Definitions Flashcards
HR Specialist
Provides expertise in a specific HR function, such as recruiting, workforce relations, benefits, etc. 
HR Generalist
“Jack of all trades“. Typically the first point of contact for employees and supervisors on a wide variety of HR issues. 
Balanced Scorecard 
Method used to ensure objectives used to measure performance are strategically aligned to various sources of value to the organization 
Value Statement
Identify beliefs that are important to an organization, and that often dictate employee behavior 
Vision Statement 
Provides a guiding image of the future an organization plans to attain through its strategy. Ultimately, it’s what management envisions for the future. 
Mission Statement 
Specifies the activities an organization intends to pursue, and the course management has charted for the future 
Transactional Engagement 
Employees appear to be engaged, but do not actually feel or think in an engaged way
Behavioral Engagement 
The effort employees put into their jobs which leads to greater value.
It creates higher performance from less engaged counterparts. 
Variation between individuals in a closed environment. It is composed of two basic parts: how one identifies one self and how one is regarded by one’s peers.
Ex: gender, personality, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, 
The achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly, and respectfully, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization success.
Also translates to employees, feeling confident and secure at expressing their individualism at work. 
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 
Rising social concern for corporate relations with ethics 
Organizational Effectiveness and Development (OE&D)
A technique that organizations implement to help them increase performance levels and move toward higher levels of growth.
Key areas of emphasis include team performance, employee, growth, efficiency, and productivity 
Labor Relations 
Engagements between employees, management and labor unions that allow them to make beneficial decisions within an organization. Decisions are usually about wages, salaries, working conditions, and working hours. Can also include welfare, security and grievances. 
Employee Empowerment 
Allows employees (including managers) to make choices and act on those choices with the organizations backing.
Ex: encourage fresh ideas and ways of doing things, ensure employees have access to info needed to do job, use management approach that encourages employee feedback, 
Employment Enlargement 
Adding extra challenges or duties to an existing job. Can add increased job satisfaction.
The key is know a person and their goals then increase work that can help the individual attain those goals 
Job Enrichment 
The addition of relevant duties to a job to make employees work more satisfying 
External Factors 
Things that a company has no direct influence on. Can positively or negatively impact a company.
Ex: globalization, healthcare cost, changes in employment legislation, workforces diversity, downsizing and layoffs, current trend of flexible work hours, telecommuting trend 
Job Analysis 
Formal system determining what tasks people undertake at work. Determines how employee performance is measured. Used to develop job specifications and job descriptions. 
Job Description
List of tasks, duties and objectives that the job requires. Linked to job analysis 
Job Specifications
Explains the skills and talents that a person must possess to perform a particular job. Linked to job descriptions. 
Coalition Tactics
Relates to a group of people working together to achieve a single goal.
Union = internal coalition 
Rational Persuasion 
Using facts, evidence and logical arguments to persuade people that your point of view is best 
Contingent Rewards 
When employees are rewarded based on their achievements
Ethical Practice 
Describes the act of seamlessly integrating common moral values into every day business practices
Cultural Effectiveness 
The ability to value, and consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all parties
HR Leader 
The strategic senior leader of the HR team. This person may have the title of Director, VP of HR or chief HR officer. The HR leader provides input into the overall company strategy. 
In Six Sigma, project leaders are referred to as what? 
Six Sigma black belts
A six sigma greenbelt is what? 
Six Sigma Master Blackbelt is:
The quality leader, who supervises the work of Green belts
Technical term used to describe, converting data into a format that hides its intended meaning. All employee data should be stored in this format to protect employee privacy, and personal information.
The process of converting encrypted data back into its original form so it can be understood
Someone who lives outside their native country. Used most frequently when a pool of talented experienced workers is not available in the host country. This is a very expensive method so there must be a compelling reason to hire expatriates over local nationals. 
Touchpoint Mapping 
Involves the identification or “mapping” of critical interaction points, when the potential applicants and candidates come into contact with an organizations brand
Ethnocentric Orientation
Lead to transfer of headquarters total compensation policies, with little or no consideration of local and cultural differences. 
Polycentric Orientation
Orientation in which local cultural and legal compensation norms are most likely to be understood and implemented
Regiocentric Orientation
An orientation in which there is the likelihood that there will be greater consistency of remuneration approaches within each local region 
Geocentric Orientation
Where local compensation strategies are more likely to be consistent with global policies 
Gross Margin
Profitability ratio showing the percentage of total sales revenue after incurring the direct cost of producing goods and services sold
Earnings per share
Profitability ratio used by equity holders as a standard expression of earning
Profit margin
Profitability after all expenses have been deducted, and is expressed as a percentage of revenue
Two dimensional graph in rectangular coordinates consisting of points whose coordinates represent values of two variables under study
Tree diagram
A diagram with a structure of branching, connecting lines, representing different processes in relationships
Pareto Chart
A type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph were individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line
Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
Firm that hires employees from other organizations, with the intent of leasing them back to the original organization, while providing all or most of the HR administrative service support to these leased employees for a fee 
An arrangement where specific employees are referred to a staffing firm that employs them and assigns them back to their original organization typically at a lower cost 
Temp-to-lease Program
An arrangement in which two staffing firms are involved: one a temp service, and the other a PEO. The temp service assigns the long-term temp to a client organization. After a period of time, the employee is promoted to lease status and becomes eligible for benefits from the PEO. 
Strategic Workforce Planning
Guarantees that qualified workers are on hand when the company needs them
Perspective Taking
The process of recognizing how your actions affect other people 
Affiliative Leadership
Emphasizes the value of teamwork, and create harmony within a group.
The total compensation received in exchange for work completed, including benefits, bonus, and Allowances
The degree of decision-making concentration within accompany.
Learning how to learn
Time to Fill
of days between posting a job to selecting a candidate
Accepting responsibility for the actions and inactions of those who made job has been assigned
Organizational Citizenship
Acting in the company’s, best interest without expecting anything in return.