Definition & Assessment of Obesity Flashcards
why is obesity considered a chronic disease
it is something you manage the rest of your life (trying not to gain the weight back)
Define Obesity (3)
-excessive, abnormal accumulation of fat which can impair health
-a complex neuroendocrine disorder
-a chronic disease caused by the complex interplay of factors
what is BMI rating for
1. normal weight
2. overweight
3. obese class 1
4. obese class 2
5. obese class 3 (morbily)
- 18.5- 24.9
- 25-29.9
- 30- 34.9
- 35-39.9
- > 40
how to calculate BMI
weight (Kg) divided by height in meters squared
BMI strengths (4) & limitations (3)
pros: - accepted as valid/reliable indicator of adiposity & health risk
-quick, inexpensive and easy to do
-correlated with subcutaeous fat and viscreal fat
con: - does not account for bone mass, FFM & physical abilities
-doesnt consider maturation
-can be used for classifying people at risk but not the defining characteristic (does not distinguish between where the fat is located)
what is andriod obesity & the distribution (men)
fat in the mid section like apple shaped. Increased health risk
what is gynoid obesity and its distribution (women)
some around mid section but most around thighs, like a pear shape
what is the strongest anthropometric predictor of viscreal fat (Independant of age, sex & race)
waist circumfrence
How to classify BMI in youths and how is it classified
use BMI thresholds derived from child growth refernce. Categorized in percentiles
when to use waist circumference in combination with height to determine weight to height ratio?
with Youth to interpret health risks