you contact?
- Emergency Medical Services Division
DB #15-14 - Regarding pain management, a BLS RA can transport adult/pediatric patients with stable vital signs and no loss of conscious with a GCS of 15. The patient’s pain scale must be < ___ after treatment.
- < 5
DB #15-15 - The PDP states ALS transport is required for abdominal pain with pregnancy (or suspected) > ___ weeks.
- > 20 weeks
DB #15-15 - The PDP states children from the age ____ to ____ months require transport or Base Station, contact (except in isolated minor extremity injury with, good PMS documentation).
- 13 to 36 months
DB #15-15 - The PDP requires ALS transport for passenger space intrusion ____ inches into occupied space or ____ inches into any unoccupied passenger space
- 12 inches - occupied space
- 18 inches - unoccupied space
DB #15-15 - Pregnancy < ___ week(s) is not considered viable thus patient may be transported by BLS providing patient does not meet any other PDP Section I criteria.
- < 20 weeks
DB #15-15 - The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), Prehospital Care Policy Manual is LAFD Book ____.
- Book 33
DB #15-15 - The PDP states that an ALTE (Acute Life Threatening Event) is for a child ≤ ___ months.
- ≤ 12 months
An ALTE is defined by a combination of any of the following…
- Apnea
- Choking or gagging
- Color change (cyanosis or occasionally erythema)
- Marked change in muscle tone (usually limpness)
DB #15-15 - The Patient Disposition Policy mirrors DHS Reference No. ____, Base Hospital Contact and Transportation Criteria and DHS Reference No. ____, Trauma Triage.
- Reference No. 808
- Reference No. 506
DB #15-15 - The PDP requires ALS transport for extremity injuries with neurological and/or vascular compromise and/or crushed, degloved, or mangled, amputation proximal to wrist or ankle or fractures of ____ or more proximal long bones.
- 2 or more
DB #15-15 - The PDP states ALS transport is required for “Burns” - facial, neck, electrical, or extensive burns extensive burns….
- ____% or greater BSA in adults
- ____% or greater BSA in children
- ____% or greater BSA in infants
- 20% or greater BSA in adults
- 15% or greater BSA in children
- 10% or greater BSA in infants
DB #15-15 - Principle #4 of the PDP clarifies that EMT’s and paramedics shall maintain a good __________ of the Patient Disposition Policy.
- Good working knowledge
DB #15-15 - The PDP requires ALS transport for unenclosed transport crashes > ___ MPH.
- > 20 MPH
DB #15-15 - The PDP states “Shortness Of Breath/Tachypnea” is an adult respiratory rate > ___ breaths per minute or < ___ breaths per minute.
- > 29 breaths/minute or < 10 breaths/minute
DB #15-15 - Traumatic Crush Syndrome is prolonged entrapment or compression of tissue > ___ hour(s).
- > 4 hours
DB #15-15 - The PDP requires ALS transport for adult falls > ___ feet (vertical drop), or pediatric falls > ___ feet or ___ times height of the child.
- > 15 feet (adult)
- > 10 feet or 3 times the height (peds)
DB #15-15 - The PDP states “Diffuse Abdominal Tenderness” results from trauma and is in ____ or more quadrants.
- 2 or more quadrants
DB #15-15 - What was the Patient Resolution Guide (PRG) renamed to?
- Patient Disposition Policy (PDP)
DB #15-15 - If you have any questions regarding the use of the revised PDP, please contact the Administrative EMS Battalion Captain or the __________ Division at (213) 978-3885.
- Emergency Medical Services Division
DB #15-15 - The PDP states children from the age ____ to ____ months must be transported regardless of, chief complaint and/or mechanism of injury.
- 0 to 12 months
DB #15-15 - The PDP states to request an ALS resource for “Muiltiple Patients.” This is defined as ____ or more patients.
- 5 or more patients
DB #15-16 - The new Type III OES fire engines have a ______ automatic transmission.
- Allison
DB #15-16 - The California Governor’s Office of __________, Fire and Rescue Division is responsible for the development, implementation, and coordination of the California Fire Service and Rescue Emergency Mutual Aid Plan.
- Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)
As early as the 1950’s, a plan was developed to assign government-owned fire apparatus to local jurisdictions that could be called upon during statewide emergencies. The primary intent of these vehicles is to be strategically located for response as needed within an operational area or statewide.
DB #15-16 - All assigned equipment on the Type III OES fire engines shall be labeled and identified with the _____ digit OES engine number.
- 4 digit
Example - OES E-8136, OES E-8137, OES E-8138 etc. The LAFD fire station number where the apparatus is assigned should not be used. (Do not paint your fire station number on the hose).
DB #15-16 - During deployments out of the City on the Type III OES fire engines, who shall members contact on scene when seeking repairs for the apparatus?
- OES Assistant Chief
Typically the Ground Support mechanics will perform the repairs only after approval has been granted by the OES representative.
DB #15-16 - Regarding the new Type III OES fire engines, all daily and monthly maintenance reports, along with mileage and pump hours shall be recorded using the Cal OES F-____ and will be kept in the logbook for _____.
- Cal OES F-101
- 1 year
DB #15-16 - The new Type III OES fire engines have ____ gallon booster tanks.
- 500 gallons
DB #15-16 - What company makes the chassis for the new OES Type III fire engines?
- Navistar
DB #15-16 - How many crew members can the new Type III OES fire engines seat?
- 5 personnel
DB #15-16 - The gross weight of the new Type III OES fire engines are ______ pounds.
- 35,000 pounds
DB #15-16 - The maintenance reports for the new Type III OES fire engines must be entered in the “_______” website by the _____ day of each month.
- 5th day
DB #15-16 - To facilitate rapid strike team deployment, the Cal OES Type III fire engines are strategically assigned to ________ stations located in proximity to the Wildland Urban Interface.
