Books 3, 8, 11, 20 Flashcards
Book 11 - A bidirectional amplifier (BDA) in a building is generally located in a communications or _______ room.
- Communications or alarm system room
Book 11 - IMPRES radio battery chargers automatically turn off at the end of a charge cycle yet continue to electronically monitor IMPRES batteries every ____ minute(s) to determine when more energy should be applied to the battery.
- 5 minutes
This process assures that the battery maintains a very high state of charge without sustaining heat damage due to the charger.
Book 11 - All ____, 800 MHz radio channels, MDT messages and phone calls into, and from Metro Fire Communications are recorded on a 24-hour basis.
- 18 - radio channels
Book 11 - If the portable radio emergency trigger button is pushed and no acknowledgement is received, the LAFD portable radio (700/800 MHz) will continue to attempt to send the emergency signal (long tone every two seconds) for ____ seconds.
- 60 seconds
If no acknowledgement is received by the radio from the network within 60 seconds, the radio has failed to access a repeater and communication is not possible.
Book 11 - When describing the frequencies used by common radio systems, the ______ system is used to quantify the magnitude of the frequency.
- Metric system
Book 11 - Regarding a newsworthy incident, if the incident escalates to a ______ alarm or larger incident, a Code ____ notification is automatic.
- Greater alarm or larger
- Code 20
Book 11 - In general, all mobile and portable radio antennas are omni-directional to provide coverage ____ degrees around the radio user.
- 360 degrees
Book 11 - The Communications Unit Leaders in the NIMS Command structure provide a central point of contact to develop a communications plan (ICS ____) to meet the interoperability needs on a large incident.
- ICS 205
Book 11 - All radios are assigned a ____ digit identification number that is transmitted and recorded each time a radio is keyed.
- 4 digit
Book 11 - The Department has a supply of portable 800 MHz repeaters which can be placed by trained and qualified members to resolve radio coverage in areas which may have compromised coverage. A classic problem area for the LAFD is the ________ area in Battalion 5.
- Kirkwood Bowl area
Book 11 - When exchanging a broken portable radio from the Battalion cache, who shall ensure that the replacement radio identification number is updated with METRO?
- Battalion Commander
Book 11 - Non-operative MDC’s represent approximately ____% of all mobile repairs.
- 39%
This frequent problem results from the Vehicular Radio Modem (VRM) occasional unresponsiveness or locking up, as indicated by “NEG ACK” (negative acknowledgement). In a majority of documented cases, a simple re-boot of the MDC and VRM corrected the failure.
Book 11 - The LAFD voice system operates in the ____ MHz range, and the data system operates in the ____ MHz range.
- Voice - 800 MHz range
- Data - 500 MHz range
Book 11 - LAFD radio transmitters amplify signals to a maximum of ____ watts.
- 155 watts
The FCC limits transmitter power to a level that would not adequately cover the entire city even if is was flat. LAFD radio transmitters amplify signals to a maximum of 155 watts. Contrast that to KMPC-AM, for example, which transmits with 50,000 watts of broadcast power. Yet, even with this powerful broadcast there are areas up canyons, behind building/mountains, etc. that do not receive a signal. Therefore in order to cover the city as well as reasonably possible, the LAFD radio system is built around multiple transmit/receive sites.
Book 11 - The Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio (HEAR) can be found on _____ radios.
- VHF radios
Very High Frequency (VHF/100MHz) - used by surrounding fire agencies for tactical and routine operations. Also used as the Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio (HEAR). VHF Portable radios are indicated with white engravings and a white antenna band.
Book 11 - LAFD portable radios are provided to the field in ____ different bands.
- 3 - different bands
- 700/800 MHz
Book 11 - In “______”, one frequency is used, the transmitting radio is in direct mode, all receivers and transmitters are tuned to the same transmit and receive frequency.
- “Simplex”
When one unit is transmitting, all other units in the area are able to receive. Units are able to communicate affectively as long as they are within range.
The receiving radios will receive the transmitting unit message regardless if they are simplex or duplex mode. However, to transmit back to the originating unit, the receiving unit must also be in the simplex mode. What is necessary to understand is that in simplex or direct mode, the signal transmitted by the broadcasting unit is transmitted on the “down” leg frequency of the duplex or “repeat” channel.
Book 11 - A sound approach for members to follow for tactical communications would be communications indicating at least their….
- 3.
- Conditions
- Actions
- Needs
Book 11 - The length of a radio antenna is related to the wavelength with which the antenna is designed to operate. In general, the higher the frequency of the waves used by the radio, the ______ the antenna on the radio.
- Shorter
Book 11 - What Section repairs broken portable radios?
- Fire Communication Section
Book 11 - Does MFC normally monitor tactical channels?
- No
Book 11 - The Department has additional “simplex” or “direct” digital channels in the ____ MHz band programmed in the XTS 5000 portable radios carried by all members, and the XTL 5000 mobile radios installed in late model apparatus.
- 700 MHz
These channels are available for use only in “simplex” or “direct” mode at this time. There are three 700 MHz digital channels licensed to the LFD located at the end of Zones 7, 8 and 9, accessed via the front panel key pad identified as channels 7TAC19D, 7TAC20D and 7TAC21D. “7” identifies it as a 700 MHz channel, “TAC19” identifies the channel number and the “D” identifies the channel as a digital channel. There are additional 700 MHz National Emergency Response Interoperability channels in Zone 7, beginning with 7TAC51D.
Book 11 - The 700/800 MHz portable radio has a ______ colored “band” on the antenna and ______ colored lettering.
- Red
- Red
Book 11 - When a radio system must cover a large area, but the number of available frequencies is limited, a simulcast transmitter system may be the solution. In the case of the LAFD, _____ site(s) are synchronized.
- 9 - sites
The advantages of a simulcast system are the coverage of a large area, with high signal levels throughout the area, while using only a single frequency.
Book 11 - The LAFD has Verdugo dispatch programmed into the ____ (blue) portable and mobile radios carried by personnel and installed on late model apparatus.
- UHF (blue)
Therefore, it is important for members to have a basic understanding of trunked radio systems. Trunked radio systems are complex radio systems that were developed to improve the efficiency of the use of available radio spectrum.
Book 11 - The ____ MHz frequency wave tends to be more penetrating, working better inside buildings and underground.
- 800 MHz
The 800 MHz frequency band used by the LAFD is a more compact and powerful wave when compared to VHF (100 MHz) or UHF (500 MHz) bands. VHF signals tend to “crawl” over hills and up canyons. While the 800 MHz signal tends to be more limited to line of site. However, the 800 MHz wave tends to be more penetrating, working better inside buildings and underground.
Book 11 - Channel ____ has been designated as the Department’s Command Channel.
- Channel 11 - Command Channel
This channel is used by Chief Officers or members assigned in command positions for emergency and non-emergency operations.
Book 11 - UHF band and the ____ MHz band are much less susceptible to manmade interference.
- 800 MHz
When systems are not subject to significant interference, they are said to be “noise limited,” in contrast to “interference limited.” The increase in the number of transmitters used by cellular telephone companies in the 800 MHz band has created increasing interference in the 800 MHz band.
