Adobe Analytics Flashcards


Which of the following is not a container type when creating segments ?

  • Page view
  • Visit
  • Lifetime
  • Visitor


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eVar : what is it?


The Custom Insight Conversion Variable (or eVar) is placed in the Adobe code on selected web pages of your site.

Its primary purpose is to segment conversion success metrics in custom marketing reports.

An eVar can be visit-based and function similarly to cookies.

Values passed into eVar variables follow the user for a predetermined period of time.

When an eVar is set to a value for a visitor, Adobe automatically remembers that value until it expires.

Any success events that a visitor encounters while the eVar value is active are counted toward the eVar value. eVars are best used to measure cause and effect, such as: Which internal campaigns influenced revenue Which banner ads ultimately resulted in a registration The number of times an internal search was used before making an order If traffic measurement or pathing is desired, using traffic variables is recommended.

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Edit conversion variables What is the path ?

  1. Analytics > Admin > Report Suites.
  2. Select a report suite.
  3. Edit Settings > Conversion > Conversion Variables.
  4. On the Conversion Variables page, click the Expand icon [+] next to the conversion variable you want to modify.

Or Click Add New to add an unused eVar to the report suite.

  1. Select the conversion variable fields you want to modify.

See Conversion Variables - Descriptions. Some fields let you type directly in the field. Others let you select from a drop-down list of supported values. 6. Click Save.

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eVar : What are the elements of a Conversion Variable

  • Name - Type (text string, counter) - Allocation (most recent, original value, linear) - Expire After (page or visit, time period, specific conversion event, never) - Status - Reset - Merchandising (products syntax, conversion variable syntax) - Merchandising binding event
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Differences between Props and eVars


The following are the main differences between Props and eVars:

  • Naming convention: Props are considered traffic variables, meaning they are used to report on popularity of various dimensions of your site. eVars are considered conversion variables. They are used to determine which dimensions of your site contribute the most to success events.
  • Persistence: Props do not persist beyond the image request they were fired on. They cannot be associated with other variables that are not in the same image request. eVars, however, are persistent. A backend variable is used to preserve the value originally fired so it can associate itself with success events later on.
  • Success events: Success events, also known as conversion events, are metrics that measure the number of times a visitor reaches a goal. This event can be anything from purchasing something on your site, to subscribing to a newsletter. eVars are designed to report on conversion events, to show you which values are most successful in influencing visitors to reach your goals. Traffic variables do not have this same functionality. However, you can view participation metrics if you configure your report suite correctly.
  • Pathing: Props can use pathing, which allows your organization to see a given path a user took within the context of the variable being viewed. An Adobe representative can enable pathing, if requested. eVars cannot use pathing.
  • Potentially available metrics: The metrics available between Props and eVars vary widely based on the variable’s settings and data platform/version. The following list illustrates what can be enabled, not what is enabled by default. If you want a specific metric in reporting but do not see it, have one of your organization’s supported users contact ClientCare.

Both Props and eVars:

Instances, Page Views, Visits and Unique Visitors
Bounces, Bounce Rate, Entries, Exits, and Total Time Spent
Participation metrics and calculated metrics

Props (Traffic variables):

Average Time Spent, Average Page Depth, Reloads, and Single Access

eVars (Conversion variables):

All shopping cart metrics
All purchase metrics, such as Orders, Units, and Revenue
All custom conversion events

Breakdowns: Props use correlations, which display page views for other traffic variables fired in the same image request. eVars use subrelations, which provide a breakdown on other conversion variables in relation to success events.

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What is a Custom Event?


Custom events let you define the success type that you want to track.

Although similar to predefined events, custom events let you define your own success metric. For example, if you have a newsletter, your success event could be “Registration.” Clearly, “Registration” is not part of the predefined events. By using a custom event, you can track the number of visitors who register for your newsletter. Custom events follow the standard syntax shown below.”event3”

The code above shows how to assign an event to the events variable. If you do not modify the event name in the interface, then “event3” would display in the interface.

By default, success events are configured as “counter” events. Counter events count the number of times a success event is set. Some success event uses require an event be incremented by some custom amount. These events can be set either as “numeric” events or “currency” events. You can change the event type using Admin Console.

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What is a Predefined Event?


List of predefined events.

