Defining Wellbeing and Mental health Flashcards
World Health Organisation Definition of Mental health
Individuals can cope with everyday stress and are can maintain friendships and communicate with family
What are…
- Mental Health Condition
- Mental Disorder
- Psychosocial Disability
- psychological disabilities and mental disorders
- Dysfunction with the psychological, biological, or developmental processes.
- Exclusion and discrimination
WHO - Transforming Mental Health for all
(Geneva, 2022)
Connect - Positive relationships
Function - Earn a living
Cope - Deal with stress
Thrive - Feel good
* Mental health and physical health are equally important
WHO - Transforming Mental Health for all
(Geneva, 2022)
Example: Sexual abuse, Low Income, disease outbreaks
- Undermine mental health
- Most at-risk people will not develop mental
health conditions and many people with no
known risk factor still develop a mental health
WHO - Transforming Mental Health for all
(Geneva, 2022)
Protective factors
Example: Good physical Health, Economic security, Gender equality
- Enhance mental health
- Build resilience i.e. positive parenting and safe neighbourhoods
WHO - Transforming Mental Health for all
(Geneva, 2022)
Mental health and link with poverty
- fewer education and employment opportunities
- Less able to access healthcare
- Not able to maintain sufficient living standards
WHO initiative for mental health and wellbeing
Theory Of Change
Aim, increase access to mental health care , 100 million more people
Problems: depression and anxiety disorders cost the the global economy $1 trillion per year
Strategic action: advance mental health policy, scaling up services and interventions
WHO - Transforming Mental Health for all
(Geneva, 2022)
Three transformative paths
Deepen value and commitment - invest more in mental health
Reshape environments for mental health- schools
Strengthen mental health care - affordable community services
WHO definition of Health
Good social well being, mental and physical health as well as the absence of disease
What is the Hedonistic view
(Ryan and Deci, 2001)
The avoidance of pain and negative mood as well as focus on positive mood only.
What is the Eudaimonic View
Focus on psychological wellbeing as well as personal growth
Well-Being Frame Work
Knight and McNaught, 2011
Society wellbeing: Fairness, equality and social justice
Community wellbeing: Housing and physical safety
Family wellbeing: Interpersonal relationships within and out side family
Individual wellbeing: Social, psychological, physical and spiritual
Well London, 2007
- Big Lottery Fund gave Greater London Authority money to deliver health and well being programme.
- Phase 1 - 20 of Londons most deprived neighbourhoods. 17, 000 participants
- 86% improvement to mental well being
- 83% improvement in physical activity
- Improved community cohesion and increased life skills
How was Well London Implemented
- DIY happiness sessions, practical advice and positive approaches
- Hairingy, Therapy for over 50s
- Waltham Forrest, Camping trips and equipment
What is prevalence
- Point prevalence - number of cases at specific time
- 1yr prevalence - anyone who experienced condition throughout year
- Life time prevalence - number of cases of condition at any time in their lives, ill and recovered