Book 11 - Portable radio accessory devices, such has remote speaker mics, that pass inspection will be clearly marked with a “______” stripe to identify that it has passed inspection.
- “Silver” stripe
Without exception, only accessory devices with the silver stripe shall be used on new model radio cases.
Book 11 - ALERT 6 is moved to the ____ position on the channel select rotary knob in all zones. In the event a member desires to transmit on “alert” channel 6, they simply spin the knob “_______” to the stop, and they will be on channel 6.
- 16th position
- “Clockwise”
Book 11 - What channel should be used by Chief Officers to communicate expanded messages or comprehensive size-ups to MFC on working emergencies after the initial size-up?
- Channel 11
Book 11 - The alternating red/green LED on an IMPRES radio battery charger indicates batteries have fallen below a certain capacity threshold which is typically less than ____% of rated minimum capacity.
- 60%
An IMPRES battery exhibiting a red/green indication is not defective - it has simply reached a capacity level that may limit its usage.
Book 11 - The fact that “people are waving” is of _______ to MFC.
- No value
Information that you are “holding the assignment, will investigate, will give a report when you get more information” is all verbiage that is unnecessary and wastes radio time. No size-up is required for a single company response unless help is needed or other situational changes require it.
Book 11 - The Mt. Lukens radio site is located on a very prominent point overlooking the area around Battalion ____.
- Battalion 12
The Mt. Lukens system is truly independent of the simulcast system. It is not connected to the nine site simulcast system for transmit purposes until it is turned on. When it is turned on, the simulcast system for the selected channels must be disabled. It provides highly expanded system capability in the city and surroundings areas of the valley, especially in the area of Battalion 12.
Book 11 - The Department’s Radio Communication protocol is that radio communications shall be composed of _________ used English.
- Plain commonly used English
Book 11 - Radio communications for the fire service has evolved considerably over the last ____ years.
- 60 years
Book 11 - As stated in the Manual of Operations, “All members shall carry and operate their radio in the ______ mode.”
- Repeat mode
Members are reminded that normal operation of the radio is in the “repeat” mode (with the radio locked) and going to “direct” mode when encountering transmission problems.
Book 11 - Members are reminded when making a radio transmission, there are _____ considerations.
- 4 - considerations
- Think about what you are going to say
- Ask yourself if the message is necessary
- Keep it brief
- When you key the mike, be prepared to speak
Book 11 - Another solution to improving radio communication between field units inside buildings or tunnels and dispatch and other on-scene units is the _______ amplifier.
- Bidirectional amplifier (BDA)
BDA’s can be used with duplex and simulcast radio systems to extend coverage from inside the structure to the outside of the structure and vice-versa, but BDA’s do not operate with simplex radio systems.
Book 11 - In a trunked system, the radios are often known as _______ units and a voice communications exchange is known as a call.
- Subscriber units
A basic trunked radio system has a system controller that controls the assignment of the repeaters, called voice traffic repeaters, to individual calls.
Book 11 - The UHF Radio has a ______ colored “band” on the antenna and ______ colored lettering.
- Blue
- Blue
Book 11 - As a general rule, how have most members developed their radio communication skills?
- By listening to radio messages
Book 11 - Regarding all radios, currently the LAFD uses _____ different frequency bands.
- 4 - frequency bands
- 800 MHz
- 700 MHz
- Ultra High Frequency (UHF/500 MHz)
- Very High Frequency (VHF/100 MHz)
Book 11 - In land mobile radio systems like those used by the Department, the antennas are _______ polarized.
- Vertically polarized
You can see evidence of this with the wire antennas mounted on the roofs of vehicles. Like car antennas designed for frequency modulation (FM) broadcast radio, they stick up vertically from the surface of the vehicle. The radiation pattern of the antenna is the shape of the relative strength of the electromagnetic signal emitted by the antenna, and this depends on the shape of the antenna. The radiation pattern can be adjusted through antenna selection to provide coverage where desired and to minimize coverage (and, in turn, interference) in undesired directions.
Book 11 - When communicating with LAPD on the radio, their dispatch is called “______.”
- “Control”
For example, “control from Fire Rescue 11, has a unit been assigned to the reported assault at 7th and Alvarado?”
Book 11 - Where is the Radio Monitor located?
- Mount Lee
Book 11 - The “_______” mode is used when transmitting mobile to mobile in the repeat mode. With this system a mobile or portable radio, or METRO can be heard throughout the city.
- “Simulcast”
In the “Simulcast” mode the “up” and “down” leg frequencies are used. The “up” leg is known as the transmitting frequency the “down” leg is known as the receiving frequency. In the simulcast system, a radio message transmitted in repeat mode is sent out on the “up” leg frequency, the weaker signal is received by the transmit/receive site and then is rebroadcast at a much higher output power on the “down” leg frequency.
Book 11 - Regarding radio communications, “_______” means a stronger signal has interfered with and overpowered another signal, making the weaker signal unreadable.
- “Covered”
Book 11 - There are ____ strategically located remote transmit/receive sites serving the LAFD voice radio system.
- 10
- Oat Mountain
- Beverly Glen
- Verdugo Peak
- Mt. Washington
- 100 Wilshire
- Baldwin Hills
- San Pedro Hill
- City Hall East
- Mt. Lukens (City wide voice back-up system)
Book 11 - The 800 MHz mobile units transmit at ____ watts.
- 35 watts
Book 11 - Even though the Mt. Lukens radio site is not transmitting with the simulcast system, it is listening in “_______” mode at all times.
- “Base Station” mode
For example, if a member were working for in a shadowed deep canyon or drainage in the hills above Battalion 12, it is very likely that Metro or would hear radio transmission as if they were coming over the simulcast sites. However, the dispatcher has no way of knowing which site is receiving radio traffic. Responses from the dispatcher to the field unit may be extremely poor, or nonexistent, but the dispatcher will hear the field unit fine. This is because of the full time listening mode and its geographic location looking down into the valley.
Book 11 - All 18 LAFD 800 MHZ channels are recorded 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but only when the radios are operated in the “______” mode.
- “Duplex” mode
Voice radio recording only occurs on messages that are transmitted on the “up” leg frequency and recorded as they are received at the repeater site selected by the receiver/voter system. In addition to voice radio logging, all MDT transmissions are logged, time stamped and retained on file for future reference.
Book 11 - When communicating on the radio with Los Angeles County Fire, their dispatch is called “______.”
- “LA”
For example, “LA from LAFD Engine 91, do you have units assigned to the reported incident on the south bound 14 freeway at Balboa?”
Book 11 - “Code ____” is a widely used code which indicates that an occurrence has potential value to the news media.
- “Code 20”
Book 11 - To exit the “Emergency Trigger Mode” on a portable radio, depress and “hold” the emergency trigger button again for approximately ____ second(s) until a long tone is emitted.
- 2 seconds
- Locked mode - turn radio off and then back on. This will return the radio back to its previous state (on original selected channel, radio locked).
