Denarii Flashcards
What are the denarii studied
- Augustus with the comet
- Augustus with religious objects
- Octavian with Pax
When is the Augustus with the comet denarius dated
When is the Augustus with religious objects denarius dated
When is the Octavian with Pax denarius dated
Describe the Augustus side of the Augustus with comet denarius
- called Caesar Augustus - Augustus is a name given by the senate meaning the enriched one (among other things)
- wears a laural wreath symbolic of victory - shows him to be a successful military leader
- depicted youthfully - perpetual youth implies divinity and stability - right to rule and a strog leader
Descibe the comet side of the Augustus with comet denarius
- says ‘Divius Julius’ - the divine Julius in reference to the comet being Julius Caesar’s deification. which emphasises Augustus’ right to rule (divine ancestory) and absolves him of J.C.’s crimes as a god cannot be guilty
What was the point of the Augustus with the comet denarius
- to show that J.C. is a god so cannot be guilty
- J.C. was popular among the soldiers and plebians so by emphasising Augustus’ connection with his father he wins them over.
What are the themes present in the Augustus with the comet denarius
- religious leader
describe the Augustus side of the Augustus with religious objects denarius
- by now he is ~50 but is depicted youthfully - perpetual youth - divine ancestory gives right to rule also perpertual youth implies stability
describe the religious objects side of the Augustus with religious objects denarius
Has 4 religious objects:
- simplum (religious ladle)
- lituus (augars wand)
- patera (bowl used in sacrifice)
- tripod
What was the point of the Augustus with religious objects denarius
to emphasis and reinforce Augustus’ connection to the state religion
What themes are present on the Augustus with religious objects denarius
- religious leader
Describe the Octavian side of the Octavian with Pax denarius
- looks stoic
- looks younger than he is - implies stability and perpetual youth links with divinity
desribe the Pax side of the Octavian with Pax denarius
- has Augustus’ title Divi Filius - giving him right to rule, and associates him with J.C. who was popular with plebs and soldiers.
- Pax is the goddess of peace and here she holds a cornicopia symbolising plenty and a laural branch symbolising victory
What is the point of the Octavian with Pax denarius
Denarii were used to pay soldiers so Octavian links himself with peace, plenty and victory shown by Pax. This however comes through war but if you fight for Octavian you will get the rewards of these 3 things.
What themes are present on the Octavian with Pax denarius
- (successful) military leader
- religious leader