Democracy and Participation - voting behaviour and interest groups Flashcards
Explain coalitions of interests in relation to political parties
American political parties are best through of as coalitions of interest (broad churches). Those coalitions may be more narrowly drawn than they were three or four decades ago but they still need to be coalitions in order to garner enough support from the electorate to win the presidency.
When choosing how to cast their vote, a voter is likely to consider which party has policies that will be most beneficial to them. This is most likely to be determined by a range of socio-economic and demographic factors.
As seen with voter data from the last five presidential elections which show common trends in which groups vote either democrat or republican. Even in 2016, the election of Trump did not really change these patterns, with white people, men and older people continuing to vote for republicans in a majority.
State statistics on groups that gave the democrats more than 50% of their votes
Black community - 88%
Liberals - 84%
Hispanics - 65%
Asians - 65%
City/Urban - 59%
Aged 18-29 - 55%
Women - 54%
Earning under $30K - 53%
State statistics on groups that gave the republicans more than 50% of their votes
Conservatives - 88%
Small town/rural - 61%
White - 57%
Males - 52%
Aged over 65 - 52%
Aged 45-64 - 52%
High school only - 51%
Explain gender in relation to voting behaviour
There is a gender gap in voting. In nine out of ten elections between 1964 and 2000, women were significantly more supportive of the democrat candidate than men.
In 2016 and 2020, the gender gap for Trump was 11 points - with 53% of men and 42% of women voting for the republican candidate in over half of century.
The gender gap for Clinton was even wider at 13 points - with 53% of women and 42% of men voting for her. Perhaps, her status as the first female major-party presidential candidate and the perceived attitude of her opponent towards women helped the stretch the gap - gender gap.
Trump’s attitude towards and treatment of women became a prominent issue in the 2016 campaign, not only during the primaries, when he made embarrassingly rude remarks about fellow candidate Carly Fiorina (‘Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?’), as well as the political commentator Megyn Kelly but in the general election as well.
Just a month before Election Day, a videotape was released into the public domain showing Trump bragging in the most vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with different women including women he knew to be married ‘When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything’. Trump boasted.
One might have expected the female vote to dessert him in droves. However, exit poll data showed 41% of women supporting Trump, only 3% points down from 44% that voted for Romney in 2012. But that 41% was the lowest level of support from women voters for a R candidate in a two-party contest since Barry Goldwater’s 38% in 1964.
Among non-married women, his support fell to 32%. The gender gap for Biden was 12 points, with 57% of women and 45% of men voting for him.
How can the gender gap in voting behaviour be explained through policy differences
The reason for the gender gap is often thought to be connected with policy differences between the two parties. In five major policy areas: abortion, defence, law and order, gun control and women’s rights - the democrats tend to take positions that are more favoured by women. Democrats are pro-choice on abortion tend to favour lower levels of spending on defence, oppose capital punishment and support gun control.
It was the democrats who pushed albeit unsuccessfully, for an equal rights Amendment to the constitution protecting the civil rights of women. It could also be because of the democrats have more female representatives in both houses of congress and typically has more female candidates running for election (Nancy Pelosi: House speaker and VP Kamala Harris: the first women to hold this office. The ability to vote for someone can descriptively represent women is therefore higher in the democrat party.
what do turnout on racial groups in America show about voting behaviour
Turnout for the two most significant minority racial groups in the American electorate (African-Americans and Hispanics), in general elections is typically far lower than the percentage of white Americans who vote.
Like women, racial minorities in the US have typically been more likely to vote for the Ds. In the eleven elections between 1980 and 2020, African-Americans never gave less than 83% support to the Ds. President Clinton was said to have a particular affinity with African-Americans during his presidency, and they were his most loyal group of supporters, especially during the difficult period of his impeachment and trial.
With Obama as the first African-American presidential candidate for a major party in 2008, the share of black people voting D rose from 88% in 2004 to 95% in 2008. Black turnout was also up, accounting for 13% of the electorate.
But with Hillary Clinton in 2016, black support for the Ds fell back to 89%. High profile social media support for Trump was provided by Kayne West and Chance the Rapper tweeting, ‘Black people don’t have to be DS.
Explain how the hispanics are a growing group in relation to race and ethnicity voting behaviour
Hispanics are a growing group. According to the 2000 census, they formed 12% of the population, but by the 2010 census this figure had increased to over 16%. Furthermore, because they are a young group and a significant proportion are not yet of voting age, their full political importance is yet to show. The states where Hispanics make up more then 25% of the population include California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico.
Hispanics are a disparate group, including those from Mexico, Puerto Rico and Cuba, as well as other Central American countries. In 2020, country of origin affected the way this group voted.
How have presidential candidates attempted to gain the hispanic vote
Bush’s R campaign in 2000 made a significant pitch for the Hispanic vote. He speaks fluent Spanish. His brother Jeb, the former governor of Florida is married to a Hispanic woman.
The republican vote among Hispanics increased significantly from 20% in 1996, to 31% in 2000 and to 43% in 2004. But by 2016, the figure was down to 28% with Clinton holding a 28% point lead among Hispanic Voters.
Trump’s case was hardly helped by his aggressive tone about Mexican immigrants, saying ‘they’re bringing drugs. they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists and promising to build a wall to keep illegal Mexican immigrants out of the US.
Given all that it was surprising to some that more than quarter of Hispanic Voters gave Trump their vote. Indeed, the Hispanic republican vote was even a percentage point up from 2012. Despite the media rhetoric, twice as many Hispanic Voters in 2016 considered immigration policy in the US to be too lax rather than too strict, therefore Trump’s hard-line immigration policies in fact won him support.
It provided even stronger in 2020, fuelled in part by the administration among some Hispanic men for the machismo image of Trump and the successful if rather exaggerated link that he made between the democrats, socialism and communism
Explain how the democrats have been representative of minority groups
The defendants have also been more representative of these minority groups in terms of people who run in elections. There are far more democrats African-American and Hispanic members of congress who have run for office and been elected, than republican.
Furthermore, of huge concern for both of these minority groups is the economy. While there is an increasing number of African-American and Hispanic millionaires, the wealth gap between these groups and white Americans continues to grow. Therefore, it would be over-simplistic to attribute their voting behaviour to their ethnicity alone.
Explain class and education in relation to voting behaviour
Traditionally, educational qualifications alone may not have been discussed by political pollsters and pundits. Age, race, gender, region and religion were all common delineators of how people voted in elections but education was more commonly viewed as part of ‘class’. However, in 2016, the level of education held by those voting became a big headline.
The key trend seemed to be that those who had a higher level of education were more likely to vote for Trump. However, this division was further accentuated when race and gender and education were taken together. For example, in 2020, 54% of non-college educated voters voted for Trump, that figure rose to 67% among white non-educated voters and 70% among white non-college educated men.
