Democracy and Referendums (race to 100) Flashcards
Explain why the UK can be described as a liberal representative democracy
- Representative democracy = voters elect politicians to make decisions on their behalf because the public lack the time and expertise to vote on all political decisions
- Liberal democracy = a democracy that emphasises the protection for individual liberty and rule of law
What are the criteria that a liberal representative democracy has to meet to function efficiently? (7)
1) Free and fair elections
2) Representation
3) Participation
4) Legitimacy
5) Accountability
6) Rights protection
7) Education
List the ways in which it is possible to argue that the UK is in a participation crisis
- 1.08% of the population were members of political parties in 2016 compared to 3.8% in 1983
- Since 1997 general election turnout has always been under 70%
- Declining union membership since Margaret Thatcher reduced the power of unions
- Low non-general election turnout: EU election turnout in 2014 was 34% and the Police and Crime Commissioner election in 2016 had a turnout of 27.3%
- Low referendum turnout: AV referendum had 42% turnout
What is meant by a Democratic deficit?
When supposedly democratic organisations or institutions such as governments do not fulfil democratic principles
What is the difference between collective and individual rights?
Collective = rights held by a group as a whole rather than individual members and also applies generally to society e.g. ethnic groups or the right to public education
Individual = rights held by all people regardless of their group identity
Pick 2 institutions in the UK and explain how they protect rights (unfinished)
- The Supreme Court = they are the highest court in the UK, they often deal with cases to do with an individual’s rights being infringed such as Lee v Asher’s Baking Company (2018)
List 3 ways in which direct democracy is used in the UK
Direct democracy = when people are actively involved in the political decision making
1) Referendums: used ad hoc in the UK (whenever necessary) on issues of significant constitutional changes, this is a popular vote on a single issue
2) E-Petitions: UK Parliament petitions website allows the public to put pressure on the govt. to consider issues
3) Citizen’s Assembly: a group of people brought together to learn about and discuss an issue to make a recommendation to government
Explain the relationship between parliamentary sovereignty and direct democracy
Some may argue that direct democracy infringes on Parliamentary Sovereignty as power is removed from Parliament and transferred to the people. However, referendums are non-binding meaning that legally the government does not have to implement a policy decided by referendum, this could be very difficult to do and will harm the government’s legitimacy as they would go against the will of the people
Give 2 reasons why a government might call for a referendum on an issue
- To legitimise a major constitutional reform
- To justify devolving powers to regions
Give 2 examples where a referendum was damaging to democracy, explaining why
- The 2016 EU election where only 52% of people were in favour of it meaning 48% of the population had their opinion ignored, this is further shown by the 6.1 million signatures on the e-petition to revoke Article 50 and rejoin the EU
- in 4 of the 13 referendums have had a turnout below 50%