deck_10249239 Flashcards
•Esophageal motility disorder (neuromuscular)
•Outflow obstruction d/t inadequate LES relaxation
Achalasia S/S
Chest pain
Achalasia Diagnosis
Esophagram reveals “bird’s beak” appearance on EGD manometry
Achalasia Type 1
Classic minimal esophageal pressure| Treatment = myotomy
Achalasia Type 2
Entire esophagus pressurization| Best outcome
Achalasia Type 3
Esophageal spasm w/ premature contractions| Worst outcome
Achalasia Treatment
Palliative Relieve obstruction (does not correct lacking peristalsis)
Distal Esophageal Spasm
Diffuse esophageal spasm
Seen in elderly patients
ANS dysfunction
Distal Esophageal Spasm Diagnosis
Esophagram reveals “corkscrew” or “rosary bead” esophagus
Distal Esophageal Spasm Treatment
Pain mimics angina| Responds to Nitroglycerin
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
LES incompetence
Less common include dysphagia & chest pain
GERD Complications
•Chronic peptic esophagitis
•Barrett’s esophagus
metaplasia associated w/ adenocarcinoma
•Reflux into pharynx, larynx, & tracheobronchial tree
•Apsiration → pulmonary fibrosis or chronic asthma•
GERD Treatment
Lifestyle modification:
•avoid foods that impair LES tone (fat, alcohol, peppermint, chocolate) or are acidic
Pharmacological: PPI ↑pH & allows esophagus to heal- H2 antagonists
Surgical: Nissen fundoplication
↑aspiration risk associated w/ ___ mL & ___ pH
25mL or 0.4mL/kg| pH <2.5
Esophageal Diverticula
Esophageal structural disorder w/ outpouchings
Most common locations: Pharyngoesophageal (Zenker’s diverticulum)- Mid-esophageal- Epi-phrenic (supradiaphragmatic)
Hiatal Hernia
Stomach herniates into thoracic cavity via diaphragm esophageal hiatus
Esophageal Tumors
Progressive dysphagia to solid food & weight loss
Poor survival rate (lymph node metastasis)
Mortality rate about 50%
Esophageal Tumor Treatment
Esophagectomy (curative or palliative)| Thoracic epidural
Esophageal Tumors Complications
injury risk
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Epigastric pain exacerbated by fasting & improved by eating
H. Pylori
Associated w/ PUD| Induces acid secretion via pro-inflammatory cytokines
Gastric Ulcer
1/3 duodenal
Benign ulcer
Most common cause = NSAID use
Stress Gastritis
Associated w/ shock, sepsis, respiratory failure, burns, hemorrhage, massive transfusions, or head injury
•Gastric bleeding occurs when coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, INR >1.5, and aPTT >2x normal
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
•Gastroduodenal & intestinal ulceration d/t increased gastrin secretion
•Non-beta islet cell pancreatic tumor
•Primarily in men 30-50yo
Associated w/ MEN1```
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES)
Abdominal pain
Peptic ulceration
ZES Treatment
Obtain fasting gastrin levels
Increasing PPIs dosages
Surgical- tumor resection
PUD Complications
•Bleeding- Hemorrhage = leading cause of death
•Perforation(risk 10%)- Severe epigastric pain caused by highly acidic gastric contents in peritoneum
•Obstruction- Gastric outlet obstruction-
Cause = edema & inflammation in the pyloric channel & duodenum 1st portion
PUD Treatment
H receptor antagonists
Proton pump inhibitors Prostaglandin analogues
Cytoprotective agents
Aluminum hydroxide
Magnesium hydroxide (avoid in chronic renal failure patients → hypermagnesemia & neurotoxicity)
TUMS = calcium carbonate (milk-alkali syndrome hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, & renal calculi)HCO3 → metabolic alkalosis
H2 Receptor Antagonists
Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, & Nizatidin
•inhibit basal & stimulated gastric acid secretion
•Cimetidine & Ranitidine bind to CYP450
Proton pump inhibitors
Omaprazole, Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, & Rabeprazole
•They inhibit hydrogen-potassium ATPase pump
The most potent drug available
•Inhibit ALL gastric acid secretion phases
•Interfere w/ Ketoconazole, Ampicillin, Iron, Digoxin, & Diazepam absorption
•Omaprazole & Iansoprazole inhibit CYP450
Prostaglandin Analogues
•Is the onlyFDA approved •Contraindicated in pregnancy
•Enhances mucosal HCO3 secretion, stimulate mucosal blood flow, & ↓mucosal cell turnover
•Most common side effect = diarrhea