- Task Force stations
Task force stations expedite deployments by providing immediate staffing with greater flexibility. The stations identified as assignment locations are Fire Stations 35, 87, 88, 89, and 98.
DB #15-16 - The inventory carried on all OES Type III fire engines is established by ________ and is consistent statewide.
- Cal OES
The equipment is in a standardized configuration determined by OES and documented on the inventory worksheet. Under no circumstances shall this inventory (or physical layout) be changed, other than inventory additions which are subject to approval by the Commander of Emergency Operations and OES. The provided lightweight hose is different than the brush hose found in the LAFD Smokey Packs, therefore hose packs on the Type IIIs will not be interchangeable with existing Hose/Smokey Packs found on standard LAFD pumping apparatus.
DB #15-16 - The OES Type III fire apparatus have a State provided communication package which includes one programmable mobile radio and one portable _________ Commander VHF radio.
- Bendix King
LFD is supplementing the communication package with four portable 800 mhz radios (red antennae tip), four portable VHF (white antennae tip), and one portable UHF radio (blue antennae tip). No MDC or mobile 800 mhz is provided. Radio use instructions will be maintained in each apparatus log book.
DB #15-16 - How many new State-owned Model 34 Type III fire engines did the LAFD recieve?
- 5
DB #15-16 - All Type III OES fire engine repairs or maintenance involving the expenditure of State funds must have prior approval of __________ before proceeding.
- Cal OES Sacramento
DB #15-16 - During a wildland fire incident, occasionally hose and fittings from the OES apparatus may be requested to be left in place on the line by a Division Supervisor. When this occurs, what ICS form must be filled out with the complete list of all inventory left behind?
- ICS 213 (General Message)
When this occurs an ICS 213 (General Message) form must be filled out with the complete list of all inventory left behind and a confirmation signature obtained from the Division Supervisor (on the ICS 213). If unable to obtain the signature, the ICS 213 should be brought to the OES Assistant Chief upon return to base camp. The OES Assistant Chief will assist with obtaining the Finance Section Chief’s signature on the ICS 213 to secure replacement of the equipment.
DB #15-16 - Wildland engines are traditionally _______ than standard fire engines and are primarily used for vegetation or wildland fires.
- Smaller
Their four-wheel drive enables them to respond to emergencies in rugged areas where steep or rough terrain is impassable for traditional engines. One of the features that makes these engines ideal for vegetation fires is their ability to pump water while driving. This pump-and-roll feature allows the engines to make “running attacks” on vegetation fires (where topography allows), a tactic that can help minimize the rate of spread by having a firefighter walk the edge of a fire with a hose line while the engine trails close behind.
DB #15-16 - Regarding the new Type III OES fire engines, LAFD personnel may be assigned to out of area deployments for up to ____ days (excluding travel time) after which they may be rotated out with other qualified members.
- 14 days
DB #15-16 - No alterations or modifications shall be made to the new Type III OES fire engines without approval by the….
- Commander of ________
- Region 1 _____________
- Commander of Emergency Operations
- Region 1 OES Assistant Chief
DB #15-17 - When training, responsible Officers shall put in place contingency plans if emergency response delays may exceed _____ or more minutes.
- 10 or more minutes
This may require a company to request CAV time through the Battalion Commander and Bureau Office. When CAV status is not available, responsible Officers shall contact Metro Fire Communications (MFC) and their Administrative Battalion Commander to arrange a move-up for short-term coverage utilizing available resources from within the affected Battalion.
DB #15-17 - If you have any questions regarding the “Responsibilities Of Officers To Train And Counsel” Departmental Bulletin, who shall they be directed to?
- Emergency Operations
DB #15-17 - Beyond the “tell, show, do” method or concept of training, explaining “_____” each task or operation is being performed is vital to the growth of each member and essential to building a highly skilled and proficient crew.
- “Why”
While technology has vastly improved the continuity and delivery of training, the purpose of virtual learning is intended to enhance developing competencies, and should not be viewed as an alternative or substitute for manipulative exercises or field based training.
DB #15-17 - When conducting outside drills, Officers are responsible for maintaining coverage within their respective first-in districts, as well as the company’s readiness to respond within ____ seconds for EMS, and ____ seconds for fire suppression or other related incidents.
- 60 seconds - EMS
- 80 seconds - fire suppresion
DB #15-17 - The ultimate goal of every Officer should be to continually _______ individuals to achieve the highest levels of performance while being mindful of their full career potential.
- Inspire individuals
DB #15-18 - The Nurse Practitioner responsibilities on the NPRU are to make every effort to complete the evaluation, treatment, and disposition of each patient within ____ minutes.
- 20 minutes
This excludes scheduled visits with EMS super users.
DB #15-18 - Questions regarding the NPRU policy should be directed to either the respective Operations Bureau Commander, or the __________ offices.
- Operations Bureau Commander or
- Fire Prevention Bureau offices
DB !5-18 - The NPRU works in collaboration with _________ Outpatient Center. The NPRU will establish a “medical home” for “super user” patients with a follow-up appointment at that clinic for primary/preventive care.
- Martin Luther King (MLK)
The NPRU will educate these patients on key issues regarding their medical care, the importance of medication compliance and keeping follow-up appointments as well as the appropriate use of 9-1-1 (only for true emergencies). The NPRU will keep track of 9-1-1 uses by each EMS super user after they have initiated contact with each of these patients to track their subsequent utilization of the 9-1-1 system.
DB #15-18 - How long is the Nurse Practitioner Response Unit (NRPU) pilot program?
- 1 year
The NPRU will be staffed with a nurse practitioner (NP) and a firefighter/paramedic (FF/PM). Together, this team combines an independent clinician NP who is experienced in providing primary and urgent care along with a trained FF/PM, who is experienced in providing emergency care and is familiar with LAFD operations and Department of Health Services (DHS) prehospital care policies and procedures.
