Deck 4 Flashcards
(adjective): pleasantly spicy or tangy. Think: PICKLED ANT. I never thought I’d like eating PICKLED ANT, but it’s surprisingly PIQUANT.
(adjective): untidy; sloppy. Think: SLOPPY. Charlie Brown’s friends make fun of Pig-Pen because of his SLOPPY, SLOVENLY appearance.
(verb): to put down; to disparage. Think: BE LITTLE. When you say “Good boy!” and pat me on head, you BELITTLE me and make me feel as if I BE LITTLE.
(adjective): lovely. Think: PICTURES. The Grand Canyon at sunrise is so PICTURESQUE that you can’t help but take PICTURES.
(noun): official approval. Think: IMPRINT. In Game of Thrones, a king conveys his IMPRIMATUR with an IMPRINT of his crest on a scroll’s wax seal.
(adjective): abundantly productive. Think: PRO-LIFE-IC. That state is anti-abortion, and they’re PROLIFIC baby-makers because of their PRO-LIFE-IC stance on the subject.
(adjective): apparently true. Think: APPLAUSE-ABLE. When the magician sawed the lady in half, it looked so PLAUSIBLE that it was APPLAUSE-ABLE.
(verb): unify; join parts into a whole. Think: GUM. After breaking the vase, MALCOLM used GUM to AMALGAMATE the pieces back together.
(noun): lack. Think: DEAD EARTH. Due to the DEAD EARTH of our farmland, there will be a DEARTH of food this winter.
(verb): freed from blame. Think: EX-CULPRIT. If you commit a crime but have a clever lawyer, you’ll be EXCULPATED and be an “EX-CULPRIT”.
(verb): to separate into two conflicting or opposite positions. Think: Earth’s POLES. Democrats and Republicans are so POLARIZED that I’m surprised they don’t stay at the North and South POLES to keep as far apart as they can.
(noun): complicated situation. Think: IGLOO BRO. I knew my friend was in an IMBROGLIO after getting the text, “I just woke up and I’M IN AN IGLOO, BRO!”
(verb): to reduce. Think: REBATE. It may be annoying to have to mail it in, but the REBATE on the new cell phone will ABATE its cost.
(adjective): having no equal. Think: NO PARALLEL. The master parachutist had NONPAREIL skill; he truly had NO PARALLEL in the parachuting field.
(adjective): present or existing (opposite of extinct). Think: EXISTING ANT. Since he was about to get stepped on, the ANT exclaimed “I EXIST!” to the elephant.
(adjective): slow and/or cold. Think: GLACIER. My answer had a GLACIAL (slow) pace, and the interviewer gave me a GLACIAL (cold) look that made me feel like I was on a GLACIER.
(adjective): rude; difficult. Think: CHURCH LUSH. The CHURCH LUSH usually showed up to mass stumbling drunk, inviting us to call him CHURLISH.
(noun): privileges or bonuses. Think: PERKS. Hey suckahhhs - now that I’m CEO, I enjoy PERQUISITES like a company helicopter and a gold wastebasket - PERKS you’ll never have.
(adjective): having a deep, rich sound. Think: TYRANNO-SONOROUS REX. TYRANNOSAURUS Rex had a SONOROUS roar that could be heard for miles.
(adjective): useful. Think: UTILIZE. The military likes to buy UTILITARIAN tools that can be UTILIZED for many different tasks.
(verb): allows something that is bad. Think: CON DONE. The CON DONE it because the lazy warden CONDONES misbehavin’.
(adjective): full. Think: REPLACE COMPLETELY. REPLACE your energy COMPLETELY after your workout so your body stays REPLETE with energy.
(verb): to hint at. Think: INTIMATE apparel. I like my girlfriend’s INTIMATE (adjective) apparel because it INTIMATES (verb) at the shape of her body without looking trashy.
(verb): to hold or state as an opinion. Think: OPINION. If you OPINE about the election on Facebook, everyone gets to hear your OPINION whether they like it or not.
(adjective): delicate; heavenly; insubstantial. Think: OTHER than REAL. My God, Joyce - your meringue cookies are ETHEREAL - so light, so delicious - they must be something OTHER than REAL.
(noun): one who flatters for self gain. Think: SICK OF ELEPHANT. The animals were SICK of the ELEPHANT because he was a SYCOPHANT who kissed up to the zookeeper.
(adjective): weak; worthless; irresponsible. Think: F in CLASS. If you get an F in CLASS, your study habits were probably FECKLESS.
(verb): to quench or satisfy. Think: LAKE. If you’re a zebra, you probably can’t operate a water fountain: SLAKE your thirst at the LAKE.
(verb): to complain. Think: GROUCH. Oscar the GROUCH likes to GROUSE about everyone else on Sesame Street.
(adjective): worthy of praise. Think: APPLAUDABLE. Something that’s LAUDABLE is APPLAUDABLE.
(adjective): fearful. Think: TREMBLE. I felt so TREMULOUS when I saw a shark swim underneath me that I began to TREMBLE.
(adjective): having or showing self-restraint and good judgment. Think: THIS SECRET. I’m pregnant - but please, be DISCREET and keep THIS SECRET - if my parents find out, they’ll kill me.
(noun): a leader who gains power by trickery. Think: DEMIGOD. The cult was led by a DEMAGOGUE; he manipulated followers into thinking he was a DEMIGOD.
(adjective): detestable; awful. Think: EXCREMENT. Your unfunny jokes about EXCREMENT are EXECRABLE - they’re shit.
(adjective): strongly emotional. Think: HE MEANT IT. His warning was so VEHEMENT that we knew HE MEANT IT.
(adjective): not restrained. Think: UN-BRIDLE. After I took off my horse’s BRIDLE, he became so UNBRIDLED that I had no control over him.
(adverb): quickly. Think: KEEP PACE. The Indy 500 racer’s pit crew changed his tires APACE so he could KEEP PACE with the leaders.
(adjective): using quotable or preachy sayings. Think: SENTENCES. The Reverend Jesse Jackson is SENTENTIOUS because many people quote his SENTENCES.
(adjective): wise. Think: Homo SAPIENS. Be proud that you’re a member of Homo SAPIENS; you’re more SAPIENT than any other animal on the planet.
(adjective): plentiful. Think: COPY US. If the zombie apocalypse happens and we survive, let’s hope cloning can COPY US and make humans more COPIOUS.