Definitions 3.2 Flashcards
Seasonal variation
change in the value of a variable that is related to seasons
Criterion level
a yardstick set by directors to enable managers to judge whether investment ideas are worth pursuing (e.g. ARR must be 15+% or payback must be a max of 12 months)
Cumulative cash
the buildup of cash over several time periods
applying a discount factor to a money sum to take into account the opportunity cost of money over time
Present values
the discounting of future cash flows to make them comparable with today’s cash. this takes into account the opportunity cost of waiting for the cash to arrive
making decisions on the basis of the immediate future and therefore ignoring the long-term future of the company
Tactical decisions
those that are day-to-day events and therefore do not require a lengthy decision making process
Actual values
although known as actual values or payoffs, these are the forecasts of the net cash flow which result from following a sequence of decisions and chance events through a decision tree. They should always be at the ends of the branches of the tree
Expected values
these are the forecast actual values adjusted by the probability of their occurrence. Although called ‘expected’, they are not the actual cash flows which result. Expected equals actual times probability
Net gains (or losses)
subtracting the initial outlay from the expected value to find out whether or not a decision is likely to produce a surplus
a point in a decision tree where chance takes over. It is denoted by a circle, and at that point it should be possible to calculate the expected value of this pathway
the likelihood of something occurring. Expressed as a numerical value, can be a percentage, a fraction or a decimal. Probability of something certain is 100% or 1. Something impossible is 0. Range from 1 to 0
Critical path
the activities that put be completed on time for the project to finish on time. They have no float times at all
Management by exception
the principle that because managers cannot supervise every activity within the organisation, they should focus their energies on the most important issues
diagram showing all the activities needed to complete a project, the order in which they put be completed and the critical path
Network analysis
breaking a project down into its component parts, to identify the sequence of activities involved
Earnings per share
company profits after tax divided by the number of shares issued; a rising EPS makes it easy to pay out rising dividends to shareholders
deducing something from circumstances without any direct evidence
the family-owned small and medium sized businesses that are the backbone of the German Economy
Stock market index
a weighed average of the share prices of many companies are added together, adjusted to equal 100, then measured for % change over time
Person culture
an organisation such as a legal practice, where common training practices mean everyone is trusted to get on with their jobs with minimal supervision
Power culture
the boss as spider in the web, with every decision going through him or her. Power kept at the top
Psychmetric tests
designed to test the psychological make-up of a candidate - that is, the personality and character of an individual
Role culture
where the job role is treated as of more importance than the individual; this will be a bureaucratic, risk-avoiding culture
Task culture
making the task or project the focus with staff brought in to form a temporary team empowered to get the task completed successfully
Pressure group
a group of people with a common interest who try to further that interest
an owner of (part up) a company
Shareholder value
a term widely used by company chairmen and chairwomen, which means little more than an attempt to maximise the company’s share price
Social responsibilities
duties towards stakeholder groups, which the firm may or may not accept
an individual or group that affects and is affected by an organisation