dentine pulp complex Flashcards
dentine pulp
- Contains cells, loose connective tissue, nerves & vascular supply.
- Contains various types of cell embedded in surrounding extracellular matrix
- Contains all blood vessels and nerves for the tooth
- The only tissue within the tooth which is non-mineralised
- Maintains the vitality of dentine.
- Through provision of nutrients, removal of waste and pain sensation to the tooth
roles of pulpal organ :
- Support, maintenance & continued formation of dentine.
- Nutrition:
- blood supply to pulp & dentine.
- Sensory:
- extremes in temperature, pressure, or chemical insult to the dentine or pulp is perceived as pain.
- Defensive:
- immuno-inflammatory response.
- Protective:
- formation of reparative tertiary dentine.
dental pulp organisation at dentine-pulp interface
how do interactions with the odontoblast cells and pulp tissues occur?
through tight and intermediated junctions
what is the role of gap junctions in odontoblasts??
cell-cell communication
- between adjacent odontoblasts
- between pulp tissue and odontoblasts
- maintains structural orientation and regulates odontoblast function
how does the structure of odontoblasts change with age??
cell size and organelle content reduce with age
what is the organisation of organelles in the odontoblasts?
At forefront
- Organelles involved in translation, secretion of proteins
At periphery
- Mitochondria and nucleus
what cells of pulp are there??
- fibroblasts
- undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells
- defence cells
how does the morphology of young and aged pulp fibroblasts differ?
- Young pulp fibroblasts more rounded and plump.
- Aged pulp cells adopt flattened spindle shape with dense nuclei.
where are pulpal fibroblasts most abundant?
cell-rich zone and pulpal core
where are undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells found?
In Cell-rich zone, central pulp & surrounding blood vessels.
role of undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells in pulpal tissue?
- Respond to cytokines & growth factors to form new fibroblasts & odontoblasts.
- During trauma / disease
- Those surrounding BV -
- new endothelial cells
roles of pulpal fibroblasts
- Responsible for matrix synthesis, remodelling & repair.
- Remove old or damaged matrix components from the within the pulp
- Replace with newly synthesised matrix components
- Heterogeneity in cell phenotypes contribute to complex structure?
- Respond to cytokines, growth factors & inflammatory mediators - trauma & injury.
- Stimulation of reactionary & reparative dentine formation.
- Reduced repair capacity with age.
fibrous matrix components in pulp tissue?
- type 1 collagen
- mostly
- run parallel to predentine surface
- protection and strength to pulp
- confers some rigidity and maintenance of vessels
- type 3 collagen
- present in large amount
- type V and VI collagen
- in small amounts
- elastin in walls of blood vessels
- oxytalan fibrils