  • *prodView ** Success event occurs any time a visitor views a product.
  • *scView ** Success event occurs any time a shopping cart is viewed.
  • *scOpen ** Success event occurs any time a visitor opens a shopping cart for the first time.
  • *scAdd** Success event occurs any time a product is added to a shopping cart.
  • *scRemove** Success event occurs any time an item is taken out of a shopping cart.
  • *scCheckout ** Success event occurs on the first page of a checkout.
  • *purchase** Success event occurs on the final page of a checkout (includes Revenue, Orders, and Units).

When any of the predefined events above occurs, an instance of the event is incremented. You can view the metrics related to the event in several different reports. See below for an example of the code used to configure predefined events.”scAdd””scOpen,scAdd”

  • In the first example above, scAdd is the value of the event. Any time an item is added to the shopping cart, the event is incremented.
  • In the second example, two values are captured at the same time. When multiple success events occur on the same page, each event is incremented.
  • Detailed Product View Page

The products variable is used for tracking products and product categories (as well as purchase quantity and purchase price).

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Bot Rules : What are they ?


Bot Rules let you remove traffic that is generated by known spiders and bots from your report suite. Removing bot traffic can provide a more accurate measurement of user activity on your website.

After bot rules are defined, all incoming traffic is compared against the defined rules. Traffic that matches any of these rules is not collected in the report suite and is not included in traffic metrics.

Removing bot traffic typically reduces the volume of traffic and conversion metrics. Many customers find that removing bot traffic results in increased conversion rates and increases in other usability metrics. Before removing bot traffic, communicate with stakeholders to make sure they can make the necessary adjustments to key performance indicators as a result of this change. If possible, it is recommended to first remove bot traffic from a small report suite to estimate the potential impact.

We recommend defining no more than 200 bot rules per report suite.

Bot traffic data is stored in a separate repository for display in the Bots and Bot Pages reports.

**Rule Type **

  • IAB

Selecting Include IAB uses the IAB/ABCe International Spiders & Bots List to remove bot traffic. This list is updated monthly by the IAB.

To submit a bot to the IAB list, visit

Adobe is unable to provide the detailed IAB bot list to customers, though you can use the Bots Report to view a list of bots that have accessed your site.

  • **Custom Bot Rules **

See Create a custom bot rule.

Impact of Bot Rules on Data Collection

Bot Rules are applied to all analytics data. Data removed by Bot Rules is visible only in the Bots and Bot Pages Reports. ASI Slots honor bot rules on historical data if they are enabled at the time of reprocessing.

VISTA rules are applied before Bot Rules (see Data Processing Order). Therefore, if you have a VISTA rule in place to send bot traffic to another report suite, the original report suite’s bot reports populate with little or no data.

High-Hit Visit Processing: If more than 100 hits occur in a visit, reporting determines if the time of the visit in seconds is less than or equal to the number of hits in the visit. In this situation, due to the cost of processing long, intense visits, reporting starts over with a new visit. High-hit visits are typically caused by bot attacks and are not considered normal visitor browsing.

Impact of IP Obfuscation on Bot Filtering

The IAB bot list is based solely on user agent, so filtering based on that list is not impacted by IP obfuscation settings. For non-IAB bot filtering (custom rules), IP may be part of the filtering criteria. If filtering bots using IP, bot filtering happens after the last octet has been removed if that setting is enabled, but before the other IP obfuscation options, such as deleting the entire IP or replacing it with some unique ID.​

If IP obfuscation is enabled, IP exclusion happens before the IP address is obfuscated, so customers don’t need to change anything when they enable IP obfuscation.

If the last octet is removed, that is done before IP filtering. As such, the last octet is replaced with a 0, and IP exclusion rules should be updated to match IP addresses with a zero on the end. Matching * should match 0.

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What are ASI Slots ?


Advanced Segment Insight (ASI) is a legacy version 14 feature that is replaced by native segmentation in analytics reports.

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Segment Builder Elements, what are the three types of segment containers?


Containers are used to build segments that relate to traffic data.

Three types of segment containers are available:

  • Page Views: Use page segments to understand the traffic going to different areas of your site, including multiple levels of hierarchy.
  • Visit: Use visit segments to understand the path a visitor follows and the interaction a visitor takes, such as visits that include specific pages, campaigns, conversions, and so on.
  • Visitor: Visitor segments are based on the visitor details, such as where a visitor comes from, buyers or window shoppers, authentication status, gender, age, geography, and so on.

