Deck 6 Flashcards
Where are androgens and progesterones synthesized in female?
Theca interna cells
Where is estradiol syntehsized?
Granulosa cells (contain aromatase)
What neuronal structure is used to transport HSV to and from epithelial cells
Toward epithelium = kinesin
Retrograde axonal = dynein
WHere does PCL attach?
From posterior tibia to medial condyle femer
Where does ACL attach?
From anterior tibia to lateral condyle of femur
Equation for number needed to harm?
NNH = 1/ absolute risk increase
Equation for absolute risk increase?
(# dead/ total receiving Tx A) - (# dead/ total receiving Tx B)
What is the Kozak censensus sequence? What happens if there is a mutation in it?
gccgccRccAUGG (r = A or G)
Initiation of translation
If mutation occurs, initiation of translation stops, like in B thalessemia
What is MHC I made of?
MHC I class Heavy chain + B-2 microglobulin
Why can’t you use NSAIDs with loops?
Loops increase prostaglandins and increase GFR, NSAIDs will inhibit prostaglandins and block effects of loops
What are the main electrolytes influencing the electrochemical gradient in a cell?
K+ and Na+ (K+ most)
What does azathioprine get converted to?
6MP – will cause purine synthesis inhibition
What are hypocretin-1 levels in narcolepsy? What is wrong with sleep cycle?
Low hypocretin-1 in CSF
Less than 15 mins REM latency
WHat does IL-5 stimulate? Which cells secrete IL-5?
Secreted by Th2 for Eosinophilic activation. Also activates IL-4 which stim IgE
What is Lynnch syndrome? What gene mutation causes it?
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (adenocarcinoma) (HNPCC)
MSH1 gene - DNA mismatch repair
Who gets Lynnch syndrome/
Young people <50
What does HAART therapy do to body habitus?
Lipoatrophy (NRTI) loss of fat in face and extremities
Central fat deposition
Metabolic syndrome - insulin resistance, hypertriglycerides, reduced HDL levels
What is neuroblastoma? Symptoms?
opsoclonus-myoclonus, raised catecholamines, abdo mass (renal medulla), periorbital ecchymosis, may have spinal cord compression
How do NSAIDS cause gastric erosion?
COX 1 inhibition –> Decreased prostaglandin synthesis causes gastric hyperacidity and impaired defense
What causes flat contour of R cardiac silouhette?
Compresion of RA by R middle lobe
MOA macrolides in diabetic gastropareisis
Increases gastric motility (erythromycin). Agonist on motilin receptors** in muscularis externa
Use when metclopramide doesn’t work
Equation for NNT?
How do you calculate ARR?
Control event rate - treatment event rate (same as absolute risk increase?)
What structures are at risk if you do a horizontal transection of the rectus abdominus muscles?
Inferior epigastric arteries
Must ligate them during C section to prevent bleeding
SE of digoxin?
color blindness, n/v, arrhythmias, anorexia
How does biliary atresia present?
Obstruction of extrahepatic bile ducts, increased direct bili, dark urine, pale stools
Woman with watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorydia. WHat is it?
VIPoma. VIP stimulating pancreatic bicarbonate and chloride secretion
Tx VIPoma?
Somatostatin (octreotide) inhibits VIP and many other gastric secretions
Focal neurological deficit after SAH. What caused it?
Cerebral vasospasm
What conditions within gallbladder cause stone formation?
High cholesterol, low bile salts and PPDC
Bile salts and PPDC increase cholesterol solubility
What are RF and symptoms of lead poisoning?
Behavior changes, constipation, abdo pain, decreased vit D, encephalopathy, anemia, interstitial nephritis
RF include living in homes built before 1978
How to diagnose lead poisoning?
Blood lead level. Interrupts heme synthesis
How does glucagon work in hypoglycemia Tx?
Increases hepatic glycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown) and gluconeogenesis
Stimulates insulin secretion from pancreas
Little/no effect on other organs/tissues
Where does portal HTN due to cirrhosis affect other organs?
Connected to portosystemic collateral veins (L gastric, esophagus, rectum, abdomen. Caput medusae, anorectal varices, esophageal varices
What layer of vessel is affected in Marfan Syndrome?
Tunica media shows myxomatous changes (weakening) due to decreased extracellular glycoprotein fibrillin-1.
What type of collagen is used in scar tissue after MI?
Type I collagen
Where else is Type I collagen found?
Dermis, bone tendons, ligaments, dentin, cornea BV, scar tissue
Where is type II collagen found?
Cartilage, vitreous umor, nucleus pulposus
Where is type III collagen found?
Skin, lungs, intestines, BV, bone marrow, lymphatics, granulation tissue
Where is type IV collagen found?
Basement membranes
What type of collagen is defective in Alport syndrome?
Type IV collagen (BM)
What collagen type is defective in Ehlers Danlos type 3 and 4?
Type III collagen (skin)
What type of collagen is defective in osteogenesis imperfecta?
Type I collagen–> bone
What are symptoms of Mullerian duct agenesis? Karyotype?
46 XX
Variable uterine growth —>primary amenorrhea
Short/absent upper vagina
Normal ovaries –> 2ndary sexual characteristics present
How does androgen insensitivity syndrome present? Karyotype?
46 XY
Phenotypically female
Cryptorchid testes, no uterus or ovaries
Due to complete androgen receptor insensitivity
What is Kallman syndrome? Presentation?
Decreased GnRH secretion from hypothalamus
- Primary amenorrhea
- Lack secondary sexual characteristics
- Olfactory sensory defect
What is Klinefelter syndrome? Presentation?
47, XXY Males with tall stature Poor secondary sexual characteristics Atrophic testes Infertility
New test for disease A that is 95% specific. If 8 people with disease A are tested, what is the probability that ALL tests will come back negative?
0.95^8 = 35%