DB #15-18 - The annual volume of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) calls has continued to grow each year, with the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) responding to more than _______ EMS incidents in 2014.
- 350,000
Even though call volume has increased, the resources available to respond have diminished due to economic constraints. In addition, there are fewer available emergency department (ED) beds which further increases ambulance wall time.
DB #15-18 - Who does the NP Supervisor on the NPRU directly report to?
- The Medical Director
DB #15-19 - If you have any questions regarding the “Training Request For Downtown High-Rise Buildings” Departmental Bulletin, contact either the respective Operations Bureau Commander, or the ________ offices.
- Operations Bureau Commander or
- Fire Prevention offices
DB #15-19 - All persons participating in “Downtown High-Rise Building” training, shall have their _________ and their ________ on their person when entering the facilities.
- California Driver License
- LAFD identification badge
DB #15-19 - If you wish to train in a downtown high-rise building, all requests for entry shall be made by the Station Commander ____ hours in advance.
- 24 hours
Battalion Commanders responsible for the fire suppression activities in the geographic area of the training location shall be notified prior to any request being forwarded to a facility.
DB #15-19 - Regarding the high-rise property, where shall your requests be directed if you wish to train in a downtown high-rise building?
- Security Director of the property
When a facility does not have a Security Director, the Building Manager shall be contacted.
DB #15-19 - When making contact with the Security Director for permission for training in a downtown high-rise building, upon arrival to the facility, the Commanding Officer should enter through the main entrance with no more than ____ member(s) and coordinate the entry of his/her company.
- 2 members
The Company Officer shall provide the security personnel with a written roster of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) personnel participating in the visit and a statement of intent (email or memo is sufficient). All persons participating in the training shall have their California Driver License and their LAFD identification badge on their person when entering the facilities.
DB #15-20 - Regarding the 14 Day ARM, how many steps to get to the web based form?
- 5 steps
DB #15-20 - In cooperation with ______, the four geographical Bureaus have transitioned to a web-based 14-Day Availability Reporting Model (14-Day ARM) which is based on the existing ________ platform consistent with our email system allowing for real-time information updates, and immediate online viewing.
- Google platform
This method automates the reporting process instantly providing MFC with real-time resource status and availability when filling Regional resource requests for assistance.
DB #15-20 - Members having questions regarding system access or the use of the 14-day ARM shall contact the Operations _______ Bureau Adjutants.
- Operations Valley Bureau Adjutants
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Where should questions regarding patient gurneys be directed?
- EMS Battalion Captain
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Move secured patients onto gurneys using a minimum of _____ Department member(s).
- 2 members
Never hesitate to use more members if needed as there are various handles on the gurney, which can be utilized based on the need.
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Who shall be requested for an investigation of any gurney accident resulting in any patient or member injury?
- EMS Battalion Captain
In addition, the gurney shall be taken out of service and inspected at the Supply and Maintenance Division, Maintenance Section (213) 484-6130. Documentation of the investigation shall be made by appropriate entry into the Complaint Tracking System.
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Secure patients to the gurney utilizing all ________, chest and leg straps.
- Shoulder, chest and leg straps
Patients unable to be secured using all gurney straps, i.e., due to patient size, medical condition, or specific injury, require additional members to ensure patient safety.
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Prior to any manipulation or re-positioning of the gurney, communication shall be made to all members and a ________ inspection shall be completed to ensure hands and body parts are free from any moving parts.
- Visual inspection
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) If a gurney accident results in any patient or member injury, the gurney shall be taken out of service. Where is the gurney inspected?
- S&M
The gurney shall be taken out of service and inspected at the Supply and Maintenance Division, Maintenance Section (213) 484-6130. Documentation of the investigation shall be made by appropriate entry into the Complaint Tracking System.
DB #16-02 - (Gurney Procedures) Gurney inspection and maintenance is an integral component for safe use. When shall members assigned to rescue ambulances inspect the gurney?
- 2.
- Platoon change
- After each use
This inspection shall ensure operating mechanisms are in proper working order and that the gurney is clean and ready for the next use.
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspections Update) The new GIS technology tablet devices provides a digital map interface eliminating the paper maps and _______ used to conduct an inspection and streamline the inspection process.
- Paper maps and parcel books (eliminated)
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspections Update) Inspectors assigned or detailed to the BCU will conduct the inspections of Tier ____ and Tier ____ parcels.
- Tier 2 and Tier 3 parcels
DB #16-03 - As in previous years, the 2016 initial brush inspections of private parcels in the VHFHSZ will start the first week in ______.
- May
Property Owners will be notified through the annual mass mailer. This year the BCU and fire station personnel will all participate in the inspection process as in previous years.
DB #16-03 - The BCU with support from _________ has put together an online brush ordinance and brush hazard recognition training video.
- MySafeLA
The information in this video will provide useful information to fire station personnel on how to conduct an inspection of a property parcel. The video will be posted to Target Solutions the first week in April and assigned to all personnel assigned to fire station districts in the VHFHSZ to view.
DB #16-03 - What year did the Department establish a Brush Clearance Unit (BCU) to coordinate and conduct brush inspection sweeps and contract non-complaint properties to be cleared of hazardous brush?
- 1981
DB #16-03 - The Department’s Strategic Plan Goal #2 is to “Implement and Capitalize on __________.”
- “Implement and Capitalize on Advanced Technologies”
A pilot program was conducted in May 2015, in three fire station districts in the VHFHSZ. The pilot tested the effectiveness and efficiencies in using GIS technology and wireless internet enabled tablet devices to conduct brush inspections. The success of the pilot led to the Mayor’s Innovation Commission awarding the Department funding to help support the development of a new brush inspection application.
DB #16-03 - When performing brush inspections on the iPad, each property parcel in the zone will be placed in one of _____ tiers.
