Dementia Flashcards
What percentage of people above the age of 65 years have Alzheimers?
6-8% of people
What percentage of people above the age of 85 have alzheimers?
What percentage of patients have vascular dementia (“Mixed Dementia”)?
Co occurs with alzheimers in an estimated 15-20% of cases
Termed Mixed dementia.
What is lewy body dementia?
Second most common cause of dementia.
What are the protein compounds in Alzheimers disease?
Amyloid plaques
Tau neurofibrillary tangles.
What are the protein compounds in Lew body and Parkinsons dementia?
Cytoplasmic alpha synuclein inclusion bodies.
What are the protein build ups in Frontotemporal dementia?
Tau or Ubiquitin proteins.
What are the two most common risk factors for dementia?
Intellectual activity and physical activity.
What gene increases risk of dementia?
APOE4 allele (Late onset)
Downsyndrome as well.
Amyloid precursor protein and presenilin proteins (PS1 andPS2) are risks for what?
Early onset dimentia.
Of APOE4 and APOE2 which combination confers protection and which confers risk
APOE2 confers protection where as APOE4 confers risk if two alleles are inherited (dose related)
Clusterin, complement component receptor 1 are both risks for what?
What is the DEMENTIA acronym>
Drug Emotional psych disorders Metabolic disorders Endocrine problems Nutritional and neuroloical diseases Trauma and tumor Infection, ischemia, inflammation Anemia, arythmia Social, Sensory, Spiritual isolation.
What is the total score of the Folstein test?
30 with 19 items testing orientation, registration, attention, recalling etc.
What are the distinguishing signs of delirum?
Acute onset
Cognitive fluctuations over hours or days
Impaired consciousness and attention
Altered sleep cycles.
What other psyc problem commonly follows with dementia?
What is typically the first symptom of alzheimers?
Difficulty learning new information, occurs gradually.
Apraxia at later stages.
What brain section is often shrunken in alzheimers?
Hillucinations are a hallmark as well as major fluctuations of what disease?
Lewy Body Dimentia.
Which form of dementia occurs in younger patients with atrophy in the frontal and temporal lobes?
Frontaltemporal dementia.
Cholinesterase inhibitors: donepeil, rivastigmine, galantamine, and memantine are used to treat what?
All forms of dementia except for the corticotemporal forms.
Most common cause of dimentia?
Delerium is typified by?
Acute change with underlying stressor.
Lewy body disease is typified by?
True fluctuations from day to day progressive.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus typified by?
Enlargement of ventricles pushing against nerves.
Abnormal gait, urinary incontenance, cognitive decline!