DECK 5- CBC - Blood facts and Complete Blood Count Flashcards
What is blood made of?
Liquid and solids. The liquid is PLASMA. The solids are RBC, Plt and WBC. Red Blood Cells, Platelets and White Blood Cells.
What is plasma made of?
Plasma is a mix of water, salts and proteins. Plasma is 90% water and 10% salts, proteins, and other stuff
What is another name for RBC?
What is another name for Plt?
What is another name for WBC?
What are erythrocytes?
Red Blood Cells
What are thrombrocytes?
What are leukocytes?
White Blood Cells
What do RBC’s do?
RBC’s (erythrocytes) make up about 40-45% of the blood volume. They carry oxygen to your body and bring CO2 back to your lungs.
What doe Plt’s do?
made in bone marrow, platelets form clots and stop the bleeding. (Blood stuf comes from stem cells in our bone marrow)
What do WBC’s do?
defense system, they attack foreign objects
What percent of your blood is plasma?
about 55% - More than half the blood is made of plasma.
What percent of your blood is RBC?
about 45%- RBC makes up just under half of the blood.
About what percent of your blood is Plt or WBC?
Plt and WBC combined make up less than 1% of your blood, and platelets outnumber wbc by about 30 to 1
What is there more of: RBC, Plt or WBC?
The ratio of RBC to Plt to WBC is about 600:30:1. For every 1 WBC, there are 30 Plt and 600 RBC
What is RBC? What does it measure?
The number of red blood cells in a microliter of blood (usually about 5,000,000)
What are PLt? What does it measure?
The number of platelet cells in a microliter of blood (usually about 250,000)
What is WBC? What does it measure?
The number of White blood cells in a microliter of blood (about 8,000)
How do RBC, PLt and WBC compare to eachother in the blood?
It’s about 600:30:1 ratio.
How can you use the 600:30:1 ratio to help you find a normal count?
MULTIPLY BY 8k. 600:30:1 x 8k= 4800k : 240k : 8k. Or 4.8milliion : 240k : 8,000
How big is a mcL? A microliter?
Well, a cc, cubic centimeter (1cmx1cmx1cm), is a ml (about the size of a sugar cube). If you break that cube into 1000 little sugar crumbs, that is a mcL
Give an example of someone with “normal” RBC, PLT and WBC counts:
in each mcL, you would expect about 4,800,000 RBC and 240,000 Plt and 8,000 WBC in mcg (one tiny little spec of sugar).
What is the normal range for RBC?
4-6 million cells/mcL
What is the normal range for Plt?
150k to 450 cells/mcL
Wht is the normal range for WBC?
5k to 10k cells/mcL
is the % of blood the same as g/dL
About. A dL of blood weighs about 100g. So each g/dl is about 1%
Wht is hemoglobin? Where is it? What does it do?
Hemoglobin is the protein in the RBC that carries 02 and C02.
How much of the red blood cell is made of hemoglobin?
About 1/3 of the RBC is Hgb.
What percent of the blood is hemoglobin?
Since RBC is about 45% and Hgb 1/3 or that, about 15% of the blood is Hgb.
What is Hct? What does it measure?
Hct is Hematocrit. It measures the PERCENT (not g/dL)of your blood that is composed of RBC. Which should be about 45%
What should we expect for ah Hct measure?
Since RBC is about 45% of your blood you expect 45%. Remember that hemoglobin is about a third of that (or 15%)
What is Hgb? What does it measure?
Hemoglobin count.It measure the the amount of hemoglobin in the blood in g/dL (close to percent)
What is Hgb measured in?
It is measured in g/dL (but that is pretty much percent)
What should we expect for an Hgb measurement.
15 g/dL. Since RBC is about 45% (or 45 g/dL) of blood and Hgb is a third of that, you expect about 15% of blood to be hemoglobin (OR 15 g/dL)
What is the normal range for Hgb
(avg is 15) range is 12-18 g/dL (remember hgb is about a third of hct)
What is HCT measured in?
Hematocrit is measured in percent.
How are Hbg and HCT measured differently?
HematocriT is measured in percenT (they both have a t). Hemoglobin is measured in g/dL (no t’s)