Deck 3 Flashcards
Where is most tundra located?
Above the artic circle
What is permafrost?
The frozen layer on the surface of the soil
What kind of plants grow in the tundra?
Ephemeral-flowers, shrubs, mosses, and lichens
What are some animals you might find on the tundra?
Polar bears, caribou, reindeer, moose, artic fox, squirrels, penguins, and mosquitoes
How much precipitation does the tundra receive?
6-10 inches per year
What is papillae?
Small bumps on polar bears paws that are used for grip
What is a desert ecosystem?
biomes that are hot, dry, and sandy
How is a cold desert different from a hot desert?
Cold desert: dry areas where daytime drops below freezing
Hot deserts: don’t experience freezing temperatures
What are some animals you would expect to find in the desert?
Lizards, kangaroo rats, scorpions, badgers, burrowing owls
What are some plants you expect to find in a desert?
Cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, desert trumpet
What is a dromedary camel?
A camel with only one hump
In what ways are animals well suited for desert environment?
Nocturnal, conserve water, and estivate (deep sleep)
What are some dangers you might face in the desert?
Flash floods, sand storms, heat
What is a mirage?
(A phenomenon) the area on the ground that looks like there’s water but there really isn’t
What is tranpiration?
The process when plants stuck up water from the ground then use that and release that water into the air through the tiny holes in there leaves called stomata. (Photosynthesis)
What are succulents?
Many plants that live in the desert that have fleshy stems that can absorb and store large alums of water
What is a bactrian camel?
A camel with two humps
What is an oasis?
A special ecosystem in a desert where there is an abundance of water
What kind of plants grow in an oasis?
Palm trees, shrubs, grasses
What kind of animals live in an oasis that don’t live in a desert?
Bats, warblers, orials, robins, fish
Why is it often cooler in an oasis than in a desert?
Because of increased evaporation
What ecosystems are you likely to encounter on mountains in temperate zones?
What ecosystems are you likely to encounter on mountains in tropical zones?
What is timberline?
What is snow line?
Why is there less oxygen as you gain altitude?
What is a chaparral ecosystem?
What are two other names for a chaparral?
Name some plants you might find in the chaparral.
Name some animals you might find in the chaparral.
What animal might you find in the Australian chaparral that you wouldn’t find in the American chaparral?
What conditions make for likely in the chaparral?
How are plants in the chaparral specially designed for fire?
Should people try to put out fires that naturally occur in the chaparral?
What is a cave?
What kind of plants will you find in a cave ecosystem?
What are the categories of animals in a cave ecosystem?
Explain the different habits of each category of cave animal.
What is the main source of nutrients in a cave ecosystem?
Why is a cave considered a low energy ecosystem?
Why can a rise in temperature inside a cave threaten the ecosystem?
Which sense is least useful in a cave?
Which senses are most useful in a cave?
What is echolocation?
When a bat sends out a sounds wave then it bounces on an animal back to the bat then the bat can locate it using the sound wave
Why do you think the temperatures are so cool in the dinner when there is often 24 hours of sunshine?