Note: Visitor segmentation applies to visitor activity only during the reporting period. However, a visit could potentially include a persistent eVar from previous activity outside the reporting period. If that visitor returns to your site during the segment’s reporting period, and the segment includes the eVar value, the visitor would be counted in the segment.

Containers are listed in order from most granular (Page Views) to least granular (Visitors).

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What is Data Warehouse ?


Data warehouse refers to the copy of raw, unprocessed data for storage and custom reports, which you can run by filtering the data. You can request reports to display advanced data relationships from raw data based on your unique questions. Data warehouse reports are emailed or sent via FTP, and may take up to 72 hours to process. Processing time depends on the complexity of the query and the amount of data requested.

Adobe enables Data warehouse for administrator-level users only, for specific report suites. (It can be enabled for global and children report suites, but not for rollup report suites.) The administrator can create a group that has access to data warehouse, and then associate non-administrator level users to that group.

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How does the Anomaly Detection work?


To calculate the data, the daily total for each metric is compared with the training period using each of the following algorithms:

  • · Holt Winters Multiplicative (Triple Exponential Smoothing)
  • · Holt Winters Additive (Triple Exponential Smoothing)
  • · Holts Trend Corrected (Double Exponential Smoothing)

Each algorithm is applied to determine the algorithm with the smallest Sum of Squared Errors (SSE). The Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) and the current Standard Error are then calculated to make sure that the model is statistically valid.

These algorithms can be extended to provide predictive forecasts of metrics in future periods.

Because the training period varies based on the start of the view (reporting) period, you might see differences in the data reported for the same date as part of two different time periods.

For example, if you run a report for January 1-14, and then run a report for January 7-21, you might see different prediction data for the same metric between January 7-14 in the two different reports. This is a result of the difference in training periods

Anomaly Detection provides a statistical method to determine how a given metric has changed in relation to previous data.

Anomaly Detection is a feature within Reports & Analytics that allows you to separate “true signals” from “noise” and then identify potential factors that contributed to those signals or anomalies. In other words, it lets you identify which statistical fluctuations matter and which don’t. You can then identify the root cause of a true anomaly. Furthermore, you can get reliable metric (KPI) forecasts.

Examples of anomalies you might investigate include:

  • Drastic drops in average order value
  • Spikes in orders with low revenue
  • Spikes or drops in trial registrations
  • Drops in landing page views
  • Spikes in video buffer events
  • Spikes in low video bit-rates

The following table describes the prediction interval data returned by anomaly detection in the Reporting API:

  • upper_bound : Upper level of the prediction interval. Values above this level are considered anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be below this level.
  • lower_bound : Lower level of the prediction interval. Values below this level are considered anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be above this level.
  • forecast : The predicted value based on the data analysis. This value is also the middle point between the upper and lower bounds.

Anomaly Detection uses a training period to calculate, learn, and report prediction interval data per day. The training period is the historical period that identifies what is normal vs. anomalous, and applies what is learned to the reporting period. Depending on your configuration, the training period consists of the previous 30, 60, or 90 days before the start of the view or reporting period.

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What are the ways of Identifying Unique Visitors ?

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What is this ?


A 3D Scatter Plot graphs the elements of a data dimension (such as Days or Referral Site) on a three-dimensional grid where the x, y, and z axes represent various metrics.

Like Scatter Plot 2D, this visualization is useful when trying to understand the relationship between large numbers of disparate items employing different metrics.

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What is this?


2D Scatter Plots

Scatter plots graph the elements of a data dimension (such as Page or City) on a grid in which the x- and y-axes represent different metrics.

Scatter plots can be useful when trying to understand the relationship between large numbers of disparate items, by two different metrics. In the following example, the scatter plot is showing each city by the number of visitors and the respective retention rate.

The scatter plot enables you to quickly see the outliers. Salt Lake City, for example, has a higher than average retention rate per visitor.

Scatter plots can also be used to show the consistency of data. In the following example, the scatter plot shows the number of visitors with sessions of a particular length.

