deck_4573961 Flashcards
The 5 Biblical Covenants
-Protoevangelium-Abrahamic-Mosaic; Davidic-New Covenant
Genesis 3:15
Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 12,15,17 (2100/2000 BC)
Mosaic Covenant
Exodus 20 (1450 BC)
Davidic Covenant
2 Samuel 7 (1000 BC)
New Covenant
Jeremiah 31:31-34 (586 BC)
hozeh and ro’eh
seer; visions seen by prophet
more common; someone who calls or has been called
Early Prophets
-Moses, Samuel-Gad, Nathan, Micaiah-Elija and Elisha
What Prophets Are
-devoted servants of Yahweh-called to service by Yahweh-forth tellers/proclaimers of Yahweh’s message-fortellers - visions of the future
What Prophets Aren’t
-hysterical babblers-fortune tellers-religious fanatics
Organizing principles of Major/Minor Prophets
length and chronological
Major Prophets
Isaiah -Daniel
Minor Prophets
“Book of the 12”; Hosea - Malachi
Differences btwn Ancient Near East Prophets
+Biblically addressed whole nation+focused on right living and attitude+contained moral importance+reaching implications of pple’s actions
2 Classes of Prophetic Oracles
+“Thus says the LORD”+Oracles of judgment and salvation
Variety of Prophetic Oracles
2 types of composition of Prophetic Lit
+Personal authorship - written by author+scribal authorship - written by someone else amanuensis
transcribers; Jeremiah had one (Baruch)
Basic Pattern (Major themes) of Prophetic Lit
sin > judgment > salvation
+God’s law is background+Prophets commentate pple’s un/faithfulness+recurring issues: idolatry and injustice+call to repent
Nineveh only positive example of repentance; “Day of the Lord”
Day of the Lord
+immediate - destruction of Jerusalem+future - eschatology - end of human history
3 aspects of the Day of the Lord
+judgment of unbelievers+cleansing of God’s pple+salvation of God’s pple
Aspects of Salvation theme
=God’s presence/Temple=Messiah, Triumphant King=New Covenant=Salvation for the nations
New Covenant
New hearts; Jer 31:31-34; Ezek 36:22-28