Deductive arguments symbols, definitions and truths Flashcards
Atomic proposition
simple sentence (can’t be broken down into simpler propositions) e.g. cats are rude
Complex proposition
2+ atomic propositions e.g. I am going to Bali (1) even though it is hot (2)
Propositional connectives
Join atomic propositions
Not. Symbol: ~
And (can also be represented by “although”). Symbol: &
Or. Symbol: V
If… then… Symbol: ↩️ (horseshoe)
If and only if. Symbol: (three lines on top of each other)
Negation is true when
its constituent proposition (the negand) is false
Conjunction is true when
both of its conjuncts are true and false otherwise.
Disjunction (inclusive) is true when
at least one of its disjuncts are true
Conditional is false when
it has true antecedent (first atomic proposition) and a false consequent (second atomic proposition). True otherwise.
e.g. if there are three people in this room, then there is one person in this room.
Biconditional is true when
antecedent (first atomic proposition) and consequent (second atomic proposition) have the same truth value i.e. both true or both false. False otherwise.
If there is a full stop and then a new sentence this should be represented shorthand by a…