Much of this difference was down to whether voters felt each candidate understood the issues facing them. Far more white working-class Americans believed Trump understood their challenges while far fewer believed Clinton did. - portrayed himself as a ‘common man’
Explain class and education in relation to white working class voters
Thirty years ago, commentators discussed ‘Reagan democrats’. These were white, working class voters, mostly living in the Northeast and Midwest, often employed in blue-collar jobs in what is often referred to as the rust belt - a swathe of America’s former industrial heartland stretching from eastern Iowa and south-eastern Wisconsin, through northern Illinois, the lower peninsula of Michigan, the states of Indiana and Ohio and then down from Western New York to Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
By 1970, these traditional democrat voters were disillusioned with the economic malaise of President Carter and were attracted by Reagan economic plans and conservative agenda. They played a significant role in getting him elected in 1980 and in delivering his landslide re-election for years later and even in electing Reagan’s vice president, George W.H Bush in 1988.
But during the next two decades, they tended to return to the democrat party, giving their support to both Clinton and Obama. Some of them, however, stayed in the republican tent and would eventually join the Tea Party Movement.
Why did Trump appeal to white working class voters
These were voters to whom Trump’s campaign seemed to speak most directly in 2016, not only in the Republican primaries but then in the general election. Of these nine Rust Belt states, Trump won the primaries in six of them and even managed a respectable second-place finish in Ohio, despite the fact that he was competing against the state’s incumbent governor, John Kasich.
In the general election, Trump won seven of these states, with their 86 ECVs including four that Obama had won both in 2008 and 2012. Indeed, in 2008 Obama had won Pennsylvania by 11 points, Wisconsin by 14 points and Michigan by 16 points and yet Trump won all three in 2016
How does Arlie Hochschild explain why Trump’s message resonated with older, poorer white Americans
Writing in 2016, Arlie Hochschild drew attention to poorer and older white male Americans who ‘suffer a higher than average death rate due to alcohol, drugs and even suicide’. She continued; ‘Although life expectancy for nearly every group is rising, between 1990 and 2008, the life expectancy of older white men without high school diplomas has been shortened by three years - and truly it seems despair… They also feel culturally marginalised: their views about abortion, gay marriage, gender roles, race, guns and the confederate flag are held up to ridicule in the national media is backward.
They begun to feel a ‘besieged minority’. These white older blue collar workers are more likely to be men were also characterised by being those whose education, for most at least had finished when they graduated from high school or even before that. They were not college graduates.
Trump’s message of bringing home American jobs, curbing illegal immigration, safeguarding American’s borders from potential terrorists and restoring a sense of national and civic pride - of ‘making America great again’ - was what they had been longing to here for decades. And it was just these same voters with whom Clinton had failed to resonate - in her 2008 and 2016 primary campaigns and in her general election campaign against trump.
These groups flocked to support Trump, indeed probably secured his election, some 62% of white men and 62% of white 45-64 years old voted for him and white non college men who made up nearly one-sixth of the electorate voted 71% for Trump and just 23% for Clinton
How did Biden make significant gains among the white working class vote in america
However, while only 23% of white non college men in 2016 voted for Clinton, 28% voted for Biden in 2020.
In some key battleground states, he made some really significant gains among this group of voters: 26% to 35% Wisconsin and 24% to 34% in Michigan - this contributed to significantly to Biden’s success in reclaiming these two key states for the democrats in 2020 and thereby winning the presidency
Explain geographic region of the Northeast in relation to voting behaviour
These are two important trends when it comes to voting in relation to geographic region.
First the Northeast has become the new heartland of the democrat party. In the seven elections from 1984 to 2008, the Northeast gave the democrat candidate his largest percentage of the vote. In 2012, the democrats won every north-eastern state and in 2016, they won all bar Pennsylvania.
However, the Northeast is the one region that has a declining proportion of the nation’s population. In 2016, Trump broke through what has been called the ‘Blue Wall’ - a block of states in the upper Midwest and industrial Northeast that had voted solidly for the democrats over a number of elections - when he won in Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan as well as Pennsylvania.
Explain geographic region of the South in relation to voting behaviour
Second, the South has moved from being ‘solid’ for democrats to being very supportive of the republicans. This was shown most clearly when in 1996, the South was the only region in which the democrat ticket of Clinton and Gore - both southerners - failed to beat the republican ticket of Dole and Kemp, neither of whom was from the south.
In 2000, the republicans won every state in the south, including the democrat nominee Al Gore’s home state of Tennessee, and they did the same thing again in 2004. In 2008, Obama managed to flip three southern states - Virginia, North Carolina and Florida - into the democrat column. In 2012, the republicans won back North Carolina, leaving Obama with just two southern states.
In 2016, Clinton was left the only Virginia in the South and that was mostly because she had chosen a Virginia, Tim Kaine as her running-mate, through the state is trending more Democrat recently as is North Carolina.
Explain the democrats hold in West Coast
The democrats continue their hold on the West Coast - with California, Oregon and Washington lining in democrats in every election from 1992 to 2016.
George W.H Bush is the last republican candidate to win a West Coast state when he won California in 1988. The republicans have a similar stranglehold on a swathe of states running from Idaho through the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Kansas and Missouri.
How did the 2016 elections show America has become more divided in relation to geographic region
The 2016 election also revealed how America is more and more divided by community, with urban areas heavily supported the democrats while small towns and rural areas swung significantly to the republicans.
Whereas in 2012, Mitt Romney won small towns and rural areas by 2% points (50-48) in 2016, Trump won the same communities (61-34). It was particularly in small town and rural communities that were slowly withering away, that Trump found his voice and his message of ‘Make America great again’ resonated, especially with those white, older, blue-collar workers.
When the economy went into a recession in 2008-09, many blue-collar, small town Americans felt that they had been made to carry most of the resulting financial hardship. Obama boosted about having saved America from going over the fiscal cliff and claimed credit for the recovery. But politicians of both parties underestimated the degree of anger and pain the nation - the degree to which the recovery had been only for a fortunate few while many experienced stagnation or decline - as the protest chant went ‘Banks got bailed out, we got sold out’.
Illegal immigration, globalisation, trade, corporate greed, their own decaying communities and bank bailouts all helped stroke the feelings of anger and resentment in many small town and rural communities - especially those east of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.
Just after the 2016 election, Ronald Brownstein wrote in The Atlantic magazine that ‘not since the election of 1920 has the cultural chasm between urban and non-urban America shaped the struggle over the country’s direction as much as today’. He saw Trump’s victory as an ‘empire-strikes-back moment’ for all those places that ‘felt left behind in an increasingly diverse, post-industrial and urbanised America’
Explain religion in relation to voting behaviour
In a country with a strict separation between church and state, it is perhaps surprising in the (21st to find religion as an issue in deciding which party to vote for). But religion is closely linked to the social and moral issues that divide the parties: abortion, the death penalty and laws surrounding marriage etc
Explain Jewish Americans in relation to their voting behaviour and religion
Jewish Americans are reliable democrat voters, traditionally being far more liberal in their views and sharing sympathy with minority groups
Explain Christians in relation to voting behaviour
Protestant Christianity is closely linked with the religious right with social conservatism with the Bible Belt - a line of southern states from Texas to southern and central Virginia. Protestants are a staple support group for the republican party, giving it between 54 and 59% of their votes in each last five presidential elections.
