Defenses Flashcards
justification element
- Necessity
- Proportionality
- Reasonable belief (subjective)
A person is justified in using deadly force against another if
- he is not the aggressor; and
2.reasonably believes that such force is necessary to repel the imminent use of unlawful deadly force by the other person
if defending your home, must you retreat before using self-defense?
Self-defense nondeadly aggressor
majority rule: A immediately regains her right to self-defense as soon as B threatens excessive force
minority rule: If B responds to A’s nondeadly aggression by threatening to use deadly force against A, A may not use deadly force in self-defense unless A first retreats and B continues to threaten A with deadly force. If no safe retreat is possible, however, A may immediately use deadly force
Self defense deadly aggressor
A, a deadly aggressor, loses the right of self-defense in a conflict unless they abandon their deadly design and communicates this fact to B
Defense of others
A person is justified in using deadly force to protect a third party from unlawful use of force by an aggressor
Defense of property
- a person is never justified in using deadly force to defend personal property
- a person is justified in using nondeadly force if they reasonably believe the threat is imminent and must be in lawful possession of the property
hot pursuit
nondeadly force is permitted in fresh pursuit of a dispossessor of property
- cannot be used to justify homicides
- elements:
1. lesser evil
2. imminency of harm
3. causal element: must reasonabley believe that this actions will abate the threatened harm
5. blamelessness
- not used for homicides
- a person will be acquitted for offense is they prove they committed the offense because a) an other person unlawfully threatened imminently to kill or grievously injure her or another person unless they committed the crime, and b) she is not at fault in exposing herself to the threat
voluntary intoxication
person is never excused for his criminal conduct on the ground that he became voluntarily intoxicated.
voluntary intoxication (specific-intent)
a person is not guilty of a specific-intent offense if, as the result of voluntary intoxication, he lacked the capacity or otherwise did not form the specific intent required for the crime