Transferring the authority to perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation to another team member while maintaining accountability
transferring the authority, accountability, and responsibility to another member of the health care team (RN directs another RN to asses a client, 2nd RN is already authorized to assess clients in the RN scope of practice).
Moral responsibility for consequences of actions
5 rights of delegation
- right person
- right task
- right circumstances
- right direction & communication
- right supervision & evaluation
Activities of Daily Living
Prioritizing Care
Prioritizing systemic before local (“life before limb”)
Prioritize interventions for a client in shock over interventions for a client with a localized limb injury
Prioritize acute (less opportunity for physical adaptation) before chronic (greater opportunity for physical adaptation)
Prioritize the care of a client with a new injury/illness (mental confusion, chest pain) or an acute exacerbation of a previous illness over care of client with a long- term chronic illness
Prioritize actual problems before potential future problems
Prioritize administration of a medication to a client experiencing acute pain over ambulation of a client at risk for thrombophlebitis
Prioritize according to MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS’
Prioritize care of client needs according to MH (Physiological needs are higher than nutrition)
Recognize signs of emergencies and “complications vs. expected client findings”
recognizing signs of increasing ICP in a client newly dx with a stroke vs. clinical findings expected following a stroke.
apply clinical knowledge to procedural standards to determine the priority actions
recognizing that the timing of administration of
anti-diabetic & anti-microbial meds are more important that administration of other meds.