Within that group white evangelicals provide even more solid support. Indeed, Trumps 81% support among this group in 2016 was one of the highest levels of support enjoyed by a republican presidential candidate, through this might have had more to do with their antipathy towards Clinton than their commitment to Trump.
One of the most important issues garnering this high level of support from white evangelicals is appointments to the supreme court. This group more than any other puts a high premium on the appointment of strict constructionist judges who will hand down decisions in line with evangelicals conservative agenda - note the June 2022 Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade (1973)
Explain the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists
In today political landscape it is necessary to distinguish between ‘evangelicals’ whose priorities are mainly spiritual, and ‘Christian nationalists’ whose priorities are almost exclusively political.
Many of those whom pollsters refer to as ‘evangelicals’ are more accurately described as Christian Nationalists.
Explain Trump in relation to Evangelicals and Christians
Trump had little or no time for the practice of evangelical Christianity while holding many of the beliefs of Christian nationalism - the promotion of religious symbolism in the public area and the promotion of public policy that is supported by Christian beliefs. His brandishing of a Bible outside a Washington Church in June 2020 in order to make a political point, when he himself rarely if ever attends a place of worship, illustrates this distinction.
Explain Biden in relation to white evangelicals
What was surprising in 2020 was Biden attracting the support of nearly one quarter of the white evangelical vote nationwide. In Michigan, Biden won 29% of the white evangelical vote. In Georgia, he won just 14% of white evangelicals but in doing so nearly tripled Hilary Clinton’s 5% support among these voters in 2016 - and they constitute one-third of all voters in Georgia.
The Biden campaign had a well-planned series of radio ads running on Christian radio stations. Voters may have been more convinced by Biden’s compassionate tone and devout faith than Trump’s photo opportunity of waving a Bible.
Explain the support of Catholics in relation to the democrat part
The support of Catholics traditionally went to the democrat party with its strong link to European Catholicism among the immigrant communities, especially among Irish Americans in the Northeast.
But since the 1970s, the support from Catholics for the democrat party has wavered because of the democrats support for abortion, which runs contrary to the Catholic Church’s official teaching. Thus, devout and practicing Catholics tend to be drawn to the republican party on this issue.
Democrats won the Catholic vote in three of the last five presidential elections but in 2016, only 45% voted democrat - the lowest figure in a two-party contest since 1984. This improved in 2020 as Biden turned a 4-point deficit into a 5 point lead.
What is correlation between party support and frequency of attendance
Another trend noticed by pollsters over the past decade or so is the strong correlation between frequency of attendance at a religious service and party support. In 2020, of those voters who lack any formal religious affiliation (a growing segment of the American electorate - especially among younger urban voters), 72% backed Biden over Trump. This again links with stance of the parties on social and moral issues
Explain the key voter trends 2020 elections
Key voter trends 2020 election -
Although the result, certainly in terms of the popular vote, was a clear victory for Biden, the swing towards the democrats was not uniform across all groups for voters. Trump actually gained votes among black and Hispanic voters compared to 2016, through the democrats retained a clear advantage in both groups. Among white voters, Trump lost ground and it was probably this drop in support that ultimately cost him the election. While white voters continued to back the republican candidate as they have in every presidential election since 1968, it is notable that this margin was reduced from 12 to 8 percentage points.
The decisive group where Trump lost support and so handed victory to Biden was non-college educated white voters, who were a group where he polled very well in 2016. Trump also lost further ground with both white-college-educated men and women. Overall, Trump’s share of the white vote remained at 58% while Biden’s share grew by 4 percentage points. When it come to gender, the democrats retained their lead over the republicans among women voters but their lead increased by only 3 percentage points with women voting 57-42% for Biden. Among male voters, Trump retained a lead but it was cut from 12 percentage points in 2016 to 8 in 2020 with men voting 53-42% for Trump.
In terms of religion, the republicans continued to dominate the white evangelical vote with 76% backing Trump in 2020 compared with 81% in 2016 - still a commanding lead but reduced. The importance of this group should not be underestimated, as they comprised 28% of the 2020 voters. There was also a significant switch among catholic voters away from Trump to Biden. Just over half of Catholics (52%) voted for Biden compared with 46% who voted democrat in 2016.
A total of 47% of Catholics voted for Trump in 2020, compared with 50% in 2016. It might well have helped that Biden himself is practising Catholic. The growing number of religiously non-affiliated Americans (28% of the 2020 electorate, up from 15% in 2008) backed Biden by 65% to 30%. Finally, more than three-quarters (77%) of Jewish voters backed Biden, with just 21% supporting Trump. This represented an increase from 2012 when 71% of Jewish voters chose Clinton.
Explain the polarisation of American politics
The 1990s brought a seismic shift in American Politics. Up to then, both parties included a wide ideological range from liberals to conservatives.
But with the break-up of the old Solid South, southern conservative Democrats began to cross to the republican party, making the republicans a far more ideologically conservative party and leaving the democrats as a more homogeneous, liberal party.
Commentators began to talk of a 50-50 nation, Red America and Blue America - and of the Red-Blue divide. As the (21st dawned, many states were becoming reliably Red (R) or Blue (D).
Explain Red America
Red America was characterised as white, overwhelmingly Protestant (and specifically evangelical) but often joined by practising Catholics (because of the abortion issue). It was wealthy, rural or suburban and unmistakably conservative.
In Red America, the majority of voters think that the government does too many things which would be better left to private businesses and individuals. They think that tax should be cut even if that means cuts in federally funded services.
Red America is pro-life, pro-guns and pro-traditional marriage and is opposed to Obamacare, It gets its news from Fox News and listens to conservative talk radio and loathed Clintons and Obama
Explain Blue America
Blue America is racially a rainbow coalition of white, black, Asian and Hispanic Americans. It tends to be wealthier, predominately urban and unmistakably liberal.
The majority of voters think that the federal government should do more to solve problems and they think that federal income tax should be increased on the more wealthy in order to protect federally funded services.
Blue America is pro-choice favours gun-control legislation, is pro same-sex marriage and is supportive of Obamacare. It gets its news from CNN. It loathed George W Bush and hates Trump.
Explain Arlie Hochschild’s findings on the social landscape of America
In 2015, California socialist Arlie Hochschild, a native of Blue America, wanted to better understand those who lived in Red America.
So she went to live for a time in Louisiana, deep in Red America and wrote a book of her experience ‘Strangers in Their On Land’ (2016)
Towards the start of the book she writers how different this social landscape was coming from Berkley California to Lake Charles Louisiana:
Certain absences reminded me I was not at home. No New York Times at the newsstand, almost no organic produce in grocery stores or farmers markets, no foreign films in movie houses, few small cars, fewer petite sizes in clothing stores, fewer pedestrians speaking foreign languages into cell phones - indeed, fewer pedestrians.