The size of each point on the scatter plot is determined by the radius metric. The default radius metric differs for each Adobe application. For example, in Site, the radius metric is based on Sessions by default. You can change the radius metric to have the points in your scatter plots represent any available metric. For steps to do so, see Changing Radius Metrics The color of the points is based on the color legend that is open within the workspace. For more information about color legends, see Color Legends.

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How many admin tools can you name?


The Admin Tools let you configure the following analytics features:

  • Administration API

Adobe’s Administration API lets you change report suite and user settings without the need to use Admin Tools. This feature is useful if you have a custom reporting interface, letting you make changes to the report suite without having to log in to the interface. There are no limitations to using this API, as compared to Admin Tools. Meaning, if a certain action can be done within Admin Tools, that same action can be done using the Administration API.

  • ASI Slots

Advanced Segment Insight (ASI) is a legacy version 14 feature that is replaced by native segmentation in analytics reports.

  • Billing

The Billing page lets you access billing information, including traffic details for each report suite. Only an authorized administrator has access to this page.

  • Bot Rules

Bot Rules let you remove traffic that is generated by known spiders and bots from your report suite. Removing bot traffic can provide a more accurate measurement of user activity on your website.

  • Classifications

Classifications are created by grouping (classifying) granular data from a source report. For example, you might want to analyze display ads, but they are mixed with email, partner, text ad, and social media campaigns. You can create groups so that you can analyze them separately.

  • Co-Branding

The Manage Co-Branding Image page lets you display your company logo in downloaded reports.

  • Code Manager

Code manager lets you download data collection code for web and mobile platforms.

  • Company Settings

The Company Settings page lets you configure settings that apply to all report suites managed by your organization.

  • Conversion

Anything that you consider a success event can be tracked through the Conversion Module. The success event is any event that drives visitors to your site, such as sales, marketing, and so forth.

  • Conversion Variables (eVar)

The Custom Insight Conversion Variable (or eVar) is placed in the Adobe code on selected web pages of your site. Its primary purpose is to segment conversion success metrics in custom marketing reports. An eVar can be visit-based and function similarly to cookies. Values passed into eVar variables follow the user for a predetermined period of time.

  • Cross Product Login

The Cross Product Login tab is available only if you have an active Search&Promote, Target account.

  • Currency Codes

Currency codes used in the Marketing Cloud.

  • Custom Report Descriptions

You can provide custom report descriptions for eVars, props, classifications and events. The descriptions are visible to all of your end users.

  • Customize Calendar

Calendar options in other than the Gregorian model. Options include the 4-4-5 and 4-5-4 calendar models, both of which are used as standards for the retail industry. Additionally, reporting offers an option for a completely customizable calendar that you can set up yourself.

  • Data Sources

The Data Sources feature allows you to import data to Analytics from offline sources. Once imported, this data can be treated and handled similarly to data that was collected natively.

  • Default Metrics

Reports and analytics displays a default set of metrics in all conversion reports, unless a user selects a custom set of metrics. The selected metrics display for all users of the associated report suite. You can update only one report suite’s default metrics at a time. These settings do not guarantee the order in which the default metrics are displayed.

  • Exclude By IP Address

You can eliminate data from internal website activities, such as site testing and employee usage, from your marketing reports. Excluding data improves report accuracy by excluding IP address data. Additionally, you can remove data from denial of service or other malicious events that can skew report data. You can configure exclusion or by using your firewall.

  • Finding Methods

The Finding Methods page identifies how various finding methods reports receive credit for conversion success events on your site. For example, if a search engine refers a visitor to your site who makes a purchase, Finding Methods specify how the search engine receives credit for the referral.

  • General Account Settings

Field descriptions for report suite General Account Settings in Admin.

  • Group Management

A group is a collection of users that you want to give a common set of access and permissions. For example, if you have 50 marketing report users, but only 20 need access to ad hoc analysis, you can create a group for those 20 users.

  • Hide Report Suites

Lets you hide report suites in the Adobe Analytics user interface.

  • Internal URL Filters

Internal URL filters identify the referrers that you consider internal to your site.

  • Key Visitors

(version 14 Only) You can track up to five key visitors per report suite. Key visitors can include high-profile customers, competitors, or potential investors. Analytics tracks key visitors by domain or IP address. Meaning, all visitors originating from a particular domain or IP address are tracked in the Key Visitors category.

