defective premises Flashcards
independence of covenants doctrine
if landlord agree repair was a seperate contract than lease
tradit. landlord no obligation to make repairs
land conveyed by lease
structures transferred “as is”
Landlord owned reversion-qusifiduciary. landlord hold tenant resposible for not making repairs-waste
mostly abolished
barton enterprises v. tsern
modern rule of defective premises:
tradit com law-not allow tenant w/hold rent (if covenant of quiet enjoyment satifsy than all well)
here tenant outta luck. had possession, but constructive eviction
constructive eviction
occurs where the
landlord allows the tenant to physically
possess the premises, but prevents the tenant
from using the premises
does tenant have to pay rent w/constructive eviction?
no, obligation stops
To claim a constructive eviction, the tenant
must move out of the premises
-Most jurisdictions now allow a “partial constructive
eviction” where the tenant moves out of part of the
can tenant make repairs and stay?
not allowed
if ct determines landlord did not constructively evict?
ten has to surender premise & unpaid rent
indep of convenance doctrine & commercial tenancies?
most states have not, but is trend
implied warranty of habitability
requires the landlord to maintain the
residential premises at least at the level
required by the local building, safety and
health codes
remedies for breach of IWH?
tenant is entitled to damages equal to
the amount needed to fix the defective
condition and that amount, but no more,
may be deducted from the rent owed
implied warranty of suitability?
to commercial tenancies
‘ A growing majority of jurisdictions have
accepted the suitability warranty
‘ Unlike the situation with the implied
warranty of habitability, the implied warranty
of suitability can be waived by the tenant
telluride v. 34 venture
rent control
rent has tendancy to go up faster than people’s income
but when cost skyrocket/inflation landlords cant keep up , cant raise rent, leave bldgs => become slums. ex(bronx)
(vs. rent stabilization-board said max could charge,repealled in 90s)