These were fewer yellow Labradors and more pit bulls or bulldogs. Forget bicycle lanes, colour-coded recycling bins, or solar panels on roofs. In some cafes, virtually everything on the menu was fried. There were no questions before meals about gluten-free entrees and dinner generally began with prayer.
Explain the portrait of generalisation that Arlie Hochschild found
This portrait is a generalisation, but it does show two starkly different Americas: there are red states like Texas, South Carolina and Kansas and blue states such as California, Massachusetts and Oregon.
Twenty seven states have voted for the same party candidates in the last five elections. However, states are not uniform there are blue enclaves in Texas, like South Austin, as well as red enclaves in California.
But this polarisation of the country and of the parties is the most significant change to occur in American politics this century and it has huge implications for how America government and politics work today. - Biden - wanted to be a president for everyone as a result of the polarised nature of US Politics e.g. January 6th Capitol
Explain third parties
Third Parties -
Despite the domination of the US politics by the democrats and republicans, third parties do exist. There are different types: national, regional and state-based: permanent and temporary: issue-based and ideological
What are the best known third parties in America
The best known national third parties are the Libertarian Party and the Green Party. The Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson was on the ballot in all 50 states in the 2016 presidential election, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein was on the ballot in 44 states and was a write-in candidate in three more
Explain regional third parties
Regional third parties have included Storm Thurmond’s States Rights Party (founded 1948) and George Wallace’s American Independent Party (founded 1968)
Explain regional third parties
Regional third parties have included Storm Thurmond’s States Rights Party (founded 1948) and George Wallace’s American Independent Party (founded 1968)
Explain permanent and temporary third parties
The green party and the libertarian party are examples of permanent third parties and while the Reform Party and the American Independent Party are examples of temporary third parties
Explain issue-based and ideological third parties
The green party and the Prohibition Party are both examples of issue-based third parties, while the socialist party and libertarian party are ideological third parties
Explain the status of third parties in US
While the US does not have are national, permanent, third parties that regularly win a sizeable proportion of the votes in general elections. There are reasons for this.
The status of third parties in US politics is something of a paradox: they are both unimportant and important. Their combined popular vote in 2012 was less than 2% and just 6% in 2016.
But their potential importance is shown in the fact that in three out of the nine presidential elections between 1968 to 2000 it could be argued that a third party affected the outcome - in 1968, 1992 and 2000
In the 2000 presidential elections, Nader’s 2.7% for the Green Party almost certainly cost Al Gore the presidency.
In Florida, where Bush won by 537 votes, Nader polled nearly 100,000 votes. In New Hampshire, where Bush won by just 7,000 votes, Nader had over 22,000 votes
And exit poll data suggested that at least half of those Nader voters would have been Gore Voters - and the other half would probably not have voted at all had Nader not have been on the ballot.
In the house elections between 2008 and 2016, the combined votes for third parties never exceeded 3.6% (2012), while in the Senate races during the same period third-party support averaged 4.5% with the highest figure being 6.6% in 2010.
In those elections, the green party candidate won 9.4% in South Carolina, the constitution party won 5.75% in Utah, and the Libertarian party won 5.4% in Indiana
State the third party support in the 2016 presidential election
Libertarian Party (Gary Johnson) - 3.27% (4,489,233)
Green (Jill Stein) - 1.06% (1,457,222)
Independent (Evan McMullin) - 0.53% (728,860)
Constitution (Darrell Castle) - 0.15% (203,039)
What factors/significant difficulties do third parties face when attempting to win votes in elections
Electoral system
Ballot access laws
Lack of resources
Lack of media coverage
Explain the electoral system in relation to third parties
The electoral system is a FPTP, winner-take-all system. All elections, whether for presidency, congress or state or local office - use this system which makes life difficult for third parties.
Regional third parties can do well. In 1968 George Wallace won 45 ECVs with 13% of the vote because his votes were concentrated in a small number of southern states. In 1992, Ross Perot won no ECVs with 19% of the vote. His voters, in contrast, were spread throughout the country
Explain ballot access laws in relation to third parties
Third parties are disadvantages by the states ballot access laws. Laws in each state regulate how third-party candidates can qualify to get their name on the ballot. Some, such as those in Tennessee, are straightforward. It requires just 25 signatures on a petition.
But other states, such as, New York and California, are much more demanding. In New York, a third-party candidate must gain a certain number of signatures in every county in the state. In California, the number of signatures required is equal to 1% of the electorate in the state
Explain lack of resources in relation to third parties
People are understandably reluctant to give money to parties that they know are going to lose: this creates something of a ‘catch 22’ situation. Hence third parties cannot compete with the two main parties in terms of expenditure - on organisation, staff, media or get-out-the-vote operations.
Explain lack of media coverage in relation to third parties
Third parties suffer from a lack of media coverage. News programmes do not think them sufficiently newsworthy. The parties can rarely afford the cost of making - let alone of airing - TV commercials.
Their candidates are usually barred from appearing in the televised debates. In 2016, only Trump and Clinton appeared in the three presidential debates. Both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were excluded. This continued into the 2020 debates which only included Trump and Biden
Explain co-optation in relation to third parties
What if a third party, against all the odds, does well in pre-election opinion polls and even wins a significant number of votes on election day, as Ross Perot did in 1992? This success brings with it a final problem for a third party: the co-optation of its key policies by one or both of the major parties. It happened to Perot when both democrat president Clinton and the congressional republicans adopted policies to deal with Perot’s flagship policy - the federal budget deficit. By 2000, the federal budget was in surplus and the reform Party’s vote had fallen from 19% in 1992 to 0.4% in 2000
State arguments for YES - Do third parties play a significant role in US politics
- Perot won 19% of the vote in 1992 and contributed to president’s Bush defeat
- The Green Party’s 2.7% in 2000 contributed to Gore’s defeat
- Third parties can lose elections but win influence by changing the policies of one (or both) of the two major parties
- Some states (e.g. Alaska, New York) have quite vibrant third parties which can play a significant role in the state and local areas
state arguments for No - Do third parties play a significant role in US politics
No -
- the two main parties dominate presidential elections
- the two major parties control congress
- the two major parties control state politics
- the two major parties will often co-opt the policies of successful third parties, thereby curtailing their electoral success (e.g. co-opting Perot’s call for a balanced federal budge)
What are the aims of third parties
For in the case of Perot, one could argue that it was not to win the presidency, but to have a significant effect on the policy debate. In this, Perot scored a significant victory. Nader’s ability to affect the outcome of the 2000 election is another case in point.
It would therefore be inaccurate to write off all third-party candidates as failures. Although third parties, often fail in electoral terms - they get few votes - they may as in 2000, affect the outcome of the election both in certain states and possibly nationally, as well as the policy agendas of one or both of the two major parties
Explain interest groups
Interest groups (IGs) like pressure groups in the UK, seek to influence decision-makers to create policy that is sympathetic to their cause
They are regarded as having important implications (access points) for a modern democracy. Through them, citizens an participate in the political process between Elections.
