Deck Two Flashcards
Deed Restriction
A clause in a deed which places limitations or conditions on the use of property
Improved Land
Land on which buildings have not yet been constructed, but which contains utilities and streets.
Land coverage
The ratio of the area covered by buildings to the total lot area, expressed as a percentage.
Occupancy Group
A designation for a group of several occupancies which have comparable fire safety considerations, and which are therefore grouped together by code.
Catch Basin
A sievelike device at the entrance to a storm sewer which traps matter that could block the sewer.
Flood Plain
The land surrounding a flowing stream over which water spreads when a flood occurs.
To set a slant from the horizontal or vertical.
Police Power
The legal power of a government to authorize actions which are in the best interest of the general public.
A horizontal plane elevation used as a reference for other elevations in surveying and mapping.
A continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way generally with a minimum width of 44 inches
Test Boring
A hole drilled into the ground at the site of a proposed structure in order to obtain samples of the subsurface soil for examination and testing in a laboratory. Based on these tests the soils engineer recommends the type of foundation and the allowable soil bearing pressure.
Dew Point
The temperature of air at which the water contained in the air begins to condense and form dew. It is therefore the temperature at which the air is at 100% relative humidity
A buttressing or supporting structure.
Degree Day
The amount by which the average outdoor temperature at a particular location is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit for one day. Degree days may also be summed and stated for a month or year
The extension of a building into the property of another.
The restoration or substantial improvement of a building.