Deck 2 G-M Flashcards
WHO A pioneer best known for popularizing the theory of nine instructional events that help ensure learning occurs:
Gagne, Robert/Conditions of Learning
XXXXX CHART A chart that graphically displays the time relationships of the project’s steps and key checkpoints or deliverable dates, known as milestones.
Gantt Chart
XXXXXX ANALYSIS an ananlsys carried out during performance analysis that defines driving and restraining forces, current state versus desired state, and methods for change. (See also Performance Analysis.)
Gap Analysis
WHO designed multiple intelligence theory, an accelerated learning theory that states there is no single way in which everyone thinks and learns. He devised a list of eight intelligences: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic, which, in different combinations, make up a person’s learning style.
Gardner, Howard
XXXXXXX THEORY an accelerated learning theory that states there is no single way in which everyone thinks and learns.
Multiple Intelligence Theory
XXXXXXXX ENGINEERING MODEL A model that identifies six major sets of factors that can either hinder or facilitate workplace performance: information, resources, incentives or consequences, knowledge and skills, capacity, and motivation.
Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model
Theories that pushed the idea that starting at the age of 18 individuals move from career exploration toward a series of events including educational specialization toward a specific career path and a final commitment to a career.
Ginzburg’s Theories
refers to an end state or condition toward which human effort is directed.
XXXXXXXX SETTING THEORY Theory that people are best motivated when they participate in setting their own goals.
Goal Setting Theory
describes situations in which groups make bad or irrational decisions. The main characteristic is when each member of the group makes his or her stated opinions conform to the perceived consensus of the group.
XXXXXXX DATA Data type that is objective and measurable quantitative measures, whether stated in terms of frequency, percentage, proportion, or time.
Hard Data
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX MODEL a diagnostic model designed to identify the cause of a performance problem, based on the belief that the cause should drive the solution.
Harless’s Front-End Analysis Model
XXXXXXXXX STUDIES Studies that determined that employees were more productive when working in groups than in isolation, and that wage incentives did not determine product output.
Hawthorne Studies
XXXXXXXXXINSTRUMENT a method of personality testing developed by W.E. (Ned) Herrmann based on brain function: left brain, cerebral; left brain, limbic; right brain, limbic; right brain, cerebral
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
XXXXXXXXXX MANAGEMENT MODEL a model that was implemented by Henry Ford. This model divides larger tasks into smaller ones that people with little or no education could carry out. Decision making was shifted to a group of foremen, supervisors, and managers.
Hierarchical Management Model
XXXXXXXXXXXX ORGANIZATIONS organizations that establish and sustain vast economic, operational, and market performance.
High-Performance Organizations
XXXXXXXXXXXXX CONGRUENCY MODEL A model that matches individuals to their best career choice through interviews that deal with six types of work environments: realistic, investigative, artisitic, social, enterprising, and conventional
Holland’s Occupational Congruency Model
XXXXXXXXX RESROUCE DEVELOPMENT term coined by Leonard Nadler to describe the organized learning experiences of training, education, and development offered by employers
HRD (Human Resource Development)
XXXXXX CAPITAL a term used to describe the collective knowledge, skills, competencies, and value of the people in an organization.
Human Capital
XXXXXXXX IMPROVEMENTis a results-based, systematic process used to identify performance problems, analyze root causes, select and design actions, manage learning in the workplace, measure results, and continuously improve performance within an organization. It is based on open systems theory,
Human Performance Improvement (HPI
XXXXXXXXX PERFORMANCE MODELS Models that identify knowledge, skills, desire, environment, and opportunity as key factors that affect human performance.
Human Performance Models
XXXXXXXXXXXX TECHNOLOGY is a systems view of human performance that is used to analyze both a performance gap and a performance system.
Human Performance Technology (HPT)
XXXXXXXX AUDIT one component of a succession planning system, building on the identification of successors and addressing the assessment of employee mobility to various positions
Human Resource Audit
activities conducted at the beginning of training programs that introduce participants to one another; may introduce content; and in general, help participants ease into the program.
3 LETTER ACRONYM a nonprofit, individual membership organization formed by professionals worldwide who practice business and personal coaching.
ICF (International Coach Federation)
XXXXXXXXX PLANS 3 LETTER ACRONYMplans for improvement in a current job or job advancement.
IDPs (Individual Development Plans)
XXXXXXXXX APPRAISAL A good Individual Development Plan (IDP) is integrated with what type of appraisal?
Performance Appraisal
XXXXXXXX ARCHITECTURE an architecture for how information should be treated and organized
Information Architecture
XXXXXX SHARINGtype of sharing that occurs in organizations that encourage sharings innd use collaboration, mentoring, and socialization to inform people.
Information Sharing
XXXXXXXXX VARIABLE the variable that influences the dependent variable.