They can also use their membership to pressurise all three branches of government: the legislature (congress), the executive (the president and the bureaucracy), the judiciary (headed by the supreme court)
Explain interest groups in relation to pluralism
The theoretical basis of interest group activity is to be found in what political theorists call pluralism (essential for a democracy - evenly distributed) / (political power does not lie with elite but shared with all of society)
In ‘The Governmental Process’ (1951), David Truman claimed that politics could be understood only be studying the way different groups interacted with one another
In the 1960s, Robert Dahl’s ‘Who Governs?’, he argues that America is not governed by elitism: a small governing elite of wealthy and powerful individuals, but pluralism: where widely different groups of ordinary Americans with different interests were both active and influential and could make themselves heard - However, this can be criticised by elites who argue that its very native.
Explain the US’s participatory tradition
In a country like the US, with a participatory tradition and an open form of government, Interest Groups seem to take on added importance.
They benefit from numerous access points within the political system - places where their influence can be brought to bear e.g. America has more access points as Congress’s 2 year cycle can be easily influenced.
They also benefit from a weak and fragmented party system and from election campaigns that are often issue based rather than merely party based - In the past, not as ideologically cohesive s - however more polarised now.
Issue based issues: abortion, gun control, climate change etc.
Explain the nature of government in the US
In the US, the nature of government has meant that such groups can use a variety of methods and means to gain influence.
The codified constitution means that rights are protected and allows groups to use this and the supreme court can enact change such as NRA have protected authority through using the constitution
The federal nature of the US means groups can choose to target distinct, states and federal government in trying to achieve change e.g. more access points
Explain the classification of US interest groups
Much like party factions, classifications of US interest groups is not a simple task.
In a political system with a vast array of access points which allows for considerable significance of Interest Groups, they will often use whatever means they have at their disposal to be heard, which can make categorising them a challenge - boundaries blurred
However, there appear to be three broad types of group: single issue, professional and policy although there is overlap between these definitions
state types of interest groups
- single-issue groups
- professional interest groups
- policy-interest groups
Explain single-issue groups as an interest group
A single issue group tries to gain influence over a specific issue or cause that is very narrow in its scope (these are sometimes referred to as causal groups) - focus on specific cause. This does not necessarily mean the group has a singular campaign but any campaigns that it does have will be on a very small area within government policy.
Explain the national rifle association as an single-issue interest group
The National Rifle Association (NRA), for example, fights for the rights of gun owners in the US and is arguably one of the most powerful interest groups in US Politics, with a membership of some 3 million.
It was formed in 1871 as a group dedicated to teaching Americans how to use guns. Since the 1960s, however, it had been influential in stopping what it sees as encroachment (limitation) on citizens rights to own and use legal firearms. It seeks to uphold the strictest interpretation of the Second Amendment Right to ‘keep and bear arms’.
It also works to oppose tougher gun control laws put forward at any level of government. The NRA opposed the Brady Bill (where congress mandated federal back-ground checks on those wanting to buy firearms - 5 day delay) and the assault weapons ban, as well laws requiring background checks on those purchasing guns and the mandatory sale of trigger locks with handguns.
It played a significant role in the SC case of District of Columbia v Heller (2008) (NRA supported Heller) and became involved in the national debate on gun control following the killing of 20 children and 6 teachers by a 20 year-old gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012
state examples of other single issue groups
Other single-issue interest groups include Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL).
Equally, there are ideological groups such as American Conservative Union, People for the American Way or the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Explain professional interest groups
Professional interest groups are similar to those categorised in UK politics as ‘sectional’ groups. These groups seek to represent the interests of a group of workers or professionals, or of an industry as a whole in government legislation.
They may cover a wide array of areas but within a field that is relevant to their industry.
Explain the American Farm Bureau in relation to professional interest groups
The American Farm Bureau Federation, represents farmers across America. The issues that they consider to be relevant to their group, however, are more than just agricultural policy.
They also campaign on immigration reform, tax and energy to name but a few - as the infrastructure needed to make the farming industry successful is far more than just agricultural policy. It is this broader approach in representing a professional section of society or industry, that makes these ‘professional’ groups.
Explain professional interest groups in relation to business and trade groups
There are business and trade groups such as the American Business Conference, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Automobile Dealers Association.
Of great importance is the Chamber of Commerce, which represents thousands of businesses across the notice and annually is the biggest spender in the Washington DC lobbying, although its impact is often hidden away.
An example in 2004, demonstrates its influence: two businesses in Iowa had been ordered by court to pay billions of dollars for mislabelling products or deceiving customers.
These cases were being appealed and on the appeal court there was one vacancy - the chamber poured money into the judicial election with the aim of getting a business-friendly justice elected.
Having achieved this, when the two cases were heard, the new justice was the deciding vote on throwing the cases out.
Explain labour unions as a professional interest group
There are also labour unions, most of which represent a particular trade, such as the United Auto Workers or the Teamsters representing truck drivers. Professional groups such as the American Medical Association, the National Educational Association and the American Bar Association.
The American Federation of Teachers represented teachers facing underfunded schools and being stripped of their pensions in 2018.
In Texas, the Federation helped to organise protests for its teachers called the ‘Speak Out and Stand Together’ rally - it stopped short of strike action because in Texas, teachers who strike can lose their teaching certificate as they are not allowed to strike according to state law. Interest groups are therefore limited by the scope of state law
Explain policy interest groups
Policy Interest Groups - These are similar to single issue groups, but with greater breadth over the issues they care about.
Rather than a single, small issue within a government policy, these groups are interested in an entire policy area and in exercising influence over it. They are likely to represent issues such as the environment (Such as Friends of the Earth or Sierra Club) or foreign policy,
Members of such groups may not be direct beneficiaries of any successes the group might have influence over the whole government policy concerning the environment, from issues such as renewable energy and global warming to wildlife conservation to clean air and water
state five basic functions that interest groups perform
- representation
- citizen participation
- public education
- agenda building
- programme monitoring
Explain the interest group function of representation
Interest groups may perform a representative function - whereby US citizens can have their own views represented and their grievances articulated.
They are an important link between the public and the politician, the governed and the government. They provide a channel of easy access through which ordinary citizens can voice their opinions.
For many Americans, pressure groups will be the most important way in which their strongest-held views are represented. One’s senator or representative, for example will have many calls upon their representatives roles: a great variety of constituents, their political party and the administration being three of the most important.
But through an interest group, African-Americans, gun owners, business people, environmentalists, farmers can have their views represented in all three branches of government at federal, state and local levels
Explain the interest group function of citizen participation
Citizen Participation -
Interest groups increase the opportunities for ordinary citizens to participate in the decision-making process between elections.
In the US, political participation is seen as a virtue (to be celebrated). Many Americans seek far greater, more frequent participation in the democratic process than an election day every four years offers.