- 3 tiers
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspection Update) In addition to the on line brush ordinance and brush hazard video, the FPB will be providing Station Commanders working in districts in the VHFHSZ with ____ hour(s) of hands-on training with the new mobile inspection application.
- 2 hours
During this training, there will be a review of the station’s inspection responsibility and how to complete the inspection process. After all Station Commanders at each station are trained, the FPB will issue the station the iPad device the application runs on. This hands-on training portion will start April 20th and run through to the start of the inspection cycle.
DB #16-03 - Each year, in accordance with the City of Los Angeles Municipal Code, the Department inspects approximately ______ parcels of private land.
- 140,000 parcels
These inspections take place in what is formally referred to as the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFSZ).
DB #16-03 - The Brush Clearance Unit (BCU) coordinates and conducts brush inspections in accordance with the __________ Code.
- City of Los Angeles Municipal Code
DB #16-03 - How will property owners be notified of “Brush Inspections Sweeps?”
- Mass mailer
DB #16-03 - Regarding brush inspections, a Tier ____ parcel is a property parcel in the VHFHSZ which the Owner has submitted a self-inspected affidavit for the current brush inspection cycle or one which has not received a notice of non-compliance over the last five inspection cycles.
- Tier 1
DB #16-03 - Regarding brush inspections, a Tier ____ parcel is a property parcel in the VHFHSZ in which the Owner is not participating in current year self-inspection program or the parcel has been in non-compliance multiple years over the last five inspection cycles.
- Tier 2
DB #16-03 - Regarding brush inspections, a Tier ____ parcel is any property parcel in the VHFHSZ over the last five inspection cycles which the Department has had to use the city contract clearing process to remove identified brush hazards to gain compliance.
- Tier 3
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspection Update) Upon review from the Fire Prevention and Public Safety Bureau, on average, over ____% of private parcels inspected each year passed the Department’s initial brush inspection in May and of those parcels found in non-compliance, ____%, on average, passed re-inspection.
- 90%
- 90%
Further analysis indicates that, since the Department’s inception of the Property Owners Self-Inspection Program in 2010, an average of 94% of the Property Owners who participate, passed the Department’s initial inspection. In total, what these results truly indicate is that the educational component of the Brush Inspection Program is working and the vast majority of Property Owners are voluntarily doing what we are asking.
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspection Update) Written training documentation on brush inspection procedures and the mobile application will be issued to each station and will be available online and accessed from the Department Portal under the “_____” tab.
- “FPA” tab
DB #16-03 - Since the Department’s inception of the “Property Owners Self-Inspection Program” in 2010, an average of ____% of the property owners who participate, passed the Department’s initial inspection.
- 94%
DB #16-03 - What Unit should you contact if you have additional questions regarding the 2016 Department Brush Inspection Sweep?
- Brush Clearance Unit
DB #16-03 - (Brush Inspection Update) Based on the scope and complexity of any parcel in the zone, the BCU, with written approval from the ________, can move a parcel from Tier 1 to Tier 2 status prior to the start of the annual inspection cycle.
- Fire Marshal
DB #16-04 - The Assistant Medical Director is responsible for assisting the Bureau Commander/Medical Director with medical oversight for the LAFD, with a particular focus on the ________ Unit and the LAFD ________ Registry.
- Public Health Unit
- LAFD Cardiac Arrest Registry
DB #16-04 - Emergency Medical Services comprises approximately ____% of our emergency responses.
- 85%
Effective May 1, 2016, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) will create the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Bureau.
DB #16-04 - The Dispatch Manager will report directly to the Bureau Commander/Medical Director and will be responsible for managing the Tiered Dispatch System (TDS). What rank is this position?
- Captain II/Paramedic
This includes all aspects of TDS and the Dispatch Quality Improvement Unit. The Dispatch Manager will ensure the highest quality, most efficient EMS dispatch system and oversee Emergency Medical Dispatcher training, certification, continuing dispatcher education, dispatch system data analysis, and dispatch system changes.
DB #16-04 - (EMS Bureau) Who is responsible for the overall administration and management of the EMS Battalion Captains, the EMS Training Unit, Field Quality Improvement Unit, and the Public Access Defibrillator Program, and also serves as the paramedic coordinator and liaison with the Department of Health Services?
- EMS Bureau Battalion Chief
DB #16-04 - Who do EMS Battalion Captains report directly to?
- EMS Bureau Battalion Chief
DB #16-04 - The EMS Bureau’s mission is to ensure the provision of optimal ________ in a timely, efficient, and compassionate fashion.
- Patient care
The LAFD’s EMS delivery system will now be under a single administrative office to function as its leader and steward, in addition to overseeing the multiple demands for prehospital education, training, resource distribution, collection and analysis of data, and budget allocations. This consolidated office will fulfill our LAFD Strategic Plan objective to have a comprehensive administration of EMS services systems for the LAFD.
DB #16-04 - If you have questions regarding the “EMS Bureau” Departmental Bulletin, where should they be directed?
- Emergency Operations
DB #16-04 - The Public Health Unit is led by a Captain I/Paramedic. Who does this position report to?
- Bureau Commander/Medical Director
This position is responsible for evaluating new EMS delivery models and alternative staffing models, NPRUs, Sobering Units, Mobile Mental Health Units, and new resources as they pertain to the growing role the LAFD is playing in the realm of public health.
DB #16-04 - The Bureau Commander/Medical Director of the Emergency Medical Services Bureau is a _______ position and staffed by a __________.
- Non-sworn
- Chief Physician
DB #16-04 - Who does the Bureau Commander/Medical Director of the Emergency Medical Services Bureau report to?
- Emergency Operations Commander (EOPS)
DB #16-05 - On average, everyday, members from the LAFD respond to over ______ emergencies.