  • Logs

Log files to help you see activity for usage, access, report suites, and Admin changes.

  • Manage P3P Policy

The Manage P3P Policy page lets you upload your organization’s P3P policy.

  • Marketing Channels

Marketing Channels are commonly used to provide insight on how visitors arrive on your site. You can create and customize Marketing Channel Processing Rules based on what channels you want to track, and how you want to track them.

  • Menu Customizing

Menu Customization lets you modify the report menus that a user sees in marketing reports. You can show or hide specific reports, as well as move them in different folders across all users. This feature is especially useful if your organization only uses certain reports and does not wish to clutter your left hand menu with unused or irrelevant data.

  • Mobile Management

Enabling mobile management actives the mobile solution variables that capture lifecyle and other metrics from mobile applications.

  • Name Pages

The rename web pages feature lets you create web page names in that are different from those names a visitor sees when accessing the web page. If you use a good naming convention for your web pages, renaming web pages is not typically necessary.

  • Paid Search Detection

Paid Search Detection differentiates paid from natural searches in the Search Engines and Search Keywords reports. You can specify the search engines where you use paid ads, and specify a character string found in the URL of a visit from a paid ad.

  • Pending Actions

The Manage Pending Actions page lets you view a list of pending actions in your Analytics environment. A pending action is any system change that requires approval from Adobe before implementation.

  • Publishing Lists

Publishing lists provide an easy way to send various reports specific to different groups of your organization without creating several separate scheduled reports. Publishing lists are useful if you have location-specific report suites and would like to provide each respective department a copy of a specific dashboard. Alternatively, you can use publishing lists to send data to many people without having to separately type in their email addresses, if you work with a single report suite.

  • Publishing Widget

A Publishing Widget is a container that lets you embed marketing reports (bookmarks and dashboards) on a web page. People in your organization who do not have access to marketing reports can view pertinent data.

  • Preferences Manager

The Preferences Manager page lets you configure how to render Excel and comma-separated value (CSV) report output.

  • Processing Rules

Processing rules simplify data collection and manage content as it is sent to reporting.

  • Real-Time Reports Configuration

Steps for setting up real-time reports in marketing reports & analytics.

  • Report Builder Reports

Manage license assigned to report builder users.

  • Report Suite Manager

A report suite defines the complete, independent reporting on a chosen website, set of websites, or subset of web pages. Usually, a report suite is one website, but it can be a global segment where you have combined several sites’ numbers to get totals. When you log in to the marketing reports, ad hoc analysis, and report builder, you select one report suite to use (except when you use roll-ups that combine report suites). Also, a report suite can be smaller than a website, if want to run reports for a portion of your site. Analytics solutions aggregate and report on these data stores. The admin Report Suite Manager lets you define the rules that govern how data is processed in a report suite.

  • Scheduled Reports Queue

Lets Admin-level users see and manage scheduled reports across the organization.

  • Security Manager

Enables you to control access to reporting data. Options include strong passwords, password expiration, IP login restrictions, and email domain restrictions.

  • Single Sign-On

The Manage Single Sign-On Service page lets you enable a single sign-on (SSO) method for accessing marketing reports. SSO is a convenient way to let users access marketing reports without a separate authentication process.

  • Simplified Reports Menu

Steps to implement the simplified reports menu in marketing reports and analytics.

  • Social Management

If you have Adobe Social enabled, this option allows you to classify Social variables.

  • Success Events

Success events are actions that can be tracked. You determine what a success event is. For example, if a visitor purchases an item, the purchase event could be considered the success event.

  • Survey Settings

You can specify whether a user group has access to Survey management or reporting. Users with the proper permission can generate reports on data collected from Survey. For example, you can run reports to see which surveys are associated with generating revenue, or you can see the performance of each survey compared to other surveys. You can see which surveys users are completing and which questions and responses are generating revenue.

  • Support

The Support Information page lets you designate custom contact information to display in the reporting interface or specify a custom Help section.

  • Traffic Variable

Custom Insight Traffic Variable (or prop) enables you to correlate custom data with specific traffic-related events. The prop variables are embedded in the implementation code on each page of your website.

  • Traffic

The Traffic Management page lets you specify expected traffic volume changes. These settings let Adobe allocate the appropriate resources to ensure that your traffic can be tracked and processed in a timely manner.

