Definitions Flashcards
Understand the Definitions of PgMP
Definition: Benefit
The gains and assets realized by the organization and other stakeholders as the result of outcomes delivered by the program.
Definition: Benefits Management Plan
The documented explanation defining the processes for creation, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by a project or program
Definition: Benefits Analysis and Planning Phase
Establishes the program benefits management plan and develop the benefit metrics and framework for monitoring and controlling both the components and the measurement of benefits within the program.
Definition: Benefits Delivery Phase
Ensures that the program delivers the expected benefits management plan.
Definition: Benefits Sustainment Phase
Ongoing maintenance activities performed beyond the end of the program by receiving organizations to assure the continued generation of the improvements and outcomes delivered by the program.
Definition: Benefits Transition Phase
Program activities that ensure the benefits are transitioned to operational areas and can be sustained once they are transferred.
Definition: Business Case
A documented economic feasibility study used to establish the validity of the benefits to be delivered by a program.
Definition: Component
A project, subsidiary programs or other related activities conducted to support a program.
Definition: Constraint
A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project, program, portfolio, or process.
Definition: Enterprise Environmental Factors
Condition, not under the immediate control of the team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project, program, or portfolio.
Definition: Performing Organization
An enterprise whose personnel are the most directly involved in doing the work of the project or program.
Definition: Phase Gate
A review at the end of a phase in which a decision is made to continue to the next phase, to continue with modification, or to end a project or program.
Definition: Portfolio
Projects, Programs, subsidiary portfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
Definition: Portfolio Management
The centralized management of one or more portfolios to achieve strategic objectives.
Definition: Procurement Management Plan
A component of the project or program management plan that describes how a team will acquire goods and services from outside of the performing organization.
Definition: Program
Related projects, subsidiary programs, and program activities managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.
Definition: Program Activities
Taks and work conducted ot support a program and which contribute throughout the program life cycle.
Definition: Program Benefits Management
Processes that clarifiy the program’s planned benefits and intended outcomes and includes processes for monitoring the program’s ability to to deliver against these benefits and outcomes.
Definition: Program Benefits Management Performance Domain
Performance domain that defines, creates, maximizes, and delivers the benefits provided by the program.
Definition: Program Change Management
Activites to plan for, monitor, control, and administer changes during the course of the program.
Definition: Program Charter
A document issued by a sponsor that authorizes the program management team to use organizational resources to execute the program and links the program to the organizations’s strategic objectives.
Definition: Program Closure Phase
Program activities necessary to transition program benefits to sustaining organization and formally close the program in a controlled manner.
Definition: Programm Communications Management
Activities necessary to the timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, and ultimate disposition of program information.
Definition: Program Definition Phase
Program Activites conducted to authorize the program and develop the program roadmap required to achieve the expected results.
Definition: Program Delivery Phase
Program activities performed to produce the intended results of each component in accordance with the program management plan.
Definition: Program Financial Framework
A high-level initial plan for coordinating available funding, determining constraints, and determining how funding is allocated.
Definition: Program Financial Management
Activities related to identifying the program’s financial sources and resources, integrating the budgets of the program components, developing the overall budget for the program, and controlling costs during the program.
Definition: Program Governance
The framework, functions, and processes by which a program is monitored, managed, and supported in order to meet organizational strategic and operational goals.
Definition: Program Governance Framework
The supporting structure around which the decision making, supporting and oversight practices are constructed, operated and managed.
Definition: Program Governance Performace Domain
Performance Domain that enables and performs program decision making establishes practices to support the program and maintains program oversight.
Definition: Program Governance Plan
A document that describes the systems and methods to be used to monitor, manage and support a given program, and the responsibilities of specific roles for ensuring the timely and effective use of those systems and methods.
Definition: Program Information Management
Activities related to how the program’s information assets are prepared, collected, organized and secured.
Definition: Program Information Managment Plan
A component of the program management plan that describes how the program’s information assets will be prepared, collected, and organized.
Definition: Program Integration Management
Program activities conducted to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate multiple components into the program.
