Definitions Flashcards
environmental science
applies to people and the natural world
natural science
examining the natural world
bio, geo, chem
social science
examining human interactions and institutuions
natural resources
substances and energy sources provided by the environment that are of economic value
resource managment
planning and descission making aimed at balancing a resources use with its protection and preservation
tragedy of the commons
scenario of unchecked resource usage motivated by selfishness
eg - unregulated grazing land
carrying capacity
ability of the system to support life
aquifer - fed desert oasis
ecological footprint
-measure of the land / water required to support an ind of a species
-inverse of carrying capacity
- nations can be debtors or creditors
Define repeatability
Repeatability- repeating hypothesis testing by controlling it in many ways
the hypothesis are repeated.
Define reproducibility
Reproducibility- to assure that the same results are achieved with a high degree of reliability when
Define theory
Theory- widely accepted, well tested, and validated explanation of cause and effect relationship
Define quantitative
Quantitative - describes quantities
Uses numbers and digits
Closed ended
Define qualitative
Qualitative - describes qualities
Uses languages
They are complementary to one another
Open ended
Define matter
Anything that has mass and takes up space
Define chemistry
The study of matter and its transformation
Cannot be broken down further
Fundamental blocks of life
Elements gives the chemical substance its set of properties
Environment systems
Broad term for a network of relationships among components , elements or parts that interact with and influence each other
Flows of important elements and components that move substances from one place to another within an envr system
Open system
Rcvs input or energy and matter and produces output
Closed system
matter cycles in various part of the system but does not leave or enter the system
Feedback loop
Cyclic process where a systems output is another system input
Neg FB
When the output of one mechanism drives another mechanism in opp direction
Pos FB
When the output of one reaction drives another mechanism in the same direction
Magnifying the effect
Dynamic equilibrium
Process in which system moves in opp durection at the same rate
Emergent properties
Properties that cannot be seen when looking at parts of the whole
Emergent properties can only when looked at a system as a whole
Therefore we require holistic / system based app approach to look at emergent props
Studies the interaction of an org with its biotic and abiotic factors
The abundance and distribution of an organism
Ecosystem ecology
Studies the flow of energy and naterial among the biotic and abiotic factors of the system
Structure (inter relationships)
Functional orocesses like photosynthesis
Organic material from which living organism are made of
The total amount of solar energy converted to chemical bonds
The energy available for consumption
The metabolism of earth vegetation
Secondary production
The energy generated when heterotrophs consume autotrophs
The rate at which biomass production occurs
Compounds and elements required for survival
Nutrients req in large amt
Nutrients required in small amounts
Limiting factor
Less then ideal availability of macronutrient that limit plant and algal growth (primary lrod)
Environmental “ nutrient bottleneck”
Nutrient cycle
The flow of matter among the ecosystems
Move,ent of materials among the reservoirs
A reservoire that release more materials then it retains
A reservoire that retains more material then it release
Turnover time
Time it takes for all the atoms of material to be flushed out
Residential time
Avg time, a material stays within the reservoire
Liq to gas in atp
Water vapour release by plants
The gas to liq returning to earth surface
Percipitation not taken up by plants or animals