Definitions Deck Module 2 Flashcards
Module 2
Bends or decrese the angle of a joint; Full-Fetal Flexion (in fetus position, all joints flexed)
Straightens or Increases the angle of a joint. HYPEREXTENSION = an abnormally full angle.
Lateral Flexion
Direction of movement; Moving Head to the side, all the way right or all the way left.
Movement away from the midline (Alien abduction - moving away) AKA Radial Deviation (wrist moving toward Radius) - There is also Horizontal Abduction, moving from a Horizontal plane
Movement toward the midline (Adding to the body) AKA Ulnar Deviation (wrist moving toward Ulna) - There is also Horizontal Adduction, moving from a Horizontal plane
Lateral or Outward rotation of forearm (Direction of Forearm when holding a bowl of soup)
Medial or Inward Rotation of Forearm (Direction of Forearm when play pro basketball)
Plantar Flexion
Toes pointing downward (Gas Pedal)
Toes pointing toward the shin (Toes to Nose)
Sole is turned inward (Ankle Roll); Elevation of medial edge of the foot
Sole is turned outward; Elevation of lateral edge of the foot
Where Proximal end is Fixed while Distal End moves in a cone shaped ROM
Circular movement in which bone moves around its central axis [Head movements]; Medial and Lateral (extremities); Upward and Downward (scapula acromian processes)
Raising of lifting a body part superiorly (upwards direction) [Scapula/ Mandible Jawbone]
Lowering or dropping a body part inferiorly (Downward movement) [Scapula/ Mandible Jawbone]
Moving forward or Anteriorly [Scapula/ Mandible Jawbone]
Moving backward or Posteriorly [Scapula/ Mandible Jawbone]
Tip of thumb touches tip of any other finger of the same hand
Lateral deviation
Side to side movement [Mandible Jawbone]
Revealing our own thoughts, feelings and personal history.
The obligation of professionals or professional organizations to safeguard entrusted information.
Scope of Practice
Professional activities that can be performed legally by members of a licensed profession and the context these activities can be applied.
Client Neglect
Failure by a caregiver to provide necessary food, shelter, healthcare, or supervision to the person for whom they are caring.
Client Abuse
Any action by a person in a position of trust or power that causes harm to another person.
Client transfers of past feelings, conflicts, and attitudes into present relationships, situations, and circumstances.
Practitioner transfers past feelings, conflicts, and attitudes onto the client.
Dual relationships
Situations when two or more different relationships exist; could be social, professional, business, communal, and/or sexual.
Blood cell formation
Bony Markings
Located where muscles, tendons, and ligaments attach and where nerve and blood vessels pass
Articulation/ Arthroses
Joints, are the meeting places for bones