- Unlocked mode - turning the radio off, and then back on will not return the radio to its original function. The radio will reset back onto ALERT 6. When the radio is unlocked and reset by turning the power off and back on, it will not reset back to the previously selected channel, it will stay on channel 6.
Book 11 - The Department currently has two dispatch and control centers. In our Department, these are recognized as “______” and “______.”
- “METRO” and “Coldwater”
Book 11 - “Available” means ready for response within ____ seconds.
- 60 seconds
Book 11 - When talking on the radio, keep the microphone about ______ from your mouth.
- 1 inch
Book 11 - What are the recommended radio channels for travel, or tactical operations use outside the immediate area of Los Angeles?
- 2.
The following state or national interoperability channels are recommended for travel, or tactical operations use outside the immediate area of Los Angeles.
- INTL FIREMARS (Fire Mutual Aid Radio System) in the 800 MHz band (red) radio. Use in “simplex” or direct mode of operation.
- CESRS (California Emergency Services Radio System) in the VHF-100 MHz band (white) radio.
Book 11 - Field units can only connect to the Mt. Lukens radio site in ______ mode.
- Repeat mode
When Mt. Lukens receives a voice radio message on the “up” leg, frequency; it repeats it on the “down” leg frequency. This provides the capability for field units to communicate even though they may be on different sides of a ridge line that defy normal communications.
Book 11 - “Alert ____” is over land, an aircraft has, or is suspected to have an operational issue that affects normal flight operations to the extent there is danger of an accident.
- “Alert 2”
Book 11 - Ventura County Fire dispatch is called “_______” when communicating on the radio.
- “Ventura”
For example, “Ventura from LAFD Truck 96, what unit is assigned to the traffic accident on the east bound 118 freeway at Rocky Peak?”
Book 11 - Each of the Department’s radio systems are a combination of several distinct components. What is the most important of those components?
- The operator
Book 11 - The _________ issues guidelines and restrictions on the use of radio transmissions. If these guidelines and restrictions are not followed, the Department risks losing its assigned frequencies.
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Book 11 - In “______” mode, two frequencies are used. The “up” leg frequency is defined as mobile to base. The “down” leg frequency is defined as base to mobile.
- “Duplex”
This system is used when communicating with METRO or access the simulcast system by having the radio in repeat mode. In repeat mode, the transmitting unit is broadcasting on one frequency (the “up” leg), it is received by the repeater site and rebroadcast on the “down” leg on a second frequency, where it received by receiving units.
Book 11 - The Department currently uses the Motorola “______” batteries and charger systems for its portable radios.
This smart energy system automatically reconditions IMPRES batteries based on actual usage, keeping them in peak condition. Talk-time and cycle life are optimized and the need for manual maintenance programs is eliminated. IMPRES batteries, when used with an IMPRES charger, provide automatic, adaptive reconditioning, end-of-life display and other advanced features. Data is stored in the battery and communicated to the charger via a unique IMPRES communication protocol which is designed to maximize talk-time and optimize battery cycle life - all automatically. In addition, batteries left in the charger are kept fully charged so they are always ready when needed. This rapid-rate, tri-chemistry charging system will also charge compatible non-IMPRES batteries.
Book 11 - The VHF radio has a ______ colored “band” on the antenna and ______ colored lettering.
- White
- White
Book 11 - The radio industry uses the term _______ to distinguish among physical frequencies or channels used in conventional radio systems.
- Talkgroup
This terminology often is confusing, since from the actual radio user’s point of view a talk group and a conventional channel are the same; they are both communications paths. The distinction is made by the technologists to differentiate a physical channel or frequency from the logical channel or talk group.
Book 11 - A _______ in a digital radio converts analog voice to a digital interpretation from an audio sample.
- Vocoder (voice coder)
Book 11 - Where do you obtain a loaner portable radio from?
- Battalion Office
Book 11 - The new portable radio cases will be engraved “L.A. Fire Dept. on the _____ side of the case with the radio identification number below the PTT button.
- Left side
Book 11 - “Blue ____” is over water, an aircraft has, or is suspected to have an operational issue that affects normal flight operations to the extent there is danger of an accident.
- “Blue 2”
Book 11 - The City _______ channel available at METRO is used in disaster operations to contact the Mayor, City Council and their staffs as well as other persons with key positions in disaster operations and for coordination with dispatch centers maintained by other City departments.
- City Civil Defense channel
Book 11 - The Manual of Operation states that a size-up shall include, but is not restricted to the following information, as applicable….
- Address of location of incident
- Type of incident
- Life hazard
- Assistance needed
- _______ problems
- Location of ________
- Address of location of incident
- Type of incident
- Life hazard
- Assistance needed
- Exposure problems
- Location of Command Post
Book 11 - How many different basic modes of operation does the LAFD radio system have?
- 3 - modes
- “Simplex”
- “Duplex”
- “Simulcast”
Book 11 - METRO is connected to ______ high-powered transmitters to provide the dispatch center with a high level of talk-out capability.
- 9
The transmitters are elevated to achieve better line-of-sight communications with the service area. High-powered transmitters ensure that METRO’s transmissions are heard throughout the city and provide some level of in-building coverage.
Book 11 - The difference in duplex and simulcast systems is that the simulcast system sends out the “______” leg at all transmit sites, thereby maximizing coverage to units in the field.
- “Down” leg
When METRO broadcasts a voice message over the radio, it is going out on the simulcast system, thus ensuring the maximum coverage is possible at all times. It is important for members to understand the concept of simplex and duplex radio operations. There are distinctive applications for each mode. For example, if a member were working inside on a structure fire and was unable to establish communications with other units on the scene in duplex mode, a switch to simplex mode would be appropriate and may well resolve the communications problem. It is possible that the radios waves are blocked from reaching a repeater site. Bear in mind, with the switch to simplex mode, the member is transmitting on the “down” leg frequency and will be heard by other units on scene.
Book 11 - Radio messages must be _______, concise and to the point.
- Planned
- Concise
- To the point
Book 11 - When a portable radio emergency trigger is pressed, the repeater and the radio network acknowledges the alarm. The radio will sound _____ short, medium pitched tones when this occurs.
- 4 tones
Book 11 - “Alert ____” is an aircraft accident has occurred on, or in the vicinity of the airport.
- “Alert 3”
Book 11 - In extreme circumstances, to provide maximum radio coverage for selected geographic areas, it may be necessary for commanders to locate in an area which provides maximum coverage such as the Dodger Stadium ________ parking lot.
- South/East parking lot
Book 11 - The data radio network (MDT) coverage is provide through ____ fixed sites.
- 6 - fixed sites
- Oat Mountain
- Verdugo Peak
- Mt. Lee
- Elysian Park
- 100 Wilshire
- San Pedro Hill
Book 11 - The US Forest Service, Angeles National Forest dispatch is called “_______”, when talking on the radio.
- “Angeles”
Book 11 - If your MDC system still does not work after rebooting, you may have a bad vehicular radio modem (VRM) or antenna connection. Who should you contact to place a repair order?
