Definitions - Week 10 Flashcards
Close emotional relationship exhibited by a child toward a caregiver expressed by maintaining physical proximity, stress upon separation and relief of stress upon reunion
The deteriorating effects on infants of long term confinement to hospitals or similar institutions
The process of a mothers falling in love with her infant shortly after birth
Seperation Distress
Infants distress response on being left by their attachment figure
Fear of Strangers
Pattern of behaviour displayed by infants during second half of the first year that serves as an indication that the infant has developed an attachment for his or her caretaker
Strange Situation
A technique developed by Ainsworth and her colleagues to assess quality of attachment in young children
Secure attachment
Optimal type of attachment where infants display confidence when their caregivers are present show mild distress when temporarily left alone and quickly reestablish contact with caregivers upon their return
Insecure resistance attachment
An insecure style of attachment in which infants keep very close to their caregivers and tend not to explore much. They become distressed when their caregivers leave them temporary but display under and initially rejection to contact when the caregiver returns
Insecure avoidant attachment
An insecure style of attachment in which infants show little distress when their caregiver departs temporarily avoid contact with them when they return and usually do not show wariness of the stranger
Disorganized attachment
Attachment style in which infants seek to be close to their caregivers in inconsistent ways, often showing patterns typical of secure insecure avoidant and or insecure resistant attachment simultaneously
Attachment Q-Set
Method for assessing infant caregiver attachment in which the caregiver or a trained observer sorts 90 statements describing a certain attachment relationship into pre-established categories (most alike to least alike)
Interactional Synchrony
Mother-infant harmonious interaction where partners take turns responding to each others leads needs and emotions
Internal working models of attachment
Mental models models to describe children’s developing mental representations of their attachment relationships
Natural Parenting
A movement in some western nations to return to a more natural form of infant care including having greater closeness between infants and parents, increased sensitivity and responsiveness to infants signals and extended breastfeeding on demand
Neurohormonal regulator associated with reward or pleasure recognized by specific receptors in the brain