Dehorning & Debudding Flashcards
Are all cases of debudding blocked?
NO —> toxic dose of 10 mg/kg can easily be reached on goats on 2% Lidocaine
- commonly needs to dilute from 2% to 0.5%
Can a 3-lb kid that is being debudded be blocked with 2% Lidocaine?
Lidocaine = 2g/100mL = 2000mg/100mL = 20 mg/mL
3lbs/2.2 = 1.5 kg
TOXIC DOSE = 10 mg/kg
- 10 mg/kg x 1.5 kg = 15 mg
1 ml of Lidocaine = 20mg —> toxic dose in this kid is 15 mg —> convulsions!
What are some options for sedation in kids and older goats? What are some other options?
KIDS = xylazine (0.025 mg/mL) IM
OLDER = xylazine (0.1-0.3 mg/kg) IM then Ketamine (5 mg/mL) 10 mins later
- Xylazine (0.02-0.1) IV + Tolazine reversal (1.5 mg/kg) IV
- Acepromazine (0.03-0.05 mg/kg) IV or (0.05-0.1 mg/kg) IM
- Diazepam (0.2-0.5 mg/kg) IV or (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) IM
When are kids dehorned? How? What indicates a proper debudding?
< 3 weeks —> prefer < 10 days
hot iron
- cherry red iron - ensures the iron is hot enough to immediately burn skin without affecting underlying tissue
- copper peri-bud
What are scurs?
incompletely developed horn growth not connected to the skull as a result of leftover horn tissue from improper debudding
L = proper healing
R = improper technique, scud
What can be done if the circumference of the hot iron will not cover the entire horn?
- use a Barns dehorner for entire procedure
- use a Barns to trim the horn to a place that can be debudded with the iron
Why are goats dehorned?
- commonly get horns stuck in fences
- decrease damage from butting
How is an elastrator used to dehorn goats?
- clip hair around the base of the horn
- apply band as low as it can go
- tape the band so it doesn’t slip
- within a few months the goat should be dehorned
What equipment is most commonly used to dehorn goats? How is this done?
cosmetic/OB wire or saw
- clip
- sedate
- block
- cut skin
- saw as low down as possible
+/- burn smaller part of horn if it fits within iron
Where is the cornual nerve block applied?
midway between lateral canthus of the eye and the base of the horn along the zygomatic process on the upper third of the temporal ridge, about 2.5 cm below the base of the horn
Dehorning, goat:
- reflect skin close to horn
- place OB wire as close to the skull as possible and saw
- take pieces of horn out without letting them fall into the sinus
- Ford interlocking pattern to appose tissue
Dehorning, undermining skin:
Calf dehorning:
- not entering the sinus
- no bone present in horn yet
- preferred to do within first week of life
What equipment is preferred for cutting ingrown horns?
OB wire
What is a button dehorner? How can bleeders be handled?
dehorning equipment used in young calves, where the cutting edge is twisted in and then the horn can be scooped out without entering the sinus
- cannot fit over or reach down to the skin in larger/older cattle
hot iron cautery
When can caustic paste be used for debudding calves? When is use contraindicated?
horn buds —> preferably < 3 days old (only use a dime-sized amount)
if it’s raining - will wash down and damage face, skin, and eyes (sloughing common)
What is this piece of equipment?
Barns dehorner
What is this piece of equipment?
curved Barns dehorner —> goot for use in chute without obstruction
What happens when too large/small dehorners are used?
TOO LARGE = too much tissue taken
TOO SMALL = not enough tissue taken = scurs
Cattle dehorning:
Debudding vs. dehorning:
dehorning = bone and sinus involved`
What 3 precautions can be taken to ensure proper debudding/dehorning is performed in cows?
- cover open sinus with a stockinette that has eye and horns holes + layer with a thin layer of gauze (too much = gets heavy can falls off)
- don’t feed overhead in a hay manger - avoid feedtuff from getting in sinus
- check and remove loose bone or debris
What piece of equipment is this?
scoop/button dehorner