Independent Variable
XXXXXXXXXXXX DESIGNER a type of designer who applies a systematic methodology based on instructional theory to create learning content
Instructional Designer
XXXXXXXX SYSTEM A system that combines inputs, such as subject matter and resources, and outputs, such as curriculum and materials, to build a training course.
Instructional System
information that is taught.
a network of computers that’s accessible only to authorized users. xxxxxxx use the same software and technology that works on the Internet.
are a follow-on to affinity diagrams is that chart cause-and-effect relationships among groupings of ideas
Interrelationship Digraphs
XXXXXXXXXX VARIABLES variables that make it possible to rank order the items measured and quantify and compare the sizes of differences between them.
Interval Variables
is another name for a solution or set of solutions, that directly relate to solving a performance gap.
XXXXXXX PROTOCOL A protocol that is a page with interview questions already printed on it with room for notes.
Interview Protocol
3 LETTER ACRONYM INPUTXX systems used to to transform data and information
e.g voice and handwriting recgtnition systems and computer touch pads
IPO (Input/Process/Output)
XXXXX SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT a system approach to analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating any instructional experience
based on the belief that training is most effective when it gives learners a clear statement of what they must be able to do as a result of training and how their performance will be evaluated. The program is designed to teach skills through hands-on practice or performance-based instruction.
ISD (Instructional Systems Development) (sometimes referred to as instructional systems design
XXXXXXXX STRATEGIES the Strategies through which instruction is presented.
Instructional Strategies, sometimes called presentation strategies,
XXXXXXXXX PERFORMANCE MODEL A model from ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement’s) which includes operational analysis that identifies the organization’s vision, mission, values, goals, and strategies; the following phases are performance analysis, cause analysis, intervention selection and design, intervention implementation, and evaluation.
HPT(Human Performance Technology) Model
XXXXX AIDSAids that provide guidance or assistance, either audio or visual, to the performer about when to carry out tasks and steps, thereby reducing the amount of recall necessary and minimizing error.
Job Aids
XXXXXX ANALYSIS An analysis that identifies all duties and responsibilities and the respective tasks performed on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis that make up a single job function or role
Job Analysis
XXXXXX DESCRIPTIONS Description that explain the duties of a job, but do not get into the specific tasks that a job performer must do to fulfill the stated duties.
Job Descriptions
XXXXXX FUNCTIONS Functions that define major responsibilities of programs or departments that have specific outputs and outcomes for internal and external clients.
Job Functions
XXXXXXXXXX TRAINING Training that provides learning when it is actually needed and used on the job
Just-in-Time Training
KEPNER TREGOE XXXXXXXXKepner Tegoe Criteria that is definable into catergories
Kepner-Tregoe Musts
a practical, straightforward decision-making process by dividing criteria into musts and wants. The musts are definable into either/or categories. The wants are those relative measures that are important but cannot be quantified into yes or no answers.
XXXXXXXX NEEDS measures that are important but cannot be quantified into yes or no answers.
Kepner-Tregoe Needs
WHO considered the father of training evaluation, which he first postulated in the 1950s. He created the four levels of evaluation: reaction, learning, behavior, and results
Kirkpatrick, Donald
XXXXXXXXXX AUDITS Audit types that clarify the type of information employees need and highlight any barriers to sharing organizational knowledge
Knowledge Audits
XXXXXX BASES Bases that are the capturing and storing of data and information in a central or distributed electronic environment.
Knowledge Bases
XXXXXX EXCHANGES Exchanges that enable different groups in an organization to share documents and information on products to create lists of links in simple webpages and to discuss issues of mutual interest.
Knowledge Exchanges, also known as knowledge exchange networks
XXXXXXXXX MANAGEMENT Manage type that is explicit and systematic of intellectual capital and organization knowledge as well as the associated processes of creating, gathering, organizing, disseminating,
leveraging, and using intellectual capital for the purposes of improvement of the organization and the individual within the organization.
Knowledge Management (KM)
XXXXXXXXXXXXX MAPPING a mapping process that connects information, education expertise, and practical application of people in the organization for the purposes of sharing and access
Knowledge Mapping
a Repository type that offers products for creating, storing, and managing a corporate knowledge.
Knowledge Respository
A spiral type that displays the interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge.
Knowledge Sprial
a survey used to collect the types of information that employees have, as well as information they need to do their jobs.
Knowledge Survery
the cognitive abilities a performer needs to have to be able to carry out the job and involves the development of intellectual skills.
considered the father of adult learning theory, Knowles defined a set of assumptions about adult learning and published The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, in 1973.
Malcolm Knowles
an inventory of four learning styles or modes (concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation) and people’s orientation to them.
