Degenerative Disease Flashcards
What neurons are affected first in Hungtinton’s disease?
medium spiny type 1 neurons
What neurotransmitters are affected in Huntington’s disease?
decreased GABA and ACh
increased NE and somatostatin
What is the inheritance of Wilson’s disease?
What chromosome is associated with Wilson’s disease?
Ch 13
What is seen on histology for Wilson’s disease?
Alzheimer type II astrocytes in grey matter, Opalski cells (microglia) in the GP
What is seen on gross pathology of Wilson’s disease?
spongy red degeneration and cavitation of the putamen and GP with occasional atrophy of the superior and middle frontal gyri
How is Wilson’s disease treated?
limit copper food (liver and chocolate), penicillamine, copper chelate
What two disease have neurofibrillary tangles? What’s the difference?
Alzheimers (flamed) and Progressive supranuclear palsy (globose)
What is an key history finding in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy?
multiple falls with poor response to L-DOPA
What is seen on gross pathology with striatonigral degeneration?
atrophic/brown putamen and depigmented SN
What is Hallorvorden Spatz disease?
AR, iron deposition disease
atrophic GP and SN leading to extrapyramidal and corticospinal dysfunction
What is the effect of amantadine for Parkinson’s?
increases DA release
Benztropine and trihexylphenidyl are both _____.
What medication can be used for tremor in parkinson’s disease?
______ deep brain stimulation is best for contralateral bradykinesia and tremor.
Shy Drager syndrome has loss of cells in the ______.
intermediolateral column of the spinal cord and putamen
What is the inheritance of friedreich’s ataxia?
What is the genetics of friedreich’s ataxia?
Ch 9 trinucelotide repeat, Frataxin gene
What is the inheritance of Lafora body disease?
What are the symptoms of Lafora body disease?
myoclonic seizures and dementia
What is seen with Baltic myoclonus? What is the inheritance?
myoclonic seizures with purkinje cell atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy is defined by degeneration of _____ and sparing of _____.
anterior horn and hypoglossal nuclei
corticospinal and bulbar nuclei
What is the most common SMA?
SMA type 1 (Werdnig Hoffman)
What is the genetics of SMA type 1? What is the inheritance?
Ch 5
Floppy infant syndrome is a result of ____.
SMA type 1
All SMA types have _____ weakness with sparing of the _____.
proximal muscle
Most ALS cases are sporadic but ____ percent are____ on Ch ____ due to mutation in ______.
Ch 21
superoxide dismutase
What are Bunina bodies?
intracytoplasmic inclusions in ALS in anterior horn cells