- 1,200 emergencies
DB #16-05 - in 2016, Firefighter Survival training was taught in ____ phase(s).
- 3 phases
DB #16-07 - In accordance with Department policy, members wishing to work on their RDO must secure approval from their _______ Commander.
- Section Commander
DB #16-07 - Questions regarding the “RDO Approval Process” Departmental Bulletin should be directed to the ________ Section.
- Planning Section
DB #16-07 - The maximum number of RDO hours a member may accumulate is identified in MOU ____ and ____.
- MOU 22 and 23
DB #16-07 - Requests to work a RDO should be based on one of the following categories….
- 3.
- Operational need
- Workload
- Holiday
DB #16-07 - How many RDO’s will all uniformed members not assigned to a platoon duty schedule recieve per week?
- 1 - RDO
DB #16-07 - Who shall ensure that all accrued RDO time is used prior to the member’s anticipated date of return to platoon duty?
- Supervisors
DB #16-07 - Members below the rank of Captain requesting to work their RDO shall make a ______ request to their direct supervisor.
- Verbal request
DB #16-07 - Members may be approved to work their RDO during a _______ week for the purpose of banking RDO time.
- Holiday week
The Section Commander will make the decision to approve or reject each request and will forward the decision to the member’s supervisor via email.
DB #16-07 - In accordance with MOU 22 and 23, members below the rank of _________ are not authorized to work their RDO without the prior approval of the appropriate supervisor.
- Assistant Chief
DB #16-09 - Who is the SAVE Card Coordinator?
- Assistant Bureau Commander - Operations South Bureau (CM 32)
This office is designated as the LAFD’s point of contact and coordinator for card distribution, issuance, and control.
DB #16-09 - Regarding the SAVE Card, 25% property loss is based on the loss of _______ contents within an entire household.
- Personal contents
Property loss includes such items as clothes, medications, food, vehicles, and other personal effects. It is important to emphasize that perceived necessities are not relevant, and that each person’s property should be assumed important and necessary to the respective owners. This assessment does not include structural damage but merely the personal contents of the household. Should structural damage be significant enough to prevent the resident from remaining in the household, this would constitute an appropriate issuance of the SAVE Card.
DB #16-09 - (SAVE Card) Incident Commanders must ensure proper documentation of losses including photos depicting the extent of property loss. A brief incident summary with photos shall be necessary when submitting the report on the SAVE Card _______.
- SAVE Card website
DB #16-09 - One SAVE Card shall be issued per dwelling, not per individual in a dwelling. However, it is acceptable to issue more than one SAVE Card per dwelling, for the same incident, if an Incident Commander determines that a dwelling contains more than one __________.
- Head of Household
DB #16-09 - The on-scene Battalion Commander issuing the SAVE Card shall activate the card by contacting the _________ that has jurisdiction over the incident.
- Bureau Commander
DB #16-09 - The Battalion Commander over the fire company issuing the SAVE Card, will enter detailed information into the “LAFD SAVE Card System” located on the LAFD Intranet within ____ hour(s) of issuance of the card.
- 24 hours
DB #16-09 - Any questions regarding the SAVE Card Program shall be directed to the SAVE Coordinator, Operations ______ Bureau.
- Operations South Bureau
DB #16-09 - The SAVE Card Program is an initiative managed by the California __________ that gives first responders the opportunity to offer financial relief to victims of natural disasters where property damages are a minimum of ____%.
- California Fire Foundation
- 25%
DB #16-09 - The SAVE Cards have a value of $____ and operate similar to a common credit/debit/gift card.
- $100
On-scene Incident Commanders initiate the SAVE Card Program where victims qualify. The SAVE Card Program has great potential for all parties involved where LAFD members have the ability to directly extend monetary relief to residents that have experienced financial loss due to an emergency.
DB #16-10 - The “Los Angeles County Prehospital Care Policy Manual”, Reference ____, defines a patient who requires medical documentation as, “A person who seeks or appears to require medical assessment and/or medical treatment.”
- Reference 606
DB #16-10 - Station Commanders shall confirm all EPCRs for each of their assigned units are properly exported by _____ hours each morning.
- 0800 hours
The findings of each morning check shall be documented in the station journal. Any ePCRs unable to be exported shall be immediately reported to the on-duty EMS Battalion Captain for necessary technical assistance and the Administrative Battalion Chief shall also be notified.
DB #16-10 - Questions regarding EPCR requirements should be directed to EMS Battalion Captains or the _________.
- EMS Battalion Captains or the EMS Bureau
DB #16-10 - (EPCR Requirements) Accurate, complete, and thorough documentation of every patient encounter is mandated by the California ______ and ______ Code.
- California Health and Safety Code
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) The major difference between a TRA and a Safety Zone is that when in a TRA you must have another _________ planned.
- Tactical action
For example, firefighters seeking refuge inside a structure need to plan their next move in case the structure begins to burn and they cannot remain inside.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Any member returning to the City (and remaining on duty) from a wildland incident who has not had an ____ hour rest period in the past 24 hours shall be given ____ hour(s) of rest at their place of assignment before engaging in response activities.
- 8 hour
- 8 hours
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Patrols are four-wheel drive truck-chassis pumping apparatus designated as Type ____ or ____ Engines.
- Type VI or VII
Their uses include quick attack on brush and grass incidents, gaining access to areas that are inaccessible to large apparatus, to pre-treat homes ahead of a brush fire, and to provide Tactical Patrol after the main fire passes.
Patrols may be taken on grass and brush fire incidents at the discretion of the Station Commander where the patrol is assigned. The Station Commander shall notify MFC of the Patrol status (responding or left in quarters) when dispatched.
DB #17-01 - Per the Brush Fire Operations 2017 Departmental Bulletin, ensure a ____ hour supply of both MRE’s and drinking water is carried on apparatus.
