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Prop と eVar の違い
Prop と eVar の主な違いは :
Persistence, naming convention, success events, pathing, potentially available metrics, breakdowns
ネーミング規則 : Prop はトラフィック変数と呼ばれ、様々な切り口によるデータのランキングをレポートするために使用されます。eVar はコンバージョン変数と呼ばれ、サイトの何が成功イベントに最も貢献しているかを判断するために使用されます。
Naming convention: Props are considered traffic variables, meaning they are used to report on popularity of various dimensions of your site. eVars are considered conversion variables. They are used to determine which dimensions of your site contribute the most to success events.
永続性 : Prop は、それが発生したイメージリクエストより長く維持されません。Prop は、同じイメージリクエストでセットされなかった他の変数には関連付けられません。それに対して、eVar は永続的です。サーバー上の保管領域に値を保持することで、その後の成功イベントに関連付けられます。
Persistence: Props do not persist beyond the image request they were fired on. They cannot be associated with other variables that are not in the same image request. eVars, however, are persistent. A backend variable is used to preserve the value originally fired so it can associate itself with success events later on.
成功イベント : 成功イベントは、コンバージョンイベントとも呼ばれ、訪問者が目標に達した回数を測定する指標です。このイベントは、サイトでの購入やニュースレターの受信登録など、何でも構いません。eVar は、コンバージョンイベントをレポートし、訪問者の目標達成に最も影響力のある変数を示します。トラフィック変数にはこれと同じ機能はありません。ただし、レポートスイートを正しく設定すると、パーティシペーション指標を表示することができます。
Success events: Success events, also known as conversion events, are metrics that measure the number of times a visitor reaches a goal. This event can be anything from purchasing something on your site, to subscribing to a newsletter. eVars are designed to report on conversion events, to show you which values are most successful in influencing visitors to reach your goals. Traffic variables do not have this same functionality. However, you can view participation metrics if you configure your report suite correctly.
パス : Prop はパスを使用できます。これにより、表示されている変数のコンテキスト内でユーザーがたどったパスを見ることができます。リクエストに応じて、アドビ担当者はパスを有効化します。eVar はパスを使用できません。
Pathing: Props can use pathing, which allows your organization to see a given path a user took within the context of the variable being viewed. An Adobe representative can enable pathing, if requested. eVars cannot use pathing.
使用可能な指標 : Prop と eVar の間で使用可能な指標は、変数の設定とデータプラットフォームおよびバージョンによって大きく異なります。 次のリストに、デフォルトでは無効ですが、有効にできる指標を示します。レポートに特定の指標が必要で、それが見つからない場合は、貴社のサポートユーザーを通じて ClientCare にご連絡ください。
Potentially available metrics: The metrics available between Props and eVars vary widely based on the variable’s settings and data platform/version. The following list illustrates what can be enabled, not what is enabled by default. If you want a specific metric in reporting but do not see it, have one of your organization’s supported users contact ClientCare.
Prop と eVar の両方 :
- インスタンス、ページビュー数、訪問回数および訪問者数
- バウンス、直帰率、 入口、出口、合計滞在時間
- パーティシペーション指標と計算指標
Prop (トラフィック変数) :
- 平均滞在時間、 平均ページの深さ、リロード回数、直帰数(Single Access)
eVar (コンバージョン変数) :
- すべての買い物かご指標
- すべての購入指標(注文件数、数量、売上高など)
- すべてのカスタムコンバージョンイベント
クロス集計 : Prop は相関を設定すれば、同じイメージリクエストで発生した他のトラフィック変数とクロス集計可能です。eVar は、サブリレーションを設定すると、他のコンバージョン変数との紐付けが可能です。
Breakdowns: Props use correlations, which display page views for other traffic variables fired in the same image request. eVars use subrelations, which provide a breakdown on other conversion variables in relation to success events.
How are “Spaced Repetition” and knowledge retention linked?
Positively linked.
間隔反復(英:spaced repetition)は、前の学習から、その学習内容の復習までの間隔を延ばしてゆくことにより、心理学の間隔効果を利用して効果をあげる学習技術である。
Spaced repetition is a learning technique that incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent review of previously learned material in order to exploit the psychological spacing effect.
Adobe Marketing Cloudの6つのソリューションを述べて下さい
Name the six solutions of the Adobe Marketing Cloud
- Analytics
- Target
- Media Optimizer
- Experience Manager
- Social
- Campaign
Marketers finally have a complete, integrated solution for all their marketing efforts.
Adobe Marketing Cloud does it all.
Name the Adobe Core Services
- Profile Management
- Dynamic Tag Management
- Mobile Services
- Marketing Cloud Exchange
- Centralized Team Collaboration
- Asset Management
- Single sign-on
Adobe Marketing Cloudの任意のソリューションを採用いただくと、強力なマーケティングソリューションに加え、各ソリューションに共通して利用できるコアサービスも含まれます。データの統合、顧客プロファイルの構築、コンテンツの活用、レポーティング、チームメンバーとのコラボレーションを、包括的に提供します。
Core Services, One place to collaborate, integrate, and automate.