- Radio Monitor
Book 11 - Attorneys filing lawsuits against the LAFD routinely request all _______ and _______ records immediately before, during and after the incident in litigation.
- Written and audiotape records
Book 11 - Radio battery charger systems and batteries are available at each work location and a cache of chargers and batteries is available through the ________ Section to support large scale or extended incidents.
- Fire Communications Section
Book 11 - When requesting assistance from outside agencies, allow approximately ____ minute(s) before requesting ETA’s.
- 30 minutes
Book 11 - “Blue ____” is an aircraft accident has occurred in the water.
- “Blue 3”
Book 11 - Radio communications are possible because of electromagnetic waves. The frequency of the wave is its rate of oscillation. One oscillation cycle per second is called one ______.
- Hertz (Hz)
There are many types of electromagnetic waves, such as heat, light, and radio energy waves. The difference between these types of waves is their frequency and their wavelength.
Book 11 - The Department has adopted the standard _______ Phonetic Alphabet word list to be used when transmitting alphabetical letters to provide consistency and eliminate repeated transmissions.
- International Phonetic Alphabet
Book 11 - What Section do you contact in the event non IMPRES radio batteries, or radio batteries without the intrinsic safe green dot are identified in the field?
- Fire Communications Section
The Fire Communications Section shall be contacted telephonically to arrange an exchange for the sub-standard batteries to remove them from the field to eliminate the possibility of using them in an environment that creates an unsafe situation for LAFD members.
Book 11 - Portable radios have limited power and cannot always transmit a signal strong enough to reach all the transmitter sites. To provide a more balanced system, receivers are networked together throughout the city in a receiver ________.
- Receiver voter system (RVS)
When a voice radio signal is received, a comparison of the received audio signal takes place in a receiver voter. The receiver voter and its network of receivers are referred to as the RVS. The RVS usually is located at tech control at METRO. The receiver voter compares the audio from all receivers and routes the audio from the receiver with the best audio quality to the dispatcher. This type of system provides very reliable fire ground communications.
Book 11 - The Verdugo Communications Center would be addressed as “Verdugo” when communicating on the radio. Verdugo manages ____ agencies.
- 11 - agencies
- Alhambra Fire Department
- Arcadia Fire Department
- Burbank Fire Department
- Glendale Fire Department
- Monrovia Fire Department
- Monterey Park Fire Department
- Pasadena Fire Department
- San Gabriel Fire Department
- San Marino Fire Department
- Sierra Madre Fire Department
- South Pasadena Fire Department
Book 11 - The MFC or the backup signal office located at Fire Station ____ (Coldwater) can send signals to the transmitter either by wire, microwave or by a combination of both.
- Fire Station 108
Book 11 - The Department has ____ “Radio Interoperability” vehicle(s).
- 2 - interoperability vehicles
Radio Interoperability vehicle 100 “RI-100” and Radio Interoperability vehicle 200 “RI-200”. Essentially, the radio interoperability vehicles are a grand version of the portable repeaters with much more capability.
Book 11 - At no time shall any member specifically cancel a resource of _______ authority.
- Higher authority
“Metro from Task Force 1, cancel Battalion 1.” A more appropriate message would be, “Metro from Task Force 1 we can handle.”
Book 11 - Regarding the radio system, the LAFD has _____ different wireless communications systems.
- 2
The first is the “voice” radio system and the second is the “data” radio system. The voice radio system is the system commonly recognized because it is the system in which we receive dispatches and talk from unit to unit every day. The voice radio system is an “Analog Conventional Simulcast” system. Conventional Simulcast means that the system is not a trunked system and utilizes more then one repeater, or send and receive sites to receive and transmit radio messages.
The data system carries our Mobile Display Terminal (MDT) communications. It is not recognized as a separate system because the user interface is by pushing a button on the MDT. Because our interaction is limited, it is commonly not thought of as a radio system. However, they are separate and distinctly different systems.
Book 11 - LAFD portable radios transmit ____ or ____ watts of power (depending on model) and have a transmit range of up to about ____ to ____ miles in “simplex” or direct mode under the best of conditions.
- 2 or 4 watts
- 2 to 3 miles
Portability rather than transmit power is the primary value of portable radios.
Book 20 - If you wish to host a “Character Day Picnic” for the community, prepare banners for use in demonstrating the ____ “Pillars of Character.”
- 6 - “Pillars of Character”
- Respect
- Trustworthiness
- Responsibility
- Fairness
- Caring
- Citizenship
Book 20 - All requests for Ride-Alongs must be made in writing to ________.
- The Fire Chief
Book 20 - The target age for an “Educational Athletic Program” is ____ to ____ years old.
- 10 to 16 years old
Book 20 - For a “Community Pride Day” event, set inclusive times for the event from ____ to ____ hours.
- 3 to 6 hours
Book 20 - Fire Safety literature is available through the ________ Unit.
- Disaster Preparedness Unit
Book 20 - The success of the fire stations community efforts will be directly correlated to their understanding of the purpose, _____, and benefits of community involvement.
- Purpose
- Needs
- Benefits
Consequently, it is incumbent upon Battalion and Company Officers to provide positive leadership. Training of members should begin by addressing the benefits to the Department, our members and the community which will be accrued by community oriented fire protection. A winning team cannot be built without the enthusiasm, positive attitude, and energy of all team members.
Book 20 - The “Safe Kids Bicycle Rodeo” should be no longer than ____ hour(s) max.
- 3 hours
Promote injury prevention by teaching safe biking tips and techniques to young children. Involve participation by members of the Fire Department in this pro-active safety Program.
Book 20 - A “Community Day” event should be no longer than ____ hour(s) max.
- 3 hours
Book 20 - Ride-Along requests shall be made in writing, a minimum of ____ day(s) prior to the date of the desired visit.
- 14 days
In the event circumstances do not permit the time frame to be met, a verbal request may be considered by the fire Chief through the Community Liaison Office.
Book 20 - Who authors the community “Letters of Appreciation” for outstanding members of community?
- Battalion Commanders
Book 20 - Who should arrange an alternate plan or date if a community event cannot be fulfilled?
- Battalion Commanders
Book 20 - Our customer service begins with ______ and how we treat each other.
- Respect
We have an obligation to carry on the tradition of providing the best service possible to those who need our assistance. This philosophy must be practiced by each member of the Los Angeles City Fire Department.
Book 20 - For a dignitary or special honored guest at the fire station, the formal visitation commences ____ minutes prior to dinner.
- 30 minutes
Book 20 - The Division Liaison Officer will receive guidelines from the Office of the Fire Chief through the ________ Officer.
- Community Liaison Officer
The Division Liaison Chiefs will communicate policy, coordinate and provide guidance as to the overall Community and Public Relations effort.
Book 20 - The “Elementary Fire Cadet Program” curriculum for “at risk” youth contains ____ component(s).
- 3 - components
- Third grade - fire safety education for their homes
- Fourth grade - earthquake safety for their homes
- Fifth grade - basis first aid safety
Book 20 - What department should you make arrangements with for a site to recieve discarded Christmas trees?