Interest groups also offer an opportunity to participate in a specific policy area: pro guns, anti-abortion, pro-environment or anti-war, or whatever policy or issue a particular citizen feels deeply about (in a polarised society like America, elections are fought on this basis)
Explain the interest group function of public education
Public education -
Interest groups attempt to educate public opinion, warning people of the possible dangers if issues are not addressed, as well as the likely effects of decisions made by the government.
As Jeffrey Berry and Clyde Wilcox (2007) comment: ‘With their advocacy efforts, publications and publicity campaigns, pressure groups can make better aware of both policy problems and proposed solutions’.
Explain the interest group function of agenda building
Agenda Building -
Interest groups may perform the function of agenda building. In so much as they attempt to influence the agendas of political parties, legislators and bureaucrats to give priority to their members interests.
They may attempt to bring together different parts of US society, for example - business groups, religious groups and professional organisations - to achieve a common interest.
For example, manufacturers and distributors of CDs, DVDs and computer software working together to get governments to address piracy of such goods. As a result of such coordinated agenda building, China promised to close down factories that were illegally duplicating American goods.
Explain the interest group functions of programme monitoring
Programme monitoring -
Interest groups may scrutinise and hold government to account in the implementation of policies, to try to ensure that promises are fulfilled, policies delivered and regulations enforced.
After the passage of the Bi-partisan Campaign Reform Act in 2002 - commonly known as the McCain-Feingold Act - the Campaign Finance Institute commissioned a set of studies by scholars on the law’s impact on the funding of campaigns.
As a result of monitoring, interest groups such as the NRA and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) asked the judicial branch of government to monitor the first legal challenges to Trump’s executive order placing a 90-day ban on entry into the US from seven predominantly Muslim Countries during the first weeks of the presidency
state the types of resources of interest groups
- money
- membership
- access
Explain money as a resource of interest groups that increases their big influence and chances of success
Money - A group with large amounts of money will be able to contribute to the election campaigns, hire expensive lobbyists and organise grassroots campaigns more effectively.
The NRA was able to spend over $5 million on lobbying in 2017 and contributed to $700,000 to electoral campaigns in 2018.
This money may be from a few big donors or from a vast membership to sustain influence
Explain membership as a resource of interest groups that increases their influence and chances of success
Membership - The larger a group is, the more likely it is to have an influence due to the short election cycle in the US.
If a group can mobilise many voters they can pose a significant threat to a member of congress for re-election. Who is in their membership is also important.
Those with expertise in the field can help to shape campaigns, as can big donors, lawyers or professional experts.
Explain access as a resource of interest groups that increases their influence and chances of success
Access - A group that has either access to or the support of a politician is more likely to be heard. This may come from a retired member of Congress or it may be that former congressional staff members move into these groups. This tends to be more relevant to professional groups and lobbying groups.
One report in 2018, suggested that 340 former congressional staff worked for pharmaceutical groups or their lobbying firms, thereby offering them valuable information on the legislative process but also bringing with them access to the people they used to work with.
state the types of tactics of interest groups
- Lobbying
- Publicising Report cards
- Campaign finance and electioneering
- Grassroots activity: protests, demonstrations and direct action
- Legal Methods
Explain Lobbying as a tactic of interest groups
Lobbying is the act of seeking the ear of government. Therefore, all interest groups methods could be defined as ‘lobbying’.
Interest groups make direct contact with members of congress and they also contact with the relevant congressional committees. (Congress does most of its work through committees, specifically standing committees so it is no surprise that most legislative lobbyists is directed at committees)
Standing committees have significant power to amend legislation which they consider during the legislative process. This provides interest groups with one of their most valuable access points into the legislative process
Explain professional lobbyists
In US politics, however, lobbying is a multi million-dollar professional industry.
Professional lobbyists can provide groups with either access to politicians or with information that makes a group useful to politicians. Lobbyists can be hired directly by a group or a group could hire a lobbying firm.
This has become so important in national politics that a series of high-profile lobbying companies can be found on K street in Washington DC
When John Boehner left his role in Congress, he became a ‘strategic advisor’ for a lobbying firm. Lobbying is a big multi-faceted method - it could mean something as simple as arranging a meeting with a member of congress to try and convince them of the interest groups specific arguments or something as a significant as drafting legislation and trying to win congressional sponsor to introduce legislation in congress
Explain professional lobbyists in relation to Dodd-Franck Act
In 2013, a bill passed the house of representatives that would have rolled back part of the Dodd-Franck Act. This Act was passed in 2010 to place regulation of the financial industry in the hands of the government after the economic crash of 2007-08.
The bill that the house of representatives passed would have allowed banks to use savers money to trade in things such as stocks, something that contributed to the crash
What was significant was that language in the bill was almost identical to language, suggested by lobbyists for Citigroup, one of the American’s largest banks
While this might not be the norm for most interest groups, it gives an example of just how powerful they can be, especially as some members of congress did not even know the language was drawn up for the lobbyists
How can lobbying can be a provision of information to congress
Lobbying can also mean the provision of information to Congress to try and get it to change or create favourable legislation or appointments. Cabinet appointments are a frequent target for groups as these will be the top government officials that determine policy in the areas relevant to them.
Trump’s pick for attorney general was Jeff Sessions. At his hearings, both the NAACP and the National Fraternal Order of the Police gave evidence on his credentials for this role. It may be that groups are trying to influence the appointment or rejection of a candidate
Either way, the expertise these groups can offer is valuable to Congress both in legislating and in ratifying appointments
Explain the National Rifle Association’s lobbying
The NRA is so large and well-organise, it has its own lobbying arms within its structure - the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). Wayne La Pierre is the CEO and executive VP of the NRA. He is also listed as a lobbyist on Open secrets, which tracks lobbying and spending in US politics and has lobbied the 115th Congress on hundreds of issues.
In 2013, he gave evidence directly to Congress on the issue of gun control at a hearing titled ‘What should America do about gun violence?’. Here, he publicly advocated for better education about gun safety, better instruction in the use of firearms by qualified instructors and better safety in schools following the massacre in Sandy Hook. He also advocated for the proper enforcement of existing firearms laws rather than the addition of new ones.
These were all messages that supported the goals of the NRA, but having this status and access to Congress gave La Pierre an unparalleled stage on which to make his arguments
Explain publicising report cards as a tactic of interest groups
Publicising Report Cards -
Interest groups try to place pressure on politicians by issuing annual report cards on them. Members of congress will be ranked on how well they have supported an issue in their voting record and this is publicised to the membership of an interest group and the media more widely.
While these have no direct effect, the hope is that for constituents who place a high value on specific issues, if their politicians are getting poor grades, it will cast them votes. How important a Congress member’s grade is will depend on their district
Explain campaign finance and electioneering in relation to the interest groups
Campaign finance and electioneering -
One way in which interest groups can try to gain influence is through the donation of funds is a campaign. However, direct donations are still limited by campaign finance legislation and therefore these sums pale into significance against the amounts many groups spend on lobbying
Of the $700,000 the NRA spent on donations in 2018, only three democrats received any money at all from it and the maximum donated to any one candidate was less than $10,000
With the average campaign cost of winning a senate seat in 2016 being nearly $10 million, direct campaign contributions can have a limited impact. Interest groups can however, offer their endorsement to candidate
This electioneering is not unlike the report cards as it offers an outward sign to voters that a candidate is supportive of their issue.