- 72 hour
Verify all company commanders have the 2014 version of the IRPG, available through the In- Service Training Section (ISTS). Ensure each company has current Frequency Guide Book to assist with UHF-VHF radios.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Crew 3 is a Type ____ Crew staffed by LAFD Cadets working under qualified supervision.
- Type II
Crew 3 is comprised of two crews, Crew 3-A and Crew 3-B. Throughout fire season, one crew will be staffed and available two to three days a week from 0700 to 1600 hours, and on-call during other times. Crew 3 may be requested through MFC.
DB #17-01 - Questions regarding the “Brush Fire Operations 2017” Departmental Bulletin shall be directed to __________.
- Emergency Operations
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) The Erickson Sky Crane has a water capacity of _____ gallons.
- 2,600 gallons
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Department of Recreation and Parks Water Tenders (WT) may be requested through MFC. They have a _____ gallon water capacity.
- 2,000 gallon
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) LA County Camp Crews operate on LAC U-____ (direct) and/or LAC U-____ (direct), and will normally monitor the assigned A/G channel.
- LAC U-14 (direct)
- LAC U-15 (direct)
Los Angeles County (LAC) Camp Crews can be requested for fires in the City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County recommends that a minimum of two and normally four camp crews be requested for a brush fire. Los Angeles County will dispatch at least one Camp Superintendent for every pair of crews and may dispatch a Battalion Chief as an Agency Representative.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Due to the uncertainties associated with fire behavior forecasting, firefighters must anticipate the unexpected and build agility into their tactical plan through contingency planning. The mnemonic for this is _______.
Implement PACE prior to engaging in any structure defense action.
- P - Primary plan (offense)
- A - Alternate plan (offense)
- C - Contingency plan (defense)
- E - Emergency plan (defense)
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Battalion Commanders shall have a working knowledge of the ________ Plans and Wildland Operational Plans for their response areas.
- Evacuations Plans
- Wildland Operational Plans
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) This is a location that provides temporary shelter and limited relief from an approaching fire without having to use a fire shelter. What is this definition?
- Temporary Refuge Area (TRA)
A TRA does not meet the requirements for a Safety Zone, but will provide an acceptable margin of safety for short periods of time. Unlike a Safety Zone that may be some distance away, the TRA should always be near the area of operation so firefighters can quickly secure short-term relief from a sudden increase in fire intensity.
DB #17-01 - Per the Brush Fire Operations 2017 Departmental Bulletin, the mandatory RT-____ Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training will be accomplished and documented by completing the assigned Monthly Field Exercise for Wildland Incidents on _________.
- RT-130
- Target Solutions
The assigned activity is intended to be conducted as a group whenever possible to initiate discussion among crewmembers and solidify standard operating guidelines.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Always implement ______ prior to engaging in any structure defense action.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Regarding pre-deployment, the DDC will identify which augmented resources will be staffed based on the ______, ______ and input from MFC.
- Burning Index (BI)
- Fire weather
- MFC input
DB #17-01 - Battalion and Section Commanders shall ensure that the Department’s Wildland Fire Training Plan is reflected on Station and Unit F-957’s and personnel receive the training as required no later than _____ 31st, 2017.
- May 31st, 2017
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Once homes have been assessed, structure defense tactical actions have to be implemented. How many tactical actions are there?
- 7 - Tactical actions
- Check and go
- Prep and go
- Prep and defend
- Bump and run
- Anchor and hold
- Fire front following
- Tactical patrol
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Each crew is staffed with one Crew Boss and _____ Wildland Cadets trained to a National Wildland Coordinating Group (NWCG) Firefighter 2 (FFT2) level.
- 10 Wildland Cadets
DB #17-01 - The on duty Operations Valley Bureau (OVB) _______ Chief assigned to Command ____ is responsible for monitoring current and expected fire weather conditions and the potential impact to Department resource staffing.
- Assistant Chief
- Command 42
DB #17-01 - Per the Brush Fire Operations 2017 Departmental Bulletin, ensure all pumping apparatus are stocked with a minimum of _____ gallon(s) of “Thermo-Gel.”
- 4 gallons minimum
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) The Burning Index (BI) is “Extreme” when the rating is ____ and above.
- Extreme - 162 and above
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) How many structure triage categories are there?
- 3 - categories
- Not threatened
- Threatened defensible
- Threatened non-defensible
DB #17-01 - Once OVB determines that current or predicted fire weather conditions meet resource predeployment or augmentation guidelines, a conference call shall be initiated to secure __________ approval.
- Deputy Department Commander (DDC)
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Common terminology has been developed by _______ in an attempt to minimize confusion when working with other agencies or reading assignments from an IAP.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) This is an example of a way to build agility into a tactical plan. What is this definition?
- Tactical Maneuver
The foundation for tactical maneuver is built on the premise of being able to work and move around in a hazardous environment without injury, yet at the same time remain effective. Tactical maneuver implies movement or a tactical or purposeful reaction to change. Tactical maneuver will be most effective when potential changes to the primary plan have already been identified and firefighter’s reactions to those changes are planned out.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) On a normal brush response, MFC will dispatch _____ helicopter(s).
- 3 - helicopters
Helicopters are based at FS 114/Air Operations at Van Nuys Airport (VNY). On a normal brush response, MFC will dispatch three helicopters, one to support Command and Control with the Helicopter Coordinator (HLCO) and two water droppers.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) The Water Tenders (WT) are housed in the building located behind the Crystal Springs Ranger Station at 4730 Crystal Springs Drive. Companies picking up these WT shall notify the __________ dispatch center through MFC.
- Griffith Park Ranger dispatch
Battalion 2 and Battalion 5 companies and MFC have the access code to open the building for after-hours activations.
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) For reimbursement to the City associated with major wildland incidents, responsible members shall submit the appropriate paperwork to the Emergency Operations Commander within ______ of returning to the City.