- Department of Parks and Recreation
Book 20 - Demographic information is the key to building an accurate profile of the fire stations community. Who provides the demographic data?
- United States Census
Data from the United States Census will provide a clear picture of the age, ethnicity, gender, employment, education, and housing of the local population. This information can tell the members whether their area has a specific challenge and will assist in determining the type of project(s) they wish to develop. A profile of the district will assist in quantifying the needs of the population and understanding the requirements of effective communications and outreach.
Book 20 - What rank is the Division Liaison Officer?
- Battalion Chief
These Battalion Chiefs will be the coordination point for the Battalion Liaison Officers (Captains), regardless of platoon assignment, in their respective division. The Division Liaison Officer will receive guidelines from the Office of the Fire Chief through the Community Liaison Officer. The Division Liaison Chiefs will communicate policy, coordinate and provide guidance as to the overall Community and Public Relations effort.
Book 20 - A Ride-Along will be a one time only, ____ day maximum stay. Extenuating circumstances requiring longer stays may be considered by ________.
- 2 day
- Fire Chief
Ride-Alongs for fire service professionals are for observation of emergency operations and training only. Participation in training exercises must be requested and approved at the time of the original request and an indemnity agreement furnished.
Book 20 - Each Battalion Commander on each platoon shall personally introduce themselves to their respective Council Field Deputies and maintain contact on a periodic basis in person or by telephone. Council Field Office representatives should be contacted ______.
- Quarterly
Book 20 - Regarding Ride-Alongs, the LAFD Indemnity Agreement, F-____, must be filled out by the Station Commander or Company Officer.
- F-1109
Book 20 - Who shall review quarterly Community Liaison Reports prior to forwarding to the Department’s Community Liaison Officer?
- Division Commanders
Book 20 - The “Elementary Fire Cadet Program” will run for ____ month(s). Each session will last ____ hour(s).
- 6 months
- 1 hour
Book 20 - Who approves commercial use of fire stations or apparatus?
- Fire Chief
Book 20 - For an “Educational Athletic Program,” all games are scheduled on ____ consecutive _______ in the summer months from July to August.
- 6
- Saturdays
There will be a total of 6 teams and 24 players who will play each Saturday. Allow the last 30 minutes for the guest speaker to facilitate a group discussion on youth issues.
Book 20 - The Community Liaison Team is a ____ tiered effort.
- 3 tiered
- Company involvement
- Battalion level coordination and control
- Division level guidance and support
This effort is accomplished through the local Fire Company, a Battalion Liaison Officer (one per platoon) and a Division Liaison Officer (one per Division). The Community Liaison Team will provide for a degree of control and guidance over the implementation of our new “decentralized” community and public relations efforts.
Book 20 - The “Kids To Camp Summer Program” provides an opportunity for firefighters to interact with youth in the community and to sponsor them to a learning experience at summer camp. This is for ages ____ to ____ years old.
- 8 to 15 years old
Book 20 - Approximately ____% of our calls are for emergency medical services, ____% are for fires, and ____% are various service related calls.
- Medical - 74%
- Fires - 6%
- Service related - 20%
Every call is very important to the individual requesting service. Each of these calls gives us an opportunity to interact with the public. Realistically, we cannot solve every problem but we must make an honest, good faith attempt to assist each person who has requested our assistance. Our ultimate goal is to leave the customer with a positive experience.
Book 20 - Ride-Alongs shall be for _______ purposes only and not to exceed ____ hour(s).
- Observation
- 8 hours
Book 20 - Who administers and manages the presentation of “Letters of Appreciation” for members in the community?
- Division Commanders
Book 20 - Regarding community service events, Battalion Commanders will process and personally contact the requester, acknowledging receipt of all requests that are forwarded to the Battalion Office within ____ hour(s) or as soon as practical.
- 24 hours
This response is regardless of shift responsibility. Battalion Commanders shall make contact with the requesting party, even though Company Officers may actually handle the requests. Coordinating events between Battalion Commanders may be best served by maintaining a mutual community event and training calendar.
Book 3 - Who is the head of the Fire Department?
- The Board of Fire Commissioners
It has power to supervise, control, regulate and manage the Department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and regulations. Such powers are subject to the provisions of the Charter and to such ordinances of the City not in conflict with the grants of power made to each department of the City government elsewhere in the Charter.
Book 3 - Prior to engaging in outside employment or activity for compensation, members shall certify as to the nature of such involvement and receive written approval of _________ or that person’s designated representative.
- The Fire Chief
Book 3 - Members are encouraged to report violations of discrimination and sexual harassment to….
- Immediate _________
- F-225 to __________
- Any ______________
- City’s _____________
- ________ Department
- Immediate Supervisor
- F-225 to Fire Chief and Fire Commission
- Any Chief Officer
- City’s Civil Service Commission
- Personnel Department
You can also report to any federal or state agency established to process such complaints. All members are assured that he or she may make such reports without fear of retaliation by the City, Department, Management, or his or her immediate supervisor.
Book 3 - No visitors are allowed in quarters after _____ hours.
- 2300 hours
Children are permitted in quarters only when accompanied by adults.
Book 3 - A “Company Fire Prevention District” is the area in which a company has specific responsibilities for the fire prevention inspection of assigned occupancies under supervision of a ___________.
- Battalion Commander
Book 3 - Fire Boat operators shall operate Fire Boats in accordance with the Regulations of _______ and the Los Angeles _______, where applicable, and with all regulations, practices and procedures of the Department.
- US Coast Guard
- Los Angeles Harbor Tariff
Book 3 - When two or more members subordinate in rank to Captain find themselves in a position which requires initiative action, accept the command of the _______ member, who shall assume such command until relieved by an officer or acting officer.
- Senior member
Book 3 - An act performed of unusual character during emergency or non-emergency conditions, requiring initiative or ability worthy of recognition entitles a member to consideration for this commendation. What is this definition?
- Letter of Special Commendation
Qualifying members shall receive a Letter of Special Commendation from the Fire Chief, which may or may not be based on findings by a Board of Honorary Awards.
Book 3 - The privilege of exchange of time or adjustment of platoon schedules between members may be granted by _________.
- The Fire Chief
Book 3 - When in command of an assembled formation, who shall members tender a hand salute to?
- 3.
- Mayor
- Members of the Board
- Chief Officers in uniform
Book 3 - No member shall circulate any questionnaire, poll, petition, letter, or other document relating to any Department policy, for signature by any member while on duty, unless the circulation of such questionnaire, poll, petition, letter, or other document has received the prior written approval of ________.
- The Board
Book 3 - Battalion or Section Commanders shall conduct training conferences of all their immediate subordinates at least once a ______ and at other times when necessary.
- Once a month
Book 3 - Who approves Chaplains for the Department?
- The Board
Designation of an individual as a Chaplain of the Fire Department may be rescinded at any time by the Board at its discretion.
Book 3 - Subject to the authority of ________, members may transact private business in quarters with a representative of a commercial establishment, provided it does not interfere with departmental activities.