The pro-choice NARAL has a list of candidates it endorses on its website. If this is then an issue that is important to a voter, they can quickly see which candidates they should vote for.
In 2018, the NRA publicly advocated against the re-election of Joe Machin due to his stance on gun control, alongside issuing him a 2018 report card of democrats
Explain grassroots activity: protests, demonstrations and direct action
Organised protests are one of the simplest and visually the most effective form of interest group action. Having a groundswell of people turning up in one location to voice their opinion, will gain media attention and demonstrates to politicians the depth of support among the public
This can also be achieved by encouraging constituents to email/write to their member of congress. The NRA published a number of videos directly attacked conservative Democrat Joe Manchin for his stance on gun control. One in 2013, urged its members to contact him directly to stand by his 2010 campaign promises in which he pledged to protect the 2nd Amendment but supported criminal background checks.
In 2018, the NRA issued another claiming that ‘Joe Manchin is part of the problem’ and argued for his defeat in the impending elections
Explain legal methods in relation to tactics of interest groups
If they have the money and legal reason, interest groups can launch court cases to try and advance their cause. The most significant example of these are groups which have fought their case in the supreme court. Citizens United challenged the FEC’s campaign finance laws. While the coalition to Defend Affirmative Action challenged Michigan’s ban on affirmative action.
This requires a significant amount of funding, as well as a constitutional challenge, if it is to be heard by the Supreme Court. If groups do not bring the cases themselves, they can submit amicus curiae briefs to the supreme court on cases that are relevant to them. Through these, interest groups have the opportunity to present their views to the court in writing before arguments are heard.
Interest groups have used this method to great effect in recent decades, in areas such as civil rights of racial minorities, abortion and First Amendment Rights. In 2008, the NRA played a significant role in the landmark case of District of Columbia v Heller, in which the supreme court declared Washington DCs ban on handguns to be unconstitutional and in 2012, it was the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) that brought the landmark legal challenge to president. Obama’s healthcare reform: Obamacare - the case making it all the way to the supreme court
Explain the influence and significance of interest groups
The ability of a group to achieve its goals is far more than gaining headlines in the media. Equally, a group is unlikely to have used only one method (to utilise a range of methods) to try and achieve its goals. It is therefore difficult to assess which methods are most successful. However, there have been some notable interest groups successes, failures and clashes
Explain single issue groups in relation to abortion
Abortion - Both the pro-choice and pro-life lobbies have been active in US politics during the past five decades. Since the 1973, Roe v Wade decision by the supreme court, pro-choice interest groups have fought to preserve the constitutional right of women to have an abortion, whereas pro-life groups have fought to have it both narrowed and overturned (2022 overturned by the supreme court).
NARAL a pro-choice interest group, organised mass protests through its website against the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court, as well as organising online campaigns under the banner #StopKavanaugh. It also occupied the state office of Senator Chuck Grassley in Iowa and stormed the Senate and packed the offices of Senators Donnelly, Murkowski, Corker and Grassley to lodge its objections to Kavanaugh. Despite making headlines on major news outlets, he was ultimately confirmed
Explain how much influence the NRA has on gun control debate in congress according to democrats
Democrat members of Congress -
- ‘The NRA has been effective in ensuring that there has been relatively little gun control in recent years’
- ‘They ‘own’ congress
- Thanks to the NRA, you can’t even discuss the issue in a rational way, let alone pass common-sense gun control measure
- The NRA owns the RP
- Right now, a very large number of members are afraid to upset the NRA
Explain how much influence the NRA has on gun control debate according to republicans
Republicans members of congress:
- Few if any IGs are in the same league as the NRA. They are well funded, they have committed and active grassroots network and members of congress both fear and respect them as a political force
- The NRA has little influence because the majority of Americans agree with their principles - reflect the mood of the nation
- The NRA is the best single-issue lobby group in politics, bar none - very successful
- Their membership is a vast and deep and protecting our constitutional rights is an important advocacy
Explain professional groups in relation pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals -
This industry is the biggest collective spender in Washington DC lobbying, having spent over $2 billion in the last decade alone. For the most part, the influence of this money will go unseen by the public, and certainly members of congress would not want to suggest that their votes had been bought.
However, in deciding what drugs will and will not be funded and preventing cheap oversees competitors, the money spent is hugely influential and largely allows the industry to charge whatever it likes for drugs provided by Medicare and Medicaid
Explain policy groups in relation to the environment
Towards the end of the (19th when both industrialisation and ‘westward expansion’ were well under way, the matter of environmental conservation become important. This is when the Sierra Club was farmed followed by the Wilderness Society and the National Wildlife Federation. Such groups have been behind the push towards stricter laws for environmental protection. The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) opposed the keystone XL pipeline, an oil pipeline that would run thousands of miles from Alberta in Canada to Houston in Texas.
It spent million of dollars on adverts advocating for and against candidates in the 2010 election cycle and spent thousands of dollars directly lobbying Congress on the issue. Nonetheless, it passed congress and was only stopped in 2015 by a presidential veto. In 2017, when Trump became P he used his presidential powers to allow Keystone to advance once again. This suggests, if anything that the most LCV achieved was a temporary halt
Explain interest groups success and failures
In spite of a wide public support, as with much Interest groups action, it is rarely apparent whether an Interest groups success and failures are a direct result of its actions or simply a case of legislators acting in accordance with their own beliefs - the impact that interest groups can have on government is not always apparent.
It would be unlikely for any member of one of the branches of government to overtly suggest that the reason for their vote, decision or legislation was the result of pressure from one group. Not only could this appear undemocratic or unrepresentative, it could also lead to tensions with conflicting groups
state arguments in favour of interest groups and the functions they usefully perform
- they provide legislators and bureaucrats with useful information and act as a sounding board for legislators at the policy formulation stage in the legislative process (expensive/influence)
- they bring some kind of order to the policy debate, aggregating views and channelling the wishes of the clients and members whom they see to represent - coalition of views
- they broaden the opportunities for participation in a democracy - can influence industry the agenda
- they can increase levels of accountability for both congress and for the executive branch
- they increase opportunities for representation between elections as well as offering opportunities for minority views to be represented that would be lost in the big tent of political parties
- they enhance the two fundamental rights of freedom of speech and freedom of association
Explain the US political process in relation to its access points
The US political process is one that is conductive to interest group activity. There are many access points in the democratic process where interest groups can have their say. This is especially the case in Congress, where the decentralisation of power, the autonomy of committees, and the lack of strict party discipline when it comes to voting, all make congress an institution that is far more open to persuasion by interest groups than most national legislatures.
