Aurei Flashcards
What are the aurei studied
- Augustus with Gaius and Lucius
- Octavian with the first settlement
- Caesar with Octavian
When is the Augustus with Gaius and Lucius aureus dated
When is the Augustus with the first settlement aureus dated
The first settlement happened in Jan (16) of 27BCE
When is the Caesar with Octavian aureus dated
Describe the Augustus side of the Augustus with Gaius and Lucius aureus
- He is wearing a wreath - symbol of victory - showing he is a military leader
- called Pater Patriae (father of the fatherland) - shows him as a moral leader
- called Divi Filius (son of a god) - shows him as a religious leader and gives him right to rule
- perpetual youth - implies divinity and therefore right to rule
Describe the Gaius and Lucius side of the Augustus with Gaius and Lucius aureus
- they have a simplum and lituus above them - shows their religious duty - implies piety
- they hold shields and spears - military duties. These are also traditional round sheilds.
- called sons of Augustus - Parallel to Augustus being Divi Filius
- called cosul designate - they will be consuls when they are old enough - they are that amazing
- called princeps Iuventus - first among the young - parallel to Augustus being first among the senate
describe the Augustus side of the Augustus with the first settlement aureus
- called imperitor - successful military leader
- called Caesar not Octavian or Augustus he recieved the name Augustus at the first settlement
- mentions he is in his 6th term as consul - shows him as a civic leader
- called Divi Filius - religious leader, right to rule
- he is wearing a laural wreath - from a triumph - successful military leader
- depicted with perpetual youth - implying divinity
desribe the first settlement side of the Octavian with the first settlement
- “He restored the laws and rights to the people of Rome” - ‘he’ so is presented as a fact rather thann ‘I’
- depicts Octavian sat on a magistrates bench wearing a toga (symbol of citizenship) handing over a scroll of law - shows him as a civic leader
- This aureus was to commemorate the first settlement
describe the Caesar side of the Caesar with Octavian aureus
- J.C. is wearing a wreath from a triumph
- called dictator is perpetuity
- called Pontifex Maximus
Describe the Octavian side of the Caesar with Octavian aureus
- Not wearing a wreath - while it was known he wanted one he wasnt awarded one so this emphasises his legality
- called Pontifex Augur - religious leader - pious
- called consul - civic leading
- Called Caesar - before he has the title Augustus - awarded at the first settlement but after he changed his name to that of his adoptive father’s
Explain the point for the Caesar with Octavian aureus
The coin was to make a connection between Octavian and and Julius Caesar. It emphasises the point that his is just as good as his father BUT he is doing it legally - i.e. consul vs dictator in perpetuity
what is compared in the Caesar with Octavian aureus
Their highest religious position and civil position.
Their military success.
what was the first settlement
it was when Augustus gave up all his unconstitutional power (from the triumvir, now that it is over) that gave him control over armies and provinces.
He was given the civic crown for ending the civil wars (an oak wreath) and the title Augustus (one worthy of praise).
Then he was given control over Gaul, Egypt and Syria as they were problematic.
What themes are present on the Augustus with Gaius and Lucius aureus
- moral leader
- religious leader
- military leader
What themes are present on the Octavian with the first settlement aureus
- military leader
- civil leader
- religious leader
what themes are present on the Caesar with Octavian aureus
- civic leader
- religious leader
NOT military leader - gave this up to emphasis civic leader by being legal and not pushing for a triumph
Who were Aurei aimed at
the rich populace, that is also why there are more words on these than denarii as they were more likely to be in the hands of the rich and therefore literate so the propaganda could be more specific.