definitions Flashcards
overgrowth of terminal parts of skeletal system after epiphyseal fusion as a result of overprod of growth hormone
presence of endometrial tissue in myometrium
uterine appendages, incl. fallopian tubes, ovaries, and associated ligaments
congenital or acquired increase in # of cells of adrenal cortex, occurring bilaterally and resulting in excessive excretion of 17-ketosteroids with signs of virilization
adrenal hyperplasia
failure of menarche to occur by 16th year of life
primary amenorrhea
separation of normally implanted placenta from its uterine attachment after 20th week of pregnancy and before birth. usually 3rd trimester
abruptio placentae
absence of menses for 3+ months after menarche
secondary amenorrhea
Aspiration of amniotic fluid, usually TA, for dx or tx purposes
fluid confined by amnion
amniotic fluid
characteristics include primary amenorrhea, female phenotype, testes instead of ovaries, absence of uterus, and male genotype
androgen insensitivity syndrome
excessive number of X in circulation caused primarily by deficiency of folic acid, vit B12, or both
anemia, megaloblastic
MC cause of microcytic anemia
anemia, iron deficiency
eating d/o characterized by altered body image and marked reduction in intake of food, caused by psychogenic factors and leading to malnutrition and amenorrhea
anorexia nervosa
irregular uterine bleeding that occurs in absence of ovulation
anovulatory bleeding
before labor or delivery
physical assessment of newborn usually performed at 1 and 5 minutes, used to determine need for resuscitation
Apgar Score
abnormal accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
loss of uterine muscle tone, which result in failure of labor to progress or PPH
atony, uterine
sex chromatin masses on nuclear membrane. number of Q is one fewer than number of X chromosomes
Barr bodies
cystic swelling of a Q gland caused by obstruction of duct
Bartholin cyst
pair of glands located at 4k and 8k positions on the vulvo-vaginal rim
Bartholin glands
oral temp at rest, used for ovulation
Basal body temperature
most common germ cell tumor, consisting of all 3 germ layers
benign cystic teratoma OR dermoid cyst
physical assessment of fetus, incl. US eval of fetal movement, tone, amniotic fluid volume, and electronic fetal heart monitoring
biophysical profile
graph showing BBT in the luteal phase that is higher than normal
biphasic temperature curve
circulation by which fetus exchanges nutrients and waste products with mother
blood flow, uteroplacental
endometrial bleeding that occurs at inappropriate times during use of OCPS
breakthrough bleeding
the buttocks
clinical (info obtained from surgery or biopsy) and pathological eval of the extent and severity of the cancer
cancer staging
neoplasm in which tumor cells are confined by the basement membrane of the epithelium of origin
carcinoma in situ
birth of the fetus thru incisions main in abdomen and uterine wall
Cesarean delivery
irregular brownish patches of various sizes that appear on the face during pregnancy and or during use of OCPs
inflammation of fetal membranes
malignant tumor composed of sheets of cellular and syncytial trophoblast
transcervical or transadominal sampling of X for cytogenic eval of the fetus
chorionic villus sampling
period of life or the sx of endocrine, somatic, and psychic changes that occur in women during transition from repro to non repro state
ligand, SERM. stimulates maturation of follicles and thereby ovulation as a result of its antiestrogenic effect on hypothalamus
withdrawal of penis during coitus before ejaculation
coitus interruptus
surgical procedure used to repair a cystocele
anterior colporrhaphy
surgical procedure used to repair a rectocele
posterior colporrhaphy
examination of vagina and cervix by means of an instrument that provides low mag
benign, cauliflower like growth on the genitalia, caused by HPV
condyloma acuminatum
cone of cervical tissue excised for histologial examination
cone biopsy
prevention of conception
fetal assessment and therapeutic technique in which a needle is passed into the umbilical vessel and blood sampled or tx given
temporary endocrine structure produced at site of ovulation. it is involved in the production of progesterone
corpus luteum
pouch-like cavity btwn rectum and uterus, formed by a fold of peritoneum
scraping of the interior cavity or other surface w/ a
separate curettage of endometrium and endocervix for dx eval. specimens are submitted separately for pathological exam
fractional curettage
suction catheter curettage
suction curettage
sx complex caused by hypersecretion of glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and sex hormones of the adrenal cortex
Cushing syndrome
protrusion of urinary bladder that creates downward bulging of the anterior vaginal wall as a result of the weakening of the pubocervical fascia
radiogram of the urinary bladder after injection of contrast medium
msrmnt of function and capacity of urinary bladder by pressure-volume studies, often used to diagnose hyperactive bladder
identifiable changes in the endometrium and other tissues in response to progesterone
direct endoscopic inspection of interior of urinary bladder
physiologic or instrumental opening of cervix
immunoprotein used for passive immunization to prevent D sensitization of mom when exposed to fetal RBC that may have Rhesus D antigens
D immunoglobulin
intravascular coagulation abnormality originally described in the OB complications of abruptio placentae and intrauterine fetal demise
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
simultaneous availability of 2 sterile set-ups for either a vaginal or abdominal delivery
double set-up
malignant solid germ cell tumor of the ovary
IUGR leading to small for dates baby, assoc. with placental insufficiency
painful menstruation.
termination of pregnancy by medical or surgical intervention
induced abortion
spontaneous termination of a pregnancy before 20th week of gestation
spontaneous abortion
incomplete expulsion of the products of conception (retained tissues in uterus)
incomplete abortion
dilation of cervical os but no passage of the products of conception
inevitable abortion
intrauterine retention of non-viable products of conception
missed abortion
3 or more consecutive 1st trimester miscarriages
recurrent abortion
any type of miscarriage complicated by infection
septic abortion
vaginal bleeding in the presence of closed cervix and viable fetus
threatened abortion
difficult or painful intercourse
abnormal or difficult labor
painful urination
convulsive form of pregnancy induced hypertension
pregnancy located outside of uterine cavity
ectopic pregnancy
growth of columnar epithelium of the endocervix onto the ectocervix
ectropion OR eversion
thinning or shortening of the cervix
conceptus from blastocyst stage to end of 8th week
procedure of obtaining endometrial tissue for dx purposes
endometrial biopsy
presence of endometrial implants outside uterus
instrumental visualization of the interior of a hollow viscus
herniation of small intestine into the cul-de-sac, usually accompanied by and confused with rectocele
incision made into the perineum at the time of vaginal delivery
exogenous admin. of estrogen or estrogenic substances to overcome deficiency or absence of natural hormone
estrogen replacement
continuous and prolonged effect of estrogen on endometrium, resulting from lack of progesterone
unopposed estrogen
removal of pelvic viscera, including bladder, the rectum, or both; usually in setting of advanced cervical malignancy
exenteration, pelvic
microscopic pattern of NaCl xtls as seen in estrogen stimulated cervical mucus or amniotic fluid
conceptus from 8weeks to birth
mammary changes characterized by fibrosis and formation of cysts in the fibrous stroma
fibrocystic changes
preliminary stages of sexual relations
physiological cyst arising from the Graafian follicle or corpus luteum
functional ovarian cyst
hormone producing ovarian neoplasm
functioning ovarian tumor
spontaneous flow of breast milk in the absence of recent pregnancy
an individual’s understanding of the activity and behavior appropriate to the M or F sex
gender role