The number of access points is merely increased by federal division of powers which allows many important decisions to be made at state and local levels across the US.
state arguments against interest groups
- the revolving door syndrome
- the iron-triangle syndrome
- the inequality of groups
- special interest vs the public interest
- buying political influence
- using direct action
Explain the revolving door syndrome
The revolving-door syndrome -
Many interest groups work through hired lobbyists employed by lobbying firms, many based in Washington DC, whose full-time job is to lobby government. There is nothing inherently wrong with that. A criticism that can be made, however, is that a high proportion of these professional lobbyists are former members of congress or former congressional staff members.
This is what is known as the revolving door syndrome: people walk out of the political door, so to speak, perhaps having just been defeated in an election but immediately re-enter the political world as a Washington lobbyist, using the expertise and contacts to lobby their previous institution - federal law forbids former public officials from being a lobbyist within a year of leaving public office but after that year has elapsed the traffic through the revolving door from public official to professional lobbyist is quite heavy.
Critics argue that this constitutes an abuse of public service. People exploit their knowledge of and contacts within congress or the executive branch of government in order to further the interests of their interest group clients and in doing so make large sums of money for themselves. It is alleged that serving politicians may favour particular group interests because they are hoping for a job representing that interest should they lose public office.
Explain iron-triangle syndrome
Iron-triangle syndrome: This is a term used to describe a strong relationship that many commentators of US politics see existing between IGs and the relevant congressional committees on the one hand and the relevant government department or agency on the other.
This cosy relationship - the term ‘cosy triangle’ is sometimes used - guarantees policy outcomes to the benefit of all three parties involved. One example is what might be called the veterans iron triangle: on one side would be the veterans groups such as the Vietnam Veterans of America, the Disabled America Veterans, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the America Legion.
On the other side would be the Veterans Affairs committees of the House and the Senate. The Department of Veterans Affairs would constitute the third side of this particular iron triangle. Such as iron-triangle can become so powerful that it constitutes almost its own sub-government - this is particularly the case in such areas as agriculture and defence.
This is linked to the revolving door syndrome. A pentagon general might end up as a lobbyist for a missile manufacturer. Similarly, a former staff member from the Senate Armed Services Committee might get a job as a defence contractor. The existence of these iron triangles raises the question of whether the IG activities are compatible with a pluralist society - where political resources and access to government are shared equally. In contrast, many see IGs as fostering an elitist society in which political resources are in the hands, not of the many but of a few
Explain inequality of groups in relation to interest groups
Inequality of groups - Defenders of IGs argue that at the very least, IGs operate within a series of ‘competing elites’. They see US politics as a system in which IGs along with political parties, bureaucrats, business people, trade unions, educators, lawyers etc compete for influence over those who make policy. They would argue that because each group represents the interests of its clients this entirely compatible with a democratic society,
Such an argument is associated with those on the right of the political spectrum. Those on the left criticise interest groups because they see this competition as being one that is unequal. There are a number of policy areas in which interest groups representing the opposing as being one that is unequal - for example, the environment.
Many would argue that the resources of business often outweigh the resources of the environmental protectionists. In the policy area of gun control, a battle between the NRA on the one hand and Handgun Control Inc. on the other is clearly unequal. In the debate over health issues and tobacco smoking, the resources of one side have traditionally outweighed the resources of the other. As early as the 1950s, P Eisenhower warned against what he saw as the power of the ‘military-industrial complex’. At around the same time, the noted American political philosopher C. Wright Mills continued this theme in his 1956 book ‘The Power Elite’
Explain Special interests v the public interest
Special interests v The Public Interest - A criticism levelled at Interest Groups is that they tend to put the interests of a small group before the interests of society as a whole. The Interest Groups that represent various ethnic groups within American society are a good example: The National Association of Coloured People (NAACP), the America Jewish Congress, the Indian American Centre for Public Awareness, the Organisation of Chinese Americans and the National Association for Hispanic Health etc.
Critics see this an IGs adding to the splintering or ‘atomisation’ of US society. Interest Groups adding to the splintering or atomisation of US society. Interest groups tend to accentuate ‘me’ rather than ‘we’. They spend too much time fighting for their special interest and little time working for the wider public interest. Provided their client group is satisfied, they rarely consider the implications for society as a whole. They can also lead to group stereotyping, by making it appear that such groups are homogenous and think the same way and want the same outcomes
Explain buying political influence
Buying political influence - The late Senator Edward Kennedy once famously remarked that America has ‘the finest Congress that money can buy’. You have to ‘pay to play’. But what do lobbyists get for their money? The short answer for the critics of Interest Groups is a ‘disproportionate level of influence’.
Elizabeth Drew (1996) claimed that lobbyists acting on behalf of business corporations wrote legislation for members of Congress.
She quoted a Washington Post story that a lobbyist for the energy and petrochemical industries wrote the first draft of a bill during the Congress and that lobbyists working for a group called Project Relief were given a Capitol Hill office to sue as a ‘war room’ during an energy debate showdown. Meanwhile, The New York Times was reporting a story that a bill to weaken the Clean Water Act was written by a taskforce of lobbyists representing groups such as the Chemical Manufacturers Association and International Paper
Explain using direct action
Using direct action - a final criticism levelled at IGs is their use of direct action, which is deemed by some to be inappropriate. The criticism is raised whenever IGs use most consider to be unacceptable levels of violence to pursue their political agenda. In recent years, direct action has been associated with pro and anti-abortion groups, environmentalists, anti-capitalist groups and groups of the extreme right pursuing their own anti-government agenda.
Violence, even shootings, bombings and murders - conducted around abortion clinics by pro-life groups hit the headline in the 1990s. When the Occupy movement turned violent in some US cities, support quickly evaporated among the ordinary citizenry. The group Black Lives Matter has also trodden a narrow path between peaceful protest and violence
Evaluate interest groups representative function in relation to democracy
- IGs can represent minority groups and their interests which might be ignored or over-looked in a winner-takes-all system
- IGs are encourage their members to turnout in elections, increasing the legitimacy of those elected
- IGs can undermine the power of legitimately elected local representatives
- The power of IGs can work in the interest, and even overrepresentation of the minority rather than the majority
Explain interest groups liberal function in relation to democracy
- IGs can raise issues about and work to protect rights. This can include bringing cases to the SC
- IGs raise issues that hold government to account thereby limiting its power
- A wide range of IGs are directly competing issues are tolerated
Free and fair elections can be undermined by the money interest groups pump into elections
Tolerance of extremist groups can appear to undermine the rights of other groups
IGs that use illegal methods undermine the rule of law - operate in a corrupt way
Evaluate the interest group pluralist function in relation to democracy
- The nature of US politics gives interest groups a greater number of access points, dispersing power
- Smaller IGs have had success in gaining national attention for their issues, even if not in managing to achieve legislative change
- The issues raised by Interest Groups provide an important link between the people and government, and ensure the government is responsive
- IGs with more money seem to have a disproportionate amount of influence
- The same IGs annually seem to retain influence over the political process
- The focus on IG action in Washington DC centralises power