Deck 4 Flashcards
What are some ways that farmer impact ecosystems?
They clear land, use pesticides and herbicides, add water to irrigate their crops, and they add fertilizer
What are some ways the farmers and ranchers have changed their practices to be more friendly to the environment?
many crops are planted along contours of land to prevent soil erosion and crops are rotated every year
What are some ways that industry impacts ecosystems?
They put chemicals in the air, use up resources (water), and automobiles add pollutants to the air
What are some ways the people can minimize their impact on nature?
we can take care of God’s creation and not let pollution and chemicals out-of-control in our world
Name 2 possible natural causes of extinction of a species.
habitat reduction and non-native different species to move into other animals’ area
name 3 possible man-made causes of extinction of a species.
over hunting, pollution, and exploitation
name 3 things people are doing to help endangered species
introducing animals into areas where they once lived, captive breeding, and the government passed laws to stop pollution
Why might people overhunt a particular animal?
B/c the parts of the animals can serve as resources for people (elephant’s tusks)
Can people use the land without harming endangered species?
yes…they don’t have to force them out or overhunt but they can all live in peace
What is pollution?
the presence of any contaminant that harms the ecosystem
What are some natural sources of pollution?
sandstorm, erupting volcano, wildfires, cow fart
What are some sources of man-made pollution?
activities of people, power plants, factories, automobiles, fireplaces, controlled burns, trash
What are 3 major areas of the environment that can become polluted?
water, air, and land pollution
What are some ways that people can reduce water pollution?
The don’t have to dump sewage into the water and they can control the amount of chemicals used
What are some ways that people can reduce air pollution?
They can make sure that the cars and air conditioners are safe
What are some ways that people can reduce land pollution?
They don’t need to add chemicals to the fertalizers
Do you think that water, air, and land are cleaner or dirtier today than they were 40 years ago?
Dirtier…b/c there are many more cars and factories and many more chemicals that people have come up with over the years that are being let out into the water, air, and land today.
Why is rain naturally slightly acidic?
Because when water in the atmosphere combines with some carbon dioxide it turns acidic
What is acid rain?
Rain that has a higher than normal acid level
What are the main causes of an acid?
When fossil fuels are burned, they release chemicals into the air
What is buffering capacity?
the ability of the soil to neutralize acid
What are some ways to help reduce acid rain?
you can limit the amount of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that plants release into the air.
If the buffering capacity were the same, would you expect acid rain to be more of a problem or less of a problem in areas with high population densities? Why?
more of a problem because the more dense something is, the less rain can be absorbed
What is the greenhouse effect?
the trapping of solar energy
Why is the greenhouse effect important on Earth?
Because without it, the average temp on Earth would be about -100 degrees F
What is global warming?
an increase in the average surface temp of the earth
What do many scientists claim are the two main causes of global warming?
deforestation and burning fossil fuels (increase of carbon dioxide)
What some ways that people might reduce the amount of carbon dioxide they are putting into the atmosphere?
they can conserve gas in their cars from going into the air not cutting down so many trees
What are the three Rs of conservation?
Reduce, reuse, and recycle
List 2 ways you can plan to do all of these things (recycle, reuse, reduce)
I can make sure that I clean up after myself and make sure that I don’t waste anything
What are polymers?
long chains of oil molecules
What is recycled resin?
the plastic strands that are chopped into uniform pellets
What is virgin resin?
plastic pellets that are made directly from oil
What is photodegradable?
other plastics that are broken down when exposed to sunlight