- The Fire Chief
Book 3 - The Fire Chief is the ___________ of the Fire Department, and shall have control of all its activities, including fire extinguishment, fire protection and fire prevention.
- Chief Administrative Officer
Book 3 - Who establishes the Rules and Regulations?
- The Board of Fire Commissioners
The Board of Fire Commissioners establishes the Rules and Regulations for the Fire Department as set forth in Section 506 of the Los Angeles City Charter.
Book 3 - Labor, management and _________ groups have agreed that the Rules and Regulations serve as the LAFD’s Code of Conduct.
- Labor
- Management
- Employee resource groups
Book 3 - The Manual Of Operation is an administrative directive by _________ establishing the practices and procedures of the Department.
- The Fire Chief
Book 3 - You must notify your commanding officers within ____ hour(s) of any change of residential address or telephone number.
- 24 hours
Book 3 - A member is entitled to consideration for this award by performing an act of conspicuous heroism and/or bravery under extreme personal risk above and beyond the calculated personal risk demands of the fire service. What award is this?
- Medal of Valor
A member receiving the Medal of Valor shall also receive a Certificate of Valor, A Medal of Valor Pin, a Resolution of Valor, and have their name inscribed on the Roll of Merit.
Book 3 - Every rule, regulation, general order, direction or any provision herein contained or otherwise issued or made, is subject to repeal, or modification, from time to time whenever in the judgment of the ___________ it is deemed in the best interest of the Fire Department.
- The Board of Fire Comissioners
The power to rescind, alter or amend these Rules and Regulations is vested by the Charter solely in the Board of Fire Commissioners.
Book 3 - No member shall be required to participate in house dues or such arrangements, but no member shall be excluded from payment of such dues or enjoyment of the benefits there from where as many as ______ of the members of any house or company are participants.
- Half
Book 3 - Task Force, Company, or Unit Commanders shall, when in charge of companies, shall assemble their commands for roll call at _____ hours, and at such other times, as they may deem necessary, at the specific location designated by their Commanding Officer.
- 0800 hours
Book 3 - Division Commanders shall conduct training conferences of all Battalion Commanders in their Divisions on their platoons at least once a ______ and at other times when indicated.
- Once a month
Book 3 - In accordance with Department policies, all members shall be assigned for service based on ______ and job-related ______ for particular duties.
- Merit and job-related qualifications
Discrimination is strictly unlawful under Federal, State, and City statutes. In addition, the Department has a policy of a discrimination free workplace and zero tolerance for sexual harassment. No member shall discriminate against any other member based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed/religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, medical condition (cancer), AIDS (afflicted or perceived), and/or retaliation from having filed, or served as a witness in a discrimination complaint.
Book 3 - It is the responsibility of each individual to observe the _____ and _____ of the Rules and Regulations in the performance of their duties and to remain obedient to the code of conduct on and off duty.
- Letter and spirit
Book 3 - Members taking conspicuous action in rendering aid during a life-saving or life-threatening situation under circumstance: which pose calculated risk to the members, or performing an endeavor which brings significant credit to the Fire Department, are entitled to consideration for this award. What award is this?
- Award of Merit
A member receiving the Award of Merit shall also receive a Certificate of Merit.
Book 3 - All Officers shall choose members for relief positions on the basis of work-related _______ and _______.
- Qualification and experience
When a Civil Service list for the position exists, those members on the Civil Service list who will probably be appointed, shall be considered for relief positions for additional training, provided they have the necessary qualifications and experience.
Book 3 - Members shall maintain in the _______ Department of the City of Los Angeles complete and accurate information sufficient to establish clearly the legal status of their dependents in the event of the member’s disability or death.
- Pension Department
Book 3 - Task Force, Company, or Unit Commanders shall train and instruct members of their commands by ______ training sessions to determine that the efficiency and coordination of their commands are maintained at a high standard.
- Daily
Book 3 - Members shall neither solicit nor receive any monetary contribution from any other member, while on duty, without the purpose of such solicitation or contribution being first approved in writing by _________.
- The Board
This rule shall not apply to collections, payments or contributions which a member has authorized pursuant to any existing law; nor to house dues, mess funds, flowers, retirement gifts; or items of a similar nature.
Book 3 - You shall notify your supervisor immediately and _______ in writing, if you have knowledge that you have been named as a suspect or principle in a written crime report or complaint filed with any law enforcement agency.
- Operations
Book 3 - It is expected that every employee exercise self-discipline deserving of the respect and admiration of the citizens we serve and our fellow members. Should there be any question or need for additional information you are urged to direct your inquiry to the _________ Division.
- Professional Standards Division
Book 3 - Wo can only make additions, deletions, or interpretations of the Rules and Regulations?
- The Board of Fire Commissioners
Book 3 - A Special Order is a directive issued by _________ for the administration of Department affairs.
- The Fire Chief
It shall be effective until cancelled or included in the Manual of Operation.
Book 3 - Members shall promptly report any violation of the policies, Rules and Regulations, practices and procedures of the Department to their immediate supervisor. Allegations shall generally be forwarded within ____ hour(s) after occurrence of the alleged violation.
- 24 hours
If this cannot be accomplished due to operational exigency or other circumstances, the allegations shall be forwarded as soon as possible following resolution of those circumstances, with an explanation for the delay.
Book 3 - Who can relieve a member under his or her command from duty, when in his or her judgment, an offense committed is sufficiently serious to warrant immediate action?
- Any Chief Officer
Book 3 - In the absence of the Chief, who assumes control of the Department, and performs the duties and exercises the powers incidental to the office of the Chief?
- Bureau Commanders
Book 3 - Apparatus operators shall acquaint themselves with the _______, physical conditions, street names, numbers, locations, and other matters affecting response in their first-alarm districts.
- Topography
- Physical conditions
- Street names
- Numbers
- Locations
Apparatus operators shall have a general knowledge of their greater alarm districts.
Book 3 - The legal validity of any part of the Rules and Regulations may be determined by formal opinion of the ________ upon request of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
- City Attorney
Book 3 - Failure to report for duty or to place of assignment at the time specified will be considered cause for disciplinary action. An unexcused absence of over ____ minute(s) duration will be considered absence without leave (AWOL).
- 120 minutes
Tardiness shall be reported immediately.
Book 8 - A system for determining safe following distance is the ____ second rule.
- 3 second rule
Book 8 - The average weight of a triple is ____ tons.
- 16 tons
Book 8 - Safe driving can be broken down into three basic categories….
- 3.
- Safe vehicle
- Good physical condition of driver
- Good attitude
Book 8 - In a 4-stroke engine, the first stroke in the sequence is called the ______ stroke. During this stroke, the piston is moving ______ and the intake valve is _____.
- Intake stroke
- Downward
- Open
This downward movement of the piston produces a partial vacuum in the cylinder and air rushes into the cylinder past the opened intake valve. The inrushing air passes through the carburetor before it enters the cylinder where it is mixed with gasoline vapor to produce a combustible mixture.
Book 8 - On a diesel engine, for each pound of pressure exerted on the air, there will be a temperature increase of about ____ degrees F.
