The Problem Of Other Minds.
that we do not know whether others have conscious thoughts.
What is Solipsism?
The view or theory that the self (consciousness) is all that can be known to exist.
Exp: I am the only mind which exist or my mental states are the only mental states.
Justified True Belief (JTB)
theory of knowledge: a true belief that is accepted and corresponds to how things are in the world.
*true belief that has proper evidence.
Empirical Evidence
Based on observations or experiences rather than theory or pure logic.
Dogmatic Assurance
You think you are right and that everyone is wrong.
*closes the mind against speculation.
A Greek compound word meaning wisdom of love.
omniscience - knowing everything
omnipotence- having great or unlimited power
omnibenevolence - perfect goodness.
often characterized as the primary bearer of truth or falsity.
*characterized as the kind f thing that can declare sentences and if they are true or false.
*Must be one or the other cannot be both.
Strong and Poor arguments
- premises must be acceptable without proof or explanation.
- premises must support the conclusion and have a distinction between the two kinds of arguments: deductive and inductive.
Do not believe that innate ideas exist though that all knowledge originates in the senses.
appeals to the deductive reasoning as the source of knowledge and justification.
*reasoning should be exercised independent off the senses.
*relied on two central concepts: innate ideas and a priori knowledge.
Secondary Qualities
Color, sound, taste, smell and touch.
*can be described as the effect things have on people, thus do not provide objective facts about things.
Conceptual analyisis
A distinction in drawing boarders around concepts and ideas, determining what kinds of things are excluded.
- acquaintance knowledge
- competence or skill knowledge
- propositional or descriptive knowledge.
Primary Qualities
Properties of objects that are independent.
*exist in the object itself and is necessary for the object to have reality.
property dualism
characteristics of conscious intelligence, plus properties of pain and the sensation of red.
*mental phenomenas are non physical properties of physical substances but not committed to the existence of non-physical substances.
‘Epi’ - means above.
this is the oldest version of property dualism, in which mental states are caused by physical states in the brain but do not cause anything.
*holding mental phenomenas by actions and behaviour,