R.A NO. 5921
the pharmacy law
R.A NO. 3720
the foods, drugs, devices and cosmetics act
R.A NO. 6675
the generics law of 1988
R.A NO. 8203
special law on counterfeit drugs
R.A NO. 9165
the comprehensive dangerous drug act of 2002
R.A NO. 9502
university accessible cheaper and quality medicines act of 2008
R.A NO. 9711
food and drug administration act of 2009
an act of regulating the practice of pharmacy
pharmacy law
ensure the safety and purity of foods and cosmetics
foods, drugs, devices and cosmetics act
an act to promote, require and ensure the production of an adequate supply..
generic law of 1988
an act of prohibiting counterfeit drugs, providing penalties for violations and appropriating funds.
special law on counterfeit drugs
othewise known as the dangerous drugs act of 1972
R.A NO. 6425
known as amended, providing funds therefore, and for other purposes
dangerous drug act of 1972
an act of providing for cheaper and quality medicines, amending for the purpose republic act no. 8293
universally accesible cheaper and quality medicine act of 2008
an act of strengthening and rationalizing the regulatory capacity of the bureu of food and drugs
food and drug administration of 2009
universal principles of biomedical ethics
role fidelity
informed consent
the individual is free to choose and implements one’s own decisions
binds both the practitioner and the patient
acts of mercy and charity
means never to use treatment to injure or wrong the sick
an important aspect of trust
the practitioner practice faithfully
role fidelity
rule of informed consent directs that patients must be fully informed about the benefits
informed consent
it is carefully formulated system of principles or rules for the guidance of a particular group of individuals
code of ethics