When you partner with Adobe, you access our comprehensive set of marketing solutions as well as powerful core services that span across those solutions. You get one, centralized place to integrate data, build customer profiles, activate instant content delivery and reporting, and collaborate with team members.
- Profile management.
認証情報と匿名情報の双方を活用し、常に更新される顧客プロファイルを構築します。この「master marketing profile」により、一人ひとりに最適なエクスペリエンスを提供することができます
Create a complete, ever-expanding view of each customer by leveraging both authenticated and anonymous data. Access the master marketing profile to deliver more personal and engaging experiences.
- Dynamic tag management.
Quickly manage tags, collect the right data, and act in real time with dynamic tag management. Manage an unlimited number of Adobe and third-party tags to trigger personalized experiences based on actual customer behavior.
- Mobile services.
Understand and improve customer engagement with your apps. Discover when and where users launch your app, which parts of the user experience increase ROI, and where the opportunities for monetization lie.
- Adobe Marketing Cloud Exchange
サードパーティのデータやアプリケーションと統合すれば、Adobe Marketing Cloud の価値をさらに引き出すことができます。データプロバイダからソーシャルプラットフォームまで、150 種類以上のアプリや統合機能を選択できます。
Increase the value of Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions by connecting third-party data and applications. Select from over 150 pre-built integrations and applications ranging from data providers to social platforms.
- Centralized team collaboration 一元管理型チームコラボレーション
Help team members stay in sync on projects and campaigns through boards and real-time feeds.
- Asset management アセット管理
コンテンツを格納、管理し、Adobe Marketing Cloudの各ソリューションで利用できるようにする、中心的役割を果たします。
Easily store, manage, and publish content to all Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions from one central hub.
- Single sign-on シングルサインオン
一度のサインオンだけで、Adobe Marketing Cloudを構成するソリューションすべてにアクセスできます。
Access Adobe Marketing Cloud and all of its solutions from one common sign-on.
What are the capabilities of
Adobe Mobile Services
Adobe Mobile servicesは、モバイルアプリケーションのマーケティング効果を強化するための支援サービスです。アプリの利用状況を把握し、エンゲージメントを向上します。アプリユーザーの利用頻度や位置情報などに基づいて、訴求力の高いエクスペリエンスを配信し、行動を促すことにより、ビジネス機会を広げることができます。
Adobe mobile services give mobile teams a powerful, intuitive way to understand and improve app engagement. Discover when and where users launch your app, which parts of your UX are working to increase ROI, and where the opportunities for monetization lie.
- **アプリに特化したユーザーインターフェイス App-centric user interface **
The mobile services dashboard is specifically designed for mobile teams, so you can quickly and intuitively analyze and optimize your apps from one place.
- **App user acquisition **
Use automated metrics and campaign reports so you can understand the impact of your search, display, and social campaigns in driving app store downloads.
- **App analytics **
Get comprehensive reports on key metrics and KPIs, including user engagement, app store performance, path analysis, GPS location analysis, and more.
- **App optimization **
A seamless workflow from analytics and insight to optimization helps you improve engagement and app monetization, fast.
- **Geolocation **
Discover where users are launching your app, so you can personalize content and offers based on GPS location or even specific points of interest.
SDKはAdobe Marketing Cloudの構成ソリューションで共通なため、データ収集やコンテンツ配信なども効率的です。
In-app messaging
Leverage pre-built templates and integrated analytics to create, manage, publish, and measure in-app experiences in mere minutes — no IT or app development expertise necessary.
Which Adobe Marketing Cloud solution uses OSGi?
What is it?
スタンドアロンの Java/VM 環境に欠けている完全で動的なコンポーネントモデルを実装している。アプリケーションソフトウェアや(「バンドル; bundle」形式で配布される)コンポーネントは遠隔からインストール・起動・停止・(リブートせずに)アンインストールできる。Javaのパッケージやクラスの管理は詳細に規定されている。ライフサイクル管理は、遠隔から管理ポリシーをダウンロードすることでAPIを経由して行われる。サービスレジストリにより、バンドルが新たなサービスや消滅したサービスを自動検出して適切に対応する。
The OSGi (Open Service Gateway initiative) specification describes a modular system and a service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model, something that does not exist in standalone Java/VM environments.
Applications or components, coming in the form of bundles for deployment, can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated, and uninstalled without requiring a reboot; management of Java packages/classes is specified in great detail. Application life cycle management is implemented via APIs that allow for remote downloading of management policies. The service registry allows bundles to detect the addition of new services, or the removal of services, and adapt accordingly.