  • Traffic Management

The Traffic Management page lets you specify expected traffic volume changes. These settings let Adobe allocate the appropriate resources to ensure that your traffic can be tracked and processed in a timely manner.

  • Unique Visitor Variable

Designates an eVar to contain your unique visitor identifier. This variable lets you report on customer activity using your own unique identifier.

  • User Management

The User Management page lets you manage marketing report users and groups, and control access to reports, tools, and report suites. The permission system is group-based, meaning that the groups a user belongs to determines the user’s access to reporting features.

  • Video Management

You can designate a set of Custom Conversion Variables (eVars) and Custom Events for use in tracking and reporting on video.

  • Web Services

The Web Services APIs provide programmatic access to marketing reports and other Suite services that let you duplicate and augment functionality available through the Analytics interface.

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Understand the whole customer journey better by effectively using your data with the latest Adobe Analytics capabilities.

What are the main Adobe Analytics Capabilities?

  • Advanced segmentation

Create personalized experiences for your visitors based on comprehensive data about their unique behaviors and preferences.

  • Marketing attribution

Analyze the effectiveness of every marketing touchpoint that customers encounter on their path to conversion.

  • Mobile analytics

Dive deep into the performance of your mobile campaigns so you can better understand how your mobile customers engage with your brand.

  • Predictive marketing

Easily analyze customer data to predict the success of your campaigns and maximize the impact of your ad spend.

  • Real-time web analytics

React instantly to visitor trends with real-time reports that give you a second-by-second view of customer engagement.

  • Advanced visualizations

Gather deep analyses faster than ever with purpose-built visualizations to quickly identify areas for improvement.

  • Big data

Gather and analyze complex datasets in real time to uncover hidden behaviors and customer insights.

  • Social analytics

Understand the impact of your online communities, gain insight into user-generated content, and see how your social channels contribute to the bottom line.

  • Enriched audience optimization

Bring traditional, digital, and in-store data together to get the most comprehensive view of customers and their behaviors.

  • Customer churn analysis

Focus your efforts on higher value customers, know what causes them to leave, and understand how to win them back.

  • Report builder

Easily import real-time data from Adobe Analytics into Microsoft Excel to create customized reports and visualizations.


What are the six solutions of the Adobe Marketing Cloud




An anomaly is detected using statistical modeling to automatically find unexpected trends in your data. The model analyzes metrics and determines a lower bound, upper bound, and expected range of values. When an unexpected spike or drop occurs, the system alerts you to the anomaly in the report.


Calculated Metric


Calculated metrics enable you to combine metrics to create mathematical operations that are used as new metrics. These metrics can be created for a report to which you add metrics. Administrators can create calculated metrics for all users of a report suite.


Clickstream Data Feeds


Raw clickstream data that is collected from web sites, mobile apps, or is uploaded using web service APIs or data sources, is processed and stored in Adobe’s data warehouse. This raw clickstream data forms the data set that is used by Adobe Analytics.


Conversion Variable (eVar)


The Custom Insight Conversion Variable (eVar) is placed in the Adobe code on selected web pages of your site. Its primary purpose is to segment conversion success metrics in custom marketing reports. eVar variables can be visit-based and can function similarly to cookies on the site. Values passed into eVar variables follow the user for a predetermined period of time, based on configurations made on the Settings tab.




Cost per Million. Pertains to instances in which the code on the client’s web page generates a server call to Adobe, for example, an image request.


Custom Traffic Variable (s.prop)


Custom traffic variables, also called props (s.prop) or property variables, are counters that count the number of times each value is sent into Analytics.


Data Connectors


Adobe Data Connectors provide a complete development ecosystem to help Data Connectors partners integrate their products and services into the Adobe Marketing Cloud.


Expiration Trigger


Sets the lifetime of a variable value by letting you tell the system when to expire the variable’s value. Expiration triggers can be dates, time periods, or conversion events. It’s the event or action that occurs that expires the value of a variable. A campaign variable could be set to expire on purchase. An internal search term can be set to expire with a visit.


