Deglutition Muscles Flashcards
Superior Longitudinal (Intrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Base of tongue & hyoid
Insertion: All the way up excluding tip
Action: Shortens tongue, raises sides and tip of tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Transverse (Intrinsic Tongue)
Origin: septum of tongue
Insertion: Lateral margins
Action: Lengthens and narrows tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Vertical (Intrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Superior surface
Insertion: Inferior surface
Action: Flattens and broadens tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Inferior Longitudinal (Intrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Base of tongue
Insertion: Tip of tongue
Action: Shortens tongue, turns tip of tongue downward
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Genioglossus (Extrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Mental spine
Insertion: Tongue and body of hyoid
Action: Depresses tongue, protrudes and retracts tongue, elevates hyoid
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Hyoglossus (Extrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Greater horn of hyoid
Insertion: Tongue
Action: Depresses and pulls tongue posteriorly
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Styloglossus (Extrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Styloid Process
Insertion: Tongue
Action: Elevates and pulls tongue posteriorly
Innervation: Hypoglossal, CN XII
Palatoglossus (Extrinsic Tongue)
Origin: Aponeurosis of soft palate
Insertion: Tongue
Action: Elevates and pulls tongue posteriorly, narrows fauces
Innervation: Pharyngeal Plexus: CN IX, X, XI
Tensor Veli Palatini (Soft Palate)
Origin: Scaphoid fossa, spine of sphenoid, lateral auditory tube
Insertion: Aponeurosis of soft palate
Action: Tenses soft palate
Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
Levator Veli Palatini (Soft Palate)
Origin: Petrous portion, temporal bone: medial auditory tube
Insertion: Soft palate
Action: Elevates soft palate
Innervation: Pharyngeal Plexus: CN IX, X, XI
Uvulae (Soft Palate)
Origin: Posterior nasal spine, aponeurosis of palate
Insertion: Uvula
Action: Shortens soft palate
Innervation: Pharyngeal Plexus: CN IX, X, XI
Palatopharyngeus (Soft Palate)
Origin: Aponeurosis of soft palate
Insertion: Posterior thyroid cartilage, posterolateral pharynx
Action: Narrows fauces, elevates larynx and pharynx
Innervation: Pharyngeal Plexus: CN IX, X, XI
Digastric, Anterior belly (Larynx)
Origin: Inferior border of mandible near symphysis
Insertion: Intermediate tendon to body and cornu of hyoid
Action: Elevates and pulls hyoid anteriorly, assists in depressing the mandible
Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
Digastric, Posterior belly (Larynx)
Origin: Mylohyoid line of mandible
Insertion: Body of hyoid and median raphe
Action: Elevates and pulls hyoid posteriorly
Innervation: Facial, VII
Mylohyoid (Larynx)
Origin: Mylohyoid line of mandible
Insertion: Body of hyoid and median raphe
Action: Elevates hyoid and tongue, depresses mandible
Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
Geniohyoid (Larynx)
Origin: Median ridge of mandible
Insertion: Body of hyoid
Action: Elevates hyoid and tongue; depresses mandible
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis: C1, C2
Stylohyoid (Larynx)
Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion: Body of hyoid
Action: Elevates and pulls hyoid posteriorly
Innervation: Facial, CN VII
Thyrohyoid (Larynx)
Origin: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Insertion: Greater horn of hyoid
Action: Elevates thyroid cartilage, depresses hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis: C1, 2
Sternohyoid (Larynx)
Origin: Manubrium sterni, medial end of clavicle
Insertion: Body of hyoid, inferior border
Action: Depresses hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis: C1, 2, 3
Omohyoid, Superior belly (Larynx)
Origin: Superior border of scapula near scapular notch
Insertion: Intermediate tendon by fascia to clavicle
Action: Depresses hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis: C1, 2, 3
Omohyoid, Inferior belly (Larynx)
Origin: Intermediate tendon by fascia to clavicle
Insertion: Body of hyoid, inferior border
Action: Depresses hyoid
Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis: C1, 2, 3
Aryepiglottic (Larynx)
Origin: Apex of arytenoid cartilage
Insertion: Lateral margin of epiglottis
Action: Assists in closing inlet of larynx
Innervation: Vagux, CN X; Mainly Accessory, CN XI, Cranial root
Thyroepiglottic (Larynx)
Origin: Medial surface of thyroid cartilage
Insertion: Lateral margin of epiglottis
Action: Assists in closing inlet of larynx
Innervation: Vagus, CN X; Mainly Accessory, CN XI, Cranial root
Thyroaretynoid (Larynx)
Origin: Medial surface of thyroid cartilage
Insertion: Muscular process of aretynoid cartilage
Action: Assists in closing glottis, shortens vocal folds
Innervation: Vagus, CN X; Mainly Accessory, CN XI, Cranial root