Kolb’s Learning STyle INventory
What are Kolb’s four learning styles
concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation)
KSA what does it stand for
Knowledge Skills and Attitudes
the DECIDES model and is a rational decision-making process with seven steps: 1. Define the problem. 2. Establish an action plan. 3. Clarify values. 4. Identify alternatives. 5. Discover probable outcomes. 6. Eliminate alternatives systematically. 7. Start action.
Krumboltz’s Model
A model that represents different ways individuals make sense of and deal with everyday events. Individuals select and process certain aspects of events and introduce elements from this processing into their thinking, feeling, and interactions.
Ladder of Inference Model
a system that combines the most essential pieces of the learning puzzle—namely, courses and learning materials. LCMSs package content for print, CD-ROM, or electronic publication, and most are capable of importing prepackaged content from other learning content development tools, such as Microsoft Word and Macromedia Dreamweaver
LCMS (Learning Content Management System
assessments that identify developmental needs of current and future leaders at all levels in the organization.
Leadership Assessments
development that focuses on learning events, such as mentoring, training, self-study, and job rotations to prepare employees with the skills required to lead an organization.
Leadership Development
Who invented KSA Knowledge Skills, and Attitude
an information system that benefits the training manager on several levels: program administration and design and delivery of training.
Learning Information System
Object that self-contained chunks of instructional material used in LCMSs. They typically include three components: a performance goal, the necessary learning content to reach that goal, and some form of evaluation to measure whether or not the goal was achieved.
Learning Objects
Software that automates the administration of training. The xxxx registers users, tracks courses in a catalog, records data from learners, and provides reports to management. An LMS typically is designed to handle courses by multiple publishers and providers.
STYLE a person’s approach to learning that involves the way he or she behaves, feels, and processes information
Learning Style
the process of gaining knowledge, understanding, or skill by study, instruction, or experience.
Who developed behavioral learning objectives with three elements: what the worker must do (performance), the conditions under which the work must be done, and the standard or criterion that is considered acceptable performance.
Robert Mager
a linear scale used in data collection to rate statements and attitudes; for example, respondents receive a definition of the scale from 1 to 10.
Likert Scale
a Human Performance Model that determines the importance of the problem and the results of either solving or ignoring it. If the problem is deemed important, the next step is to determine if a skill deficiency is involved.
Mager and PIpe’s Human Performance Model
What are Mager’s 3 behavioral learning objectives
Performance, Condition, and Criterion for acceptable performance
contended that people have complex needs that they strive to fulfill, and that change and evolve over time. He categorized these needs as physiological, safety or security, social or belongingness, esteem, and self-
Maslow’s Hierarchy of neeeds
Databases generated from relational databases and designed to optimize analytical processing.
MDBs (Multidimensional Databases)
A score that is the most robust, or least affected by the presence of extreme values (outliers), of the three types of central tendency because each number in the data set has an impact on its (mean) value.
Mean Score
MEASURE the three averages: mean (the average of a group of numbers), median (the middle of a distribution where half the scores are above the median and half are below), and mode (the most frequently occurring value in a group of numbers).
Measure of Central Tendency
a model of management that is a combination line and project structure with a general manager at the top of the hierarchy. The purpose of matrix structures is to integrate diverse areas of expertise.
Matrix Model
What are the three measures of Central tendency
Mean, Median, and Mode
the middle of a distribution arranged by magnitude; half the scores are above the median, and half are below the median.
career development practice of using a more experienced individual tutor or group to share wisdom and expertise with a protégé over a specific period of time.
a representation or example of an idea, object, process, or phenomenon used in describing ideas and processes.
theory based on the idea that by creating the right environment for people to work in, they will be motivated to grow and become connected to that environment. This theory is important to coaching.
Motivation Theory
Theory describes how intelligences reflect how people prefer to process information. Gardner believes that most people are comfortable in three to four of these intelligences and avoid the others.
Multiple Intelligence Theory
the smallest unit of learning and provide content and practice on the basis of predefined learning objectives. They contain objectives, knowledge content to enable the learner to complete the task, task content, practice activities to help reach the objective or objectives, and an assessment mechanism to determine whether the objectives were reached
Modules (sometimes called lessons)
FEEDBACK a feedback process which at least two levels of management review the employees and agree on their candidacy for specific positions.
Multi-Rater Feedback
LEARNING engages the learner and increases retention. Audio and video can often convey feelings and subtle contexts of learning more effectively than other tools.
Multisensory Learning
MANAGEMENT involves changes in organizational structure through mergers, acquisitions, and downsizings.
Mergers and Acquisition Management
consists of 16 types of personalities based on extraversion or introversion, intuiting or sensing, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. It is used in career development and team building.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Creator of Multiple Intelligence Theory
Howard Gardner