DELE C1 41-60 Flashcards
- Subs: (the) Saw
- Subs: (the) Hand saw
- Verb: To Saw / Saw off
Subs: (la) Sierra
(obs, kan även betyda mountain range) - Subs: (el) Serrucho
- Verb: Serruchar
- Dirty
- Filthy
(inmundo/a kan vara rätt på både 1 och 2)
- Sucio/a
- Mugriento/a
How to Say “Piece” and “Slice” in Spanish
(The most widely used, for basically any type of food) -
(Less common, same use as nr 1 above) -
(Typically used to refer to a circular-shaped slice of something, like a cucumber or tomato) -
(Refers to a slice of bread)
1. (el) Trozo
(The most widely used, for basically any type of food)
2. (el) Pedazo
(Less common, same use as trozo)
3. (la) Rodaja
(Typically used to refer to a circular-shaped slice of something, like a cucumber or tomato)
4. (la) Rebanada
(Refers to a slice of bread)
Andra alternativ: (la) Loncha, (la) Tajada, m.fl.
- Father-in-law
- Mother-in-law
- Suegro
- Suegra
(the) Heritage (2 alt)
Ex 1:
The inheritance is subject to tax.
Ex 2:
Discover the incredible cultural heritage of Pisa and Lucca.
(la) Herencia
La herencia es sujeta a impuestos. -
(el) Patrimonio
Descubre el increíble patrimonio cultural de Pisa y Lucca.
- (the) Shirt (Skjorta)
- (the) Shirt (typ T-shirt)
- (la) Camisa
- (la) Camiseta
(the) Sweater
(el) Suéter
(the) Bruise (2 alt, finns dock flera)
- (la) Magulladura
- (el) Moretón
to Disperse/Scatter
The rain scattered the crowd that had gathered opposite the hotel to greet the star.
Dispersar (regel)
(Esparcir är ett alternativ)
La lluvia dispersó a la multitud que se había reunido delante del hotel para saludar al astro.
(to) Spread (news or ideas etc.)
The local newspaper spread the news of an accident.
Difundir (reg)
El periódico local difundió la noticia de un accidente.
To duck / crouch / lower oneself
Lower your head so you don’t knock it when you go through that door.
Agachar (regel)
Agacha la cabeza para no dar un golpe al entrar por esa puerta.
To smell
(both: to have a scent and to perceive the smell of something/someone)
(i övrigt regel)
Ex 1: Huelo el humo en la ropa de mi esposo cuando fuma.
Ex 2: Este jabón huele muy rico.
To Scratch (3 alt)
Ex 1:
The metal fence scratched my arm.
Ex 2:
The cat scratched my hand as I was petting it!
Ex 3:
Somebody scratched my car with a key.
Arañar (reg)
Ex: La valla metálica me arañó el brazo. -
Rasguñar (reg)
Ex: ¡El gato me rasguñó la mano cuando lo estaba acariciando! -
Rayar (reg)
Ex: Me rayaron el auto con una llave.
Grandson / Granddaughter
Nieto / Nieta
- Nephew (brorson)
- Niece (systerson)
- Sobrino
- Sobrina