Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
list the 3 narcissistic-psychotic defense mechanisms
delusional projection
what is the function of the narcissistic-psychotic defense mechanisms
avoid, negate or distort reality
list the immature defenses
acting out
schizoid fantasy
in what populations are the immature defense mechanisms common
adolescents and in adult personality disorders
the immature defense mechanisms are mobilized by what experience
list the neurotic defense mechanisms
isolation of affect
reaction formation
list the mature defense mechanisms
list the 5 “other” defense mechanisms
projective identification
in what populations are the neurotic defense mechanisms common
common in normal/healthy people and those with neurotic disorders
what is the function of the neurotic defense mechanisms
alleviating distressing affects
what is delusional projection
perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses as though they were OUTSIDE THE SELF–> unwanted feelings are ATTRIBUTED TO ANOTHER, appear as a threat from the external world
usually PERSECUTORY in nature
i.e psychotic paranoid delusions
what is denial as a defense mechanisms
denial of external reality
BLOCKING event from awareness because they are too threatening
AVOIDS BECOME AWARE of painful aspects of reality
i.e smoker who refuses to acknowledge smoking is bad for health; denial of critical illness; denial of sexual orientation
what is distortion
grossly RESHAPING the experience of external reality to suit inner needs
i.e narcissistic person who finds ways to blame others for their own failings
what is acting out
DIRECT expression of unconscious wish or impulse in action to AVOID BEING CONSCIOUS of accompanying AFFECT
unconscious fantasy enacted in behaviour to gratify impulse, without awareness of emotion driving behaviour
“pressure release”–can help person feel calmer
i.e instead of telling someone you are angry with them, you punch a hole in the wall; can also be self injurious behaviour
what is introjection
internalization of characteristics of an object (i.e in the sense of object relations)
for loved object–> goal is ensuring closeness to and constant presence of the object–> lowers anxiety from separation/loss of or ambivalence towards object as internally preserved
for aggressive object–> there is decreased anxiety via putting aggression under one’s own control
i.e victims of childhood abuse may become angry and aggressive / woman whose mother died starts trying to keep house immaculate so that mother “would be proud of her”
what is passive-aggression
aggression towards an object expressed INDIRECTLY (an INEFFECTIVELY) through passivity
resistance to demands of others without direct confrontation
i.e sarcasm; “accidentally” forgetting to do something
what is projection
attributing one’s OWN UNACKNOWLEDGED feelings to OTHERS
allows expression of undesirable impulses/desires without having to become aware of them
i.e you hate someone–> superego tells you hate is unacceptable–> defense is to project and believe instead that that person hates you
what is regression
return to a previous stage of development/functioning to AVOID ANXIETIES in later stages
reflects basic tendency to achieve gratification or escape tension by returning to earlier modes when later ones fail
i.e teenager who is overwhelmed becomes more clingy and childlike / wife retreats to parents house after fight with spouse
what is schizoid fantasy
tendency to use fantasy and indulge in autistic retreat for purpose of conflict resolution and gratification –> used to solve inner and outer conflicts
i.e daydreaming
what is somatization
conversion of psychic derivatives into bodily symptoms
what is controlling as a defense mechanism
excessive attempt to manage or regulate events/objects in environment to minimize anxiety and solve internal conflicts
what is displacement
UNCONSCIOUS SHIFT of impulses or affective investment from one object to another in the interest of solving a conflict–> shifts impulses to more “acceptable” or less threatening target that serves as a substitute
i.e yell at dog instead of boss–> get a bad grade and kick the dog
what is dissociation
temporary but drastic modification of character or sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress; momentarily lose touch with the world, and cope with uncomfortable situations by “removing” self from them
includes fugue states
what is externalization
general term–> tendency to perceive external world and external objects as components of ones own personality
i.e patient who is extremely argumentative and instead of recognizing this trait in herself, complains about difficult personalities of others and views self as blameless
what is inhibition
unconscious limitation of specific ego functions to avoid anxiety arising out of conflict with instinctual impulses, superego or environment–> accepting partial or modified fulfillment–> curtailment of a process or behaviour
i.e person dx terminal illness discusses facts and research related to it
what is isolation of affect
INTRAPSYCHIC SPLITTING or separation of affect from content resulting in repression of either idea or affect, or displacement of affect to a substitute–> creation of a GAP between unacceptable aspect and other thoughts and feelings
*recall questions love to emphasize how OCPD uses isolation of affect
i.e victim of trauma who talks about the event. but feels no emotion
what is rationalization
JUSTIFICATION of attitudes, beliefs or behaviour that might otherwise be unacceptable by an INCORRECT application of justifying reasons–> explaining unacceptable behaviour or feeling in a rational SEEMING manner to AVOID TRUE REASONS for behaviour–> convincing self that no wrong has been done by faulty reasoning
i.e student who fails exam and says there is no way they could have passed because the teacher doesnt like them
what is reaction formation
management of unacceptable impulses by permitting expression of the impulse in ANTITHETICAL FORM–> behaves OPPOSITE to how one thinks/feels
i.e mother who bears unwanted child and becomes overprotective / man who is rude to an unattainable woman he is attracted to
what is repression
withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness–> unconscious BLOCKING of unacceptable content
primary = repressed before reaching consciousness
secondary = once conscious, becomes later repressed
often accompanied by symbolic behaviour that suggests content is not really forgotten
i.e person abused as young child and doesnt remember it but has trouble forming relationships
what is undoing
attempt to COMPENSATE for/reduce GUILT over past action
i.e intentionally push past someone at a store, realize they are frail, then apologize and offer to help / mother slaps daughter in anger then kisses and cuddles her
what is altruism
vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying service to others, even to detriment of self–> satisfying internal needs through helping others
i.e volunteer work
what is anticipation
realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner discomfort–> planning for a stressful event
i.e upcoming dental surgery and so uses coping statements, draws on past experiences, arranges day off work
what is asceticism
elimination of directly pleasurable affects attributable to an experience–> moral element is implicit in setting values on specific pleasures–> gratification is derived from the denunciation
i.e monks
how is humor used as a defense mechanism
overt expression of feelings without personal discomfort, immobilization or unpleasant effect on others
looking for funny, lighthearted, ironic elements–> allows one to bear and focus on what is too terrible to be borne
reduces intensity of a situation
distinct from wit, which involves distraction or displacement away from the affective issue
what is sublimation
gratification of an impulse whose goal is retained but whose aim or object is changed from a socially objectionable one to a socially valued one–> similar to displacement but done in a constructive way
allows instinct to be channeled rather than dammed up or diverted (in contrast to neurotic defenses)
i.e aggression is sublimated via sports
what is suppression
conscious or semiconscious decision to POSTPONE attention to a conscious impulse or conflict–> delaying paying attention in order to cope with present reality, and the conflict is accessed later
ie fight with partner before work, set aside until after work
what is splitting
failure to bring together positive and negative qualities of self and others into a cohesive whole
when an individual is unable to integrate difficult feelings, the tendency is to view people/events as all good or all bad (idealization and devaluation)–> black and white thinking
i.e partner breaks up and the individual views self as completely unlovable
what is idealization
attribution of exaggerated positive qualities to self or others
what is devaluation
attribution of exaggerated negative qualities to self or others
what is omnipotence
dealing with emotional conflict or inner/external stressors by feeling or acting as though one possesses special powers/abilities or is superior to others
what is projective identification
projection onto another, then pressure projected into behaving in accordance with projection–> evoke projected thoughts/feelings from the other
behaviour is altered to make projection true
allows individual to distort/deny reality in order to maintain self image
i.e believe you are being persecuted, and the act suspiciously