- 20 degrees F
Book 8 - Most new tires have deep tread grooves through which water pressure can escape. Most new treads are about 11/16 inch deep. Measure yours, if the mid-treads are worn ____% or to about __/__ inch - either buy new tires or get off the road until the hard rain stops.
- 80%
- 1/8 inch
Book 8 - It is illegal to park within ____ feet of a fire hydrant or a fire station driveway.
- 15 feet
Book 8 - The road itself can be very difficult to see in fog. By keeping your eye on the fog line to the ______ of the road, you can keep yourself lined up with the road.
- Right of the road
It will also help you maintain your lane and reduce the fear of crossing over the center divider.
Book 8 - Driver error is still the major cause of traffic accidents and accounts for approximately ____% of all traffic accidents.
- 72%
Book 8 - While only 30% of all vehicle accidents happen at night, ____% of all fatal accidents occur at night.
- 47%
Book 8 - The average weight of a truck is ____ tons.
- 24 tons
Book 8 - In traffic, stay in the highest gear that allows the apparatus to keep up with traffic and still have some power in reserve for acceleration. When cruising, choose a gear that will cruise the engine at 200 to 300 RPM lower than the ____% speed.
- 90%
This reduces engine wear, power losses caused by the fan drive-line, and accessories, noise, and fuel consumption.
Book 8 - Where do most Department emergency apparatus accidents occur?
- Intersections
Book 8 - The average height of a triple is ____ feet.
- 10 feet
Book 8 - Who is ultimately responsible for the condition of an apparatus at a station?
- Station Commander
The Station Commander is ultimately responsible for the condition of apparatus under his command, but each member shares equally in the responsibility of maintaining Department apparatus.
Book 8 - Vehicles in a business or residence district may not be left on a highway unattended on a grade exceeding ____% without blocking the wheels.
- 3%
Book 8 - Perception time is the time from sighting a situation to the time that you recognize the situation. As an average, it is considered that perception time is approximately __/__ of a second.
- 3/4 of a second
Book 8 - While driving, if you get into trouble while moving at any speed over ____ MPH, it is unlikely the brakes can stop you quickly enough to avoid a collision.
- 5 MPH
The answer is avoidance thorough maneuvering. This requires an “out” place to maneuver to or in.
Book 8 - When backing an apparatus, the hazard zone is defined as the area ____ feet behind the apparatus and ____ feet to each side of the apparatus while the apparatus is moving backwards.
- 15 feet (behind)
- 3 feet (each side)
Book 8 - Members who presently maintain a Class II Drivers License and do not complete the Division Driver Training course and Rodeo with a passing score will be required to complete remedial training and be reexamined within ____ months.
- 3 months
During this period, members will lose their certification to drive heavy apparatus, except for training or non-emergency driving, until they complete the Division Driver Training course and/or Rodeo with a passing score.
Book 8 - When rain first begins, vehicle accidents increase dramatically during the first ____ minute(s).
- 30 minutes
Book 8 - The California Vehicle Code Sections that apply to the LAFD driver while driving emergency are sections 210___ and 210___.
- 21055 and 21056
Book 8 - The speed limit for a blind intersection is ____ MPH. An intersection is considered “blind” if there are no stop signs at any corner and you cannot see for 100 feet in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing.
- 15 MPH
Book 8 - Pressure developed by the compression stroke is much greater in the diesel engine, in which pressures as high as ____ PSI are common.
- 500 PSI
Book 8 - A torque converter consists of three basic elements….
- 3.
- The pump (driving member)
- The turbine (driven or output member)
- The stator (reaction member)
Book 8 - Color perception is the ability or inability to distinguish colors. One person in ____ has some difficulty in distinguishing certain colors. Defective color vision is about ____ times as frequent in men as women.
- 1 in 20
- 5 times (frequent in men)
Book 8 - When driving in fog and the eyes have nothing to look at, they tend to focus at a very short distance which is usually about ____ feet.
- 10 feet
Book 8 - When driving the hills, an operator shall give audible warning with the horn of the motor vehicle upon approaching any curve where the view is obstructed within a distance of ____ feet along the highway.
- 200 feet
Book 8 - The average height of a truck is ____ feet, ____ inches.
- 10 feet, 6 inches
Book 8 - Tall buildings, hills, winding roads, blind intersections or heavy brush will reduce siren audibility by as much as __/__.
- 2/3
Book 8 - Upon starting an apparatus, do not crank the engine more than ____ second(s) at a time or you could damage the starter.
- 15 seconds
If the engine is warm press down the accelerator to 1/3 of its travel and hold. If the engine fails to start and you tried both the warm and cold start procedures, press the accelerator to the floor and hold it there while cranking the engine. This should clear the engine if it is flooded.
Book 8 - The Driver Training program will be scheduled once a year by the Division Driver Training Coordinators and will be conducted in _____ separate phases.
- 2 separate phases
Book 8 - The average width of newer trucks and triples is ____ feet, ____ inches.
- 9 feet, 9 inches
Book 8 - While drving in fog, tests have shown that an object at 15 yards will appear to be ____ yards away in fog. This affect increases as the distance increases.
- 30 yards
Book 8 - Every authorized emergency vehicle shall be equipped with at least one steady burning red warning lamp visible from at least _____ feet to the front of the vehicle to be used as provided in this code.
- 1000 feet
Book 8 - If involved in a serious traffic accident which causes death to a third party while driving a City vehicle, telephone the report to the City Attorney within ____ hours.
- 24 hours
Book 8 - The application to obtain a commercial driver license is called “Commercial Driver License Application” DL ____.
- DL 44C
Book 8 - According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration studies, safety belts are 50% to ____% effective in preventing fatalities and injuries.
- 50% to 65%
Book 8 - What are the “strokes” of a 4 cycle engine?
- _______ stroke
- _______ stroke
- _______ stroke
- _______ stroke
- Intake stroke
- Compression stroke
- Power stroke
- Exhaust stroke
Book 8 - The type of driver that demands the right-of-way, parks his vehicle illegally and makes turns from an improper lane would be described as a _______.
- Egotist
Book 8 - The annual Drivers Training Program shall be staffed by ____ officer(s).
- 3 Officers
- Division Driver Training Coordinator and/or Battalion Driver Training instructors
- Task Force Driver Coordinator
- EMS District Supervisor
Book 8 - If vehicle speed is doubled, perception-reaction time is doubled and braking distance is __________.
- Quadrupled
Book 8 - A Certificate of Driving Skill is a DL ____.
- DL 170
Book 8 - The average length of a triple is ____ feet.
- 27 feet
Book 8 - The Smith System was developed to help drivers properly use their eyes while driving. This system has a ____ step formula to create a space cushion wherever you driver, and acquire and maintain visibility all around you.
- 5 step
- Aim high in steering
- Get the “Big” picture
- Keep your eyes moving
- Leave yourself an “Out”
- Make sure they see you
Book 8 - To shift gears properly, you must be able to coordinate the operation of the ______, ______, and ______ while maintaining proper road speed and engine RPM.
