Definitions Flashcards
What is carbon dating?
It is the ratio of carbon 12:carbon 14 in a living/once living thing. Carbon 14 decreases once something has died - this is useful for old thing (not VERY old but not recent either).
What is nuclear fusion/fission?
Fusion- 2 smaller nuclei join together to make one larger nucleus (sum of the binding energy of a smaller nuclei is smaller than the sum of larger nuclei)
Fission is the opposite.
slows down any fast neutrons for fission to occur (graphite or heavy water)
Control rods
controls rate of reaction by absorbing any excess neutrons
Fuel rods
contains the fuel (U-235)
looks the same in every direction
matter is distrubuted uniformly
What is mass defect?
is the difference between the mass of a nucleus and the sum of the mass of its nucleons if they were seperated.
When a wave changes direction its speed changes; this happens when it enters a new medium. The frequency stays the same but the speed changes (sound waves speed up in denser materials but electromagnetic waves slow down). Therefore wavelength changes.
Snells law
n*sinx = constant at a boundary
n1sinx1 = n2sinx2 rearrange to find
Is the spreading out of a wave as it passes through a gap.
Kirchoffs 1st Law
At any point in a circuit the current in is equal to the current out.
Kirchoffs 2nd Law
In a closed loop the sum of the pds is equal to the total emf.
Ultimate tensile strength
The maximum force an object can withstand before it breaks.
Kinetic Theory Model - particles
Solids- When graph is increasing in solid state then particles are close together and vibrate in fixed lattice positions. As temp increases space between particles to increase.
Liquids - When graph is increasing in liquid state particles vibrate more and are further away as temp continues to rise.
Kinetic Theory Model - energies
When a substance is heated, but is in the same state (gradient) , the kinetic energy increases but the potential energy remains the same. When a substance changes state (flat gradient) the potential energy increases, but the kinetic energy remains the same.
Internal energy
Sum of the random kinetic and potential energies of each molecule added together.
What eq to use when you have 2 pressures, change in temp, 1 volume and want to find out the other volume.
pV/T = pV/T
sub in values and rearrange.
Assumptions of kinetic theory of gases
- Forces are negligible except during collisions
- Collisions are perfectly elastic
- Particles occupy negligible volume compared to volume of gas
- Lots of particles move in random motion