Deck 6 Flashcards
(verb): to delay, hinder, or prevent. Think: FOR STALL. The booby traps I surrounded my fort with will FORESTALL invaders - they’re FOR STALLING.
(adjective): funny; inclined to laugh. Think: get a RISE. If you like to get a RISE out of people by being a class clown, you’re probably RISIBLE.
(adjective): seeing the future; well-planned and thought out. Think: knowing about PRESENT you SENT. Since I’m PRESCIENT, I already know what’s in the PRESENT you SENT me.
(adjective): foul or rotten. Think: PUKED. The dead mouse smelled so PUTRID that I almost PUKED while getting rid of it.
(noun): lightheartedness. Think: LEVITATE. The comedian’s LEVITY put us in such a good mood that our spirits felt as if they were LEVITATING.
(noun): confusion; agitation; dismay. Think: CONCERNED NATION. On 9/ / 0, a CONCERNED NATION stood in CONSTERNATION watching the aftermath of terrorism.
(verb): made unclear. Think: OBSTACLES CONFUSED. The professor barely spoke English: the OBSTACLES his speech created CONFUSED us and OBFUSCATED his message.
(verb): to surrender. Think: CAPSIZED? TOO LATE. Once your boat has CAPSIZED, IT’S TOO LATE to think about winning the race: CAPITULATE and just try not to drown.
(adjective): conventional; traditional. Think: ORTHODONTIST. Look for an ORTHODOX ORTHODONTIST; you don’t want someone getting creative with your teeth.
(adjective): to treat with excessive care. Think: CUDDLE. The mother dog would CODDLE and CUDDLE her puppy so much that I thought it would never learn to fend for itself.
(adjective): proud in a way that looks down on others. Think: stuck-up HOTTIE. Unfortunately, that senior class HOTTIE is usually HAUGHTY when you talk to her.
(adjective): bad-tempered. Think: BULLY US. We goth kids are only BILIOUS because the jocks like to BULLY US.
(noun): a beginner. Think: NEO FIGHT. When NEO has his first FIGHT with an agent in The Matrix, he is a NEOPHYTE and gets his ass kicked.
(adjective): undisciplined; playful; frisky. Think: COLT. Of course the COLT is COLTISH - it’s young, full of energy, and hasn’t been trained yet.
(adjective): practicing self-denial. Think: ASSET? ICK! The ASECTIC Buddhist monk, when offered the chance to take money or another ASSET, said “ICK!”
(noun): beauty. Think: POLL: CHRIST, DUDE. She had so much PULCHRITUDE that the most common response about her looks in the bros’ POLL was just, “CHRIST, DUDE!”
(verb): strongly condemned. Think: SCOURED. Simon Cowell’s criticism on American Idol EXCORIATED the contestant - she felt as if she’d been SCOURED by a rough dish pad.
(adjective): unpleasant, esp. morally unpleasant. Think: UN-SAVOR. The icky memory of the UNSAVORY used car salesman was not one I wanted to SAVE or SAVOR.
(adjective): magnificent. Think: PALACE. The PALATIAL resort, with luxurious amenities and gourmet food, was like a PALACE.
(verb): to disturb greatly. Think: DISTURBED by TURDS. The TURDS your dog leaves on my beautiful lawn not only DISTURB me - they PERTURB me.
(adjective): downplayed; made to seem less than it actually is. Think: UNDERSTATEMENT. “I have no complaints” is an UNDERSTATED way to respond if you’re wealthy and asked how much money you make; it’s an UNDERSTATEMENT.
(adjective): without energy or spirit. Think: LIKE A DAZE. LACKADAISICAL people are lazy, LIKE a DAZE has come over them.
(noun): an unhealthy atmosphere. Think: MY ASTHMA. The smog in Los Angeles is a MIASMA that worsens MY ASTHMA.
(noun): something that shows what will happen in the future. Think: BRINGER. The superstitious woman thought the black cat crossing her path was a HARBINGER of bad luck and a BRINGER of misfortune.
(noun): a social mistake. Think: LAUGH. It’s definitely a GAFFE to bring your pet giraffe to the party - everyone will LAUGH.
(adjective): annoyingly talkative. Think: GORILLAZ. The rapper in the band GORILLAZ is GARRULOUS, especially since he uses phrases like “chocolate attack”.
(noun): a separation into opposing groups; a divide. Think: SCHIZOPHRENIC. The SCHIZOPHRENIC patient underwent a SCHISM that gave him multiple personalities.
(adjective): gloomy; stern. Think: SOUR. The teacher’s DOUR expression made her pupils feel SOUR.
(verb): irritated. Think: WRINKLED. Tim Gunn told the “Project Runway” contestant to “make it work”, so the WRINKLED dress she made RANKLED him.
(adjective): assertive in a loud, arrogant way. Think: BUMP US. You’re the type of guy who would push past us in a crowd and BUMP US and not say you’re sorry - you’re BUMPTIOUS.
(adjective): ready to fight. Think: TRUCE YOU LENT. The armies should write their own peace treaty, because they’re still TRUCULENT after that TRUCE YOU LENT them.
(verb): to include. Think: COMPASS. Use this COMPASS to draw a circle around the things you want to ENCOMPASS.
(adjective): arousing or deserving hatred. Think: ODOROUS ONIONS. Only eating onions is ODIOUS because they make one’s breath so ODOROUS.
(verb): to embarrass or confuse. Think: DISCOMFORT. Realizing one’s suit had been replaced with a too-tight Speedo would DISCOMFORT and DISCOMFIT anyone.
(adjective): having rapidly changing moods. Think: MERCURY. Marie Curie was notorious for her MERCURIAL moods, which revolved as fast as the planet MERCURY.
(adjective): causing great pain; severe. Think: GRIEF US. The GRIEVOUS wounds you inflicted cause GRIEF to US.
(adjective): stubbornly disobedient. Think: AFRO. I try to straighten my hair but it’s FROWARD - after a few hours, it’s a FRO again.
(adjective): important. Think: NOT TRIVIAL. The issue of global warming has become NONTRIVIAL; the rising of sea levels is NOT TRIVIAL.
(adjective): difficult to manage or change. Think: CALC RANT. The CALC worksheet made Alex RANT because it was so RECALCITRANT.
(adjective): fully empowered. Think: PLENTY of POTENCY. If Clinton wins the election, she will be PLENIPOTENTIARY; being president will give her PLENTY of POTENCY.