Definitions Flashcards
resolving power/limit of resolution
the ability of a microscope to distinguish adjacent objects as separate entities
tranmission electron microscopy (TEM)
type of electron microscope in which an image is formed by electrons that are transmitted through a specimen
the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension or as a vapor (as in gas chromatography) through a medium in which the components move at different rates.
nucleic acid hybridization
A technique in which single-stranded nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) are allowed to interact so that complexes called hybrids are formed by molecules with similar, complementary sequences
in vitro
(of a process) performed or taking place in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism.
any of numerous compounds consisting of a 17-carbon 4 ring system with at least one hydroxyl group and a variety of other possible side groups
extracellular sequences of amino acids that bind to calcium and promote adhesion between similar types of cells in a tissue
lipid anchored proteins
protein located on a membrane surface that is covalently bound to one or more lipid molecules residing within the lipid bilayer
class of lipids containing the amine alcohol shpingosine as a backbone
lipid rafts
localized region on membrane lipids, often charaterized by elevated levels of cholesterol or glycosphingolipids, that sequester proteins involved in cell signaling
fluorescent antibodies
antibody containing covalently linked fluorescent dye molecules that allow the antibody to be used to locate antigen molecules microscopically
electrochemical potential
transmembrane gradient of an ion, with both an electrivcal component due to the charge separation quantified by the membrane potential and a concentration component; also called electrochemical potential
alternating conformation model
membrane transport model in which a carrier protein alternates between two conformational states, such that the solute binding site of the protein is open or accessible first to one side of the membrane and then to the other
coupled transport of two solutes across a membrane in the same direction
transmembrane protein complexed with rhodopsin, capable of transporting protons across the bacterial cell membrane to create a light dependent electrochemical proton gradient