The OSGi specifications have evolved beyond the original focus of service gateways, and are now used in applications ranging from mobile phones to the open-source Eclipse IDE. Other application areas include automobiles, industrial automation, building automation, PDAs, grid computing, entertainment, fleet management and application servers.
AEM & OSGi : (from RSG)
“Out of the box, AEM is a Java application that uses Adobe’s own CRX (Content Repository eXtreme) as the repository, Apache Felix (the OSGi implementation) as a services container, and Java Server Pages (or a new templating framework called “Sightly”) exposed through a custom servlet engine — plus application logic implemented in custom Java Servlets and OSGi Services. Note that you can substitute COTS products for many of the open source pieces. Many customers use Tomcat as the servlet container, and Adobe publishes detailed instructions for installing AEM into JBoss, WebSphere, and WebLogic appservers.
Abstraction of the storage layer is one of the prime motivations behind JCR: Applications don’t have to know or care about the underlying storage. Adobe offers connectors to Documentum, SharePoint, and other popular repositories, so that in many cases, organizations can keep their physical data exactly where it is, and still use AEM to provide a repository view into the content, with versioning and other services provided via CRX. This is a major selling point for organizations that have made a significant prior investment in other repositories but who want a WCM system to manage it all.”
What is REST?
Who is Roy Fielding ?
Representational State Transfer(REST) は、ウェブのような分散ハイパーメディアシステムのためのソフトウェアアーキテクチャのスタイルのひとつである。
REST is an abstraction of the architecture of the World Wide Web; more precisely, REST is an architectural style consisting of a coordinated set of architectural constraints applied to components, connectors, and data elements, within a distributed hypermediasystem. REST ignores the details of component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components, the constraints upon their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements.
RESTは、初めはアーキテクチャの原則と制約の集まり(後述)を指していたが、次第に、XMLやHTTPを使った簡易なウェブベースのインターフェイスのうち、WebサービスのSOAPプロトコルのような MEP(Message Exchange Pattern; SOAPノード相互のメッセージ交換のパターンを確立するための雛型)ベースの特別な抽象化をしないもののことを、大まかに意味する用語として使われるようになった。RESTは次に述べるように2つのやや異なる意味で使われている。
RPCスタイルに合わせた簡易な XML+HTTP インターフェイスを採用したシステム(SOAPは使わない) 。
Roy Thomas Fielding is one of the principal authors of the HTTP specification, an authority on computer network architecture and co-founder of the Apache HTTP Server project.
Fielding’s doctoral dissertation, describes Representational State Transfer (REST) as a key architectural principle of the World Wide Web, and received a large amount of attention. People now frequently hold up REST as an approach to developing Web services as an alternative to other distributed-computing specifications such as SOAP.
Fielding has also been heavily involved in the development of HTML and Uniform Resource Identifiers. Fielding was a co-founder of the Apache HTTP Server project, was a member of the interim OpenSolaris Boards, was the chair of the Apache Software Foundation for its first three years and was a member of its board of directors until May 2014.
Currently he works as a Principal Scientist at Adobe Systems in San Jose, California.
Who is David Nuescheler?
David Nuescheler, VP of Enterprise Technology at Adobe (former Day CTO and cofounder) — spearheaded JSR 170, and was the spec lead on version 2.0 of that specification, better known as JSR 283 (or simply JCR, the Java Content Repositories)
What is Fractional vs **Full-factorial **MVT ?
what are some advantages of each method ?
What thoughts must go into devising MVT tests ?
**Full-Factorial **= testing all combinations. e.g. With 7 elements (banner, headline, call-to-action, etc.) having 2 combinations each you have 2^7 = 128 variations to be tested.
Fractional-testing = testing a subset to indicate directional change.
Full factorial advantages : fewer rules, better insight into interactions across tested elements, and the ability to test out non uniform concept arrays.
Partial factorial advantages : speed, forced conformity to better testing rules, more efficient use of resources.
“When you are busy trying to answer the wrong question, then you can fail with any tool.” Andrew Anderson
- Full-Factorial Issues
- -requires more time
- -requires more traffic
- -possibly at the expense of segmentation
- -if tests run too long, the result may be outdated when it finally arrives
“regardless of methodology, conversions and revenues are less dependent on statistics, and more creativity, innovation, and the ability to listen and react to your customer.” Lily Chiu
“The less you spend to reach a conclusion, the greater the ROI. The faster you move, the faster you can get to the next value as well, also increasing the outcome of your program. What is more important is to focus on the use of multivariate as a learning tool ONLY, one that was used to tell us where to apply resources. One that frees us up to test out as many resources for feasible alternatives on the most valuable or influential factor, while eliminating the equivalent waste on factors that do not have the same impact. The goal is to get the outcome, getting overly caught up in doing it in one massive step as opposed to smaller easier steps, is fool’s gold.”