Deck 6 Flashcards
What are the 4 principles that guide the practice of dietetics and
- Thermal nature
- Flavour/taste
- Channel affiliation
- Direction of effec
What are the flavours associated with ea organ and their actions
Wood - Sour -Astringe,
engender fluid
Fire - Bitter - Drains
downward, dries
Earth - Sweet - Tonify, harmonise, moisten
Metal - Pungent Disperse,
diaphoresis, move
Water - Salty -Softens
mass, purge
What are The Causes of Disease
External causes (the six external pathogens/liu yin)
Internal causes (the seven abnormal emotions)
Other causes (diet, weak constitution,
overexertion, trauma, parasites, wrong treatment
Which of the 6 layers does cold attack
Which of the 6 layers does heat/fire attack
Which of the 6 layers does dryness attack
Which of the 6 layers does damp attack
Which of the 6 layers does summer heat attack
Which of the 6 layers does wind attack
What is the nature of pathogenic dryness
Yang, consumes yin and jinye (same as fire)
Name the 7 emotions and the movement of qi associated with them
Anger - rises
Excitement/joy - loosens/relaxes
Worry - Knots
Pensiveness - knots
Sadness - Dissolves
Fear - Down
Shock - Scatters
What is the difference between excess cold and deficient cold
Bright white complexion vs Dull white complexion
Sharp pain, worse on pressure vs Dull pain, better on pressure
Relief with bowel movement vs Worse with bowel movement
Full, tight, deep, slow pulse vs Weak, deep, slow pulse
Pale tongue with thick white coat vs Pale tongue with thin white coat
What is the difference between excess heat and deficient heat
Redness of whole face
vs Malar flush
Bitter taste in mouth vs Absence of bitter taste
Feeling hot constantly vs Feeling hot in afternoon or evening
If fever present it is high vs Fever is low grade and in afternoon
Very restless and agitated
vs General anxiety and fidgeting
Feeling of heat is all over the body
vs ‘Five hearts hot’ (hands, feet and face)
If bleeding, it is profuse vs Bleeding is slight
Constipation with abdominal pain
vs Dry stools with no abdominal pain
Red, hot, painful skin eruptions
vs Red, unraised, painless skin eruptions
Full, overflowing, rapid pulse
vs Floating, empty, rapid pulse
What is the difference between the true cold with false heat and True heat with false cold
True cold,
True cold Seeks warmth, desire for warm drink, loose stools, clear urine
False heat Body is hot to touch, red face, thirst and restless
True heat Dry throat, thirst with desire for cold drinks, oliguria
False cold,
Cold extremities and lack of activity