- Accelerator
- Clutch
- Gear-shift stick
Book 8 - After rain, extremely slick conditions usually last for approximately ____ to ____ minutes after the rain begins and then tapers off to a point where the wet street is only twice as slick as it would be if it were dry.
- 30 to 45 minutes
This is due to the fact that within this period, the rain has had time to wash off any accumulation of dirt, fine rubber dust, and oil form the road surface.
Book 8 - On a 2 stroke cycle engine, the entire cycle of events (intake, compression, power, and exhaust) takes place in two piston strokes. Every other stroke on this engine is a ______ stroke.
- Power stroke
Each time the piston moves down it is on the power stroke. Intake, compression, power, and exhaust still take place, but they are completed in just two strokes.
Book 8 - Brake slack adjuster levers should never go beyond ____ degrees.
- 90 degrees
Book 8 - Reaction time is the time a situation arises to the time the driver identifies the hazard, predicts its influence, decides on an action, and begins executing that action. For the alert driver, reaction time is about __/__ of a second.
- 3/4 of a second
Book 8 - It is very important that the clutch is not allowed to slip for more than about ____ second(s).
- 1-1/2 seconds
When a clutch is slipped excessively the heat will quickly build up and damage the clutch assembly.
Book 8 - It takes _____ times as long to stop on a wet street as it does to stop on a dry one.
- 2 times
A driver needs to be extremely careful right after a rain starts, especially if there has been a long, dry spell prior to the rain.
Book 8 - Regarding brake lag, the pressurized air reaches the brakes through the air lines and forces the brake shoes against the brake drum (or-brake pads against the disc). Depending on the type of vehicle, it will take between 1/4 to ____ second for the air to reach the brakes after you press the foot pedal.
- 1/4 to 1 second
Book 8 - The average length of a truck is ____ feet.
- 52 feet
Book 8 - Lights can be used on the high beam position to facilitate night vision, but they must be dimmed at least ____ feet ahead of an approaching vehicle and ____ feet behind a vehicle you are following.
- 500 feet
- 300 feet
Book 8 - The planetary gear train is made up of _____ constant mesh, straight spur gear planetary sets.
- 4
The forward set is arranged for direct drive and is called the splitter planetary. The three rear sets are intermediate-low, and reverse range planetaries. By the engagement of the clutches in various combinations, the planetary sets act singly or together to provide 4 forward speeds and 1 reverse.
Book 8 - If a gear with 10 teeth drives a gear with 20 teeth, the driven gear will turn at _____ the speed of the driving gear and produce twice the torque.
- 1/2 the speed
Book 8 - Members driving heavy apparatus should be concerned about emergency stops of apparatus when traveling over ____ MPH.
- 30 MPH
Book 8 - The largest single factor in stopping a vehicle is _________.
- Vehicle speed
Book 8 - Phase I of the Driver Training program will consist of in-station study and review of the ____ classroom modules in the Driver’s Training Manual and Chapters 3, 4, 22 from the Apparatus Operators’s Training Manual.
- 8 classroom modules
This training will be conducted in preparation for a written examination scheduled and conducted by the Battalion Driver Training Instructor. Phase I shall be supervised by the Battalion Driver Training Instructor and completed prior to the member’s participation in Phase II of the program.
Book 8 - Studies show that in 80% to ____% of all vehicle accidents, emotional disturbance is a contributing cause.
- 80 to 90%
Book 8 - The final drives function is to change the direction of the power that is transmitted by the propeller shaft through ____ degrees to the driving axles.
- 90 degrees
At the same time it provides a gear reduction. A final drive consists of a pair of bevel gears. These bevel gears may be spur, spiral, or hypoid spiral. Hypoid spiral bevel gears are commonly used because they operate more quietly and the pinion gear drives the ring gear below the center line of the axle thereby lowering the propeller shaft to give more body clearance.
Book 8 - Department policy states that the first apparatus in a convoy shall _______ at all red lights and stop signs.
- Shall stop
The remaining apparatus shall slow down and when safe, proceed through the intersection with caution. Policy also states that single-unit companies shall stop at all red lights and stop signs and when safe, proceed. With this in mind, your foot should be removed from the throttle at an intersection and placed over the brake pedal, positioning even if the signal is green.
Book 8 - Before leaving quarters or while responding, it is important for a Captain to confirm the location of the _______ with the Engineer.
- Hydrants
Book 8 - The number one rule of emergency driving is to _________ at all times.
- Leave yourself an “out”
Book 8 - Motor vehicle deaths occur more frequently in ______ places, but injuries occur more frequently in ______ places.
- Rural places (more deaths)
- Urban places (more injuries)
Book 8 - If brakes are unevenly water-soaked (one side takes on water but the other remains dry) when applied, the brakes will pull the vehicle violently to the ______ side.
- Dry side
Book 8 - Vehicle accidents rank _____ among the causes of death in the nation.
- 4th
This is exceeded only by heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
Book 8 - When driving, only enter a bike lane no more than ____ feet before starting a turn.
- 200 feet
Book 8 - Prior to reaching a railroad crossing (Drivers of a bus, school bus, or vehicle displaying placards), when the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the 4-way flashers. Stop the vehicle within ____ feet but not less than ____ feet from the nearest rail.
- 50 feet (within)
- 15 feet (not less than)
Book 8 - No vehicle, except other emergency vehicles, shall follow within ____ feet of an emergency vehicle (responding).
- 300 feet
Book 8 - A wet concrete roadway will require approximately 35% to ____% more stopping distance than dry concrete roads.
- 35% to 40%
Book 8 - Although backing doesn’t seem difficult for most drivers, it often results in an avoidable accident. Nationwide, with rescue ambulances alone, backing accidents account for ____% of all single vehicle collisions.
- 85%
Book 8 - Driving in twilight is actually more dangerous then night driving. Almost __/__ of all motor vehicle accidents occur between the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm.
- 1/3
Book 8 - Safe driving can be broken down into ____ basic categories, with good attitude making up ____% of safe driving practices.
- 3 basic categories
- 60%
- Safe vehicle
- Good physical condition of driver
- Good attitude
Book 8 - The general rule used when calculating following distances when driving is ____ vehicle length(s) for every ____ MPH for heavy apparatus and ____ vehicle length(s) for light apparatus.
- 3 vehicle lengths (heavy apparatus)
- 10 MPH
- 2 vehicle lengths (light apparatus)
Book 8 - Vehicle total stopping distance is determined by three factors…
- 3.
- Vehicle braking
- Perception time
- Reaction time
Book 8 - When responding as a Task Force, visibility of your apparatus can be increased if an “_________” is used.
- “Off-set formation”
This formation consists of the truck traveling as close to the center of the road as possible, the engine on the left or right side of the truck, and the 200-series engine behind the engine on the opposite side of the truck.
Book 8 - Who has developed the Driver Training Program and Driver’s Training Manual designed to improve the overall driving performance of Department members?
- 2.
- In-Service Training Section
- Driver’s Training Committee
Book 8 - Tires used by Department apparatus are designed for _______ capability.
- Load carry