Bryan Chow Psychotherapies PowerPoint Flashcards
what type of therapy is supportive therapy
non directive
what are the goals of supportive therapy
symptom relief + adaptation
–> ameliorate symptoms
–> foster STABILITY and improve FUNCTION
–> improve SELF ESTEEM
–> support adaptive efforts to decrease relapse risk
describe the therapeutic stance in supportive therapy
describe a conversational therapeutic stance
active listening, not interrogating
RESPONSIVE–> diminish anxiety and fear
empathic, direct, supportive
what does it mean to have a transparent and collaborative therapeutic stance
explain reasons for questions
agree on topics for discussion
list 6 techniques used in supportive therapy
- focus on present
–> express interest, acceptance, respect, empathy, understanding - get to know your patients
–> including supportive people int heir lives - build self esteem and reduce anxiety
–> praise accomplishments
–> provide honest reassurance and encouragement - advice, teaching, guidance
- clarify, summarize and paraphrase
- discuss maladaptive behaviours if present
–> use MI techniques to motivate change
what should you NOT do in supportive therapy
interrupt feelings prematurely
problems solve for the patient
structure the session
be too active
assign homework
what SHOULD you do in supportive therapy
make an emotional connection
follow affect
build alliance
encourage catharsis
emphasize strengths
where do the techniques of supportive therapy fall on the “expressive-supportive” continuum
who coined the term alexithymia
peter sifneos
list 4 therapists associated with various forms of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy
which therapists is associated with the form of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy known as “short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy”
Peter Sifneos
what is the focus of short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy
anxiety-provoking confrontations–> direct attack on patients defenses
understand mechanisms used in dealing with oedipal conflicts
focus on OEDIPAL CONFLICT with goal of resolution
development of INSIGHT
what techniques are used in short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy
use of positive transferrence
maintain focus
anxiety provoking confrontations
what are the tasks of the therapist in short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy
build alliance
contract about focus
what are indications for short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy
depressive disorders
some anxiety disorders
adjustment disorder
how often and for how long does short term anxiety provoking psychotherapy happen
10-20 sessions–no set number tho!!
once weekly
who developed the “triangle of conflict” and “triangle of person”
what is Malan’s triangle of person
current (others) <–> past (parents) <–> transference (therapist)
what is Malan’s triangle of conflict
defense <–> anxiety <–> impulse
what is a key element of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy in Malan’s conceptualization
linking the triangle of person and triangle of conflict
what did Malan call his conceptualization of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy
brief focal psychotherapy
what is the focus of Malan’s brief focal psychotherapy
internal conflict present since childhood–> development of insight is imperative
identify transference early–> link transference to relationship with PARENTS
how long does Malan’s brief focal psychotherapy last
average 20 sessions–> termination date set in advance!
who developed “time limited psychotherapy” as a form of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy
how long is time limited psychotherapy
only 12 sessions
what is a major focus of time limited psychotherapy
what are the overall therapeutic foci of time limited psychotherapy
present and chronically endured pain
particular image of the self
conflicts likely to be encountered:
–independence vs dependence
–activity vs passivity
–unresolved vs delayed grief
–adequate vs inadequate self esteem
who developed short term dynamic therapy (as a form of short term psychodynamic psychotherapy)
Habib Davanloo
how long is short term dynamic therapy
no set number of sessions
indications for short term dynamic therapy
depressive d/o
some anxiety d/o
what are the therapists tasks in short term dynamic therapy
build therapeutic alliance
rapidly reduce resistance
ACCESS UNCONSCIOUS via rage, guilt, other patient feelings
increase patient awareness
work to change way patient related to others
what techniques are associated with short term dynamic therapy
problem inquiry, pressure, challenge, access unconscious
analyze transference, explore conflict, consolidate
what is psychodynamic psychotherapy
“involves attention to the therapist-patient interaction, with carefully timed interpretation of transference and resistance, embedded in a sophisticated understanding of the patient and an appreciation of the therapist’s contribution to the two-person field”
is psychodynamic psychotherapy indicated for the worried well
where does psychodynamic psychotherapy rank in the CANMAT depression guidelines
third line for acute MDD
what type of therapy is associated with Mann
time limited psychotherapy
12 sessions
focus on present and chronically endured pain, particular image of the self
what type of therapy is associated with Malan
brief focal psychotherapy
uses the triangles of self and triangles of conflict–> link the triangles in therapy
focus on internal conflict present since childhood, emphasis on developing insight
identify transference early and link to relationships with parents
what type of therapy is associated with Sifneos
anxiety provoking psychotherapy
direct attack on patients defenses, focus on oedipal conflict
what type of therapy is associated with Davanloo
short term dynamic therapy
access unconscious
central dynamic sequence
what are indications for psychodynamic psychotherapy
non psychotic, complex, long standing, treatment resistant:
chronic depression
unresolved trauma
personality disorders
multiple comorbidities
list signs and symptoms of unresolved trauma
narrative incoherence
mentalizing deficits
fearful/disorganized attachment
emotional dysregulation
relational problems
how and why do you aim to access the “zone of optimal arousal” in psychodynamic psychotherapy
address unresolved trauma
do this by validating distress
allows patient to think, feel, reflect and mentalize
list key concepts in psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Some of mental life is unconscious
- The past influences the present–> Trauma & neglect are sources of pathology
- Transference & countertransference–> Data for understanding patients
- Defense & resistance–> Mind may keep unpleasant thoughts out of awareness, but can emerge to cause symptoms or difficulties
- Subjectivity–> Reflecting, mentalizing, inner subjective experiences–> improve agency, authenticity
what is transference
REACTIONS based on perceptions of, and responses to a person in the HERE AND NOW that REFLECTS PAST FEELINGS about, or responses to, important people earlier in one’s life–> especially parents and siblings
what is resistance
the patients attempt to PROTECT THE SELF by AVOIDING the anticipated emotional discomfort that accompanies the emergence of conflictual, dangerous or painful experiences, feelings, thoughts, memories, needs and desires
how do the ideas of counter transference differ between Freud and Winnicott+contemporaries
Freud–> counter transference is the therapists transference
Winnicott–> idea of “objective countertransference”–> idea that strong feelings of the therapist towards the patient may reflect WHAT THE PATIENT EVOKES IN OTHERS rather than it being a sole product of the therapists own unconscious conflict–> can be useful in therapy
list the “primitive” defense mechanisms
projective identification
acting out
list the neurotic defense mechanisms
isolation of affect
list the mature defence mechanisms
what is the focus of “insight oriented psychodynamic psychotherapy”
focus on individual and INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS
focus on AFFECT and expression of EMOTION
*explore attempts to avoid aspects of experience, identify recurrent themes and patterns
what techniques are emphasized in insight oriented psychodynamic psychotherapy
mentalizing techniques
i.e communication of mental states, reflection of mental states, wondering about intentions
collaborate in creating a coherent narrative –> use a “not knowing” stance
who developed interpersonal therapy
Gerald Klerman and Myrna Weissman
list indications for interpersonal therapy
post partum depression
bipolar disorder
binge eating disorder
how many phases are there in IPT
how many sessions are in interpersonal therapy
is interpersonal therapy empirically supported
what are the goals of interpersonal therapy
alleviate suffering
remit symptoms, improve functioning
resolve CURRENT interpersonal problems
improve communication and relationships