- 1 week
- F-101, Emergency Time Report
- Cal OES F-42, Emergency Activity Record
- FSLA-5, Forest Service Activity Record (if applicable)
- FC-33, Cal-Fire Personnel and Equipment Report (if applicable)
DB #17-01 - OVB will have a conference call with the DDC for pre-deployment or augmentation approval after the predicted fire weather is determined. This call normally takes place at ______ hours the day before the pre-deployment or augmentation is anticipated.
- 1500 hours
DB #17-01 - Regarding Brush Fire Operations, a Task Force is defined as ____ Engine(s) commanded by a Leader.
- 3 Engines
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) The diesel ____ gallon fuel pods are deployed at S&M, Fire Stations ____, and ____.
- 350 gallon
- S&M
- Fire Stations 23 and 106
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) LAFD Water Tenders (WT) have a 2,500 gallons capacity. They are assigned to Fire Stations ____ and ____.
- Fire Stations 77 and 88
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Task Forces and Strike Teams are identified using the State _________ numbering system.
- State Master Mutual Aid
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Task Forces and Strike Teams formed at the scene of an incident shall be assigned a number starting in sequence from _____ to _____.
- 1031 to 1074
DB #17-01 - (Brush Fire Operations 2017) Task Forces and Strike Teams formed by MFC will be assigned a number starting in sequence from _____ to _____.
- 1001 to 1030
DB #17-02 - The key words that identify a potentially life-threatening cardiac event are the so-called “i words”….
- 3.
- Injury
- Ischemia
- Infarct
DB #17-03 - (Social Media) Each _______ Commander shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this Policy by Department employees.
- Bureau Commander
DB #17-03 - What office should questions about particular uses of social media or particular social media content be directed to?
- Community Liaison Office
DB #17-03 - Questions about the “Social Media Policy” and other information security matters should be addressed to the ________ Office.
- Community Liaison Office
DB #17-03 - If a member identifies themself on a personal social media account as a Department employee, they must include a qualifying statement in the following form, “The views I express on this site are my own and do not reflect any _______ or _______ of the Los Angeles Fire Department.”
- Official view or position
DB #17-03 - Internet technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of content and participation in social networking to promote interactive communication, participation, and collaboration. What is this definition?
- “Social media”
Examples include, but are not limited to, the websites, and applications: Blogger, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, Flickr, YouTube, Snapchat, and the interactive tools and functions they provide to users.
DB #17-03 - Which office will establish a suggested framework for social media posting, including guidelines and best practices above and beyond what is laid out in this Policy, working with the authorized social media user?
- Community Liaison Office
DB #17-03 - “_______ user” or “_______ user” means and includes any City employee, volunteer, or any other person responsible for the use, administration, management, monitoring, and/or retention of social media, social media tools or web sites, and/or social media content, in the name of or on behalf of the LAFD and any of its Sections, Bureaus, etc.
- “Authorized social media user”
- “Authorized user”
DB #17-03 - Who shall designate one or more authorized social media user(s) responsible for social media posting?
- 2.
- Chief Deputies of Operations
- Deputy Chiefs of Bureaus
DB #17-03 - No Department employee may establish a social media account in the name of or on behalf of the Department, a Bureau or subdivision unless the employee first completes a “_________ Form” and is approved by the ________ Director, the ________ Director, the ______ Staff, and the user’s Bureau or Section Chief.
- “Social media request form”
- Public Information Director
- Social Media Director
- Chief of Staff
- Bureau or Section Chief
DB #17-03 - Department employees have no ________ respecting their use of social media or personal media accounts, or the content of such accounts, when accessed by means of City information systems.
- No right to privacy
DB #17-04 - Human Trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry, second only to narcotics trafficking. Los Angeles is one of the top ____ ports for human sex trafficking in the world. The average age for a person to fall victim to human trafficking is ____ to ____ years old.
- 13 ports
- 11 to 13 years old
Our members are in a unique position to be the eyes and ears for our law partners in combatting underage human trafficking (labor or sex).
DB #17-04 - Questions regarding the “Human Trafficking Awareness And Procedures” bulletin can be directed to the Administrative Operations ________.
- Administrative Operations Executive Officer
Any questions regarding this bulletin can be directed to the Administrative Operations Executive Officer, Chief Brodowy at or at (213) 978-3860.
DB #17-04 - If you transport a human trafficking victim to the ER, check the Suspected Human Trafficking (HT) box on the EPCR under “__________.”
- “Mechanism of Injury”
Next to the HT box is a 24-hour National Human Trafficking hotline number. This number can be provided to the victim as a resource to use if and when the victim is ready to do so.
DB #17-04 - If you transport a human trafficking victim to the ER, after the incident is complete and prior to the end of your working shift, notify your supervisor via ______ of the request for LAPD and the information you provided.
DB #17-04 - If you suspect someone is being used for labor or sex trafficking, the best method to assist the victim(s) is to notify the LAPD’s __________ Unit.
- Human Trafficking Unit (HTU)
DB #17-04 - (Human Trafficking) If you receive notification from a subordinate that they had a suspected CSEC or underage human trafficking victim, you shall send an immediate email to the Administrative Operations ____________ with a follow up F-225 through channels to Administrative Operations within ____ hour(s).
- Administrative Operations Battalion Chief/Executive Officer
- 48 hours
Send an email, by the end of the shift, to Administrative Operations Executive Officer, Chief Brodowy at or at (213) 978-3860.
DB #17-04 - Common use of lingo surrounding human trafficking victims are “the game,” “wifey,” and “______.”
- “The game”
- “Wifey”
- “Folks”
An indicator could be a dominating “boyfriend” or “uncle.”
DB #17-04 - Human trafficking, also known as “Modern ________,” and is a growing problem all over the world, including here in the United States.
