Defining SKIN lesions Flashcards
What is a macule?
- flat
- often red
- <1cm
- well defined border
- arises from the epidermis
What is a papule?
- raised and palpable lesion
- <5mm diameter
- well defined border
- typically not compressible
- arises from the dermis
What is a patch?
- a larger macule
- flat
- often red
- > 1cm
- well defined border
- arises from the epidermis
What is maculopapular?
- red area covered with small confluent bumps
What is a nodule?
- a papule that is >5mm
- raised and palpable lesion
- > 5mm diameter
- well defined border
- typically not compressible
- arises from the dermis
What is a plaque?
- a palpable lesion with a flat top
- > 1cm diameter
- well defined border
- not compressible
What is a wheal?
- raised
- blanches
- compressible
- caused by oedema of the dermis
What is a vesicle?
- a fluid filled lesion <5mm diameter
- raised
- arises from the epidermis
What is a bulla?
- a vesicle >5mm diameter
- likely from the dermis
What is a pustule?
- visible collection of pus in the skin <1cm diameter
What is an abscess
- a pustule >1cm diameter
- visible collection of pus in the skin >1cm
What is purpura?
- bleeding into the dermis
- multiple dark coloured spots, can be red or purple in colour
- can be macular or papular
What is petechiae?
- purpura <2mm diameter
- bleeding into dermis
- multiple dark coloured spots, can be red or purple in colour
- can be macular or papular
What is a haematoma?
- swelling from a large bleed in the skin
- often tender and palpable
What is milia?
- tiny white spots
- contain keratin, occurs as a result of the blocked pilosebacious glands
What is a papilloma?
- warty-like appearance
- tiny finger like projections from the skin surface
- typically from wart viruses )(HPV)
What is an ulcer?
- a deep skin defect
- goes all the way through the epidermis and may or may not effect the dermis
What is an erosion?
- a shallow skin defect
- affect the epidermis only
What is a fissure?
- a split in the skin
- affects dermis and epidermis
What is excoriation?
- scratch marks
What is keloid?
- scar tissue that goes beyond the boundaries of the original injury
What 7 types can derm diagnoses be split into?
INFECTION bacterial: - impetigo - cellulitis viral: - herpes simplex - chicken pox - warts - pityriasis rosea - viral rash "viral exanthem" ACNE PSORIASIS ECZEMA URTICARIA SUN-RELATED SKIN CANCERS DRUG-RELATED ERUPTIONS