Adobe Analytics Data Sources


You can use Analytics to create and manage FTP-based Data Sources, which leverages FTP file transfer to import offline or historical data into the Marketing Cloud. After creating a Data Sources instance, the tool provides an FTP location that you can use to upload Data Sources files. Once uploaded, Data Sources automatically locates and processes them. After the files are processed, the data is available for Analytics reporting.


Event Serialization


The process of implementing measures to prevent duplicate events from entering Analytics reporting. Duplicate events can occur when a user refreshes a page multiple times, navigates to a certain page multiple times, or saves the web page to their machine (i.e. some users may save the purchase confirmation page to their computer). Every time they viewed the page, orders and revenue would be counted again if event serialization was not in place.


Decision Tree (AA, Data Workbench)


In data workbench, decision trees are a predictive analytics visualization used to evaluate visitor characteristics and relationships. The Decision Tree Builder generates a decision tree visualization based on a specified positive case and a set of inputs.


Exit Link


Any link that takes a visitor away from your site.


Fallout Report


The Fallout Report shows where visitors leave (fallout) and continue through (fallthrough) a pre-specified sequence of pages. It displays conversion and fallout rates between each step. For example, you can track a visitor’s fallout points during a buying process. You select a beginning point and a conclusion point, and add intermediate points to create a website navigation path.


Hit / Server Call / image request


A single image request to Adobe servers, generated when a user requests a resource on a website. A request can result in an error or a successful transmission of any data type. Each Track and Track Link calk generates a hit.

A server call, also known as a “hit” or an “image request”, is an instance in which data is sent to Adobe servers to process. The most common type of server call is a page view. A page view is where a visitor views a page on your website and a server call is generated to Adobe, where information is collected, processed, and then included in your report metrics. There are other types of server calls, including exit links and file downloads, where data is sent to Adobe to process, but is not recorded as a new page view. Even “excluded” page views (excluded from your reports by an IP address range you configure, for example) are server calls because they are received and processed by Adobe but never show up in your reports.


Image Request


An image request is used to send data to Adobe data collection servers. It is also known as a web beacon and is a transparent graphic image no larger than 1x1 pixel. It is placed on a web site or in an email to track visitor behavior. Data collection parameters are attached to the source of the image and read by the data collection server.


Multi-Suite Tagging


The ability to send data to multiple report suites using a single image request.


Report Suite


A report suite defines the complete, independent reporting on a chosen website, set of websites, or subset of web pages. Usually, a report suite is one website, but it can be a global segment where you have combined several sites’ numbers to get totals. When you log in to the marketing reports, ad hoc analysis, and report builder, you select one report suite to use (except when you use roll-ups that combine report suites).


Segment Container


The Segment Builder utilizes a container architecture that lets you determine what to include in a segment. The Visitor container is the outermost container and includes overarching data specific to the visitor across visits and page views. A nested Visit container lets you set rules to break down the visitor’s data based on visits, and a nested Hit container lets you break down visitor information based on individual page views. Each container lets you report across a visitor’s history, interactions broken down by visits, or break down individual hits.


Success Event


Success events are actions that can be tracked. You determine what a success event is. For example, if a visitor purchases an item, the purchase event could be considered the success event. Other examples include media subscriptions, self-service tool usage, searches, downloads, checkouts, etc.


Transaction Unique Customer URL


Any process set by the web site owner that begins with an order variable and ends with a success variable. This could mean a product purchase, newsletter sign-up or e-mail request for information after going through a preset process. A unique customer is registered when a person makes a purchase from your site for the first time within a specified period of time. In other words, while one person may buy from your site three times, this person would be recorded as one unique customer. You can tell exactly how many individual people are purchasing from your site.




Visitor Identification, Segmentation and Transformation Architecture (VISTA) is a server-side approach to populating report variables. VISTA uses visitor segmentation rules to create real-time segmentation of all online data. These rules enable you to alter or segment data in nearly any way that you choose, without the need for implementing complex logic on your site. An unlimited number of visitor segmentation rules can be defined with VISTA.


How does AA Contribution Analysis work?


stats + machine learning > identify high impact items
Contribution Analysis identifies the high impact items that contributed to an anomaly, but analyzing tens of millions of data per dimension and querying the top 50,000.

Evars, props (inc. pathing), variable out of box, SAINT classifications, Mobile/Video/AS/AT/Survey

CA inherits segments applied to Anomaly Detection
Settings persist for future analyses