first hospital in colonial america, was established in and what year
pennsylvania, philadelphia, 1751
the first hospital pharmacist , his succesor was?
jonathatn roberts, john morgan
Greatest of the pharmacists-chemist
carl willhelm scheele
america’s first apothecary general
andrew craigie
the two major threats
deterioration of the practice of pharmacy
discriminatory classification by the university of pennsylvania medical faculty
a school of pharmacy
philadelphia college of pharmacy
first u.s industry in medicinal herbs was carried on by the united society of believers commonly known as
the shakers in 1820
under the leadership of its first president ____ and secretary _________ the twenty delegates launched the american pharmaceutical association and opened to “all pharmaceutists and druggists”
daniel b. smith
william procter jr.
where did european and american pharmacy meet?
second international congress of pharmacy in paris, france in 1867
the father of american pharmacy
william procter jr.
father of botany
theophrastus, 300 b.c
contributed mightyly to such atransition in pharmacy.
father of pharmacology
pedanios dioscorides
originator of the formula cold cream
considered as patron saints for pharmacy and medicine
damian, the apothecary
cosmos, the physician
father of modern plant chemistry
carl willhelm scheele
found time to make the art of poisoning
mithridates vi
give the world opium’s chief narcotic principle, morphine
friedrich willhelm adam sertuner
two french pharmacists who isolated emetine from ipeccacuanha in 1817
pierre joseph pelletier
joseph-bienairne caventou
was the french retail pharmacists
stanislas limousin
announced the effectiveness of diphteria antiroxin
boehring and roux
was the first step of many in produsing antirixin
diptheria toxin
one of the successful researchers in the development of new chemical compounds and who for 30 years headed chemical laboratories in he world
ernest francois auguste fourneau
antibiotics are not new. their actions probably were first observed by ____
they studied the fleming’s discovery of penicillin in 1929
florey and chain