Definitions Flashcards
Know bullet three content.
Definition: definiendum.
In any definition, the word or symbol being defined (e.g. a-p-p-l-e or “apple”).
Definition: definiens.
In any definition, a symbol or group of symbols that is said to have the same meaning as the definiendum (e.g. a small red fruit with sweet flesh).
Definition: stipulative definition.
A definition in which a new symbol is introduced to which some meaning is arbitrarily assigned; as opposed to a lexical definition, a stipulative definition cannot be correct or incorrect.
What are the five kinds/functions of definition?
Identify and define.
- stipulative, or “nominal” (meaning deliberately assigned to some symbol as a proposal; directive rather than informative, not true or false)
- lexical (reports meaning definiendum already has; informative?, true or false)
- precising (eliminate ambiguity and/or vagueness)
- theoretical (compressed summary of theory)
- persuasive (put forward to resolve dispute by stirring emotions)
Definition: ambiguous.
Term has more than one distinct meaning and contexts fails to clarify which is intended.
Definition: vague.
Term may or may not apply to borderline cases.
Definition: extension(al meaning).
Name synonym.
Refers to the collection of objects that constitutes the extension of the meaning (e.g. the eight planets).
Synonym: denotation/denotative meaning.
Definition: intension(al meaning).
Name synonym.
Refers to the criteria for deciding (common attributes or characteristics) whether something falls within the extension of a term (e.g. astronomical bodies that are x, y, z). Determines the extension.
Synonym: connotation/connotative meaning.
What are the three types of extensional definitions?
Name synonym.
- definition by example (give examples)
- ostensive (or “demonstrative”) definition (objects denoted by the term being defined are referred to by means of pointing, or with some other gesture)
- quasi-ostensive definition (relies upon gesture, in conjunction with a descriptive phrase)
Synonym: denotative definition.
What are the three types of intension?
Name synonym.
- subjective intension (set of attributes believed by speaker to belong to all objects denoted by word)
- objective intension (set of attributes belonging to all objects in the word’s extension–impossible to know without omniscience, so not public meaning)
- conventional intension (commonly accepted set of attributes believed by public to decide whether the object is part of the extension of the term)
Synonym (infrequent): connotation.
What are the three types of intensional definitions?
Name synonym (two synonyms for one of the types).
- synonymous definition (using words with the same meaning)
- operational definition (conditional upon performance of specified operations yielding a specified result)
- definition by genus and difference (or “analytical definitions,” or “definitions per genus et differentia”) (first identifies class–i.e. genus–of which it is a subclass, then the attribute that distinguishes it from members of all other species within the class, e.g. cat is a mammal that loves lasers)
What makes an entity part of the same genus vs. part of the same species?
Members of a genus (larger) all share a common characteristic, while members of a specific species (smaller) within a genus have a further distinguishing attribute in common.
Definition: specific difference.
The shared attribute that marks a species off from other species within its genus.
How do you define a term by genus and difference?
- identify genus
2. identify specific difference
Definition: summum genus.
The highest (“universal”) class (no genus above it).
What are the rules for appraising definitions by genus and difference?
Identify and explain.
- state essential attributes of the species
- not circular
- neither too broad nor too narrow
- no ambiguous/obscure/figurative language
- negative < affirmative