- “Modern day slavery”
It involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.
DB #17-04 - In 2014, numerous cases of human trafficking were reported in all 50 states. In fact, more than ____% of human trafficking victims in the United States are United States citizens.
- 80%
DB #17-04 - After following up with a F-225 to Administrative Operations regarding a human trafficking incident, the information provided will be tracked and used to update the Mayor’s Office as per Executive Directive No. ____.
- Executive Directive No. 12
DB #17-04 - Commercial sex trafficking is a multi-______ dollar criminal enterprise, second only to narcotics trafficking.
- Multi-billion dollar
DB #17-04 - If you come across suspected signs of human trafficking on a fire or medical incident, how will you contact MFC?
- Landline
- First and foremost, provide for the safety of LAFD personnel and the suspected victim. If needed, “discreetly” request an LAPD patrol car to secure the scene.
- Landline MFC (Metro Fire Communications) to send a local LAPD Division patrol to your location for a suspected underage human trafficking victim or a CSEC victim (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children).
- The LAPD patrol unit will assess what you have and determine the need to notify and dispatch LAPD’s HTU.
DB #17-05 -The LAFD has entered into a lease agreement with _______, Inc. to procure _____ Pyxis MedStation 4000 ADS stations, which will be strategically placed throughout the City.
- CareFusion
- 5 Pyxis stations
Fire Station 13 (EMS11), Fire Station 59 (EMS 9), Fire Station 65 (EMS 13), Fire Station 77 (EMS 12), and Fire Station 84 (EMS 17).
The central Pyxis CII Safe vault will be located at the Supply and Maintenance (S&M) Division, Medical Supplies Unit, where a licensed pharmacist will receive, distribute, and adhere to regulatory requirements. Regularly assigned EMS Battalion Captains will be able to access any of the five Pyxis MedStation 4000 ADS stations to restock their controlled medication cache of morphine sulfate and midazolam.
DB #17-05 - Controlled medications assigned to an ALS unit, EMS Battalion Captain apparatus, or Pharmacist vehicle shall have a unique ______ locking mechanism in place at all times.
- Double locking
DB #17-05 - Regularly assigned EMS Battalion Captains and the ________ are the only authorized members of the LAFD to procure controlled drugs from the Pyxis MedStation 4000 ADS stations.
- EMS Battalion Captains
- Pharmacist
DB #17-05 - Effective July 1, 2017, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) will no longer have its controlled medications, morphine sulfate and midazolam, provided by ________.
- LA County Pharmacies
DB #17-05 - The Pyxis MedStation _____ is an advanced point-of-use system that automates the distribution, management, and control of medications.
- Pyxis MedStation 4000
It is a cabinet-based storage system used by hospitals and similar institutions to store and safeguard medications.
DB #17-06 - Whenever it becomes necessary for LAFD personnel to confiscate fireworks, a Notice of Violation (F-____) shall be issued.
- F-340-C
DB #17-06 - During the Anti-Fireworks press conference, the LAFD Chief, LACoFD Chief, LASD Assistant Sheriff, and a representative from __________ will discuss the very real dangers that fireworks present and encourage safer alternatives.
- LAFD Chief
- LACoFD Chief
- LASD Assistant Sheriff
- Grossman Burn Center
DB #17-06 - If it becomes necessary to temporarily store fireworks at a fire station, they should be placed in a ________.
- Cardboard box
The box should be labeled with the type of fireworks it contains (i.e., “Safe and Sane”, “Dangerous”, Snap Caps, M-80’s, etc.). “Dangerous Fireworks” should not be mixed with “Safe and Sane Fireworks”. Boxes of fireworks should not be stacked, and the boxes should not be taped shut. The use of plastic bags for the storage of fireworks is prohibited.
DB #17-06 - (Anti-Fireworks) Encourage safer alternatives by publicizing the locations of professional fireworks shows throughout the Los Angeles area through the Internet, a fireworks show hotline, a multi- agency press conference, and press releases is Objective #____.
- Objective #3
DB #17-06 - In 2016, a total of ____ firework related injuries occurred between January 1 - December 31.
- 8 - Firework related injuries
DB #17-06 - When fireworks are brought back to the fire station for temporary storage, the _________ shall be notified through MFC for pick-up, as soon as practicable.
- LAPD Bomb Squad
Be prepared to provide MFC with a description of the type, quantify, and condition of the stored fireworks.
DB #17-06 - In 19___, the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) initiated an annual Anti-Fireworks Campaign.
- 1982
The goal of this campaign has been the reduction of injuries and property loss caused by the private use of fireworks. This campaign emphasizes that the private use of all fireworks is illegal in the City of Los Angeles. In spite of much progress, fireworks still represent a significant public safety threat to the community of Los Angeles.
DB #17-06 - If you have questions regarding the “2017 Anti-Fireworks Campaign”, what Unit do you contact?
- Legal Liaison Unit
DB #17-06 - (Anti-Fireworks) Inform the public of the dangers associated with the private use of fireworks through Public Service Announcements, billboard advertising, a multi-agency press conference, and flyer distribution is Objective #____.
- Objective #2
DB #17-06 - Firework banners will be displayed at all fire and police stations, and at _________ facilities.
- Fire Stations
- Police Stations
- Department of Recreation and Parks
DB #17-06 - How many primary objectives does the 2017 Anti-Fireworks Campaign have?
- 3 objectives
DB #17-06 - Who is responsible for handling fireworks investigations and complaints?
All 911 calls that originate within the City of Los Angeles are received by the LAPD. Any fireworks-related calls that come directly to MFC from the public will be redirected to the LAPD.
DB #17-06 - (Anti-Fireworks) Reduce fireworks-related injuries and fires throughout the Los Angeles area through participation in a multi-agency Anti-Fireworks Campaign is Obejective #____.
- Obejective #1