Definition: Program Life Cycle Management
Managing all program activities related to program definition, program delivery, and program closure.
Definition: Program Life Cycle Management Performance Domain
Performance Domain that manages program activities required to facilitate effective program definition, program delivery, and program closure.
Definition: Program Management
The application of knowledge, skills, and principles to a program to achieve the program objectives and to obtain benefits and control not available by managing program components individually.
Definition: Program Management Information Systems
Tools used t collect, integrate, and communicate information critical for the effective management of one or more organizational programs.
Definition: Program Management Office
A management structure that standardizes the program-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources, methodologies, tools, and techniques.
Definition: Program Management Performance Domain
Complementary grouping of related areas of activity and function that uniquely characterize and differentiate the activities` found in one performance domain from the others within the full scope of program management work.
Definition: Program Management Plan
A document that integrates the program’s subsidiary plans and establishes the management controls and the overall plan for integrating and managing the program individual components.
Definition: Program Manager
The individual authorized by the performing organization to lead the team or teams responsible for achieving program objectives.
Definition: Program Master Schedule
An output of a schedule model that logically links components, milestones, and high-level activities necessary to deliver program benefits.
Definition: Program Procurement Management
The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques necessary to acquire products and services to meet the needs of the overall program and the constituent projects/components
Definition: Program Quality Assurance
The activities related to the periodic evaluation of overall program quality to provide confidence that the program will comply with relevant quality policies and standards.
Definition: Program Quality Control
The monitoring of specific components or program deliverables and results to determine if they meet the quality requirements and lead to benefits realization.
Definition: Program Quality Management
The activities of the performing organization that determine program quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the program will be successful.
Definition: Program Resource Management
Program Activities that ensure all required resources (people equipment, materials, etc.) are made available to the component managers to ensure the delivery of the benefits of the program.`
Definition: Program Schedule Management
An activity to determine the order and timing of the components needed to produce the program benefits, estimate the amount of time required to accomplish each one, identify significant milestones during the performance of the program, and document the outcomes of each milestone.
Definition: Program Risk
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the program.
Definition: Program Risk Management
Program activites related to actviely identifying, monitoring, analuzing, acceptaing, mitigating, avoiding, or retireming program risk.
Definition: Program Risk Register
A document in which risks are recorded together with the results of risk analysis and risk response planning.
Definition: Program Roadmap
A chronological representation of a programs intended direction that graphically depicts dependencies between major milestones and decision points and reflects the linkeage between the business strategy and the program work.
Definition: Program Scope Management
Activities that define, develop, monitor, control, and verify program scope.
Definition: Program Stakeholder Engagement Performance Domain
Performance Domain that identifies program outputs and outcomes to provide benefits aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives.
Definition: Program Strategy Alignment
Activities associated with the integration and development of business strategies and organizational goals and objectives, and the degree to which operations and performance meet stated organizational goals and objectives.
Definition: Program Strategy Alignment Performance Domain
Performance Domain that identifies program outputs and outcomes to provide benefits aligned with the organizations goals and objectives.
Definition: Program Steering Committee
Group of participants representing various program-related interests with the purpose of supporting the program under its authority by providing guidance, endorsements, and approvals through the governance practices. This committee may also be referred to as a Program Governance Board.
Definition: Project
A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Definition: Project Management
The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.
Definition: Quality Management Plan
A component of the project or program management plan, that describes how an organizations quality processes will be implemented.
Definition: Risk Management Plan
A component of the project, program or portfolio management plan, that describes how risk management activities will be structured and performed.
Definition: Schedule Management Plan
A component of the project or program management plan, that establishes the actives for developing, monitoring and controlling the project or program.
Definition: Scope Management Plan
A component of the project or program management plan, that describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled and verified.
Definition: Sponsor
An individual or a group that provides resources and support for the project, program, portfolio, and is accountable for enabling success.
Definition: Stakeholder
An individual, group, or organizaion that may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio.
Definition: Subsidiary programs
sometimes referred to as subprograms. are programs sponsored and conducted to pursue a subset of goals important to the primary program.